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29167733 No.29167733 [Reply] [Original]

>Holders of CAKE what do you think the price will stabilize at? I can see it reaching 25$ and staying there kind of like Uniswap at $20.
>If we want to see BNB at 1900$ it will need to 4x its market cap. We're seeing a huge power spike in BSC in only ONE WEEK. This rocket will need to refuel for a period of time before it ascends again so buy more BNB with what you have before you really get out priced.
>BAKE I can see finally reaching $5 maybe end of March.
>EGG. I have no fucking idea about EGG, but with the super limited supply, still lowish mcap and high price currently at $144 I could see this 4xing as well. It really came out of no where from 3-4 days ago.

what are your predictions?

>> No.29168137

What about Burger? I fucking bought the top.

>> No.29168167

Bump. I already put 1k at $15. I wanna add 4k but that chart is scary as F. 1 week of non stop mooning..........

>> No.29168288

whatever you do dont panic sell you got this

>> No.29168311

I can see CAKE going to double digits soon. It’s not even a top 100 coin yet.

>> No.29168347


>> No.29168371

MC is half of TVL, gonna 2x, screencap this

check em

>> No.29168383

it's already at double digits

>> No.29168417

LOL. Yes BAKE. My phone autocorrected and I’m not sure why. It is still got a lot to run.

>> No.29168864

CAKE has the potential to reach $40. It's a bluechip farming token and you can profit from farming it just like EGG. Over 40, I think most people would be priced out so I think it'll sit there stably. But that was the entry point for EGG which, although having higher APR, seems more risky.

EGG I think can go to 200 dollars. I kinda regret going into it in a way since I traded BNB for it, and BNB has seen similar growth. I've made about 25% more but the growth hasn't exploded like I wanted it to.

BNB is reliant on BSC. One high profile rugpull will ruin the coin. But I think it'll reach 2k EOY for sure if adoption continues. Ethically it's kind of offputting to the more libertarian mindset of traditional crypto users, but I think it can access a newer market of people who are more about making money (also the demographic that is likely to engage in the yield farming BSC is known for).

>> No.29169273

What about BAKE?

>> No.29169323


>> No.29169613

I dont fuck with burger since I didnt want to split too much of my assets in all these exchanges but its still relatively lower market cap lets look at the current numbers of 3 exchanges.

>CAKE: Price $19.. Market Cap: 3.5BIL.. Total Supply: 190Mil.. Holders: 82k.. Transfers: 12.5Mil..
>BURGER: Price $12.. Market Cap: 151Mil.. Total Supply: 12Mil.. Holders 17k.. Transfers 1.4Mil
>BAKE: Price $2.. Market Cap: 1.2BIL.. Total Supply: 544Mil.. Holders: 33k.. Transfers 1.3Mil.

So we can See that CAKE is leading the charge in usage, highest market cap, holders, transfers, but with a supply of 190Mil..

Burger however is already pricing close to or near CAKE at $12 with a much smaller market cap, must lower market cap, a very small supply and half the holders of BAKE but around the same amount of usage.

BAKE at $2 has the highest supply with the 2nd most of holders, so over time, thinking a year from now it could reach $5. Burger isnt getting the amount of love that CAKE is however as CAKE seems to be what BSC is marketing as the main exchange. If Burger all of a sudden blew up with traffic for whatever reason it would definitely exceed CAKEs price point.

Small investors look into BAKE as a means of 2xing an investment in 2021.

>> No.29169626

BAKE has trash APY across the board. What the fuck is its value proposition? Has it even been audited?

>> No.29169633
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>mfw i bought bake, cake and burger
>mfw i dont know what any if them do
>mfw im going to watch them battle each other to see who ends up as the ultimate shitcoin

Now this is peak comfy

>> No.29169688

ive never heard of any of these coins and I have no idea how to even trade binancs tokens.

>> No.29169693

Do the fucking math nerd, 300m uni tokens vs 100m cake tokens
cake processes more transactions
so it needs to pump to $60 to match uniswaps valuation now

>> No.29169735

compare uniswap (dying, less volume, insane fees) to pancakeswap (more volume, striving, BNB is pumping the fuck off > money will go to BSC) and check their marketcaps
Cake can unironically 3x from there just to be valued similarly to Uniswap

>> No.29169862

BAKE is pumping once again, we might reach $5 EOW

>> No.29169978

Is it worth farming and staking this?

I have 1 bnb and 9 cake but I dunno the apy's

>> No.29170120

it will literally never stop going up unless theres a market crash.

