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29412667 No.29412667 [Reply] [Original]

dear newfags browsing this board, let me give you some advice that you despertely need to hear
if you are a first timer buyer of any crypto (not some shitty alt coin), you're not allowed to sell it for at least 1 year AT MINIMUM, no matter what
if you sell, the piggy gets a bullet
if you panic sell everything after 10% drop like today, the piggy gets two bullets
you're not experienced enough to sell
your only focus should be on buying and accumulating as much BTC as possible, as cheap as possible
you can never time the market so don't try
focus on holding and buying more when it dips
don't ever sell, not even if the price drops 50%
or else the piggy gets it
got it?

>> No.29412821

just sold my LINK to buy a couple racks of pork ribs
gonna have some BBQ tonight

>> No.29412891

when RSI reaches 95.5 i'm selling.

>> No.29412908
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timing the market is fun and results in the largest gains
"you should not invest anything you cannot afford to lose", and if I can afford to lose, I can have a little fun.
piggy isn't real, piggy is a png representing a piggy that has already received the bullet
just as we all one day will
have fun anons

>> No.29412925

I eat meat every day, thousands of piggies probably died because of me. You don't scare me at all.

>> No.29413018

poor piggy :(

>> No.29413083

poor piggie, imagine what it felt moments before everything faded to black

>> No.29413467
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>> No.29413497

what makes an alt coin a shitcoin. I am buying utility tokens and holding them, like GRT, BNT, and Nucypher. I also bought OGN.
I don't have much faith in Nucypher or OGN, but I feel much more secure in these utility tokens than I do for something that is just a speculated currency with no other purpose besides being a speculated currency.

>> No.29413544

no animal cruelty on this board
people who cause pain for animals get their limbs torn off by 4 horses in public, like in the good old days
after this their limbless body is burned alive

>> No.29413587

probably felt like being shot in the head

>> No.29413707

they're smarter than dogs. poor old pork pup just wanted to be friends.

>> No.29413779

>if you sell, the piggy gets a bullet
Cop killing is a felony, anon.

>> No.29413881

the DA for the jurisdiction in pic related refused to charge the antifa tranny for this crime actually

>> No.29413905
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lol ok fgt, during that "panic sell" today I made 20% and re-invested it at a much better position than before.

absolutely you should hold, but when there's a cheeky fire sale why not exploit it?

>> No.29413906
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I don't have time to hold, I am here to speculate. I buy the dip and sell high and repeat until I have experience and bank (if I am lucky and good enough).
This volatility is not made for long term investment, if you want to hold, go for boomer stocks.

If you buy now, at high (which you know it is) and just accumulate til another big crash - there is no reason to even do that at all. You lose it no matter what and you don't get any market experience.
Just wait for the crash and then buy if you are going to hold.

>> No.29413981

Thanks for the advice but what advice do you have for someone that has no money?

>> No.29414040
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*smacks lips*
*hits SELL!*

>> No.29414071

currycoin roulette on BSC

>> No.29414075

generally pretty ok advice

newfags quit gambling, build your position, build your capital.
dca weekly/monthly some in, keep a small stockpile of cash dedicated solely for crypto on the side that grows over time and when you see a nice juicy dip like today, dump your stockpile into buying btc
you're extremely unlikely to 10x off of some shitty altcoin, especially something you see here, because by the time you see it shilled here it's already too late for the max gainz
if you're fucking terrified of losing a lot of money, stop being terrified. close the exchange your watching. go fap. go have a jog. go watch a movie. play some vidya. do something constructive with your nervous energy. btc is an investment vehicle that won't be worthless anytime soon, but it's volatile meaning it will go up and down a lot and rapidly. unclench, don't mess with your portfolio, never sell, and keep building your position.

>> No.29414114

Here come the newfags, zoomers and plebbitors kek. OP what did you do?

>> No.29414122

Swingies get the rope

>> No.29414134

Retard take

>> No.29414135

>buy the dip and sell high and repeat until I have experience
What experience? You're seem to be gambling with no coherent plan. What exactly are you planning to learn here

>> No.29414177
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What is the point at all if you don't sell? Timing until you have six figures to retire and pray for it not to crush earlier?
And how are you supposed to have money to buy and buy more then?
Are you suggesting I should wage and throw my hard earned money at post-hype stage crypto? Lmao.

>> No.29414236

gonna screenshot this and laugh at you

>> No.29414307
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>Swingies get the rope

>> No.29414303

Like nothing?

>> No.29414701

at the very least when you see very large candles you should buy/sell.
it's retarded not to

>> No.29414857

>Six figures to retire

>> No.29414922
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You have to be really retarded to think that someone who never had market experience would "buy more" when he opens up his app and sees 20% of his portfolio evaporated in a minute. That's exactly the paper hand faggots who were shaken off today and would probably never come back into crypto after buying funny memecoin shilled by Elon.

That's an experience I am talking about. Knowing eu open time is red, that weekends are red and that mondays can suck balls, knowing which coin dips with BTC and which doesn't, following news, pumps, all that stuff.

Crypto is not a long term investment and you were just lucky to buy when it was all time low. Long term investment in this market is same kind of gamble, daily ragpulls, crashes, delistings, scams, withdrawal locks and other shit which will affect hodlers same as daytime gamblers.
You have to get into it like it's your full time job or you are ngmi.

>> No.29415010

I meant six zeroes number but whatever.

>> No.29415053

yup. did a bit of gambling on link and managed to about 6x my initial investment of about 15 bucks.
currently am holding about 7 tiny bags of different alts i thought to be at a low point at the time of purchase. just set the sell order at 1.1x purchase price and went afk. seeing as none of them cleared yet i might have been wrong. i'm not panicselling though. not ever. i'm gonna wait this motherfucker out until everything pumps again.

