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2023-11: Warosu is now out of extended maintenance.

/biz/ - Business & Finance

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2923939 No.2923939 [Reply] [Original]

Too many threads, too many tabs

This is a general to discuss the Bitcoin Hardfork, predicions, price rates, nearby future of Alts, etc. Anyone got their BCC delivered yet?

There's nothing extreme going on for BTC, no fall and no rise, but on a neutral ground so far

>> No.2923946

lots of support at 2700

>> No.2923950
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Also, if you didn't get your BCC yet, it's probably due to this

>> No.2923991
File: 33 KB, 807x396, support.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

No there's not. Aim for 24 instead, then 22 and 18

>> No.2924000

it's over. coiners lost

>tfw proud nocoiner

>> No.2924004
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Holy shit, it's really happening

>> No.2924006

wat do now is bitcoin cash live yet?

>> No.2924007

Idiots are selling their BTC before the fork right now.

>> No.2924018

No. Monitor the fork here:

If you sell your BTC now, you won't get BCH.

>> No.2924020

Down to 2680 on Bittrex and no significant buyers till 2620.

>> No.2924029

"idiots" are making some mad gains right now.

>> No.2924032
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Based bitcoin

>> No.2924041

Lost what? I'm making a shitload on alts right now

>> No.2924042

Can I ask a noob question
Is there still time NOW to sell soem alts on Bittrex and get BCC or is it too late?

when is the EXACT time ?

>> No.2924046

Based Keynes displaying the power of aggregate demand

>> No.2924047



>> No.2924049
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ez comeback

>> No.2924060
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I just had a thought: what if the miners are just kidding about all this?

>> No.2924061
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>theres too many threads
>ill make one more

>> No.2924062
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poor ETH fags getting rekt

>> No.2924064

i guess i really should've shorted my btc

>> No.2924066

marubozu 50%, expect more loss

>> No.2924072

How does BCC/BCH work with a wallet like Electrum? Does my private key now contain equal amounts of both BTC and BCC? I can just send BCC into Bittrex using my private key?

>> No.2924073

Please tell me seriously :(

no bully / troll

>> No.2924077
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> thinking BCH is worth 50% of BTC when miners are signaling 100% BP 141 (segwit)

>> No.2924078

should we buy alts NOW? they all mooned a little. its it going to cont or was that it?

>> No.2924079

honestly no joke. if you dont know what you're doing, dont do it.

t. never owned a single coin but made tons on shorting btc

>> No.2924081

After the fork
1. Backup your private key
2. Send your BTC to a new wallet
3. Import private key to Electron-Cash

Best practice is to run Electron-Cash in a virtual machine.

>> No.2924082

cryptowat.ch gone

>> No.2924083

what am i looking at

>> No.2924087

>using bittrex market depth to predict price support

god the amount of noobs on this board

>> No.2924093

should have bought yesterday and sold right now

>> No.2924095

im using it now

>> No.2924101

OK I will sell a bit now.
Not all
hopepfully it's not too late to get some (((BCC)))

>> No.2924103

Thanks kind anon. Sending it to this wallet will only send the BCC and not the BTC, right?

>> No.2924109

bcc is dead

>> No.2924110


I can't believe an entire market just got influenced by a fucking online countdown site

Ether's price just spiked seconds after the countdown was over

>> No.2924112

If it continues like this, Bitcoin is gonna moon so quickly when things settle down.

>> No.2924113
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will i still get bcc if i trade my alts for btc right now?

>> No.2924118


>> No.2924123

no dumbass

>> No.2924130

No dumbass, they cut it off as soon as it hits 20 past, thats what the time was set for

>> No.2924132

yes, it hasn't happened yet

>> No.2924135

good call bro.

Maybe we are twins.

>> No.2924141

Yes, just move your BTC before you import the (old) private key to BCH

Then your BTC is definitely safe

>> No.2924155

How do I get my BCC from BTC in Breadwallet?

>> No.2924156

why you people give different answer?

I think there is still time as the block hasn't been mined yet?

>> No.2924167

I've got my BCC on bittrex!

>> No.2924171

There is still no fork. We need a block bigger than 1MB, which may occur in for example 2 hours.

>> No.2924174

That's what I did. /biz/ rules.

>> No.2924176


>>2924123 is an idiot, incidentally with bad grammar.

>> No.2924183

no, dumbass

how bout dat?

But sure, move your coins out now and see what happens

>> No.2924188

But my BTC disappeared??

>> No.2924190

>Thought Polo will give me BCC
>It didn't
>See Ether is 220

>Panic, buy again at 2018 hoping it'll recover

>See it go down to 209 minutes before the countdown


>It's 221 now

Feels good

>> No.2924191

Probably the same way as in other wallets: 1) move your BTC to a new wallet with new private key. 2) Import old private key into BCC wallet

>> No.2924197
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>tfw holding BTC on Bittrex during this is turning out to be advantageous compared to other exchanges that have to wait for the forking block

>> No.2924198

Because it requires six confirmations, and its incredibly dangerous and stupid just to get $1 coins.

