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/biz/ - Business & Finance

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29171162 No.29171162 [Reply] [Original]

We're approaching peak retail investor. Next month is gonna get ugly

>> No.29171215

What the fuck I thought this run would last at least until early summer. Fucking shit crypto influencers accelerating mania phase.

>> No.29171228

normies have been doing shit like this since summer

>> No.29171313

how much LINK for a night with this gentleman?

>> No.29171558

the negatives of the influencers and normies pumping might be overpowered by institutional money pouring in like a faucet

>> No.29171692

I would eat her human fecal matter.

>> No.29171766

$1313 USD

>> No.29171809

>institutional money
Who started this meme? This is hillarious. People are actually falling for it.

>> No.29171905

Wrong. Institutions trade short term when volatility is high. They do this in the stock market and they would do the same for crypto. Every institutional trader learns to trade out of positions when volatility goes up. They're selling right now if they haven't already.

>> No.29171914


>> No.29172193

ive seen anons always say to sell when women get involved in anything

>> No.29172357

Wrong https://thedailychain.com/microstrategy-gets-a-1-05b-debt-in-plan-to-buy-more-bitcoins/

>> No.29172423

Buying BTC
I still agree will have a correction but think it's smart to buy BTC over shitcoins long term

>> No.29172541

Let's goooooo Jess!!!!!

>> No.29172558



Billion dollar investments.

>> No.29172611

>falling for obvious ewhore

are you 12?

>> No.29172928


>> No.29172965

A whole billion dollars?

>> No.29173090

That’s a man

>> No.29173254

Yet you think a million normies tops with their 1k max holdings are in control of the market you dumb cuck

>> No.29173337

not true at all, this is December 2017 all over again.

>> No.29173433

Anon we're at trillion market cap now, a billion is a fart in a bucket

>> No.29173668

This should be FUD but it isn't. There's too many examples to pick from these days. Too many people who have no clue what they are doing are doing it. Between that and that other thread on the 350 DMA, it may be time to take profits.

>> No.29173765

That is nearly 0.1 RLC soon

>> No.29173787

My coworkers are all talking about crypto they’ve bought. It’s giving me flashbacks to the last cycle where all my coworkers bought the top.

>> No.29173932

Autists, incels, and neets will dump on normies, boomers, and institutions leaving them with bags. Completing the greatest wealth transfer of our time.

>> No.29173931

Either you are repeating this a lot on /biz/ or I'm seeing this sentiment almost daily.

>> No.29174079

Same exact thing happened to me with my coworkers 2017. It's usually the older dudes, sometimes single, who are just bored and looking to gamble. They think it just goes up forever. If they stood a chance at the market they would have been in stocks and commodities decades ago

>> No.29174182

The institution didn't stop $SPY from dumping during the start of covid

>> No.29174223

It's real. I work for a finance company that internally sends out daily "market update" emails. They were dead quiet about bitcoin for November, December, and January, but just this week every update is bitcoin-bitcoin-bitcoin. It's fascinating to watch the hype shift in real-time

>> No.29174541

I was playing live poker last weekend and some old guy was talking about how he needs someone to help him buy btc. He was a cool guy, and actually had a story about how he got short squeezed in the 90's for 100k and now will never go into the stock market again, so all his money was in real estate and pm's. I thought about offering to help him, but figured it wasn't worth the risk of outting myself to others at the table
I wish that guy luck tho, he was a cool boomer that fought in desert storm

>> No.29174869

just tell them to make coinbase accounts. it helps with adoption and it's the best option for people who are never going to take time to understand the white paper, creating a wallet, public/private keys, etc

>> No.29175079

Guess the next trick is figuring out if this is just going to be a smash and recover Q3, or if we're toast until the next halving. I'd like to believe with all the institutional interest starting up that it is the former.

>> No.29175201

ya, but i wouldnt want him to put serious money on coinbase, that might be worse than not telling him

>> No.29175383

I was expecting lengthening price action but 2021 really does look like an accelerated version of 2017. Instead of the slow build up we had back then it's nearly a vertical line up.

