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/biz/ - Business & Finance

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29561431 No.29561431 [Reply] [Original]

Rubic CEO just tweeted that L2 is very close and they just wrapped RBC on Matic. I'm retard so don't get it but it's big news. 50c EOD and $1 EOW

>> No.29561611

My Rubic stays Cubic

>> No.29561686

Checked. Rubic will make us all rich, and we know this because Rubic = Cubic

>> No.29561729

witnessed. cubic stays rubic

>> No.29561938
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>> No.29562149

Where do I even buy this shitcoin?
It's not on binance.

>> No.29562279

Rubic exchange

>> No.29562630

I read their site explaining it.
Rubic doesnt really add anything new though. Why would people use it when it just does the same stuff other crypto do, while having to deal with the volatility of a shitcoin?

>> No.29562912
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>> No.29562960

Stay poor newfag

>> No.29563203
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Checked and cubic

>> No.29563255


>> No.29563347

>why should I care about this shitcoin?
>"s-s-shut up you POORFAG"
kek. This is just a scam

>> No.29563398

You had two months
Stay poor Rajesh

>> No.29563429
File: 458 KB, 1080x2220, Screenshot_20210224-082345_Chrome.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Message to all the newfags:

Stay away from RBC, it's just not worth it because it already recently did a x100 (yes, x100). If you're interested in crypto exchange tokens, look into LUA, or Metric exchange or the dozens of others with a much lower marketcap than RBC

>> No.29563434
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Feeling so cubed right now

>> No.29563488

Lua is fucking gay and the memes aren't funny. Just go away

>> No.29563644

The coin itself isnt a scam or a rugpull, but the people shilling RBC on /biz/ are extremely dishonest and low IQ

You CANNOT have a proper argument with them because they will just insult you and call you a pajeet. All the people shilling this are newfags that bought high and are desperately looking for new blood to dump their bags on

These motherfucker dumbasses couldnt even explain to you what "L2" means, even though it's the buzzword they keep throwing around to pitch it

>> No.29563655
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100$ waiting room

>> No.29563665

You can't explain what features lua does. Does it have l2? In b4 "you can't even explain how l2 works without googling it" you can't explain how this isn't a pump and dump you fucking shit nigger

>> No.29563686

this fud makes no sense because lua did x150 and crashed to the fucking toilet and hasnt recovered since with no chance of recovery... so you are basically fudding yourself?

>> No.29563701

I bought at 1.5c cock head, but keep saying I bought high kek

>> No.29563771


Newfag here, thx. I can tell you guys are OK and the RBC shillers are the true pajeets. I've been lurking the threads and they behave like children, they just insult people

>> No.29563847

You're being incredibly insidious, callous and nasty trying to fud anons out of a golden ticket (for what, just so you can have a few thousand more?), I genuinely don't understand how you can sleep at night.

>> No.29563989

STFU nigger, no one wants lua spam

>> No.29564046
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yeah, that's how we know their not white though. Dog eat dog world for them... Maybe this is what white privilege really is.

>> No.29564069
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>> No.29564215
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I enjoy the LUA spam as it keeps the rubic threads at the top of the board and they are unironically helping rubic while actively trying to FUD it. The level of retard knows no bounds for LUA fags

>> No.29564390
File: 48 KB, 425x456, 1598552333334.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Wow, ok the guy was totally wrong, you RBC holders are clearly well-spoken americans with perfect spelling! You absolutely didnt just use extra effort on that post

>> No.29564426

lmao they still are tring to shill this shit on /biz/
fys and delete your 4chan acc
so stupid to check how you try to scam people
I am not a retard who will believe in this fuck, I use Bot Ocean for profitable trading with unique strategies

>> No.29564546
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Yes sirs buy poo luo and the bot ocean they totally are legit and my village is not starving

>> No.29564582
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>being a burger
try again

>> No.29564652

Checked and rubicpilled

>> No.29564763

>>attacks grammar
Ngmi anon

>> No.29564931
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I bought my first stack at 12 cents and went all in at 25

>> No.29565005
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>I don't understand what this means but uh here go some price predictions

>> No.29565390

I come to 4chan to LARP as a retarded racists, especially gullible to ponzi schemes

>> No.29565757
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Imagine being a desperate LUA fag. Pls sirs my villages are needful.

>> No.29565764

So i joined the FB Rubic group.
And i must admit out of 90 members, there are at least 20 of us resembling chads.
Not a single tranny. And next to no pajeets.
Make of that what you will

>> No.29565834

Rubic bros... we got too cocky...

>> No.29565870

The end goal is to eventually create a massive aggregator for exchanges. This’ll allow for more competitive rates when trading crypto. As someone in the US I can’t use binance anymore, rubic would bridge that gap and do so anonymously as well. As for the token, it’d eventually be used as gas but in the meantime they’ve got a few partnerships to help solve that issue. Additionally it’ll help support the exchange and act as a valuation kinda like uniswap’s token.

>> No.29565886

I knew already.

>> No.29566737
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based. I don't have FB these days but id believe this. Most Rubicchads talking bout lifting and meat with some RBC chat. I love my new bros

>> No.29566749
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>> No.29567519

as i have commented in every shill threads i cannot believe someone paid money for such ineffective shilling
the team they hired was absolute poo in loo tier
the first weeks they just did nothing but insult people if you asked them what rubic even does
no infographics not even optimistic projections nothing just insults
where do you get in contact with people looking for shills for i by myself can do a far better job then these assclowns

>> No.29568367
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>> No.29569663
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>> No.29569686

Dont forget to follow God and sun your balls

>> No.29569736

>poo luo
Kek based

>> No.29569784
File: 274 KB, 1200x800, Cubepilled.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I'm no spoonfeeder. If you want to know why you should buy it DYOR. All the people insult you because we don't care whether you buy. We will be acoomulating until you eventually FOMO in while we dump our insanely heavy bags on your shoulders.

>> No.29570242

as proven by these retards
it was very clear from the start that the shillers for rubic were not anon natives
and again for the retards we are talking about the shillers who can be hired by anyone, this says nothing about the quality of the shitcoin in question