People have had days to move BTC across, now they want to do it..

>> No.2924201


>> No.2924210

There is still time, anyway.
If you sell an alt on Bittrex now before first block you will still get it.


>> No.2924228
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>> No.2924229
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Y can we no SELL!?

>> No.2924232

Is it confirmed if we will be able to trade BCC on bittrex when it forks? I would hate to get my BCC and learn that I have to withdraw it to somewhere where I can trade it

>> No.2924233

why is it froze at 11:06 and has been for minutes.

>> No.2924243

Kraken Broken

>> No.2924249

Anyone else here DUMPING ASAP??

>> No.2924257

You own 61 bitcoins?

>> No.2924263

Do you know of any BCC wallets?

>> No.2924266

shit's jumping around like a low framerate game

>> No.2924269

no shit, BCH has no inherent value when miners are signaling 100% segwit

>> No.2924278

He probably owns a contract

>> No.2924279

>BCC is a dollar since no one likes it, hold for 6months it now 13 bucks


>> No.2924281

Nice LARP, dude

>> No.2924282
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Fewer now that I picked up some more alts.

>> No.2924284

I don't, haven't looked into it yet. You can probably find out how to proceed on reddit, they always go into extreme details over there

>> No.2924291

Any second now.
22 minutes since the last block

>> No.2924306

Regular Bitcoin blocks are coming in very slow. This could mean that Bitcoin Cash took a lot of the hashrate. If Bitcoin Cash takes a lot of the hashrate then regular Bitcoin is fucked because it takes two weeks to adjust the difficulty down.

>> No.2924310

Reminder that Kraken credits leveraged BTC/USD long positions fully with BCH
So you get BCH for borrowed BTC

>> No.2924316



>> No.2924317

Quick run down short or long

>> No.2924346

The credit short positions too. I mean if your short wins.

>> No.2924359

It could go either way tempting though I love kraken

>> No.2924366


>> No.2924383

Yes except their server's crash under laod constantly
>503 - Service unavailable
Bitfinex has no problem staying up

>> No.2924388
File: 46 KB, 640x480, worried.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

-ok.. ledger does not let me send to another bitcoin account.. is that normal? says error...
-any discord group live at the moment?
-bittrex is mooning.. should i sell?

>> No.2924393

Block 478554 was just mined.
Still no chain split.

>> No.2924394

When is this shitcoin going to be tradeable?

>> No.2924402

Block 478555 just one minute later.
No chain split.

BCH does not exist yet
Bittrex and Yobit are basically giving out futures

>> No.2924422

How do you know if the chain has split?

>> No.2924423


>> No.2924428

1 more block left from the looks

>> No.2924431


>> No.2924433

did you open BTC on your computer and BCH on your ledger device? they've stated that that will give you an error

>> No.2924437

It's been posted 3 times ITT...

>> No.2924442

Still happening here too.

>> No.2924448

Sorry, brainlet here

>> No.2924460

Probably because everyone is hitting F5 every goddamn second.

>> No.2924461

558 nope

>> No.2924471


>> No.2924475

It was all just a practical joke.. wait what's BTC doing?

>> No.2924477


>> No.2924479

Median is past 12:20, so the next block should be the forking block.

>> No.2924496
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>> No.2924502

good time to buy alts? I had Stratis and Factom, placed a sell order for Stratis at 21 yesterday, shit was hit so fast that I couldn't even react.

>> No.2924515

>bittrex shitcoin wallet up 20%
ayo hol up

>> No.2924516

No nigger good time to get the fuck out of the market or at least put it all on tether

>> No.2924525

wh-wh-wh-where is the crash?

i was told there would be a crash

>> No.2924527

BTC mined a block just now and BCC is staying behind like planned. When BCC mines its next block, we're officially forked.

>> No.2924529

aw cry me river will you. it's not like your exchange is making HUGE PROFITS 24/7/365 or anything. I understand you gottta cut corners.

>> No.2924530

478559 mined and no hard fork


>> No.2924531
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Bittrex right now

>> No.2924541

>put it all on tether
Not him but how do I even do that on bittrex?

>> No.2924542

ooh my bad, bitcoin ABC 1 block behind

this would be the time to sell your shitcoin

>> No.2924544

see >>2924527

>> No.2924546


>> No.2924548

559 NOPE

>> No.2924554

Retard. The time to get out was 1 month ago, doing it now is the dumbest shit you can do.

>> No.2924555

So what have I missed out on keeping all on ETH?
Stopped following crypto for two weeks.

>> No.2924567


what the fuck

it's out of sync

>> No.2924568
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>> No.2924579
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>> No.2924581

That's what it should be doing. After the median time went past 12:20 PM UTC, it stops using blocks from the main chain and instead starts doing its own thing. The fork hasn't officially happened yet because BCC has yet to mine a block.

>> No.2924582

ABC is blue. what's this mean? Is it habbenin?