>> No.29175569
File: 11 KB, 500x367, 1541241891242.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Finally caved in and bought some LINK after constantly seeing it being mentioned on /biz/ by autists
>see this pic

Oh for fucks sake. How fucked am I?

>> No.29175656

Realize that normie FOMO will accelerate the journey to $1k at an exponential rate.

>> No.29175874

just don't sell the bottom like a retard. LINK has a long way to go but it's gonna rip your soul out when it crashes down for a bit with the rest of the market

>> No.29176121

This. LINK's gonna get punched, but will get up at some point and march into 3 figures unless Sirgay fumbles steaks.

>> No.29177004

Normies will flood in we will dump on them they will mass panic sell and we will pick up their bags and wait for the next bull run to even greater heights.

>> No.29177109

Also anyone notice how the bears all come out at night (relative to this burger living in EST) yeah sure we get a few threads in the morning but by like 5pm you doom criers are everywhere. What part of the world is waking up around this time? Maybe ill get motivated enough to google it

>> No.29177313

You underestimate how many people there are that are getting their first exposure to crypto. This pump will run for a good year and a half. It will take a 4 month breather and then pump again.I can't envision a future where widespread adoption doesn't occur with two to five years.

>> No.29177808

so you're telling me the top of this bull cycle is a 3x from ath?

2017 btc did almost 20x

We are just barely touching 3x.

>> No.29178083

obviously you werent here this summer

>> No.29178230

Obviously number go up, with no respect to upper bounds or anything.

>> No.29178278


we're just touching the red line, like we did in june 2017.

the peak has historically been 2x of the red line

we'll get a correction but top is not in

the charts don't lie

>> No.29178296


>> No.29178788

Tesla, Grayscale, Academic institutions, banks are even turning a leaf... definitely many others that haven't made it public yet.

>> No.29179007
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>institutional money

>> No.29179384

The point was that normies are irrelevant at this point. The landscape has changed

>> No.29179521

Fucking this. Hold on to your balls anon. Never fucking sell and eat the dips

>> No.29179812

What meme. Retail was not here till teslas purchase.

>> No.29179894

they are buying btc with billions. are you living in barrell?

>> No.29180024

Were in a huge stock market bubble, housing bubble, crypto bubble, even use cars are in a bubble. It's because of inflation and it's not going to stop any time soon.

Once you see stagflation start to kick in, that's when you want to start exiting your positions and perhaps even leaving your western country. Ride the wave and get the fuck out.

>> No.29180061

>there are people on biz that don't know thats a man
Sell signal

>> No.29180172

it's over, musk is dumping his bitcoins: >>29176703

>> No.29180935

“Institutional money” has been a meme since at least 2017 when CME got involved

>> No.29181380

Same. I work as a bartender and I heard the chefs talking about their 0.001 BTC gains

>> No.29181516

you ever sit back and wish for a solar flare?

>> No.29181584

We are going to make it can't you see? The dollar is toast and dying by a thousand cuts every passing day being replaced with crypto. This is actually it we are going through a revolution in real time and the real bagholders will be those of the old order, those in the dollar

>> No.29181618

yes they have, faggot. i was seeing niggers and thots posted here all last year

>> No.29181661
File: 194 KB, 1110x649, 1EA4E31F-96CD-462B-8198-E2E35FE55D9A.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Fuck bros all these sell signal posting fudders are making my hands twitch

>> No.29181717

>rich zoomers
>financial criminal
>*throws couch cushion money at bubble*
>literally who


>> No.29181936

Top is not yet near. Americans will get their net stimulus check and will also get their tax returns. They will invest in Tesla and Bitcoin. We will see a large pump followed by stagnation. When the normies see that their Bitcoin purchase isn't growing 10x like they expected, they will sell and crash everything.

Get out like a week after the Americans get their stimulus checks. That's my plan.

>> No.29182015
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>> No.29182020

It will take a few years of even more money printing to really get the kinds of collapse we are looking for. You are right the dollar is dying, but it will be a slow death. It will be on life support for quite some time. I still think we will see a big correction to shake out all these normies. Then we can get back to replacing the current fiat paradigm.

>> No.29182108

I mean normie idiocy is already priced in to the stock market, so I doubt TSLA will move.

>> No.29182401

1936 pilled