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/biz/ - Business & Finance

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29204957 No.29204957 [Reply] [Original]

The closer I get to making it, the more disdain and disgust I have for people who are in debt or live paycheck to paycheck, smoke weed, do not maintain a healthy body weight, and have no thoughts about the future ahead of what they’re going to do over the weekend. Finally I am beginning to understand why people like George Soros exist.

>> No.29205046

Don't lose your humanity in the pursuit of profits, anon.

>> No.29205094

I guarantee you the disdain for your kind is even worse

>> No.29205098

the fat cattle are the ones who have no humanity

>> No.29205108

I'm currently working for a consumer goods company & deal with retail people. The more money I accumulate, the more I despise them. I try not to but godamn

>> No.29205142

Tell me more!

>> No.29205178

So you're saying you're becoming a pretentious asshole simply because you got lucky while gambling and feel like hot shit?

You're not gonna get far in life with a mindset like that my dude. Gonna hafta humble yourself sooner or later, or the world will do it for you.

>> No.29205207

How much do you workout then?

>> No.29205228
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>So you're saying you're becoming a pretentious asshole simply because you got lucky while gambling and feel like hot shit?

>> No.29205245

Every night when I fuck your mom

>> No.29205250

Dealing with the general public.

>> No.29205262

Why did you say that? Maybe he made his money from a business

>> No.29205299

It’s not gambling to read white papers and understand concepts and their values. It’s also not gambling to understand token scarcity and it’s effect on markets.

>> No.29205309

I was so nice to kill and fuck you family

>> No.29205322

I know it's not, I'm just memeing

>> No.29205332

i remember being a young brainlet like OP

>> No.29205390

Dehumanize yourself and face to bloodshed.

>> No.29205411

What have you do to improve yourself today?

>> No.29205412

>all the pajeetspeak ITT
I should have known better than to browse /biz/ at 4 am

>> No.29205419

Name one time /biz/ has ever been about legitimate business. Maybe when the shrimp farming or welding meme took off I guess. I miss the welding meme.

>> No.29205446 [DELETED] 

I lost my wife in 2018, had to sell everything to cover lifestyle changes after her death, with us having 4 kids.

Was recovering and our small business was starting to turn back around then Covid hit. Sold what few assets we had in the business that were still worth something, and have been since "hustling" to get by. Have turned my free coinbase $$$ into $800, but don't think igmi this time around.


>> No.29205451

I literally read a cnet article the other day...
where they had an IT administrator expert
>"who's job it is to examine the viability of new technologies"
and he found zero value in cryptos, all of them
so... there


>> No.29205467


>> No.29205506

How much do you need?

>> No.29205541

that disdain and digust shows that you aren't even close to making it anon

>> No.29205542

you need christ

>> No.29205561

can you link the article pls?

>> No.29205583
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I'm high 24/7 and probably make more than you

>> No.29205648
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>> No.29205674


First time watching American Psycho huh?

>> No.29205678

NEED is something I can't obtain without a miracle, still owe $112k on the house, and essentially floating debt to keep above water, just to get back to the american dream level of debt now, I've gotta come up with $17k, just to get back to current on everything, feels suffocating.

>> No.29205680

Pics or it didn't happen

>> No.29205687

Not good, that's how you end up getting humbled by circumstances outside of your control

>> No.29205714
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>fake aging techie boomer guy on a fake news payroll that had relevant knowledge over a decade ago buttmad he didn't have the foresight to invest

>> No.29205744

Not saying much, getting high doesn't screw up your brain much in the short term, it only destroys it in the long term.

>> No.29205767

I'm in complete agreeance with that guy, having a tech background myself.

I still read white papers though and make a decision off asking myself "will this project get enough hype?".

I firmly believe it's all vapourware trash, normal software can do everything smart contracts can and theres very little value in essentially 100% of the projects being decentralised and even less in them having a native asset and a forced ecosystem to give some semblance of utilisation.

>> No.29205820

wow an """expert""" has an opinion, better accept it unquestioningly without thinking at all for myself
i think reddit is more your speed

>> No.29205900

Pretty much this. But I don't hate them because they won't make it, I hate them for creating the stupid dynamic of needing to "make it" in the first place. And to that I will fight them with the weapons of their own design.