>> No.2924591

lolol go ahead and buy some shitcoins then, see what happens

>> No.2924595

It's rejecting segwit blocks now it time for a bcc block to be mined and we have an official fork.

>> No.2924603
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All I wanna do is DUMP

>> No.2924607

Wish in one hand and shit in ft the other, and see which one fills up first.

>> No.2924608

Holy shit dude! this is better than the superbowl.

>> No.2924615


>> No.2924620
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>> No.2924622

How fucking long does BCC takes to mine a block ffs

>> No.2924628

Ive mined to level 99 runescape faster than these idiots mine one abc block

>> No.2924631

it will probably take a few hours, depending on hashpower

>> No.2924635

no one is mining that shit and the difficulty is really high

gonna be hours

>> No.2924636

oh shit here we go

>> No.2924649

A while if not a lot of miners are supporting it. Bad news for BCC. I'll bet if it was BBC they would have mined some blocks already.

>> No.2924652

Same difficulty at BTC but less hash rate so it's going to be slow before the first retarget.

>> No.2924654
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>> No.2924663

Blocks #478559, #478560 and #478561 together equal 826.81 kB

Chances are the next block on the main chain will be big enough to push it over 1MB. #478562 will result in the fork.

Get ready lads.

>> No.2924665

I don't like it either but literally everyone does this. Nobody bothers paying more for servers when what they have handles 99% of normal usage

>> No.2924667


>> No.2924672
File: 34 KB, 1086x463, suckit-bittrex.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

The fuck is this shit? ppl on twitter freaking out thinking they been hacker-man'd

>> No.2924675
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>> No.2924677

I still don't seem to have any BCH

>> No.2924680

Looks like I was wrong.

#478562 was only 151.42kB bringing the total since #478558 to 978.23kB

The next block will DEFINITELY result in a fork.

This time really get ready boys. This is it. History.

>> No.2924691

>segwit2x countdown
Nothing happens
>segwit2x lockin countdown
Still nothing happens
>bcc countdown
Nothing happens
>bcc 7 blocks after original countdown countdown
Nothing happens
>some new shit about it having to be larger than 1mb countdown

>> No.2924692

overload probably

>> No.2924693

Hasn't forked yet. Waiting for a block of 1MB to be mined.

Bitcoin ABC nodes are behind the others i.e. they're rejecting main chain transactions

>> No.2924700


>> No.2924721

How long for BCC to mine the first block.

>> No.2924724
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Price going down. Hang on Rose, don't let go

>> No.2924725

Get ready for the plunge lads

>> No.2924736

API is still working, suck it non-programmers.

>> No.2924741

Thread theme


>> No.2924742

OK, well, what should I do with the damn things when they get here??

>> No.2924749

whatever you want lol

>> No.2924758

Should I go to sleep for 5 hours and come back or should I just stay up?

>> No.2924759


>> No.2924764

No one knows. The hash power is much lower than for BTC.

I'm confused as to which mining pools are supporting BCC. If Jihan Wu was the one leading BCC then I don't understand why Antpool and Bitmain aren't mining BCC.

>> No.2924776

pff tourists

>> No.2924783

if base price is 10 times lower there is no point in mining it :/

>> No.2924785

I don't know why the fuck people keep saying jihan has anything to do with this. He's basically the reason bip91 happened.

>> No.2924796

btc barely went under 2600. Im bummed that I didnt went in 100% on alts

>> No.2924797

you know jihan is signaling for segwit along with 100% of all miners? why the fuck would he want to mine BCC? That's just throwing money in the trash

>> No.2924802

>inb4 no one will ever mine a Bcash block ever

>> No.2924806

Buy at 26, buy at 24, go to sleep

>> No.2924822

should i sell my BCC immediately?

>> No.2924829

No one around to buy it, anon.

>> No.2924835

you'll have trouble finding someone buying that shit tier coin

>> No.2924842
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Can't believe how well BTC is holding out.

>> No.2924850

Is Electron Cash legit?

I just downloaded it for my phone. Will this allow me to safely upload my BCC from my paper wallet after the fork?

>> No.2924851


Wait till the fork happens and everyone starts to simultaneously dump their coins

>> No.2924854

The event isn't over. I believe both Bitfinex and Kraken gives users their BCC whenever the forking block gets mined, which has yet to happen. The real dump might happen then. People will buy up any dip on those exchanges right now for the BCC they'll get. The real winners are those on Bittrex who already have their BCC locked in and are free to do anything with their BTC.

>> No.2924862

is everything now ok, is fork over, are we safe now?

>> No.2924867

are people really so fucking stupid, it's normal for it to start slow, that doesn't mean shit

>> No.2924869


BTC is already past BCH in terms of block count, if you wanted to dump your BTC you would've done so already and still would've gotten your BCH

>> No.2924871


what do you recommend those people on bittrex do with their BTC?

>> No.2924872


when fork happen?

>> No.2924877

Can somebody please answer this????

