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29550609 No.29550609 [Reply] [Original]

I feel nothing much anymore. I just get irritated at the constant influx of know it all newfags who try call everything the top, or scream about losing their lunch money portfolio, or think a 5% dump is a “crash”.
Im tired of reading this shit and seeing poor people fomo in and whine about it.
Im extremely tired of LINK the most. I have 40k LINK and couldn’t give a fuck what it does month to month, but i have to read about small dik stacklets constant bitching and crying.

Crypto was unironically more fun in the bear market

>> No.29550652
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>> No.29550721

I have cashed out over half a million from Link after taxes and still have 800k worth of Chainlink for long term hold (2025 and beyond)

Why would I be jaded? I don't have any risk in this project anymore, you on the other hand probably will spend the next 5 years staring at the charts. I have already enough money from Link that I don't have to work for the next 12 years. If the project succeeds (10x) from here in 2025 I will be a multimillionaire. If it doesn't, that's fine too.

>> No.29550730

Nah I’m a 50k stack and I’m just fucking sick of links action. Right now in 12 hours it’s up 12% while every other piece of shit Is up 30%+. I’m sick of having thought link was some fucking amazing project and the team fucking sucks doesn’t put shit out. I wanted to price out new favs but nope link waited for them too they didn’t fucking deserve shit. It’s unironically too late for link to moon now. FUCK you link and fuck you op.

>> No.29550805

Seriously when will someone thats fed up go to link HQ and demand to know what’s coming when. Sergay lied to us and told us staking in 2019 was around the corner.

>> No.29550869

Link is up 30% from the last two months. Are you LARPing or just retarded

>> No.29550945

We just fell like 40% right and we’re back up 12%; everything else fell 40% and is back up 30%

>> No.29551047


Why? You literally only have to wait at max 5 years. I already retired and am living frm savings and some of my btc gains if i need to. I never expected 1000$ before 2025 personally.
I really believe all the people whining are small stackers or just larpin about having more

>> No.29551100

This is links stupid way dump the most recover the least like wtf are we just giving back everything we gained during the bear. Just fucking do something you piece of shit team. Stop making us wait for fucking staking or just do something that’s not amling up the price feed holy fuck. Seriously fucking shit projects have done 100x better than link we’re literally at 50k sats wtf

>> No.29551143

Wrong. Yes 1k is stupid but come the fuck on. This is bull market there is no reason we should be less than $50 on a 20B valuation. Instead we’re at motherfucking $25?!?!?

>> No.29551235


Yeah I didn’t say that but we’ve all lnown it’s manipulated for years. So nothing new mate. Linkies are such whiney little bitches i learned the past few weeks.

>> No.29551311

Time is your friend/enemy. I cannot even imagine what the top 10 or top 20 will look like in 5 years. Then again, I am pretty sure Link has established itself in the top 10 firmly. Cannot say what rank. But most of those projects I look now will not exist there in 2025.

>> No.29551408

Um ok link was just the chosen one to be manipulate? My behind, it’s bullshit and it’s the teams fault that’s what it comes down to. Look at BNB you think Cz didn’t want to keep the price down to accumulate more or some shit. It’s all cope that link is manipulated it’s the shit team leading this it’s on them they’ve offered nothing other than price feeds yet with nothing interesting on the horizon. Their shit smartcon was just a platform for others to advertise half the people there had no real care about link at all. Fuck them those pieces of shit

>> No.29551588

Were we literally not at fucking $28 when btc was like 38k. And now we’re at 28 when btc is 50k. Fucking piece of shit I hope the whole link team gets hit with lightning those fuckers.

>> No.29551626


Ok its the teams fault. Why dont you sell then you whiny pussy? Thats right you wont.
I dont care about month to month developments like i said. I dodnt even expect to reach $50 this year. 2025 has always been the deadline the do or die and thats a long time to get Staking, Tsigs and adoption.

Imagine whining about some shitcoins going up faster when link has already almost 2x its passed ATH of 20$ and its only Feb 2021.

>> No.29551649

Link will dump harder if BTC dumps again

Honestly, you should leave biz for like 4 years. Link's time has not come yet

>> No.29551776


Newfaggot thread hodling a 2017 ico scam

>> No.29551779

Jesus fuck why do you all cope like this. Look at every shit project what made their time come, they offer literally nothing. Here we have link one of the most important projects ever in crypto lagging like a little bitch during the bull.

