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/biz/ - Business & Finance

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File: 610 KB, 1600x2133, Steven Bonnel.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
29084672 No.29084672[DELETED]  [Reply] [Original]

Let's face it bros: he won

>> No.29084773

hey can you play some sc2 thanks

>> No.29084808

name thats girl destiny

>> No.29084839

who takes a picture like this on purpose?

>> No.29084844

No I would rather bullycide you stupid chuds

>> No.29084944

can i taste your gf's farts

>> No.29085007


Right about what? being a manlet dying streamer who accepts his wife fucks other men?

>> No.29085010

THis whole GME fiasco was a blessing in disguise. It exposed the grifters and the retards from the smart internet pundits. Notice how all the educated people counter signalled GME:
>Angry Joe

while all the retards like BAP, Nick Fuentes, Lauren Chen, Hasanabi...etc easily slurped up the "BTFOing the jewish hedgefunds" narrative

>> No.29085065

fuck off who cares about this nigger loving manlet cuck

>> No.29085149
File: 122 KB, 1080x1081, kantbot.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>rightoid can't retort with anything besides ready -made meme phrases
This is cognitive freedom you think? Chuds truly are the real NPCs

>> No.29085164

Retarded take.

>> No.29085176

>Angry Joe
Isn't that the guy who spent 1k on new video game consoles and then complained about having only 7 dollars?

>> No.29085261
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so true, think what you will about Destiny. Whiny cuck homo degenerate whatever. We see who are peddlers of misinformation and bad faith actors and who are not.

Is it surprising though that this is the one thing Hasanabi and Nick Fuentes agree on? Not if you know they're a carbon copy of each other from opposite sides. Imagine thinking you actually owned the jews by buying GME, lmao dumb fucking goyim.

>> No.29085296
File: 113 KB, 1154x807, angryjoegf.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>has a hot gf
>has a fulfilling career reviewing video games with his friends
>didn't become a reactionary sellout like razorfist

>> No.29085342
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>> No.29085411

>fulfilling career reviewing video games

>> No.29085445

Not really. Destiny called robinhood not being forthcoming about their liquidity crisis (which is what it was) due to fear of bad press. This is exactly what Jason Calacanis said the other day on Fridman's podcast. If you think the other anon's take is retarded you've simply been drinking too much Hasanabi cum.

>> No.29085505

midwit faggot

>> No.29085509
File: 109 KB, 900x1200, logo.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

seething chud— get bullcided

>> No.29085567

Had to check if I was in /biz/ again. What the fuck is this shitceleb thread doing here

>> No.29085585

jews aren't real, they are just a continuation of anglo supremacy. Logo_Daedalus already talked about this

>> No.29085588
File: 30 KB, 640x640, 1613419693636.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

go post this on /pol/ you stupid kik nigger

>> No.29085657

You lost me there anon, I didn't know I wasn't real.

>> No.29085728

its how most of these faggots make financial decisions. then they blame the jews if they lose or spend 100k on a car if they win. every day my disgust grows.

>> No.29085977

bro there's no way you respect all those 5000 iq retards. they all need to be shoved in lockers. 2 or 3 of them are jews and destiny is for sure a cuck he admits it

>> No.29086040

Mods why the fuck is this here

>> No.29086084

Who? Also, what did he win?

>> No.29086243
File: 42 KB, 708x306, daedalus.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

he's right you know

>> No.29086309

He wrote his GME manifesto and exposed the grifters

>> No.29086332
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>> No.29086464

what did he win? AIDS?

>shilling an eceleb on 4chan
either boss or cancer

>> No.29086491

Another ready-made meme reply. Is this all you offer? This is cognitive freedom you think? NPC.

>> No.29086757

wow this post is fucking based
you even see people in this thread getting mad as fuck just from seeing this guys face LOL

>> No.29086776

okay but what crypto does he hold

>> No.29086810


>> No.29086819

Isn’t he a pedo?

>> No.29086833
File: 71 KB, 620x675, 47737873.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.29086838

He doesn't hold internet funny money, he's alraeyd a millionaire

>> No.29086873

Stop posting this literal cuckold.

>> No.29086919

who the fuck cares about this faggot? kys

>> No.29086937

Why the fuck is this on /biz/? Gtfo, then kys kike.

>> No.29086948


imagine getting BTFO'd by a literal pedo cuckold faggot

>> No.29086984

jews are white lmao. try convincing people the holocaust was white genocide

>> No.29087029

Cringer nigger

>> No.29087061

Oh that’s right he’s not a pedo he’s a cuck
I knew he was severely damaged in some way which is why degenerate leftards love him so much since he makes them feel somewhat normal

>> No.29087104

it was white on white violence, yes

>> No.29087139
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>> No.29087152

btfo? I’m all in link, I think you’re lost mate

>> No.29087183

He’s defended “ethical CP” before, so you’re probably right about him being a pedo as well as a cuck.

>> No.29087235
File: 554 KB, 535x800, l46svg7me8v41.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>average BLACKED.com enthusiast

>> No.29087264

oooh ya, haven’t thought about him in so long but I think you’re right

>> No.29087291

uh oh chud is big mad. Go on, quote me with another soijak

>> No.29087316
File: 2.56 MB, 322x178, 1612346638684.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

everyone here was saying the GME shit was Reddit tier garbage but this faggot starcraft player makes all of you chimp out and seethe even when he agrees with you

>> No.29087350

which person in his chat are you and why are you hoping he reads this thread you fucking loser

>> No.29087377

nice bait thread
destiny = (You)'s

>> No.29087380

Angry joe seems like a nice guy

>> No.29087447

What are you even doing here? We want all the gme fags to go back to red dit

>> No.29087477

Fulfilling, maybe not. But it doesn't get much easier than playing video games and talking about them.

>> No.29087511

>everyone here was saying the GME shit
No they wren't retard. Everyone was claiming they were owning the jews a month ago and "diamond hands" and "never selling".

>> No.29087532
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>> No.29087692


why is there logoposting on biz what happened

>> No.29087742

That's not his GF. She friendzoned him.

>> No.29087765


if he agrees with you it's time to short your position

>> No.29087778

Are any of these /lit/ twitterfags worth following? BAP seems like he could be funny

>> No.29087783

There was a bunch of Redditors on this board like 2-3 weeks ago

>> No.29087807

>psssh I *never* cared about GME
Yeah right. I guarantee you were enthusiastically posting about HODLing to "own the jews" a month ago, loser

>> No.29087828

They couldn't have pulled off that big of a short squeeze without help from other (((hedgefunds))).
So they thought they were sticking to the hedgefunds, but really they were sticking it to some and not others. Those others made off like bandits not giving a fuck about their diamond hands because they knew they those diamond hands were really just bag holding suckers in the robbery.

>> No.29087850
File: 11 KB, 187x248, 187px-Carl_Schmitt.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]



>> No.29087880


>> No.29087907

BAP's tryhard babbytalk and posting nudist men is genuinely embarrassing once you realize it's some Romanian trust fund banker's kid in his early 40's typing all that shit

>> No.29087925


bap and other anti-intellectuals are good, avoid psueds like kantbot and logo

>> No.29088008

t. arthur bloom

>> No.29088017

My wife is hotter.

>> No.29088063

Why do retards think that they're BTFOing liberal arguments with "I'll just beat u to death bro xD"? This was literally answered by Thomas Hobbes in the Leviathan with the state of nature aka babby's first philosophy book

>> No.29088110

>tilts at windmills