>> No.2924878

are you kidding me? ALTs jumped within 2 minutes when the split happened

>> No.2924881

Bitcoin is 8 blocks ahead
meaning the Bcash has 1/8th the hash rate AT THE VERY MOST

>> No.2924886

I'm honestly not sure. I'm considering selling a lot of my alts now that they've gone up and go USDT, but I'm not really confident that's the best move.

>> No.2924896

this is Bitcoin

>> No.2924897

LOL even if you sort by greatest % loss on bittrex it won't even go past page 1 before being green.

>> No.2924908

Hello will somebody PLEASE answer this for me????

>> No.2924910

>shorting a rally

>> No.2924917

Fuck this, I'm off to sleep
Please don't fork and crash while I'm asleep, bitcoin gods

>> No.2924926

Nobody knows anon. Someone posted earlier about how to keep safe, but find it yourself

>> No.2924929

what does that even mean? People are slower to put in buy/sell orders for the symbol BTC than all the other alt coins?

>> No.2924931

Best I could find is Electron Wallet so that's what I'll use.

Freewallet looks too fucking sketchy and doesn't let me keep my private keys.

>> No.2924932

Run it in a virtual machine instead.

>> No.2924933

Give it a shot senpai

I'm hodling until this weekend, once I know everything works, myself

>> No.2924940

>tfw I've still got 4% loans locked in on Poloniex for several days and some BTC in cold wallets too for that nice BCC
So BTC needs to go down like 10% for me to even begin to lose money.

How can I do that? I'm at work.

>> No.2924944

people are much more into alts right now, it's an easier profit

>> No.2924947
File: 59 KB, 500x402, 1460912808666.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

ViaBTC has mined more BTC blocks than BCH

>> No.2924950


>> No.2924959

Yeah. Is ANYONE even mining BCC?

>> No.2924961

inb4 nobody's mining BCC and it was only done to increase BTC buying pressure

>> No.2924983

So let me get this straight. Im in armory and its the current time.
create a new wallet and send my BTC to that wallet, This will send only my BTC to that wallet and leave, in limbo, my BCC and a normal fully functional BTC wallet.

So now I downloaded said program and import the keys from the old bitcoin wallet?

>> No.2924988

You people are so fucking retarded. The fork is ALREADY factored into the price, market reacts before things happen, not after. The ones who act after are dumb money aka /biz/

>> No.2925000


"this" for the retards

>> No.2925008

>being this stupid

>> No.2925013

>This will send only my BTC to that wallet and leave, in limbo, my BCC and a normal fully functional BTC wallet.
Yes. Bcash has replay protection and will ignore your BTC transfer.

>So now I downloaded said program and import the keys from the old bitcoin wallet?

I for one am running Electron-Cash in a VirtualBox virtual machine because I don't trust it. Then I'll transfer all Bcash to an exchange and delete the VM.

>> No.2925014

People don't have their BCH yet you absolute fucking retard.

>> No.2925019


>> No.2925027
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>The fork is ALREADY factored into the price, market reacts before things happen, not after.

>> No.2925029

But...why? Why use a virtual machine for this?

>> No.2925032

Everyone knows exactly how much BCH they will receive. All necessary information is publicly available right now and therefore factored into the price of BTC.

>> No.2925034

Wow, what an epic greentext you made. I guess my point is literally and utterly crushed now.
And? Why BTC would crash because of this retarded hardfork you turbo nigger? No one will touch that shitcoin. I doubt most people will even be able to sell it

>> No.2925037
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Repeal and replace BTC

>> No.2925038


>> No.2925040

Do you trust that Electron-Cash doesn't contain malicious or exploitable code?
If yes, no need for a VM.

>> No.2925043


So yu're private keys can't be uploaded and you don't lose your BTC. Please stay away from crypto if you don't understand this.

>> No.2925044


>> No.2925045

>being this stupid

>> No.2925049

First a greentext, now a greentext frogposter! I should just stop posting while I can.

>> No.2925050

But you don't know what they will do with it when they receive it.
I never said BTC would crash.

>> No.2925055

this thread is getting at 0/420 ffs

>> No.2925068


>> No.2925071

Why did you even replied to me disagreeing? Are you so mentally challenged that you can't even pay attention to the chain of replies or to the context of the post you are replying to?

As I said, market reacts with news are announced, not when the news literally happen. All the information is available and the fork is already factored into the price.

>> No.2925074

go to sleep faggots i'm trynna sell this bch

first i sweep ya wifey up
then i take ur daughter
riding around the broomstik
ya that's harry potter!

>> No.2925084

>being a subhuman nocoiner

>> No.2925086

So you're telling me you know exactly how many people will dump their BTC for BTH and how many will dump their BCH for BTC? Because that is the deciding information.

>> No.2925088

Everyone, here is an example of why biz is considered to be a board full of retarded mongoloids.

>> No.2925089
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>> No.2925093


You really think people would dump their BTC for BCH? LMAO

>> No.2925096

They've already given up.
Maybe that 1 guy who actually mines BCH finds a block in 2 years.