>> No.29206011

Eh the only proven effect is that it stunts brain growth. Wouldn't really do anything if you started smoking at like 24 or 25 years old. A lot of drugs are like that desu. A lot safer to take recreationally once you pass through your mid 20s or so.

>> No.29206056


You're hating the wrong people, anon

>> No.29206067

Exactly what I thought. People like this guy are losers and forever will be no matter the cash. Poor of mind

>> No.29206141

How can I get a rich mindset?

>> No.29206248

No, I realize there is the elite at the top using advanced spiritual-psychological warfare on the masses to make them docile. But if I put a plate of shit in front of you, would you eat it? If we can't rely on these people to have basic pattern recognition then they are effectively the enemy's weapon that they use to have leverage over us. I'm not saying anything violent, I'm just saying the masses are one with the elite.

>> No.29206369


You can't be mad at NPCs for being NPCs. They literally can't help it.

>> No.29206597

If I'm playing some 4d chess against an opponent, I can see his pieces as an extension of him. The masses are an extension of the elites' will, they are their little drones.

>> No.29206684

Kek. I hope you lose everything some day.

Maybe then you'll name your child Bella and know the ARPA whitepaper.

>> No.29207032

>people who are in debt or live paycheck to paycheck, smoke weed, do not maintain a healthy body weight, and have no thoughts about the future
One of these things is not like the others

>> No.29207099

I’ve always understood which is why I know I’m going to make it and have always known lol

>> No.29207304

>The closer I get to making it, the more disdain and disgust I have for people who are in debt or live paycheck to paycheck, smoke weed, do not maintain a healthy body weight, and have no thoughts about the future ahead of what they’re going to do over the weekend. Finally I am beginning to understand why people like George Soros exist.

Clearly, you have a really low IQ and are ascribing special powers to yourself for making it. It’s actually the opposite for me. The closer I get to making it makes me realize how utterly bullshit it all is, and how absurdly small the window of opportunity is. What would you do without crypto? You produce nothing of social value, and people who do toil.

>> No.29207375

Software dev here. I found zero value in IT Admins, all of them so... there

>> No.29207478
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extremely based

>> No.29207557

>maker of addicting play toys for cattle here, I found zero value in people who keep the it infrastructure of organisations running

>> No.29207626
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>There are still some anons left who aren't total retards

>> No.29208768

>tfw your entire role can be replaced by terraform in a week

>> No.29209093

lol don't care, I'll just get a soul sucking dev job if that happens to make miserable people more miserable with software.
Meanwhile I'll keep my chill job.

>> No.29209213

My housemate is like this.

He moved in during the summer, he's a friend so we all knew he was a degenerate but actually living with him is slowly turning horrible . Every single weekend hes up all night drinking, taking coke, weed, 2cb, kettle, md whatever the fuck is hot that day. Then again on Saturday and will get dominos on Sunday.

But every week he's like whats the plan for the weekend?! Yay the weekends here... on Wednesday he's like were almost there !!
Hes on 25k and rent is 800, spends hundreds on coke, has a credit card that he's still paying off. Irritates me how much of a waster he is sometimes

>> No.29209406

On top of this he also gambles and also didnt have enough for rent once so borrowed from his sister on the condition he closed his gambling account. Then once he had her card he reopened a different account and bet with her money... just so retarded in my eyes. That is retarded right?

>> No.29209851

Rich mindset can mean a lot of different things. Get perspective on life. Realize how random literally everything is. There is no need to look down on anyone. One wrong step or a chain of misfortune and you could have been „the other“ person.
Also read or listen to The Psychology of Money to help develope that kind of „rich mindset“

>> No.29209925

this, I have only gotten more spiritual while on the verge of making it.

>> No.29210168


Mmmmm lol. I remember when I was like this. You’re still naive and immature; soon you’ll learn how some people just got absolutely dealt a bad hand. Like I said, I was like you, but don’t get the god complex because you made 7 figures. The goal here is to support your family then neighbours and build a community. This is the sin of pride creeping it’s way in. You can be humbled very easily friend; a quick stroke or cancer will do that for you no pontoon. May even just a meta mask hack.

Don’t act like you’re better than people, even if you think you are. That is absolutely the wrong mindset to have. Try to help those who aren’t on the same trajectory.

In comparison, you are still gutter feed compared to the truly rich and elite financials. They think they can spit in the face of god and act as they want, but life humbles everyone. Help others anon, don’t let (((them))) trick you into thinking you should only look out for yourself

>> No.29210576

t. wagecuck boomer

>> No.29211572

poorfag cope
giga retarded.

