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/biz/ - Business & Finance

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28985540 No.28985540 [Reply] [Original]

My friends from work who weren't interested in crypto a year ago just bought a lot of BTC. What stage are we in lads?

>> No.28985675
File: 194 KB, 1110x649, 1592344636541.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

We're at the shit-is-fucked stage.

>> No.28985694

I didn't know shit about crypto until a month ago and now I've jumped on the wagon and my friends have been asking me what exchanges and stuff im in recently. I think we are starting to get there. I played a game of league today and the random dude im in discord with was like "damn my stocks are way up" im like nice what stocks? He goes "uhh it's crypto actually bnb"

>> No.28985728

normies dont like BTC at $1k, 2k, 10k, 20k .. but they all love it at 50k.

>> No.28985771

take off stage

>> No.28985802

what is your definition of a lot? that will tell us where we are in the cycle

>> No.28985815

jesus christ

>> No.28985843

next shakeout will hit them hard

>> No.28985885

holy fucking christ, I just sold everything

>> No.28985932



>> No.28986090

bottom middle looks like the mass murderer from norway

anders brehksik or something like taht

>> No.28986109

if you don't want to risk getting your bitcoin hacked or stolen, you could always buy riot blockchain

>> No.28986223

they'll panic sell to the big institutions, just like with stonks

>> No.28986238

I fuking hate normies

>> No.28986361


>> No.28986442

Elon can reset the stages with a tweet so who fucking knows?

>> No.28986458

Cuz they invest based on past performance, not because they could envision its potential years ago and saw it beginning to come into its own.

>> No.28986551

They're buying in near the top of the bubble. That should make you happy.

>> No.28986721

I haven’t heard anyone near me mention anything about crypto

>> No.28986913


>> No.28987595

that's it, I'm actually fucking selling

>> No.28988718

Fucking absolute state of this

Honestly it reminds of what you used to read about in textbooks about the great depression in the US, how everyone and their granny was investing in stocks, buying financial newspapers and talking about the latest buys in barbershops and factory floors etc. Seemed surreal and hard to identify with in the modern age when stocks are dry as fuck. I can understand it now. I don't think we're there yet as crypto isn't mainstream enough (yet) but we're getting there and another few years of this with money flowing into an unregulated market and we won't be far off

>> No.28989093

normie redditor surge should die out over next month. Idk who grows the market after that. But watch this shit go on for months and make me wanna fomo

>> No.28989450

I have full of pity for their souls

>> No.28989498

Why are their mouths comically enlarged?

>> No.28989686

Years and years of sucking gigantic dicks.

>> No.28989769

>What stage are we in lads?
The stage where BTC reaches $100,000, furfaggot!

>> No.28989795
File: 44 KB, 1223x638, Bitcoin-Rainbow-Chart-1.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.28989799

Ah yes, the only way a coin holder can relax from the stress

>> No.28989808

holy cringe

>> No.28989886
File: 7 KB, 249x231, 1613202681363.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

what the fuck

>> No.28989907

These are a sell flag

>> No.28989959

Crypto is nowhere near it, maybe the normal stock market is. I have programmer friends who still won’t put a cent to BTC and say it is too risky

>> No.28989963

I still don’t see why I should buy shitcoin

>> No.28989983
File: 7 KB, 229x220, 1592123467026.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>the LGBT chart

>> No.28990037

They will leave and come back in 4 years to pump it again

>> No.28990111


>> No.28990405

We're very near the top. The mega crash is just around the corner: https://www.lookintobitcoin.com/charts/pi-cycle-top-indicator/

>> No.28991062

Literally zoom out and look to the past. During bull markets it'll stay incredibly close to the cross but won't. We are months away from them crossing.

>> No.28991103

The normies are creating a pseudo- bubble before the contracts and first rollouts hit in q2-q3
Yep, being "volatile" in the day trade looks scary. EOY value isn't really understood, same with fundamentals. Stonks are fine cause they feel more real, even if they stopped being it after the dot.com bubble
Not yet, ton of money gonna flow from central banks in the coming months. A big sell sign will be sudden regulations on big cryptos (real laws, not proposals). Corps are pushing cryptos now to gain foothold, bear gonna hit around april

>> No.28991262

Copying female emotional overreaction. These soibois grew up in a fully feminized society with female "role models" shoved down their throats since daycare.

>> No.28991349
File: 155 KB, 368x204, Capture.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

i swear to fucking god if this shit doesnt taank in max 2 days.....

>> No.28991479

What? This has been going on since forever, they all admit they do it because it helps the algorithm to attract more viewers. I'd do the same and they've been doing it for a while

>> No.28991545

>normies dont like GME at $1, 2, 10, 20 .. but they all love it at 50.

>> No.28991616

>nigger cryptotube
hope he gets minecrafted

>> No.28991685

I'd love to fucking one day kill a crypto youtuber. Smash his fucking head in with a gold brick. Bitboy would be the first one.

>> No.28991948
File: 432 KB, 902x502, peter lynch.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Whats your plan here /biz/?

Why are you faggots buying stuff when you dont understand what youre buying? Can you explain why you own any of your coins to a small child beyond "this sucker is going up"? Do you believe in what you have? And if/when crypto has a big crash, are you going to sell at the bottom of the market because youre a dumb bitch who didnt have a plan or are you going to hodl and buy more when shits on sale because you believe in your investment?

>> No.28991974

Dude, it's already zoomed out.

>> No.28992004

>I'd love to fucking one day kill a crypto youtuber.
Surely not Lark Davis?

>> No.28992037

normies on discord are using bots to check the price of ETH

we're very close to the end I think

>> No.28992038

Read this, it's a riot
Reminds me of shitcoins being shilled in here - absolute retardation and euphoria

>> No.28992111


>> No.28992698

Yeah it's literally this isn't it.

At least some of the autists on /biz/ have been/are looking at potential utility, the teams behind projects etc. Even that isn't a guarantee as the dot com boom shows. But with the normies piling in it has just gone full retard. Tbf it's worse on the traditional stock markets, look at how anything with blockchain in the title is soaring. A major bust is coming, no doubt about it. The fact we didn't get one with corona last year and things have actually went up and got frothier and frothier while entire economies are locked down in semi-perpetuity tells you all you need to know

>> No.28992791

According to rainbow/rhold etc were getting into fomo territory.
This is where it gets risky but lots of easy money can be made. Alt coins gunna go nuts, but you're not going to be sleeping as they can crash as soon as btc/eth shits the bed.
I'll probably cash out and wait for a crash once btc hits anywhere from 65-90k

>> No.28992900

This crackhead at lowes was talking to his friend about making 50 bucks on bitchcoin on a 2000 investment and that his Ethereum gains are down. Im taking some profits from my bitcoin.

>> No.28992958

That nigger has been shilling crypto longer than you've even know what Btc was you fucking faggot.

>> No.28993049

He bought at the worst time. Should have waited for the bear market.

>> No.28993236

Entering greed slowly
then comes mania and finally slaughterhouse

>> No.28993360

yes. XRP is real money and all the other coins are fake

>> No.28993444

This is why white peepo deserve to go extinct

>> No.28993588


>> No.28993847
File: 44 KB, 118x262, (You).png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

please fren if you are new

>> No.28993885

I think I saw the same screenshot at sub 20k