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29577393 No.29577393 [Reply] [Original]

So I brought around 4k of rbc back in November and I want to sold it. The problem is that uniswap won't let me.

>> No.29577624

If uniswap is giving you problems have I got a solution for you
Ever hear of a little thing called Rubic?

>> No.29577638
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When did Aurora say this? Her voice is amazing though.

>> No.29577879

? What are you talking about? I am literally autist. Don't make fun of me please

>> No.29578011

Rubic is literally a decentralized exchange, like uniswap. They are in competiton and you’re holding RBC while using uniswap. Pretty funny if you’re not larping

>> No.29578143

why would you sell it just before everything big comes out?

>> No.29578241

Not larping. So that's why is Coinbase wallet trying to fee me 500 usd because I want to withdraw through eth? ?

>> No.29578337

Now I don’t know what you’re talking about

>> No.29578357

I need money for surgery. I've wanted to hold but I don't have any other choice atm.

>> No.29578496

So I brought all the rbc on uniswap using Coinbase wallet and now I can withdraw the money until I pay them 528burgercoins

>> No.29578514

She says it a lot and she is banging a giant Chad

>> No.29578619

*I can't withdraw
The fee is too high, isn't it?

>> No.29579098

Yes, I am holding rbc on uniswap. I was wondering why the fees were so high. How can I unfuck this?

>> No.29579119

Swap the RBC to something that coinbase supports, like USDC, then send that to coinbase itself and cash out there

>> No.29579269

Just cut it off yourself pussy. Never sell and if you die from bleeding out send me your bag ill hodl it for you

>> No.29579364

You bought an alternative coin that coinbase does not support. You dont sell. You cant sell on coinbase, it doesnt support rbc.

>> No.29579982

That doesn't make any sense, for me.

>> No.29580088

>You dont sell
What should I do with it then?

>> No.29580297

I'm not sure but you MIGHT be able to swap it here:


>> No.29580373

>bought $4000 worth of a coin that he doesn't know how to sell
>doesn't know what the coin does
>doesn't understand Uniswap
is this real life? how do people have so much money they can just throw away like this?

>> No.29580390

sell it on probit you mong

>> No.29580650

You are a literal retard who has no buisness investing in any way if you cant at least take the time to research what you're getting yourself into.... for being so financially impulsive and immature you deserve what evers colming your way with your crypto. I hope lose it all just so you learn a lesson

>> No.29581007

I have dyscalculia. So sorryy, at least I am trying

>> No.29581142
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just send it to me instead ill put the cubes to good use

>> No.29581892

I have the same issue with BAO because of mustard gas fees, aka "mining fees" that are always the exact value I want to sell, no faggot has helped with this so far so I pretty much lost it cause it's fucking worthless if I can't sell it no matter what

>> No.29582005

The gas fees were around 20$ total to buy but now to sell it back/convert it back to ETH it's always 150$+

>> No.29582014

She looks like such a Euronigger.

>> No.29582356

post your private key we will help you

>> No.29582502

You know its not gonna help right? No man will ever think youll pass im afraid. Try dealing with the real issues instead if thinking mutilation will solve it, the problem isnt you have a stick instead of a hole. Everybody have problems anon

>> No.29582522

Fees on eth are high right now. You could wait for a time where fees are lower or you can send your RBC to Probit(an exchange, like binance and coinbase), exchange it there without a fee for USDC or any other coin that coinbase supports, send that back to your coinbase wallet and cash out.
You'd still have to pay gas/exchange fees, but should be nowhere near the cost of swapping on uniswap.

I personally bought XRP, sent that to probit for a few cents, exchanged that to usdt, then bought RBC. If I wanted to cash out id do the same process but backwards. Havent personally used uniswap or coinbase tho as im european.

>> No.29582555

Who's the whore?

>> No.29582809
File: 308 KB, 778x715, 339986FB-F097-4557-B708-3A06C3B38BEF.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Rubic sellers confirmed for trannys

>> No.29583978
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>>Rubic sellers confirmed for trannys
You're done, faggot.

>> No.29584129

its slippage, idiot

>> No.29584374

if its SRS, please realize the small amount of market value you have is purely from the novelty that you have a penis.

>> No.29584922