>> No.29211655

You literally got lucky with chuckecheese tokens. Don't get cocky, faggot

>> No.29212536

It really doesn't matter how shit your situation is. If you're an adult, you are expected to have the self awareness to pick yourself up and take matters into your own hands at some point. It's always been this way, except nowadays amerifats don't practice mental fortitude.

If you live in a first world country, being poor is a choice. Just look at the asians who immigrate with next to nothing but raise hyper successful kids.

>> No.29212572


I’m worth 6 million in crypto and my salary is around 130k as a reg surgeon lol. I’m in fantastic shape and handsome. By these standards you preach, you don’t even deserve to breathe the same air as me. I should never even have to look at a genetic waste like you. So let’s answer that then. I see myself as the standard. What’s your excuse for not being a multi millionaire in one of the most prestigious jobs where I make a positive impact to my fellow man? I’m tall and lifting for 12 years with a physique people ruin their endocrine system to even attempt to have. The women you fantasise about I ignore haha. Why are you such a failure?

>> No.29212600
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>The closer I get to making it, the more disdain and disgust I have for people who are in debt or live paycheck to paycheck
Why? They're our cattle.

>> No.29212639


Agree to that extent. I speak for the people who actively try to better themselves but can’t; not the ones engorging themselves and live through their phones and netflix shunning the wealthy yet needing them to be taxed to survive. Some however did get a brutal hand in life. We’re I not in medicine I wouldn’t have this compassion

>> No.29212687


>> No.29212697

People on 4chan looking down on anyone is just a massive cope but whatever makes you feel better at the end of the day

>> No.29212763

i've been needing to read this lately, thanks
i don't know what's wrong with me. i get very frustrated with the people in my life. i think i need to go back to school or something. work isn't stimulating, the people i work with aren't stimulating, they're all normie-as-fuck basic bitches. what the hell there it is again.
what the fuck do i do i'm so stuck. but i have a lot in crypto so i empathize with OP.
but also with your response. i need to humble myself. maybe i need to legitimately just leave and go off on my own for real this time.

>> No.29212820

It's not gambling to hope a company like TESLA does something as retarded as investing billions into it and sends everyone into a frenetic FOMO.

Oh yeah, except that no one could predict that.

>> No.29212882

Here's a secret. Everyone who actually tries to better themselves does. The person you're imagining does not exist. Some people are just animals.

>> No.29212921

Weed is awesome you soulless kike. I’ll see you in hell.

>> No.29212960

all they do is plug in some cables anon

>> No.29213020

fuck off faggot I have been here since this board was fucking created and phoneposting is 10x better than shitty desktop browsing, eat shit and die

>> No.29213029

>noooo I'm not actually fat it's just muh genetics, muh big bones

>> No.29213086

All those concepts and values are tied directly to whatever bitcoin does though

>> No.29213155

No it won't. 'The world is gonna humble you' you're a loser if you let it. It's that simple. You dorks repeat your hallmark quotes and think you're being particularly deep and philosophical.

>> No.29213167

Chasing money is by far the most soulless thing one can do.

>> No.29213216

dont be retarded. even normies cant help but notice things

>> No.29213242

You sound like an edgy 12 year old

>> No.29213308

>wastes time lifting heavy things and putting them back
>thinks he's going to make it
Do you see George Soros lifting heavy things and putting them back?

>> No.29213358

This, I'm in it just for the gambling dopamine rush. Not spending anything ever, just want to see numbers go up so that I can gamble with even bigger numbers

>> No.29213362

human cattle unironically contribute more to society than gamblers that made big money in speculative bubbles

>> No.29213400

Jews actually want to go to hell bro, look it up. Their "paradise" literally is in hell.

>> No.29213417

You sound like a retard. Midwits like him repeat quotes they saw online and think it means anything, forcing everyone else to suffer their unbelievable lack of creativity.

>> No.29213440

Maybe wage slave in manual labor and literally get paid to get fit then, you fat fuck.

>> No.29213519

People like george soros will feast on your carcass sooner than you think, poorfag

>> No.29213527

Nah, you do that and I'll buy your blood later on. That's how you make it

>> No.29213553

Contributing to society is a meme. 95% of the working population is a consumption loop that does nothing but legitimize the transfer of wealth from the printers to the elites. The majority of the population could die tomorrow and the economy would keep chugging away.

