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2023-11: Warosu is now out of extended maintenance.

/biz/ - Business & Finance

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29421986 No.29421986 [Reply] [Original]

>> No.29422070
File: 13 KB, 300x250, 453113a3c6820a88186f31d179d43560.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

never selling

>> No.29422069

On the bright side, my investment in ASKO keeps giving me a source of entertainment from all the absolutely stupid things the devs keep doing. Someone post the dog.

>> No.29422101

im financially ruined

>> No.29422103


>> No.29422282
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>> No.29422345

What did they do this time?

>> No.29422543
File: 16 KB, 392x375, 1609532241784.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

could of just invested in anything else and would of been fine, im now -75%

>> No.29423017

Drop your bags.
Come over to Rubic.
We're still going 100x by eoy.
It's not too late.

>> No.29423130
File: 36 KB, 882x758, 1588719062813.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

why did i open that thread

>> No.29423241

I'm just glad I got in at 2 cents

>> No.29423266

>Jump from one failed PnD to another failed PnD
Yeah sure dude, that sounds great

>> No.29423328

Also I just did the math.
If I cash out what I have made from Rubic in the last 24 hours and put it in to ASKO I would be a top 20 ASKO wallet.
Lmao at you guys.
Just drop the bags. It's not coming back. The devs are retarded.

>> No.29423482

I'm trying to help these people, Anon.
I too was once an Asko holder but got out as the ship sank due to the devs being retarded.
Rubic is extremely solid and the devs are not incompetent retards.

>> No.29423569

I remember my first asko thread.
>asko, was ist das?
>lots of shills, pajeet scam or good project?
>open website
>proceed to make fun of every fucking retard who ever bought.

Are you seriously still holding the biggest piece of garbage to ever end up on /biz?

>> No.29423610

The ASKO telegram somehow is worse now than it was a week ago. I have no hope for this shitcoin but I'm holding bags nonetheless.

>> No.29423711

Based. Asko will unironically be over 1$ within a couple months. It’s literally aave and coded by dOrg. Rubic will do well too though. Nothing wrong with moving some over IMO there’s only upside from here. No one outside of biz barely even knows about it anyways. Either way everyone other than bottom sellers will have a lot of fun when the cope rope threads come out.

>> No.29424097

asko is not coded by dOrg you dumb monkey. Somehow the retard cartoon devs have a "partnership" with dOrg, maybe they're buddies with someone there, maybe they are just funding some parts of the project or advising them somehow. But I bet the actual smart people at dOrg are trying to terminate whatever deal they have with these incompetent moron devs.

>> No.29424186

backend is coded by dorg.

>> No.29424348

actually not even was coded but is still being coded by dorg.

>> No.29424695

Bought at 2c and took profits at 34c, so happy to stake my remaining bag and see if the devs can pull victory from the ass of defeat.
>also enjoying the memes and tg cope

>> No.29424904

what's going on there now? I was banned for mentioning the ceo being a dog lol

>> No.29425090

It's legit not even worth selling bc gas fees. Baghodler forever

>> No.29425205

Have they given a timeframe on lend or the website? I don't visit their telegram

>> No.29425312


they banned so many people that the main tg is dead. anyone discussing asko is in the price discussion tg.

>> No.29425315
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Sorry you backed the wrong horse.

>> No.29425750

Rubic and Asko are brothers. If we could only get asko devs to code something for rubic and rubic to burp fart at an asko ama and then literally anyone else to build their websites we could literally take over the WMF together.