>> No.29415110


>> No.29415254

well op, my food and insulin comes from pigs so i must have paper hands to survive

>> No.29415405

>Crypto is not a long term investment
>Bitcoin first started trading from around $0.0008 to $0.08 per coin in July 2010
>Over 10 years ago
anon this kinda sounds like a long term investment, this crypto thing
and you mean that I have to do continual research in this field if I actively want to trade in it without using an intermediary to handle my financial decisions for me, like the stock market?
and you mean crypto is a gamble that requires education, expertise, and experience to succeed, like the stock market?
and you mean i have to treat trading crypto like its a full time job or i'm ngmi, like the stock market?
such pearls of wisdom anon, what else are you going to tell me? buy low, sell high?

>> No.29415543

im not a newfag to buying crypto but i am new to mining (or hashing power whatever the fuck you want to call it)
set up nicehash to see how much money id make with my fancy new setup and it says id make $15.00/day, i pay $0.10/kWh for electricity. does this seem worth it?

>> No.29415723

Mining in 2021 on a single desktop is not worth in in any circumstance

>> No.29415880

Yeah yeah keep talking shit. As I said you are lucky guy who bought low.
If you think long term investments tend to crash into nothing every few years - you are retarded.
You are the one gambling here.

I have stop losses, I invest 5-10% of my folio into 1 day trade and I take my profits, and you are just a retard who dumps everything into one big basket "hold to win or hold to die", and you claim to know how market works? Well, you just broke it's first rule, retard.

>> No.29416447

wow, a stop loss, amazing, i've never heard of that
unga bunga me dum dum who lurk on biz me here for pepes and wojaks what is a stop loss
i don't claim to know shit, i just know how to protect my investment and make it work for me, like you do for yours

i'm just suggesting AT THIS VERY MOMENT FOR A GOOD 3-6 MONTHS if op wants to put money into crypto to stick with btc. there's nothing else really worthwhile atm.
because ETH is a piece of shit and will continue to be a piece of shit for at least a year, and soooooooo many altcoins are based off of ETH economy and ETH working, and BNB to me still feels like a colossal rugpull from the chinks

>> No.29416694
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How can you put a stop loss on a long term investment which dips 20% on a rainy day?
You set it at -95%? Bold move. Stop posting please.

>> No.29416819

Ah shit he's bacon then. I sold RVN for a profit and i'm not going to buy even a fraction of a satoshi of btc. Fuck that garbage.

>> No.29416909
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>and BNB to me still feels like a colossal rugpull from the chinks
Ok, nice you've posted this, I can go to sleep now.
Sure they will rugpull to steal your $20 while their biggest crypto exchange on the market generates them billions in fees every second.
Annihilate yourself from existence.

>> No.29416931

A shit coin is an alt coin without real usage. So really bitcoin is a shit coin.

>> No.29417818

poorfag get out

>> No.29418159

Got it. Just don't hurt the piggy

>> No.29418310

Welcome newfag.

>> No.29418344
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LITERALLY just buy and hold. It's that fucking simple!! Any time money comes into my hands, 2.5% goes straight into crypto and then cold storage. I have paper wallets buried in the earth in a capped length of pvc pipe that i will not even CONSIDER opening until 2030.

I got fucked hard trying to swing trade and sling shitcoins, decided I'm too fucking stupid and too much of a gambler, so put it on easy mode.

The fact that I'm getting in before $1M btc is good enough.

LITERALLY just don't sell.

>> No.29418394

based gay spic

>> No.29418418

Look how terrified that thing is. Not funny faggot

>> No.29418440

Came here, bought ATH, sold dip, getting some ribs.

>> No.29419343

I fully understand. Lost like 700-800 dollars down from 11k because I panic sold like an idiot. I'm just hoping I can get it all back.

>> No.29419893

>noooo you cant make more than me on the same stock

>> No.29420230

Fuck you sam hyde.

If you are a true faggot then you will

- PND shitcoins.
- Buy alt coins, nfts, BTC, BSV, ETH, that you think will moon because of the tech and usage of it. Plan to sell at a certain point and plan to hold for the future.

>> No.29420723
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Anyone else think that Dave navarros arm tat looks like a pig?

>> No.29421269

stfu I make $100 a month just to toss around on the exchanges and play with doing literally nothing and I don't even have a good gpu

>> No.29421408
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I'm a first time buyer and my entire plan is to hold until it's up 10% from when I bought it. And I will hold it until the day I die if I must.

>> No.29421832
File: 12 KB, 300x300, noooooooooooooo.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I didn't sold, slaughterhouse sama, I even bought some more. can you let the heckin snoutboi go now?
besides, it was pretty obviously a temporary dip just like last week, I'm a newfag , but it happens all the time, right?

>> No.29422049

I lost 70€ today because I bought the the dip at 53K for 200€ and pulled all 640€ out shortly after. 480 of which was BTC, 130 Link, 40 Stellar.
Kept 110 on a seperate account in HBAR and BNB.

I realized I was in way over my head (student who took a year to save 2900€) and am now starting fresh at 200€ BTC, 60€ HBAR, 40€ BNB. Will DCA 50€ monthly and not gamble till I know more about crypto. The goal is to train my paper hands and get real.

>> No.29422095

Op is right. I managed to buy 4 BTC at $400 and at one point held 190 ETH, but with shitcoin gambling I'm down to 1 btc and 4.5 ETH.
Every satoshi you hold is dear, hold on to it.

>> No.29422497

sad this isn't a webm :( Lets see him die faggot.

>> No.29422675

he got you