>> No.29170193

Be honest...do I sell my banana for more cake or bake? Banana apy is good but the price is doing fuck all

>> No.29170323

Get on BAKE retard we've been warning you for 2 days now

>> No.29170456

I have BAKE already but yeah I'm going to sell my BANANA for more fuck this

>> No.29170483

Why BAKE and not CAKE?

>> No.29170602

I was also asking this, whether I should ditch my BANANA for CAKE or BAKE

>> No.29170616

how much do you have in CAKE and BNB?

>> No.29170646

It will decouple when BNB settles down for a bit, then CAKE is easily going to 50

>> No.29170678

If you're sick of monitoring prices and trying to look for the next scam reflect token on BSC, just fucking buy CAKE and stake it. Your time is precious and CAKE is already a guaranteed winner on BSC.

>> No.29170735

imagine a normie reading this thread

>> No.29170748

BAKE is currently cheaper so it's easier to get a 2x from here

>> No.29170751

Cute like MapleStory

>> No.29170761

how much for a decent stake return?

>> No.29170815

Im guessing CAKE is the safer option out of the two in this BNB bullrun with guaranteed but a bit less gains potential than BAKE

>> No.29170870

wouldnt you say BNB would be a bigger winner here if we were to assume BNB to eventually reach $1900 compared to another anon saying CAKE reaching $60, the BNB would far out perform CAKE in returns

>> No.29170890

Someone answer this without memeing please i also want to know

>> No.29170966

BAKE if you have a lower amount to invest

>> No.29171101

you should hold both realistically
BNB funds BSC and BSC relies pretty much 95% on Pancakeswap (Cake) right now
The higher BNB goes the higher CAKE will go, except Cake has a much much smaller marketcap

>> No.29171182

I have ~$1000 usd in BANANA
~225 BAKE
~96 CAKE
Where do I dump BANANA gains

>> No.29171280

I would grab another BNB and put the rest into CAKE. I just dumped 5500 into CAKE and will wait to see if BNB hits 300 today to buy in a dip

>> No.29171350
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>> No.29171458

Can i put my BNB to work somehow? I'm already staking my CAKE and dont want to buy any other project.

>> No.29171571

This is confusing. Either you buy BNB because it moons harder or either you buy CAKE because it's undervalued right now considering an overvalued BNB?

>> No.29171822

how do you search shit on chartex when i search cakebnb i get nothing when i search cake/bnb i get nothing

>> No.29171991

or you buy both to hedge your bets. this will only end when btc crashes/CCP rugpulls. China is about to benefit bigly from a weakening US dollar and it looks like they're looking at crypto

>> No.29172565

Just sold all my cake for ramen. I’m also farming egg making 1 egg and hour and pumping it all into ramen. Yolo.

>> No.29172572

this is from Coingecko

>> No.29172627
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Underrated post

>> No.29172668

EGG has huge innovations in the yield farming space coming - check their medium articles. I coooomed

>> No.29172755

Can cake get rugged? Im on cake, egg and smoke, thinking on selling smoke and egg and stay all in on cake, i would get like 4 cakes daily going all in and thats sound comfy to me

>> No.29172789

that first incubator release is going to be a blood bath if they cap the supply to a significant degree. a lot of whales. poorfags should migrate to smoke, its chart right now looks exactly like egg's from monday

>> No.29172828


How many eggs do You have bro

>> No.29172926
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>> No.29172952

Please explain. Isn't the whole point incentivizing deflation of genesis eggs?

>> No.29172964

Like 70 or so and paired it with BUSD. It’s pretty comfy.

>> No.29173004

It's normie friendly because it's on Binance. Other than pumping it does nothing, their github hasn't been touched in over 5 months now. It's the ultimate shitcoin
Once normies figure out PancakeSwap it's gonna get crazy

>> No.29173016
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>> No.29173250

man, you better get into this shit, it's still early and you really don't want to miss this train

>> No.29173361

Are you worried about IL?

>> No.29173378

in order from most risk to least.

>BSC Blue Chips

>mid risk

>high risk

>> No.29173398

>cake maxi checkin in
Fuck all you shitcoiners who undoubtedly shit up CAKE threads with your obvious inferior knockoffs. Egg ape banana sushi bake fake they are all fucking trash and all you have to do is buy CAKE, stake CAKE and then get comfy. But you wont because your a sucker, so instead have a gamble, im profiting off it indirectly by holding CAKE anyway. Losers

>> No.29173439
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>highest risk/yield

>> No.29173445

if you already have this much cake and bake, then just dump this $1000 into some new BSC scamcoins and do sick gains like x4 per day

>> No.29173506

Not when I’m making the apy I am.