>> No.29551790

Just cash out some or all and enjoy life you absolute ungrateful mong

>> No.29551898

BNB went up like 5x on its ath. Link is up $8 against ath. We’re down now 25% against ath at 37 it’ll take months to get back now as every single fucking dollar is worse than a root canal. Fuck this team

>> No.29551926

Honestly, when this bullrun is over (either late this spring, middle of summer or late this year) Link will probably end up, at least momentarily, to sub $20 prices

That still doesn't mean that it is the end of it, I'm just saying that mentally this might be a very hard year on you

>> No.29552014

Not just me anyone with any sense of logic. Why the fuck do shit projects moon way harder than a legit one why? Bc the team is full of bastards it’s the only possible reason

>> No.29552096

>Why the fuck do shit projects moon way harder than a legit one why

Pumpamentals. Elon Musk tweet of a cute dog caused Doge to pump momentarily even past Link and flip it.

You probably don't understand that even if Bill Gates was tweeting about Chainlink the price would not budge and people would mostly just cringe. It is about pumpamentals

>> No.29552249

Is that not the biggest bullshit you’ve ever heard?

Does anyone have the usd log price chart? What’s even the point of following if that thing is so accurate. I remember back in September i saw that and it said link would be $30 in feb. turned out to be accurate

>> No.29553123


Welcome to crypto? Idk what to say this has always been the case in bullruns. You remember right?

>> No.29553184

>5% dump
Lmao the entire market was at -20% - -40% you stupid fucking nigger

>> No.29553281

>crypto was morr fun in the bear market

>> No.29553472

Riiiight you mean like eth the shit project? No eth moooned just fine in the bull market

>> No.29553477


Are you ignoring the legion of faggy zoomers whining any time a 2-5% dump happens?

>> No.29553542


Seriously stop posting. You are one of the biggest whiney pussys i’ve seen on here in the past few weeks. You are too much of a pussy to sell link but definitely enough of a big crying pussy to whine about it

>> No.29553817

I’ll stop posting if you can post the usd log link chart can’t find it anywhere

>> No.29554455

Fren we said goodbye to each other after the bottom in december 2018. Stop coming here for insights on regular basis, just come to lol on people who had 4 FUCKING YEARS to scoop a huge stack for 2k€.

I also miss the good times anon, felt better when we were poor. Now I'm starting to understand the kikes, and agree with them in what they do

>> No.29554506


>> No.29554577


>understand the kikes

Unironically true. We’ve become the kikes of 4chan

>> No.29554614


>> No.29555209

Lots of cope telling people to sell. Don’t you fucking retards even try and pretend you’re comfy and ok with how LINK has been performing. People bought LINK back in the bear market for the exact goal that it would pump hard once we got to the next bull run which is right now now. The fact that LINK hasn’t even managed a 2x on its pre-bull run ATH is absolutely pathetic and there’s no way anyone can spin that as a good thing. Because you know why? It’s been absolutely raped in sats. We are fucked on the both sides and the only thing LINK can rely on to increase in price is by releasing new features, and that barely matters at all for crypto in terms of price action. The team will not hype it, so whatever I get it. But for the love of god for the last 12 months all we’ve had is fucking price feeds.

>> No.29555279


I never even expected bullrun till next year. Its come early and link is not developed enough so im not surprised it doesnt generate the hype it could have if the bull started next year. Again, not everyone thinks like you

>> No.29555284

Of course they're comfy, unless they didn't buy enough and are now malding that a 100x didn't allow them to make it. Remember, everything posted here is a work of fiction.

>> No.29555310

If I listened to the panic selling retards claiming “X is the top” I’d be worth only $100k instead of $10M

>> No.29555408

Meh, I’ve been all in since the beginning and I’ve got a decent stack and I’m not happy at all with not just the price but the team’s output for the last year. I can’t help but start getting some red flags that Chainlink has grown to a team of 100+ people, but this doesn’t appear to have made any real difference to their capacity. They have come up with some brilliant ideas, but that’s all they are and we have such little indication that any future work is anywhere close to being finished.

>> No.29555431

You need to buy TRX