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29078319 No.29078319 [Reply] [Original]

any oldfags can tell me what to expect coming up soon?

should i be ready to drop all my alts? will this be a less brutal bubble? im looking at shit like xmr and it went up 100000% and dropped down to nothing but its not going up nearly as high at all

i cant decide if i should stake my alts and hodl or just dump off with a shit ton of profits and then buy back in later

>> No.29078586

Well, whales will accumulate sooner or later.

>> No.29078673

BSC season has literally just begun.

>> No.29078725

It will be a between 50% to 85% crash, or correction, call it what you want. Last time it was 20k o 3k which was 85%. And contrary to what people who recently bought in will tell you, the top is very close. It might go to 60k, maybe 70k at the very most (unlikely), but then that's it, music's over and it's a multi-year decline after that. With many ups and downs and dead kitty bounces along the way of course. No, BTC isn't going to 100k or 200k this year. One reason it won't is precisely because so many people are expecting those levels.

>> No.29078843

BTC is about to quit being volatile, whether it wants to or not. The big boys won't let it jump around much longer. Up and up we will go. And then we drop. But not like previous cycles.

>> No.29078861

Almost all alts are in a bull flag rn, wait till bitcoin hits 70k before selling

>> No.29078910
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It can drop hard in a week...like it did previous years. And it will.

>> No.29079030

can alts ever hold through a btc shit storm or no?

>> No.29079164


>> No.29079318

What, no.

But while ETH/BTC will recover to previous ATH (even if it takes years), most alts caught in the crash will never recover. Ever. Only a few with real usecases and staying power will make it to the next cycle. That´s why alts are so dangerous to hold when the bubble bursts.

>> No.29079396

Ofc no...as you see the market is jumpy as fuck right now...when BTC drops just 1k (and that is nothing at this price) alts drop hard. Just think what would happen if BTC drops 10% or 30%.

>> No.29079517


Why not?

>> No.29079546

why are alts and bitcoin so strongly correlated in price? In fact can someone explain who exactly sets the price?? It's confusing to me that I am never actually asked if I wanted to simply sell at a higher custom value. Does the platform I am on basically act as an intermediary by setting the prices?

>> No.29079605

Not at the same time as BTC is dumping, but in the moments between the dumps when it's temporarily stable, in those moments alts can thrive, some may even surge for a while. But you /have to/ make a habit of securing your funds once you see gain, in other words either selling to fiat or to stablecoins, otherwise the gains were pointless because when BTC continues dumping again they bleed. Occasionally there will be a few alts that stay more stable than BTC and bleed less, but still it's always better to be in a stablecoin/fiat during a big dump.

>> No.29079842

Bitcoin is the heart and soul of crpyto. I think alts are holding up a little better this cycle but it'll take a few more years to decouple from BTC.

>> No.29079854

How do you know stable coins will be left standing?

>> No.29079860
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>> No.29080085
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things are different but the same. always trade in sats, but imo big guns realize XMR is a unique asset valued in $ and broke btc parity. retail and institutional investors are way more educated this go around and your top 100 are going to change drastically. theyre still retarded as fuck though, so ride sat pumps and dont trade in dollars

>> No.29080132

I got a lot of stuff staked/delegated (GRT, XTZ,etc), is it best to get out of those as well or let the compounding run for the bear market?

>> No.29080220

I wonder that too. I would prefer to ‘tether up’ during the crash but have seen some shady stuff related to Tether on this board. Am I better off just selling for fiat?

Also do I keep holding BTC through the crash or do I sell and buy back later? I see some conflicting opinions about this where people tell others not to ‘sell to whales’.

>> No.29080343

use TUSD or USDC instead of Tether (USDT), both are more legit & secure

>> No.29081562

Plz respond

>> No.29081656

It depends how much money you have in play.

>> No.29083046 [DELETED] 
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>the top is very close
>t. expert

>> No.29083156

You have til March to exit all positions and short this market to get rich newfaggot. Either do it or don't, your fucking decision.

>> No.29083339

It is, OP needs to get out now to avoid carnage. Why wouldn't you try help our new reddit fren?

>> No.29083716

Exactly this. We're already 0.015 away from the NUPL, a pump to 57k approximately or 60k definitely would trigger the blue state, euphoria. It won't get to 100k or 200k this year, it definitely will in a few years though.
OP, remember this: bitcoin will crash, but alts will crash harder. Some of them will crash at least 90%, most of them between 95 to 99% and some of them will die. Don't become a bagholder, when your profits become enough to make your life be a bit better, take at least a portion of it out and risk off. Good luck

>> No.29083877 [DELETED] 
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>It is, OP needs to get out now to avoid carnage. Why wouldn't you try help our new reddit fren?

>> No.29083962

I'm a total newfag but my opinion is that BTC would be like 20k right now if it wasn't for Elon

>> No.29083963

>everything is going to zero bro, trust me
>if I keep saying it every fucking day, eventually I'll be right and then you'll be sorry!

Peak Bobo.

>> No.29083977

blackrock just got involved and meme musk a while back, you really think it's ever going to drump again? seriously?