>> No.2925112

People bought BTC to get BCH. They don't have the BCH yet. Wtf are you even talking about?

>> No.2925113

No one knows exactly what will happen, but we do know what's the most likely possibility, which is obviously that people won't dump BTC for the fork.
>Still no argument
Go flip burgers on Mcdonalds retard. Trading isn't for you.

>> No.2925124

Not an argument.

>> No.2925126

Again. Why that would affect BTC price at all? This is the question and topic here nigger. Focus, have focus for once in your life.

>> No.2925138

only major pool that appears to be mining BCH is ViaBTC, and they're putting about 125 PH/s which for the difficulty level it forked off at, it could be 8+ hours for the first BCH block

>> No.2925142

People buy BTC specifically to get BCH. They will sell that BTC once they get their BCH. If they sell now they don't get their BCH. This is not a matter of market dynamics, it's a matter of people not having there damn coins yet. Holy shit go bang your head against a wall

>> No.2925146

The only people who want BCH to succeed are Chinese miners because SegWit cuts into their profits, and nostalgics because they disagree with any departure from the original whitepaper.
The majority of actual users just want fast, cheap transactions, which BTC will soon provide, faster than BCH ever will, despite the large block size.

>> No.2925150

Bitcoin.com is mining it too

>> No.2925160

>The majority of actual users just want fast, cheap transactions, which BTC will soon provide, faster than BCH ever will, despite the large block size.

BTC will be run by the bankers, BCH will be what bitcoin was always supposed to be

>> No.2925163

if people wanted fast, cheap transactions they would've dropped bitcoin years ago
core is slow as shit and segwit doesn't make much difference on its own so "soon" is a pretty big joke

>> No.2925164

are you saying ViaBTC is pointing all their hashing power to mine BCH? Because that'd be terribly wrong. SInce the split ViaBTC has mined 2 blocks and 0 on BCH.

>> No.2925171

>They will sell that BTC
Except BTC holders already got Bitcoin cash? It just can't be traded yet

>> No.2925173

Good call, you were embarrasing yourself.

>> No.2925176
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I want BCC to succeed because it will crash BTC and I can buy cheap

>> No.2925177

you've got to be trolling

If you believe that, sell all your BTC for BCH

>> No.2925185

/biz/ as usual is trying to spread FUD to buy cheap coins. This board really became a playground for shills and discordfags

>> No.2925192
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>posts on greentext frog board
>complains about greentext and frogs

>> No.2925198

I find people like you who post shit like ''u wrong'' ''u are embarrasing yourself'' ''just stop posting'' without providing arguments really funny. It's like you think this is reddit and that posting this is your way to downvote a post.

>> No.2925200

no, pool.viabtc.com they're putting 2x as much to BTC as to BCH right now.

ViaBTC the only major pool showing any signifcant 24Hr hash rate difference on btc.com, though odd that AntPool hasn't hit a block since before the "fork" block

>> No.2925210

>frog board
After the invasion of /pol/ and /b/, maybe. Frogposting is literally a facebook-tier meme by now anyway.

>> No.2925226

I can already see people trying to sell BCC to noobs and trying to pass it off as the real BTC.

>> No.2925233

Hello Pajeet, I would tell you to flush yourself down a toilet but there probably isn't one within a 200 mile radius.


>> No.2925235

I'm posting my opinion. My opinion is that you are talking nonsense. I don't need to explain why cause not everyone is willing and able to sit down and have hour-long discussion. Therefore, I'm just stating my opinion. What else do you want me to say? Insult like you've been doing since the minute you set foot in this thread? I'm pretty good at it if you're into that kind of shit.

>> No.2925248

>He thinks that his shitty frog isn't a facebook-tier meme
I have bad news for you. Reddit, youtube and facebook loves it.

>> No.2925251

You used the pajeet meme in a completely unrelated context, your post is pointless agression, and you used "kys" on 4chan. Stop posting.

>> No.2925266
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>> No.2925267

Stating your opinion but adding nothing relevant, new, original or at least putting effort on your post is basically shitposting 101. You are basically saying ''yeah, I'm stating my opinion but adding literally nothing to the board''. Might as well shut the fuck up.

> Insult like you've been doing since the minute you set foot in this thread?
You mean to the people replying to me with epic greentexts but refusing to address my points? BTFO of shitposters is something I like doing, yes.

>> No.2925308

Sell them for BTC?

>> No.2925310
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why did I wake up for this shit? Nothing fucking happened.

>> No.2925345

lmao, this in every case

>> No.2925399

No shit. I could have slept 3 more hours.

>> No.2925557

and how do you affect the price of an asset that cant be traded. lol dude you should really stop and leave you're clueless

>> No.2925576

like most people in crypto right now, fucking kill me

>> No.2925615
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>bitcoin gonna dip to 0
>listen to me, you must short before aug 1st
>you will regret not listening to me
tell me /biz/, where is that 0 you mention? hhuh? where is it?

>> No.2925654

kek. I'm so happy I loaned my BTC on Poloniex for 4.5% interest per day for several days straight and kept the rest of my money in alts.