>> No.29173538
File: 13 KB, 312x440, A198CF48-45A3-46E8-A0A8-FCE9994B3D54.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

/biz/ness and finance

>> No.29173577 [DELETED] 

no way you're farming 1 egg an hour at 70 staked. That's how much I make with 660 eggs staked

>> No.29173647

somewhere between $30-$60

>> No.29173694

Id never consider selling under $100. This is pure antshare vibes

>> No.29173854

I can't explain, because I don't really know what I'm talking about. Just meant to say that people expecting to make it into the genesis pool with their <100 eggs are setting themselves up for frowns when it's sold out inmediately

>> No.29174022

Wtf fuck of with your shitcoin retard.
CAKE, BNB and EGG is al you need and yield farm those fuckers.

>> No.29174034

660 eggs or 660 lp pair? I probably fucked up the 70 as it was a week ago an I’ve just been compounding but it’s an egg literally on the hour.

>> No.29174247

Did all of you miss the ACS/ACSI train btw?
Literally made 5K into 25K in a week.

>> No.29174564

nah wtf is acs, good gains
what could I expect with farming 10 eggs i dont know shit about farming only ever stake

>> No.29174892

Where did you find this gem? still try to find out, where to get the best infos about new releases like in dextools.

>> No.29175106

Don't remember exactly anymore, there's plenty of sites that list BSC projects, found it there. Got in really early on bot ACS and ACSI, God-tier tokens, both of them.

>> No.29175304

Lol only stake? Have you seen the APY's on yield farming. You guys make me believe BSC is only just starting. Get in now and be rich EOY.

>> No.29175578


>> No.29175753

but what about imp.loss people always talk about thats why im asking if just testing with 10 would be okay

>> No.29175827

Do the CAKE-BNB farm on goosedefi for maximum gains

>> No.29176019

actually how the fuck does farming work, if I want to farm in the egg-busd, I have to add liquidity, do I liquidate my egg into egg or busd to join the egg-busd farm?

>> No.29176056

Are you me?

>> No.29176072

Soda Swap going straight up to the fucking moon.

Make sure you're in now before its too late.

PancakeSwap contract address: 0x5c9a505693373976648af5f9eab6736070da6f71

>> No.29176249

wheres the website

>> No.29176340

This is a scam token look at the transactions all bought none sold. Probably approve is disabled. Look up the actual soda swap on bscscan frens.

>> No.29176427

You can farm with your current holdings and earn EGG. On goosedefi under farms look for CAKE-BNB LP. Click on details and that will take you to the right liquidity pool

>> No.29177347
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You didn't even try to hide the lack of contract code, fuck off. Newfriends, do NOT do it, you WILL not be able to sell and you will LOSE your money. Fucking asshole.

>> No.29177400
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>you can stake cake in the syrup pool to earn cake
>you can stake cake-bnb lq to ear cake

So which one do I use??? I only got 9.80 cake-bnb lp so my gains are smol but I guess better than nothing

>> No.29177545

You already exchanged for LP?

>> No.29178115

Yeah but I'm considering getting more CAKE so idk if I should put it in farm or pool (which would mean I'd only buy half the cake because of the 50/50 split to get liquidity).

>> No.29178807

Hard to say but buy while there's a dip!!

>> No.29178943

kill yourself retard
nigger faggot

>> No.29178997

I don't feel so good cake bros

>> No.29179282

Oh fuck is this the end?

>> No.29179310

Omg my stop limit saved me. Gonna buy back nowww

>> No.29179456


>> No.29179557


>> No.29179801


I thought you can, just not one where you can deposit money. You could always move some coiners from elsewhere to binance, then convert to BNB.

>> No.29180095


Lmao, if a burgers knows BNB he knows what a VPN is.

>> No.29180244

Right but I thought they can detect it and KYC you now

>> No.29180446
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Can someone explain this crazy bullshit to me? Is there a reason I shouldn't stick all my money in here and gain these absurd roi rates?

>> No.29180695


>> No.29180941

It will go down over time so the year projection is a meme and is only mathematically true given current ROI + daily compounding
The rates are absolutely real in the short term, though, the only thing to watch out for is impermanent loss on pairs.