>> No.29084147

People in reddit are saying it’s different this time, it won’t crash etc. literally new paradigm, those people will be left with massive bags, especially if they are deep in alts

>> No.29084616

Is it worth calculating for web 3.0 break out/adoption?

>> No.29084747

was 40k before he bought in.

>> No.29084824

nah it was low 30s and dumping before his original tweet

>> No.29084966

So, what about Oracles? (Link, umb, razor, etc)

Will they bleed when the plane crashes?

>why wouldnt they

Exactly because they are different

>> No.29085127


>> No.29085216

This, always an excuse for how it is never going to crash etc. Going to be a lot of bag holders especially with those defi tokens.

>> No.29085638

Different kind of crash, will hit hard, but less than 2017 due to bigger institutional agents and their relation with normal economy. Shitcoins gonna die en masse, the few with fundamentals and contracts will survive and probably lose around 30-40 percent. Use-case and year planning might save some ideas.
Defi tokens are the biggest thing ready to burst right now. As soon as bsc gets really big and the bubble bursts you gonna see a bloodbath

>> No.29086027

why do so many people say it’s a bubble

>> No.29086191

Because "muh bitcoin stocks". Its the beginning of the end.

>> No.29086227

because number go up too long

>> No.29086341

Guys, waiting for a crash, im putting all my poorfolio on DeFi Oracle coins.

How fucked will i be?

>> No.29086360

After the crash is the next bull run in 2025?

>> No.29086389

Yes, which would have been a healthy cooldown and allowed for a longer, more sustainable bullrun. But memelon fucked it up.

>> No.29086472

God i hope they do

>> No.29086636

because its not, market always does the oposite, all the fags saying its gonna crash are just mad they missed 10k, 20k, 30k, 40k

just month ago everyone was saying how its going back to 10k and they are buying back in

its funny how it will crash when they buy in and the rest of retards with them

>> No.29087255

I sold my whole portfolio about a week ago with about 5x profit, however, I am also
so do your math

>> No.29087281
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99.99% of alt coins go to 0
Don’t hodl them

>> No.29087300

Why are they safer?

>> No.29087304

institutions are buying in bulk
this time really is different

>> No.29087309

>don’t trade in dollars
What do mean by this? Don’t cash out to fiat?

>> No.29087325

Sorry but BTC isn't going to crash as hard as it did in 2018. I don't know why people keep saying that there will be in 85% dump even though we know that bitcoin tanked due to hacks and the general lack of experienced developers due to the fact the cryptocurrency was relatively early in infancy.
I anticipate a crash no harder than 50% max.
There's a reason why price of BTC is now at an all time high and that's because people have more confidence than there was before. Stop thinking everyone is ignorant of the 2018 crash that's old information and has been priced in.

>> No.29087440

There was similar talk last cycle, lol

>> No.29087445

They missed out and "the number looks too big".
No fundamentals, no supporting data.

>> No.29087789
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they don't get it, what's worse is the fact that bitcoin managed to climb back and reach new ATHs basically saved bitcoins entire future forever
we will NEVER see a 85% crash, why, because people will be buying
back in 2018 people thought this was it
now we're saved
might crash 40% max

>> No.29087947

>people have more confidence than there was before. Stop thinking everyone is ignorant of the 2018 crash
what he said

>> No.29088620

And remind me, what are the "fundamentals" supporting a 500% increase over a couple months? The threat of 3% inflation in the US?

>> No.29088920
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Why March? Why do people keep saying March? What is it about March? Every meme indicator says otherwise, but there is this chorus that I can't figure out. Last March, BTC got merc'ed because of shorts. That won't happen this year, so where are you coming from?

>> No.29089183

the core value of crypto is in sats and the best tickers are -BTC and not -USD, so when BTC plummets it takes all the shitcoins down with it, as their sat price stays the same.

>> No.29089406
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>"I trust the government"

>> No.29089643

So you're expecting what, 800%, maybe 900% inflation this year?

>> No.29089953

>2.5x previous bubble ATH
>no alt run
Sure buddy. Crypto is about to crash. Sell me your stack when we see a -30% correction and i will take care of the crypto for you.
While I agree that the top will be low if Bitcoin keeps mooning like now, we will go higher than $50k.
Anyway, a worst case -80% from here puts BTC at $10k. More time to accumulate.

>> No.29090205

how does a crash even happen? if price goes up when people buy that means it goes up when people sell so how does it go down?

>> No.29090229

Not sure if an old fag, but got in when ETH was shilled at 6usd and drop shipping was a thing And i was constantly refreshing with hardly any posts. I would be amazed to see it go over 65k or 70k and see same correction of min half - 80%. Only thing is how fast/slow will the recovery be this time as the top compared to 2017 lasted ALOT longer. Imo crypto has to die off or shake off all normies for it to go up to 100k tier we have way too many normies and if theres anyone that hates normies more than us its the big players that seethe.

>> No.29090362

God damn maybe the top is in anyway

>> No.29090734

or use a stablecoin index like on spaceswap

>> No.29091197

>the normans don't know what's coming