>> No.29213569

Checked and based.

>> No.29213570

The more money i have, the more patronizing i become towards poor people.

>> No.29213607

>normies this normies that
>this absolute obsession
Seriously, what makes you think you are better than normal people? Not being able to get laid? Romanticizing being a social outcast by watching Blade Runner for the 10th time? I'm serious. What is the tought process here?
>I'm a loser but I'm not just a regular person failing at certain aspects in life, I'm special and just not part of the functioning hivemind

People like >>29213417 are a prime example of what I'm talking about. This whole midwit thing.
>I might be under the average but the very smart people think JUST LIKE ME.
This is such a miserable cope, truly ironic that you would advocate for self-improvement when you are part of such a hivemind

>> No.29213621

Also based

>> No.29213695

I just don't like how people want you to fail to feel better about themselves.

>> No.29213784

Let's face it, half of making it is luck. If you don't want to admit it you're being dishonest. You can make all the right choices, place all the right bets and you can lose every one of those bets because at the end of the day there's still luck involved in literally everything. If god wants you to stay poor you'll stay poor, he'll paralyze your ass if he wants to.

>> No.29213822

Desktop browsing encourages quality content

>> No.29213941

ITT - fat people and a budding sociopath

>> No.29214028

If you can't recognize that some people are just better, you're probably a midwit. Retards recognize that some people are better then others, and intelligent people do the same. It's only this specific subset of dumbasses who think that everyone else is like them, just with more cheat codes or handicaps. People aren't equal. Hell, most people aren't sentient. Out of 105 billion people that have ever lived, probably a billion actually mattered. Probably 1-2 billion ever even had the capacity to matter.

>> No.29214134

No one ever argued that there is no difference between people. Imagine thinking highly of yourself for winning an argument that only exist in your head. You sound truly miserable

>> No.29214291

I'm no more capable of being miserable then you're capable of being successful.

>> No.29214376

Alright dude, just stay in school

>> No.29214423

Did you know that Doctors used to advertise cigarettes & even say they were good for you?

>> No.29214466

you've become alienated from your fellow man. maybe spend some time volunteering at a homeless shelter or mentoring kids

>> No.29214539

holy kek what a fuckin zoomer
this board is older than you

>> No.29214647

on one hand they know that they could improve themselves if they did all that stuff but they're lazy, but on the other hand a large portion of 'getting rich' involves making others poorer so really NOT everyone could go on and 'get rich' and I think that has something to do with it.

>> No.29214680

I'm happy to help people. I'm working through the financials of starting a food bank/warehouse in my area and I regularly chat with and feed the local homeless. That doesn't mean I have to pretend that the average person is anything more then cattle. If anything, spending less time around people allows me to forget how limited they are. Of course I still come here and you'll remind me.

>> No.29214733

You have a tech background and you can't see the benefit of decentralised consensus driven protocols? ok.

>> No.29214753

Do it, they're worthless pieces of shit

>> No.29214798

As I've posted before, there are immigrants who go from absolutely nothing to generational wealth. I'm an Ausfag and us nationals can't even compete with asians in the job market. And of course, we sit around blaming anything and everything but ourselves.

Asians have already figured it out. In their home country you either develop a Gonna Make It attitude and work ethic, or you throw yourself off the tallest building. If your parents are too busy being at work all the time, you teach yourself. Your failures are your own.

The sooner you stop blaming luck and god for being a shitcunt the better things will get for you.

>> No.29214814

they don't call 'em nigger cattle for nothin'

>> No.29214839

Holy fucking based.

>> No.29214864

I hear you, but don't forget that people are at different levels and need to mature.

>> No.29214947

Reddit chimes in

>> No.29214950

>normie starts to notrice
>send in product #2012341
>normie goes back into docile state

>> No.29214979


>> No.29214981

thats their choice. learn the differemce between choices and preferences. youll probably be poor in a few years anyway with your mindset. ill take a number 5 please.

>> No.29215008

glad i could take a moment to remind you how much better you are than me

>> No.29215035

Well, I started investing in stocks last Feb, then my son was born and it's been crazy since. My portfolio I made back then on robinhood has quintupled in value. As for my weight, I've lost 60 lbs and am doing quite nicely. In the last 3 months I've dipped a few more inches of foot into the water and am learning. I'm not gonna have my poorfolio explode overnight, but I'm working on it. Oh, and I'm too cool for drugs, all 30 of my years.

