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2926702 No.2926702 [Reply] [Original]

First BCC block was just mined.

>> No.2926762



>> No.2926768

with no survivors

>> No.2926783

ayyyy lmao. Time to get my BTC out of my paper wallet then.

>> No.2926792
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>> No.2926860



>> No.2926891
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>signalling for segwit

You can't make this shit up.

>> No.2926899

Aaaaand sold all my BCH. Feels good man

>> No.2926901

How much did you sell for bros?

>> No.2926914

Not selling. I might even buy some more later.

>> No.2926915

Sold mine for 0.078 on Kraken.

>> No.2926927
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my fucking sides

>> No.2926928
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Just sold my BCC :):)

>> No.2926930


0.09 on Coinfloor

>> No.2926945

just sold at .08

whats scary is when bittrex first opened it was like .065

in 10 secs i saw the sell orders alllll get eaten up. i sold way too soon..

>> No.2926949

I haven't got my coinfloor BCH yet :(

>> No.2926951
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Fantastic shitposting going on over at leddit/r/btc right now.

>> No.2926957


>> No.2926958

maximun trolling

>> No.2926972
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>free 4.5 BTC
Thanks, chinks.

>> No.2926988

That is some quality shit posting.

>> No.2926991

So much winning in this thread!!!!!!

>> No.2926999

Sh-should I sell at 0.073?

>> No.2927011

I sold it at 0.074, dont hold like a retard

this is a shitcoin.

>> No.2927018

>hurrr its not free money

it literally is

>> No.2927023

I'm holding. I've seen significantly dumber shitcoins moon.

>> No.2927024 [DELETED] 
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falling fast

>> No.2927026

actually who the fuck is stupid enough to buy it? like wtf?

>> No.2927032
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Let's get some support behind it goys!
>even if it's intentional or unintentional support

>> No.2927034


>> No.2927112
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Apparently the first block wasn't supposed to take so long to mine.

>> No.2927162

>bought at 0.07300000

I can tell I fucked myself over already

>> No.2927174


So then we all agree, time to load up on LTC

>> No.2927175


Well buying when everybody is dumping and dumping when everybody is selling worked for me very well in the past.

Everybody is like... oohh free money gimme gimme, they will regret it if this shit moons.

I'm waiting to see where this shit is going to make a decision but for now I'm holding, and if this goes anywhere... well it was free, nothing to lose.

>> No.2927180

>tfw sold at .083 on bittrex
Thanks for claiming our bags for us friend

>> No.2927191

so uh
where the hell do I get my free bitcoin cash?
I parked all my bitcoin on a hardware wallet
have I dun goofed?

>> No.2927197

why the fuck would you do that, you're literally going to lose all your money soon if you don't cut your losses NOW

>> No.2927201

Same here, worst that happens is I loose out on some free cash. And I figure the chinks are up to some ploy here, I may as well hold both and see where things go at this point.

>> No.2927212

>dumping when everybody is selling

>> No.2927214

I just sold everything, you guys had better as well before everyone figures out how to move their BCC to the exchanges because it won't stay at $200 for long when that starts happening lol

>> No.2927226



*and if this goes nowhere

Well ... 0.090 right now ...

>> No.2927231

ok, I'm actually getting rich here


thanks boys


>> No.2927235




>> No.2927247

Jesus this shit is mooning hard. I can't even move it to bittrex though. FUCK

>> No.2927261

Who is buying this garbage?

>> No.2927273

Sell dude

>> No.2927280
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Who the fuck just bought my coins for .144? What the fuck.

>> No.2927291

Memes aside how the actual fuck is BCC retaining its price right now? Over 16 mil in circulation meaning billions of dollars in market cap being held up by what exactly? I know it's steadily going down but shouldnt it have crashed right on arrival?

>> No.2927293

Hodl dude

>> No.2927298


holy shit fuck fuck fuck

>> No.2927301


>> No.2927302

It has better value and promise than BTC. It will overtake.

>> No.2927305

When does the difficulty adjust? Is it 2016 blocks like Bitcoin?

>> No.2927317


there's hardly any BCC on the exchange so it's rocketing up, it'll drop like a rock tomorrow though or in a few hours etc

>> No.2927318

Maybe so but it just doesn't add up you can't just create billions in market cap out of thin air

>> No.2927326

rofl, you lucky motherfucker

>> No.2927334


>> No.2927342


>> No.2927346


it reduces 20% for each 12 hours period where 6 blocks aren't mined. As it happens 4 blocks have already been mined so the difficulty may stay high for another 12 hours

>> No.2927353

I don't think that's how math works my man.

>> No.2927354

Looking into it myself, but from preliminary reading this seems correct >>2927346

>> No.2927355

>shilled to infinity
>literally keeps the god name "bitcoin"
>says it's infinitely better than btc
>normies pants wet
it's like the greatest shitcoin ever made
i only have $6 in bcc rn, why would i sell? when i could wait and see what happens.
my guess is people think btc and bcc are synonymous so they should be the same price. but idk. it has potential and that alone is worth hodling

>> No.2927356


>> No.2927358

I know that alts are up, but are they above their ATHs?

>> No.2927360


Go back to school mate

>> No.2927366


>> No.2927368
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got out at 0.12

>> No.2927370

lol i study economics u fool

>> No.2927375

Biggest % GainBitcoin Cash (BCC)1331.42 BTC3450.0%

>> No.2927387

Still sold low, buddy.

>> No.2927389

Thanks based anon

>> No.2927394

good god you're dumb

>> No.2927404
File: 48 KB, 336x280, 1489524001782.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

BTC/BCC on Kraken: 0.074
BTC/BCC on ViaBTC: 0.089
BTC/BCC on Bittrex: 0.12

>> No.2927406

There are going to be a lot of BTC whales with a very large amount of BCC now. I doubt they'd just dismiss an opportunity like this. I'm hodling.

>> No.2927410

You can't withdraw or deposit on any of them IIRC, and we've mined 5 blocks in like 7 hours so even if you could, you might be waiting a while.

This is shaping up to be a fun day.

>> No.2927419

As in you will get dumped on when the time comes. Know your exit.

>> No.2927422

Who tf wrote that. There was no "expected" time. Sounds like more fud from Core.

>> No.2927429

You're fine, just mive your btc to another btc wallet, then move your bch from the hardware wallet to a bch wallet

>> No.2927433
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>> No.2927437

how the fuck is it still going up?
and btc needs to hurry up and dip

>> No.2927453

bought at 145 , what to do lol?

>> No.2927515
File: 10 KB, 487x183, ss (2017-08-01 at 03.58.21).png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

what the fuck am i doing wrong

>> No.2927520

holy shit, this is the day traders paradise, hodlers GTFO

>> No.2927522


thx anon

>> No.2928272

Its being held up by people who can't figure out how to sell it / people who parked their BTC on exchanges and never got it (Coinbase is holding a fuckton).

>> No.2928300

thank you for your BCC, suckers!