>> No.2925687

Wait you can loan out your coins?

>> No.2925697

How new are you?

>> No.2925726


Can you tell me how to loan out your coins? Might buy up a couple of bitcoins just to loan them out if you make that much interest on it.

>> No.2925733
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IT'S HAPPENING! https://cryptowat.ch/kraken/bchbtc

>> No.2925740

kek Ok nobody tell him about google

>> No.2925751

>0.07 btc
aaand so far the people who loaned BTC on Poloniex are winning.

>> No.2925758

Is there a difference between BCC and BCH? I see both trading on different sites and they seem to be used interchangably

>> No.2925773

same coin some are using bch instead of bcc because there's already a shitcoin with bcc acronym

>> No.2925784

>everyone tries to anticipate price movements on the fork
>some believe it will go up
>some believe it will go down
>it doesn't go anywhere at all

/biz/ was wrong again

>> No.2925787

I see, so does that explain why BCC is trading on Bitfinex for 20x the BCH price on Kraken?

>> No.2925796

same bhere bro

made a free bitcoin in lending fees meanwhile everyone is waiting for their shitcoin distribution so they can dump it for pennies

>> No.2925811

>/biz/ was wrong again.

No. I told you to take advantage of 4% daily loaning rates on Poloniex with me. So far, this is getting me more money than if I had BCC.

Second of all, I told you to arbitrage between exchanges like Gdax because of their extremely low volume. Also netting me way more. But nobody listened.

>> No.2925818


Myself and my 2123 ETH coin portfolio are ready.

I'll see you lads at the vineyard.

>> No.2925821


i bet on bittrex, putting 75% of my btc there for this fork.

the login disable is worrying. for sure their volume has 10x their usual...considerin how few exchanges support bch

>> No.2925822

How can you tell if you've received your designated shitcoins?

>> No.2925824


Is your loan getting repaid in the coin you lend out or in dollars?

>> No.2925831

Getting repaid in BTC, obviously. Come on now 5 minutes on the website could have told you that.

>> No.2925847




>> No.2925853

Now armory is throwing errors and I cant send my coins. They said they were ready for the fork.

>> No.2925863
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>make sure to get your btc off the exchanges in time for the fork


>> No.2925869

Nice, just wired 100k to Poloniex

>> No.2925879

>a rumor which started on 4chan
kek. Yeah we've all seen that lol.

It's garbage. /biz/ use to shill Polo as its favorite exchange and then PnD groups realized how easy it was to pump and dump on Bittrex so they did that, but they realized a big problem was that so much of /biz/ was still on poloniex and not bittrex, so they started rumors that Poloniex was bad and Bittrex is great, using the increased Polo traffic which slowed down their servers as evidence.

Hence the "rumor" started by scamming morons on this board which finally made its way to the article you posted.

>> No.2925885

BCH is the name on bitfinex, BCC is bitcoin core fork futures

>> No.2925891

BCC on Bitfinex is a different coin.

Bitfinex will designate Bitcoin Cash as BCH.

>> No.2925894

Very nice. Can I ask:
Who the fuck is picking up that 4.9% rate?
How many suckers are there?
How long does it take for your offer to get filled?

>> No.2925919

Looking forward to scooping up all this cheap bch when it gets dumped

>> No.2925933

>Who the fuck is picking up that 4.9% rate?
People are holding BTC in their cold wallets and shorting the exact same amount on Poloniex, hoping to not be affected by BTC's price but still get lots of BCH for their BTC in the cold wallet.

The problem with thinking that way is that they have to pay Poloniex's lending fees, which used to be trivially small. But so many people are doing it that the fees shot up.

So the question is will the price of BCH be more than the net return of lending BTC for a few days at such high rates? Considering BCH is about 6% of BTC now and I've been doing roughly 4% lending rates for 2 days, the lenders are winning. But taking into account any slight fall in BTC's price, they really aren't all that different in the short term.

But in the long term, I'd bet more on BTC going up again than BCH, so I'm willing to take the risk and lend.


>> No.2925938

who would trust an exchange made by a FUCKING MUSICIAN?

>> No.2925946

Most of /biz/, relatively recently (early this year).

>> No.2925951

>who would trust an exchange called magic the gathering online exchange

>> No.2925964

yeah, glad that exchanges start to become regulated to weed out all those amateurs

>> No.2925978

Is that what it was actually called? Please tell me you are joking jesus christ

>> No.2925989

Mt Gox stands for Magic the gathering online exchange, yes.

You didn't know this?

>> No.2925995

That's what mtgox.com initially was supposed to stand for when Karpeles bought the domain. He then went on to make the Bitcoin exchange using that same domain, but obviously without carrying the same meaning.

>> No.2926004

Thanks. I see.
Those loan rates seem to be much better than when I last thought about lending.
Then Polo started spooking me out.

>> No.2926020

sometimes they go down to like 0.01% , they were only 5% because people thought they could borrow and get free BCC , turns out polo is keeping the bcc for themselves

>> No.2926022

It was originally for trading magic cards before it got repurposed.