>> No.29215132

This anon gets it. Most anons in this thread really love themselves too much in a wrong way

>> No.29215134

um, based?

>> No.29215179

>I've dipped a few more inches of foot into the water and am learning.
Are you black and trying to learn how to swim anon? More power to you

>> No.29215199

>muh anecdotal evidence
Here's anecdotal evidence: some people just fucking die randomly. Didn't try hard enough I guess.
>stop blaming luck
I'm not blaming luck, I'm lucky, I worked very little in my life and got a lot of shit handed to me. So you keep working hard, I'll just keep gambling because I'm a lucky motherfucker

>> No.29215215

Sadhu ID. There is no such thing as coincidence in my frame of reference

>> No.29215227

Not you in particular anon. Just /biz/

>> No.29215260

Nah, I said I have a kid.

>> No.29215293

Woah man don’t be anti Semitic

>> No.29215339

Wow. U invested in shitcoins from biz. Ure so clever anon.

>> No.29215508

yeehawww we got us a bunch of nigger cattle

>> No.29215634

Hardly anecdotal considering they outperform everwhere they go. Learn from them or get left behind, western culture has degraded into shitshow of coping mechanisms. You're not paralyzed or retarded. Take some fucking responsibility in yourself.

Hard work will probably do you some good, kick that pussy excuse-making attitude right out. You do you though, all the best.

>> No.29215765

asians are useless
they're all mentally stunted
they can't work in a professional field properly as they can't shake the parent child mentality
thats why they don't make it to the top
they are grunt workers

>> No.29215772
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>pajeets in my team at work earn 65k (shit tier in Australia) and have been doing so for 20 years
>answer calls all day, talk to each other in between, at no point do they use any brain power
>need me to help them through the smallest fucking tech issues that I've already gone over a dozen times
>some are approaching retirement and still have hardly anything saved
>despite this, they will go out and spend $20 on a shitty bowl of salad for lunch or a few thousand on a holiday to some generic tourist trap
>they appear content with this meaningless existence, having made no progress in their entire career, while I feel like killing myself after a year here because it's brainless work
How the fuck do these people function? What drives them? I'm struggling to understand

>> No.29215940

rather be a piece of shit consumer than an asian who enslaves himself and works like a drone.
they get discriminated against at Ivy leagues because working 24/7 is not worth more than being free thinking and having a mind of your own but still making things happen.

>> No.29215999

This is completely wrong. The reason tier one Asians move to 1st world countries us because their place of origin is a shit hole. You could be the smartest and most gifted Chinese, but if you don't know the right people or don't have guanxi you'll literally be a bank teller for the rest of your life. The reason they come to Australia is because there is such population density there's so many ways people at the top can eye fuck you and get away with it since you're so replaceable. That's why people emigrate

>> No.29216047

obvious newfag

>> No.29216050

This. I hope you rope yourself in mine craft Anon. Just because people live pay to pay, smoke weed and the other shit you mention doesn’t mean you should hate them. If you don’t want to be like them fair enough. But cmon. Don’t be naive and think you’re better because of ‘muh’ magic internet money.

>> No.29216071
File: 257 KB, 1280x898, qMbinRCV_8caGo_CHsgKzvr-1OS6f4D4sdZ0-VvZXEc.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Never forget it anon

>> No.29216106


>> No.29216135

I have seen such things with my own eyes, OP. My friends are disgusting.
>wake up at 10
>eat a bowl of sugar cereal, 2 poptarts, and a slice of cold pizza
>smoke weed
>play video games for an hour
>go to buy gas and get a vape, lottery tickets, and some reese's for $20 as well
>go to work at a minimum wage restaurant job
>spend $12 on fast food lunch
>leave job and go shopping
>spend 60% premium on name brand versions of every food
>drops much of a day's pay on alcohol thinking it was a bargain
>check out a $250 cart filled mostly with expensive junk food
>go home
>eat $4 worth of sweets and chips
>more vidya
>buy a completely useless dlc for a game
>fat gf comes over
>neither want to drive to get food so spend $40 on doordash
>end up having to drive anyway to get fat gf's vape stuff for $15
>eat a bowl of ice cream before going to sleep with as many electrical appliances as possible still turned on
Many such cases!

