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/biz/ - Business & Finance

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29135921 No.29135921 [Reply] [Original]

what went wrong?

>> No.29136119

Tech isn't everything in crypto, you also need hype and marketing.

>> No.29136245

they are slow to react and they are french, so fu of their own farts that any suggestion from community is disregarded

>> No.29136280

wtf? there is LITERALLY nothing wrong. you are lucky to ever be able to buy RLC this cheap ever again for the rest of human history.

>> No.29136593

Nothing, RLC is going to moon tomorrow

>> No.29137330
File: 445 KB, 750x1255, 9171D03B-8C82-4327-91E5-4A7210AA6C85.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Just stop... one of you left your buy orders in a screenshot by mistake. Go away and annoy twitter you swinging assholes.

>> No.29137453

Only if you are obsessed with profit and the short term price Rajesh. Now fuck off. The tech will still be here in 5 years, shit pins won’t and hopefully neither will you.

>> No.29137840


>> No.29138317

I’m posting this in every thread now. I won’t sleep for days. They messed up and amazingly the threads stop bumping once I post it... sad! Still NSMDO though.

>> No.29138345

>The year 2044
>you must sacrifice your sons and daughter for 1 bitcoin
>Eth is 300k, gas fees at ATH
>Tether is now 20$ dollar stable coin
>Daddy why do we must eat ramen everyday ?
>Because i bought some "digital oil" sweety instead of buying everything else.
>Now excuse me my little Barilla *jumps from the roof*.
>Kek "digital oil" what was he thinking ?

>> No.29138574

the douche at the helm is a spergy retard who bought cars instead of marketing because
>lol idk

>> No.29138855

Holy shit, they're among us. I feel.. betrayed

>> No.29139013

Ofc they are and they want your barrels. They don’t care who they shit on as long as they make money.

>> No.29139111

sup my fellow digital oil niggers? that muthafuckah Golemn just passed us.

>> No.29139113

>Daddy, why do we have so much doggy poo?
>The memes were funny.
>Why didn't you buy digital gold or silver?
>Idk, lol.

>> No.29139431

They probably can’t even speak English as they are ignoring getting exposed. Maybe it’s Chang’s copy pastaing fud. Oh well, posting that pic in every thread until it’s unprofitable to spam /biz/. Better no RLC threads than this.

>> No.29140931

You type like a poo

>> No.29141275

You are the poo

>> No.29141365

Lol I am a person of oil, thank you. I’m not a filthy swinging scumbag like you though. I’m posting it in every thread and I have the catalog set to show new threads. I’m not sleeping now until you stop. You can’t defeat my autism and I’ll kill the price if needs be as you all dump your bags and move on! Fuck youuuuuuuuu.

>> No.29141398
File: 61 KB, 750x701, 1598473282951.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Is a Coinbase listing our last hope ?

>> No.29141911

Based. Aslo have you noticed that 99% of fudders here are posting just once?

Guess why? It's the same mentally ill retard turning airplane on/off over and over and over again

>> No.29141923

Hope for what? It’s being adopted and it is future tech. If you only want a x10 on price soon then sell and go gamble shitcoins. I don’t care if it crabs are $2 for another 4 years but I do care about swingers manipulating us. They get the rope.

>> No.29142349

I had yeah. So glad I noticed the buy orders on that pic. It feels good to know you were right. These people are scum. So many people probably have RLC filters now because of them or sold due to them. They are the biggest pieces of shit in existence and I curse them and their families.

>> No.29142463

>what went wrong?

The question you should be asking is "what went right ?" you mong

>> No.29142790

I'm using it right now. I'm building a website without ANY servers, purely p2p. Just IPFS, iExec and Ethereum.

Eat shit and NSMDO.

>> No.29143670

Nothing? Going swell. You are retarded selling before 2030 though.

>> No.29144265

What kind of website? Can you run compute intensive web apps and have databases with this tech stack?

>> No.29144682

You can use your iExec dapp to commit your data to a centralized database

>> No.29144727
File: 36 KB, 284x521, kekwi.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.29145490

Is this real? Please don't be real.
The number 1 rule of Coinbase listing: YOU DON'T TALK ABOUT COINBASE LISTING.

>> No.29145815

Linkies wouldnt shut the fuck up about a potential coinbase listing you dont know what youre talking about pajeet nignog

>> No.29145939

IPFS doubles up as a database:

The iExec is used to operate on parts that the users or I can't have access to due to security (but can audit if they wish to).

It's a hobby project I just started but the goal is to allow users to store their images securely and privately on IPFS and sell them as part of a huge private dataset to offset the storage cost which the user can opt into. But you can also run ML tasks using iExec on the images as a user. For example, I can tell you information about the dataset without ever being able to see inside it with iExec.

Again, I recently started but the implications of the tech are mind blowing.

>> No.29145981

Same with oilers, I can talk about Coinbase all day without problem.
But a team member talking about a Coinbase listing and sending a screencap of the listing form is totally different.

>> No.29146066

Someone should tell kim.com lol

>> No.29146068

Oh, and it's infinitely scalable. I don't have to worry about the infrastructure, that's abstracted away by IPFS and iExec and Ethereum.

>> No.29146080

That sounds crazy. The implications are truly massive

>> No.29146152
File: 152 KB, 615x483, 1613327894414.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Probably a photoshop from that. He wouldn't be in charge of it or post it in telegram.

>> No.29146613

It's pretty exciting, it flips the whole BigTech model on its head because it gives full ownership of the data and control over it to the user. The challenge is making it just as easy to use and provide protection. For example, a lot of people laughed at the email sender demo from iExec. But how do you recover your password/keys from a decentralised website without any customer support?

It's gonna be really interesting to see how the space evolves. I think that's the next frontier after the whole DeFi and NFT craze settles down.

>> No.29146901

>But how do you recover your password/keys from a decentralised website without any customer support?
ooooooooo that's interesting as hell.
RLC will blow up this year if more revelations are made and marketed

>> No.29146954

What am I looking at here?

>> No.29147025

wow is this 2018?

>> No.29147224

>5 years
Big fucking kek
Buy rope
No one give a fuck about those long ass time frames
Look up time value of money you dumb cunt

I have RLC bags

>> No.29147348

Fucking long term gains pussy

>> No.29147362

Some retard sold his stack when Bitcoin crashed last week then put buy orders at $1.60, $1.50 and $1.30 but RLC didn't dip so low.
Now he's spamming RLC threads with FUD thinking that /biz/ can affect the price in any way

>> No.29147723
File: 514 KB, 1702x1384, 1613697577347.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

To all no oilers. The DOTB is coming, you don't have much time left.

>> No.29148240

is this real?

>> No.29149528

>Some retard sold his stack when Bitcoin crashed last week then put buy orders at $1.60, $1.50 and $1.30
a lot of people may have done that thing/swing
So what are you exactly proving here?

>> No.29149982

FUDDER detected

>> No.29150404

is there a easy way to stake this coin? I read you gotta have 2 gpus or some shit.

>> No.29150898

That FUDDERS are shilling the board trying to swing on holders scaring off new buyers in the process. NSMDO! swingers get the rope.