>> No.2926062

Trading cards are a valid form of hobby trading. Bitcoin was also really hobby trading back then. It's a logical conversion to be honest.

>> No.2926477

I got my BCH on Kraken
As promised, borrowed BTC from BTC/USD margin positions also received BCH

I had 1.5 BTC on Kraken
opened a long for 3.5 BTC/USD
Received 5 BCH

Even though the long position went negative, the net gain is positive.

>> No.2926490

It's fucking depressing to know that I'm following in the exact footsteps of those before me

>> No.2926501

Ok, Could someone explain this Bitcoin Cash shit? I'm just a long term BTC holder and don't really know much about it. I have 3 bitcoins on kraken and now I got 3 BCH added to my account, each worth 170 euros apparently. Does this mean I just randomly received 410 euros? And this shit was known in advance? Why the fuck didn't everybody buy a shitload of bitcoins then since this is just printing money?

>> No.2926507

>Ok, Could someone explain this Bitcoin Cash shit?
It's a hard fork of Bitcoin.
>I'm just a long term BTC holder and don't really know much about it. I have 3 bitcoins on kraken and now I got 3 BCH added to my account, each worth 170 euros apparently. Does this mean I just randomly received 410 euros?
No, you received free coins worth 410 Euros
>And this shit was known in advance?
Yes, it has been discussed to death.
>Why the fuck didn't everybody buy a shitload of bitcoins then since this is just printing money?
Why do you think everything except Bitcoin went down?

>> No.2926510

these cucks at coinbase aren't supporting the bcc

what's the next best exchange for picking some up? I see people mention kraken

am US resident obviously

>> No.2926517
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>> No.2926520
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kek, seems like someone dumped the wrong BCC.

>> No.2926523


thanks m8 I have no idea what I am doing and am trying to lose all me moni

>> No.2926536
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USDT marine here

>didn't buy the big BTC dip
>didnt buy back in when it went above what I sold it for
>missing the alt moons
i-it was all supposed to crash today

>> No.2926538

how long does kraken take to get verified for tier 1

>> No.2926555

>it was all supposed to crash today
No, BTC/BCC were
Everyone else was hodling like their balls were about to get margin called

>> No.2926556

People trading BCH are playing with fire that will also end up burning BTC.

What essentially is happening today is that up to 4 billion USD value worth of coin were created from nothing.

It wont take long with people cashing out their BTC & BCH until the market adjusts to the reality of the financial blackhole and crashes both BTC & BCH value.

You fucks better pray to god that ACTUAL additional 4 billion USD were added into the market (i have a feeling that it didn't)

>> No.2926563

No, their market share is only around 2 million.

>> No.2926564
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>4 bil added

>> No.2926571


>> No.2926574

Have you factored in how much Bitcoin would have been worth without Bcash?

>> No.2926593

They look less than a percent of the market with them. Which is why that price of BTC was not influenced at to many measurable degree.

>> No.2926594

Bitcoin could have been $3000

>> No.2926614

>implying all that bitcoin was on the exchanges that gave away BCH

>> No.2926624
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Also, I couldn't help but laugh at the fact that BitConnect is the only coin in the top 100 market cap that is down a 2-digit percentage. I mean, it could just be a coincidence, but if it isn't, the devs can't be very happy about their coin being down just because some chinks decided to steal their ticker.

>> No.2926641

Calculate the amount of bitcoins in existence (which means BCH now) with the current BCH market value.

Just off coinmarketcap data:
> 16,482,462 BTC
> $248.98 per BCH
> 16482462 X 248.98 = 4.10 Billion (rounded)

If only 2 million has entered the BCH market it means we have a potential financial hole in FIAT of at least 4 Billion

Did bitcoin & alts lose over 4 Billion in marketcap since BCH existence?
If yes then we likely don't have an issue.
If no, then you have a big fucking problem.

>> No.2926648
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>not surfing the airwaves in the year of our lord two thousand and seventeen

>> No.2926657

Send your complaints to blockstream.

>> No.2926660

I was just thinking BCH is way overvalued.

>> No.2926669

Many Bitcoins are lost forever.
Market cap does not reflect actually available capital.

>> No.2926677

is what i understand
i do not understand free money from nowhere

this is why i did not run out to grab bitcoins last night for free bitcoin cash, cause it doesn't make sense to me. go ahead and call me a retard but whatever.

i thought bitcoin would crash at least a little and i'd grab cheap bitcoins august 1st before the market stabilized and everyone jumped back on bitcoin. maybe it's not going to crash a little, maybe it just grew less for a moment.

anyways, buy btc now or wait for a crash in a couple days? i'm thinking buy now, i assume btc is gonna moon now that the uncertainty about the fork is near over? please tell me

>> No.2926692

Its not BTC thats going to crash, its BCH. If I could get my armory working I would dump it immediately while its overpriced.