>> No.29216334

No he is saying the more he ages the more he realizes the world is overpopulated with retards. Since he sees one can better themselves and their conditions easily (having done so himself) he realizes the undisciplined masses are just losers.
The world isnt your personal karmic checkbook. It doesnt humble evil men, it empowers them so God can teach tough lessons through them and their systems of oppression. Have fun blaming everyone else for being a loser and chalking up everyone elses success to luck.

>> No.29216426

most people are cattle npc's who need guidance, they are adult babies who need to be told by intitutions and rules what is good and what is bad. They are incapable of basic rationality and the consequences of their actions.

The economy makes use of them and lures them even further into their bad habits to open and mantain new markets, while this might give short term profit it is a very bad way for everyone into the future.

>> No.29216518

Mate that was exactly my point. They're super competitive and if they can't succeed in China, they'll rope or come here. Nationals don't stand a chance.

This is what I meant on my previous post, keep coping with your own failures and do nothing while they pull the rug out from under you. Just remember YOU let them win.

>> No.29216732

Yeah but the problrhm is they bring their shitty cliques and discriminatory attitudes here which ruins it for a lot of other people. It's why making it off crypto is the most ethical and honest way to make it. Name a single crypto that was made by a wage slaving Asian. There aren't any

>> No.29216756

don't hold it against him. he's just angry

>> No.29216809

Every second day like everyone is supposed to, fatty.

>> No.29216820

For most people, waking up is painful and subconsciously avoided.

>> No.29216862

Ultimately I feel there are two ways people handle money, neither way is right or wrong, it's just how people live their lives.

1) acoomulators, biztards and finance savvy types, like to scrimp and save and invest but maybe this leads to extra stress and unhappiness if they don't feel they have enough. It's smart and safe but you have to not get carried away with yourself.
2) Consoomers and the like, basically those people describe in this thread. They may be poor to the acoomulator comparatively sure, but technically for them the amount of money doesn't matter, for them it is either positive or negative, its a binary decision, the amount doesn't matter cus as long as they have their treats until the next paycheck that's all that matters, they'll bumble along until old age when the state pension gives them just enough to keep doing this.

On paper option one seems smarter financially sure, but sometimes it feels those following option two are far happier in their own worlds

>> No.29216864

>he's complaining about discriminatory attitudes
>on /biz/, which treats wagies as the subhumans they are

>> No.29216879

This. But that sociopath is gonna lord over these fat retards crying about a harsh truth.

>> No.29216888

>Im George Soros now.
>Better than everyone!
>technical mishap cause OP to be locked out of funds
>Noooooo why, Im better than everyone this cant beee!!

>> No.29216975

>that humbleness you preached....

>> No.29217012

go back zipperhead gook
you'll never be white

>> No.29217034

>Take some fucking responsibility in yourself
Jesus you're fucking insufferable. How high are you planning to climb on that moral high ground? You're not special for "taking responsibility", we all take responsibility for the gambles we make. You're just stupid enough to think that everything is up to your skill which is not the case. You can't admit it because it will make you feel a little bit less special. What do you mean some of my success was down to luck noooooo I did everything I'm special booohoooo I'm so special weeeeeea. That's you

>> No.29217101

This anon is just begging to get cancer or get hit by a drunk driver at this point

>> No.29217209


>> No.29217378


>> No.29217546

I do it daily but allow one to two floating rest days. Its just better for me to maintain a constant pump that way. I should probably start running and doing ab exercises again though. I feel myself reverting back into a retard normie golem by allowing myself to become undisciplined and seeing how many of the posters here have ngmi everyone is special attitude is a wake up call.

>> No.29217621

The closer I get to making it the more I slack off. Work out less, smoke way more, drink way more, don't try better myself etc. I have money, no need to chase that bs anymore. Time to relax and let myself go a little.

>> No.29217825

>My dude
Another poor fag

>> No.29218065

>my dude
Plebbit beta loser, learn to communicate without sounding like a fucking faggot.

