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29289408 No.29289408 [Reply] [Original]

>what if Bitcoin reaches 1 million this bull cycle?

>> No.29289459
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I would coom

>> No.29289487

It won't. 100k if you're lucky. Then back to 20k.

>> No.29289740

I actually believe we will go 2 mill this cycle. All predictions are off the charts. We aren't even CLOSE to unsustainable territory.
I don't even know when the true FOMO will start. The big players are still cautious. Normies think they are priced out. DeFi economy keeps growing and becomes more and more self sustainable... And then there's all these people that got burnt in 2017 that are afraid to put money into Bitcoin. Normie FOMO might not start until 500k. And even then I think they will mostly cope with the fact that they're priced out until it suddenly goes to 1 Mill... And at 1 Mill I predict a lot of people think the bubble will pop but it will just keep going up and up and.... Idk it's gonna be probably fucking scary. Put some sell orders at 1.5 Mill

>> No.29289846

Nation states will collapse due to the collapse of fiat and the masses will starve to death if they haven't already roped from being nocoiners.

>> No.29289906

Skynet becomes self aware

>> No.29289917

Yeah everyone has been conditioned from the 2018 crash to expect a crash. Most oldtimers are still cautious. This isn't the euphoria phase yet.

>> No.29289954

That said I don't believe in a 2 million btc in a near future but we live in the weirdo timeline now so who knows.

>> No.29290026

What I do know is, the billion dollar institutions buying in now WILL start taking profits at some point.

>> No.29290041

then a cup of coffee will cost 35$ unironically.

>> No.29290074

imagine being indian and your government bans crypto.

>> No.29290130

The terminator design is peak kino

>> No.29290153

I think 2 Mill will be super temporary but we'll get close to that. Think how the rise to 20k looked like. People have been calling bubble at 5k, 6k, 7k etc, 10k had a pull back and then it suddenly shot up instantly. I think we might experience the same at the 1 Mill mark.

It's super unpredictable because we don't know how people like the Winklevii and Michael Saylor and Elon Musk will react when the price reaches 2 Mill because they will all be multiple times richer than they are now easily making Elon a fucking trillionaire.

>> No.29290154

>btc at 200k is like 4 trillion dollars
>he thinks btc is going to 40 trillion

Found the one guy who won't sell in time and will hold my baggies.

>> No.29290177

Then I will forever be a nocoiner.

>> No.29290641

Bitcoin right now is above 1 Trillion. What makes 4 Trillion different?

>> No.29290749

4 is, by definition, different than 1, retard. Why else would we have two different numbers to represent each?

>> No.29290815

It absolutely can. You forget the entire globe is printing money at insane rates. What does $1,000,000 per bitcoin even mean? Maybe soon it won't even buy you a nice car

We can see bitcoin go to $100 trillion market cap. The U.S. is bound to collapse some day, it's just inevitable, and the dollar with it. Maybe sooner maybe later, likely during our lifetime. There will come a time when all value is measured in BTC rather than USD as it is now. 1 BTC = 1 BTC

>> No.29290820
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it will crash when i say it does

>> No.29290828

Well you got me ngl

>> No.29291006

To reach 2 million it has to have an mcap of 40 trillion, if you think this is going to happen in the next 4 years you are delusional.

>> No.29291090

That's only four time Gold's market cap. I remember when people said that it was impossible for a single Bitcoin to be worth more than an ounce of Gold lol. And then it happened and went 10fold in value. You have no idea how quickly money can flow into Bitcoin once the big FOMO starts

>> No.29291735

Anytime someone talks about marketcap I just stop listening, we are talking about a completely new paradigm.

>> No.29291801

>bitcoin will 20x
you realise how insane this sounds???

>> No.29291914

~1k to ~20k was the 2017 bull run
~30 to ~1k was the 2013 bull run
20x is unlikely but not insane

>> No.29291916

I literally have PTSD from 2018, I can’t shake off the feeling of impending doom

>> No.29292069
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>> No.29292133

>What I do know is, the billion dollar institutions buying in now WILL start taking profits at some point.

The point of bitcoin is to exchange hyperinflating fiat into an asset that can't be inflated.

>> No.29292312

>March 2020 Bitcoin low 3500
3500 x 20 = 70000

We're almost there bruh.

>> No.29292428
File: 72 KB, 1307x735, EuuBMZwU4AEixPi.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Not from the low, I start counting from the previous ATH. 20k x 20 = 400k.

>> No.29292735
File: 144 KB, 1141x712, EpTRavuXIAgGX2t.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

March was a Corona black swan. I think it's interesting how it actually accelerated Bitcoin. Pic related. It was super accurate till like November but right now it's off the charts and we haven't seen corrections like with 2017 yet. I think the March dip shook out every retard gambler on margin and Bitcoin was swiftly picked up by people that understand it and realized that it was their last chance to grab as much Bitcoin as possible. The climb back up was also done by people who believe in Bitcoin. Crashes are not caused by big price tags they are caused by idiots who don't understand how money works. March shook them out and we've seen the healthiest grow of Bitcoin yet. Might unironically be super cycle already because we skipped the blow off top thanks to Corona

>> No.29292963

Oh how amazing, a new paradigm! Hmm...

>> No.29293046

It fucking will that picture is so fucking based

>> No.29293101

Imagine being a crypto holder and 1,000,000,000 people just got blocked from your market

>> No.29293178
File: 202 KB, 1141x712, BTC accurate.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.29293902

unlikely but it can happen adoption follows an S curve it gets very very steep in the middle.

>> No.29293992

>Gold mcap is X because that represents all of the mined gold in existence
>BTC mcap is 40T because that is the current price of btc multiplied by the maximum theoretical amount in existence, completely oblivious of the fact 5+ mill were lost in early wallets
The numbers are arbitrary anon, particularly the dollar amounts.

>> No.29294484

>new paradigm
Lol boys this it