>> No.2926696

The fork has been very public information and BTC/USD was priced accordingly all the time.
That's why there was no huge dip.
The $200 from BCH has been subtracted from BTC a long time ago.

>> No.2926713

The first BCH block was just mined.

>/ViaBTC/Welcome to the world, Shuya Yang!/

>> No.2926756

yeah am I missing anything here?
BCH is old BTC.
which means it has inherited all the same scaling issues and has received none of the benefits of adoption, except for maybe the few loan miners who want to stick with their new found altcoin. An altcoin they could have created at anytime using the currently running blockchain tech.

>> No.2926767


>> No.2926769

BCH increases the block size, allowing more transactions per second

>> No.2926773

No, you pretty much got it right. Always going to be people who resist change even for their own benefit.

>> No.2926776

>BCH is old BTC.
Incorrect. BCH doesn't just reject SW, it also raised the blocksize limit of 8 MB.

>> No.2926779


>> No.2926791

and what's the benefit of that?

>> No.2926805

Allowing more transactions per block, clearing the mempool faster and reducing fees.

>> No.2926829

Where are you guys dumping you're BCH?

I've only used cuckbase, my BTC has been in cold storage, I'll probably pull it into a wallet tonight after work

>> No.2926833

if i'm not mistaken, one potential drawback is that it allows for the possibility of raised hardware requirements. to the point where only the most powerful miners will be able to keep mining. basically forcing small miners out of business so big miners can have more of a monopoly. this sort of defeats the purpose of a decentralized currency by centralizing it into fewer computers.

but i just started reading about this shit a couple days ago, so i could be wrong. feel free to tell me if i'm right or not and whether this is a potential issue with bcc

>> No.2926845



>> No.2926849

This all feels like a huge bubble to me.

BCH is WAY overvalued, many people are essentially getting value without putting in any fiat money first. It's price should quickly plummet as people cash out of it.

Seriously why the fuck would you spend over $250 per BCH if you are not just straight out gambling.

BTC has many things in it's favor like:
> It's used as an actual currency which provides stability (you can actually buy real world stuff directly with it)
> Widely known
> Trusted and tested over time
> All crypto exchanges have it on trade

All money is essentially make believe if you really think about it, but it's being widely accepted as payment for real world goods & services that gives money it's real VALUE.

BCH has none of that at all and yet it has promised great value for everyone

Otherwise why not just create a new coin, value it at 10k each and give everyone 100 of them?

>> No.2926912
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>> No.2926935
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thanks guys

>> No.2927058

how do i get my bch from my btc paperwallet?

>> No.2927091

Import your private key into this: http://www.electroncash.org/

There's always a slim chance that the software could have malware on it, so at the very least you should first move your BTC to a new wallet before launching and importing your private keys with the above software. To be more secure, run ElectronCash in a VM as well.

>> No.2927130

You can apparently get your BCH using electrum. Have not tried it yet. Currently mine are in limbo in armory until i can get armory working again.

>> No.2927154

>You can apparently get your BCH using electrum.
Really? I just checked their website and their instructions on how to get your BCC tells people to use ElectronCash.
See: https://electrum.org/bcc2.txt

>> No.2927173

I see whats going on. Their little thesis has it as electrum but links to electron. It just keeps getting shadier.

>> No.2927178

a wallet like blockchain?

>> No.2927200

BitcoinCash forked Electrum and called it ElectrumCash.
Electrum threatened to sue BitcoinCash for trademark violation.
BitcoinCash renamed ElectrumCash to ElectronCash

>> No.2927203

>Their little thesis
Well, ElectronCash was previously called ElectrumCash and is just a fork of Electrum. Since it's not endorsed by Electrum, the forked BCC version eventually renamed themselves to Electron. Perhaps the name just wasn't updated in whatever you read.

>> No.2927208

Doesn't exist.

>> No.2927216

Whatever you prefer. If you'd like to keep it in a paper wallet still, just make a new one and send it to it. Electrum is also a good one.

He probably means Blockchain.info's wallet.

>> No.2927220

>He probably means Blockchain.info's wallet.
I assume so, and there's no equivalent for BitcoinCash yet

>> No.2927230

That puts me back to square one on how to get my BHC on to bittrex.

Even if I copy my BTC to another armory wallet, how can I send them to Bittrex if that wallet is reading as 0? Fucking hell this is a headache. I should have left my coins on coinbase. I really dont want to use untested software and I dont want to have to format my laptop either.

>> No.2927255

>I really dont want to use untested software and I dont want to have to format my laptop either.
Virtual machine

>> No.2927289

im a >newfag and don't understand the market
where should I start?

>> No.2927308

Hold for 5 years

>> No.2927332

Is it that bad right now?
was considering buying like an antminer?
Am I disabled?

>> No.2927390

this is the best strategy

>> No.2927411

Wow holy shit these people are trying to steal everyone crypto

>> No.2927470

How do this many people already have this much BCC

>> No.2927497


>> No.2927771

Do you have a SHA256 ASIC miner?
If not, forget it.