>> No.29218130

Discipline is not luck. Are you being purposely obtuse or are you just simple? Taking responsibility for your self means adopting disciplined and structured behavioral routines that bring about positive changes in ones life. Most people are not consciously doing that. Most people are slave to their base desires. Most will not study on their own, workout regularly, and plan for their future. They will instead eat addicting unhealthy foods, feel lacking in energy and become lethargic, become depressed due to lack of accomplishments resulting from lethargy, and then never break the cycle because just fucking changing any one aspect is "too hard"
To top it all off america and western culture is assassinating traditional masculinity so you have no stern father archetype, no wise and ultimately correct but kinda dickish drill sargent to call you a pussy ass cupcake faggot and warn you that you are making yourself weak, poor, and stupid with your choices. (And i mean a general you, not you directly as obviously idk who tf you are)

>> No.29218161

Asian countries have high suicide rate. A lot of asians in the US tend to be insane, exactly due to the high expectations placed on them based on a stereotype.

Also the asians that immigrate to the west tend to be rich

>> No.29218167
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>> No.29218241

Keep making compromises on your morality, see how it works out. Keep your fingers crossed theres not anither epstein out there. You seen to be 'the type'.

>> No.29218408

Not OP, but I think people are misunderstanding. I'm not rich. I don't have massive crypto gains. I'm not in peak physical shape. Although it's nice to think so sometimes, I'm not a genius either. I'm just what I think a relatively average guy my age should be. I don't think much of myself which is precisely why I think so little of people who can't even come close to accomplishing the small things I have. Unless they're legitimately disabled, they don't have an excuse.

>> No.29218562

I smoke and I'm rich, well not like Jeff Bezos but I own my shit and I'm wealthy

>> No.29218564

Fucking THIS, thank you. Y'all seriously need to get your shit together

>> No.29219026

I can’t fathom giving a shit about how someone accesses the internet.

>> No.29219203


>> No.29219259

Go back

>> No.29219713

No shit, class begots struggle to keep one's standing, centralized power or wealth itself creates massive corruption and stratification. They've done studies that have shown you can only be friends with people who are within 10 multiples of wealth from you, anymore or less and your incomes are just so far apart you can't relate to their struggles and needs anymore. It's actually fucked up, wealth dehumanizes you.

>> No.29219812

i know the feeling.

like, for instance, i'm readin about union right now (UNN) and i know it's a 100x, and i know i'll sell early, but like, a normie could enter this and change their life but they just don't know.

feels weird man.

>> No.29219821

i didn't quite get your point, could you make a harry potter reference?

>> No.29219919

>because you got lucky while gambling
this is what you get wrong, it was not luck, the writing was all over the wall, kek
ps: buy 0.02 BTC and become a millionaire in 2028, kek

>> No.29219935

You have already lost. And the worst part is that you don't even know

>> No.29220035

>gets cancer
>guess I was just a loser
The world will humble you meme is not a meme, it’s true. There are many horrible things that can happen to you no matter how much money you have.

>> No.29220935

>get cancer
>money ensures you get the best chance of survival

>> No.29221001


>> No.29221131

Rooting for you OP, infact I believe Japan is very bullish in the near future, with the high anmount of individuals who have potential, not all, but more than other countries.

>> No.29221573
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ask him in a bear market, I mean next month

>> No.29221834

>got lucky
>y-you're not gonna get far
>op already close to making it

>> No.29222042
File: 615 KB, 629x758, 1611634111163.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

making it is when you dont even THINK about normal people anymore. making it is true transcendence.

>> No.29222683

How can you tell when someone's phoneposting?

>> No.29222741
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>> No.29222771

>smoke weed

ive smoked a lot of weed and bought a lot of nfts idk working out rn

>> No.29222806

based and Christ-pilled

>> No.29222883

Kys chink faggot you are not Aussie.

>> No.29222893

Same, you try and help the retards to see the error of their ways but you eventually end up resenting them. They function on ego not on logic.

>> No.29222989

Drop this loser friend
Only a matter of time before he’s leeching off you
I learned this lesson the hard way

>> No.29223064

>reading white papers

Holy fuck how much of midwit are you. IMAGINE reading one of those ever

>> No.29223128

You are calling someone a midwife for reading a white paper?
Go back you fucking mongoloid faggot plebbit loser.

