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/biz/ - Business & Finance

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29062796 No.29062796 [Reply] [Original]



>> No.29062925

Are you really laughing at someone who lost 500 million. I don't care who it is losing that much money, I would never poke fun at that situation

>> No.29063284

it's a bank. fuck them and fuck you, lol.

>> No.29063317

i mean they didnt lose 500 mil, they took out a loan for 500 mil then paid those same people back 500 mil by mistake. Nothing really was lost lol

>> No.29063366

I am laughing because they got what they deserved. It's justice served. They tried to outsource - boost profits by exporting work to foreign labor pools - and they got buttfucked. Boeing got buttfucked from the same thing and I laughed at them too.

>> No.29063408


>> No.29063475

Even if it would be a person, it would be a person who has half a billion dollar. Yes, the money should be taken from them in any case, they are exploiting

>> No.29063488

it's literally the invisible hand of the market punching citibank in the cock

>> No.29063516

Cool it with the anti-semitic remarks.

>> No.29063582

If someone tries to fuck over me and my countrymen to save a few dollars, I will laugh at them when they end up losing money, you fucking retard.

>> No.29063671

Do the needful.

>> No.29063699

the prevalence of jewish apologism on this board feels unorganic as of late

>> No.29063726

Go fuck yourself.

>> No.29063832


>> No.29063893


>> No.29063914


>> No.29063989

they literally got Jeet'd

>> No.29063995

ahem, if they lost 500 mil then they deserve to be demoted from jews to pajeets

>> No.29064074

:D Have some (you).

>> No.29064322

Corpos are not people

>> No.29064434

You would turn your head while a thug shivs your mother. Moral cowards like you keep the world shitty.

>> No.29064460

Based pajeets, fuck the kikes at Citibank!

>> No.29064477
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>Are you really laughing at someone who lost 500 million. I don't care who it is losing that much money, I would never poke fun at that situation

>> No.29064517

Whoever designed that user interface is at fault. When designing a UI you have to assume your end user is a retard.

>> No.29064658

it's not "someone" you faggot, it's Citibank.
they were one of the main contributors to the 2008 crash and then bribed politicians to entrench themselves above their actually competent competitors

I would cheer guillotines let alone them paying back a fucking loan early

>> No.29064683
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> Pointing out the flaws of globalism and corporatism is white supremacism

>> No.29064740

>he didn’t learn about the truth of the American civil war

>> No.29064771
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