>> No.29223260

theyre natural born slaves for over 1k years anon, to poo you must become poo

>> No.29223437

>my dude
you know where you need to go

95 iq tops
fuck off

>> No.29223448

Weak dumdum coward, probably why god bitchslapped you so many times

>> No.29223564

You can be though, they are weaponized to coerce non NPCs into conformity

>> No.29223621

that's pathetic. if making money does this to you, then
>A. you're less than human shit
>B. you don't deserve what you have
>C. you WILL NOT make it
>D. you will get BTFO while all those you don't want to pay for get to clamor and eat up your gains
>E. you will watch your loved ones take it up the ass by big jewish cock

>> No.29223684

Phonefag detected.

I have 100k worth of crypto and have never read a white paper. If you need to reassure yourself with technicals about a project and can’t just make a gut decision then you’re midwit as fuck.

>> No.29223693

and yet you're still this impeccably worthless. get ready for what's coming up your ass

>> No.29223857

>On paper option one seems smarter financially sure, but sometimes it feels those following option two are far happier in their own worlds
yes but ever since i've been old enough to think I've wanted to kill myself and even the thought of working. i hate working. it's such bullshit. it's impossible for me to be happy working, I have to have an end goal in mind to be able to do it, otherwise you're just doing it day in day out endlessly. i don't understand how anyone can be content being a wageslave.

>> No.29223876

>he doesn't use his intuition to make a decision
lmfao midwits are actually retarded

>phone poster

>> No.29223930

Filenames or weird autocorrect

>> No.29223971

are you me? holy shit

>> No.29223981
File: 416 KB, 1030x1280, Lucifer3.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

you're a faggot, and deluded. Admit it, you got in early. You got lucky

simple as.

>> No.29224051

do you guys not have phones?

>> No.29224081

Anyone have the
>they’ll say you were lucky

>> No.29224107

what a shitty attitude. good luck living life in solitude.

>> No.29224146


>> No.29224154

>implying bitcoin didn’t hit tens of thousands of dollars without that

>> No.29224155


>> No.29224189

So, like literally every 4chan user? Why would you continue to post here when the people you talk to are 99% identical to the kind of person you hate?

>> No.29224231

but he did win the argument and you sound stupid
just because you're a loser doesn't mean you can't learn to lose gracefully anon

>> No.29224290

Sounds like money is turning you into an absolute shitbag. Good for you.

>> No.29224384

You're winning. No need to be so edgy. Why not use your success to teach and inspire others? Most people have been oppressed for so long, they want and need to be shown how to rise above it. In your fight against Soros, be careful, that you don't become a Soros.

>> No.29224390

wait, he thinks he's a mega rich baller with only $25k? and he even told u he has $25k?

>> No.29224408

It's not that simple. The whales control everything and can theoretically dump on people they hate, just to kick them out.

>> No.29224427

Cope wagie

>> No.29224438

You have to go back

>> No.29224478

Congratulations, you are a shitty person and money will only make others like you as long as you're giving it to them.
Your best chance of being accepted or loved by other human beings is to hide who you really are.
You will be miserable regardless of your bank account.

>> No.29224554

Good Anakin, Goood

>> No.29224564

I never said I am becoming Soros nor do I ever aspire to be him. I merely understand him more than I did before.

90%+ people on earth are sheep and I can completely understand why certain people justify using and abusing them. Think of all the idiots on Reddit, Twitter, and Facebook. They comprise of at least 89% of humanity. They deserve everything they get for their own retardation.

>> No.29224737


this cant be real. I make 85k as a software dev and I cook 95% of my meals and dont even have meat every day. Just yesterday I made a batch of veggie soup for like 5$ and today I had oatmeal with oatmilk and I felt kinda bad I put way too much chocolate powder (nesquik knock off lol i dont even buy the real thing)

>> No.29224867

as a software dev I just cant function without knowing I have a big financial safety net and if I get fired or the stress it getting to me I can comfortably survive for over a year without working. Also I always ask myself how much do I value the things I buy and if they bring me any real value except scratching a buying itch.

>> No.29225101

>get cancer
>it's because you were full of yourself

>> No.29225152

i have 15k link but i will always remember my fellow man fondly. Do not pretend to not have humanity, you are not better than anyone.

>> No.29225302

starting to see this more and more, especially in how i used to be. fuck i wish i could go back 10 years and beat my ass

>> No.29225529

its real. they are also the poeple that call you a loser for not joining them or lending them money youll never get back

>> No.29225696

I feel you, bro. I definitely used to get enraged with people who don't even want to try. Now I don't even think about them. I just get a lot of happiness from helping my buds make it.

>> No.29225716

absolutely based. OP BTFO