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/biz/ - Business & Finance

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2895148 No.2895148 [Reply] [Original]

So exactly what kind of people go to this board?
Real business men? Stock brokers? Business college students? Or just wannabe-richfags?

Or just state your current profession please.

>> No.2895168

Full-time crypto trader and strategy consultant

>> No.2895169

>college student
>living off penny stock gains

>> No.2895197

Student m.sc., grew up poor, first in my family to study at university. Saw momma crying because of bills that changed a lot

>> No.2895204

Mathematics student, here for shitposting and actually following /biz/nessmen to my demise

>> No.2895211

>Mathematics student
So it's your dream to be poor and unemployed?

>> No.2895213

College student studying to be English teacher.
Already resigned to a poorfag life.
Come here to wank over dreams of riches.

>> No.2895220

If statistics means poor and unemploed, then yea, problem?

>> No.2895232

Let's be honest high majority of the people here are broke college students.

Their only self worth is telling themselves is "ATLEAST IM WHITE! HAHA IM BETTER THAN YOU!"

>> No.2895238

Car mechanic here who wants to travel and gain financial freedom.
Luckely I live in a first world country.

Started investing early this year. Started with 2k and invested another 3k along the way. I have 16k now. Also trying to learn trading but being carefull as i realise its hard and dangerous as well. Im practicing with 1k.

Financial freedom might sound like a pipe dream for someone in my profession but I believe it can be achieved if you make smart moves.

>> No.2895240

Really? I'm Pakistani lol, and based on what you guys said, I'm slightly more successful than the rest of you.

>> No.2895259

Do you really think any actual successful normie visits 4chan to begin with?


>> No.2895268

I came from /soc/ and everyone there seemed financially stable. I thought this board would be more like that.

>> No.2895271
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>Full-time crypto trader

>> No.2895281

>Financially stable

Meaning some college student whos piggybacking off their parents wealth?

Please leave.

>> No.2895283

Lol, you're just projecting. Not everyone is a NEET loser you.

>> No.2895284

broke-ass engineering student who wishes he get rich quick

>> No.2895287

im tryna escape chiraq with my boys bruh but they wont listen fuck man i lost too many of my boys here these cryptocoins giving me hope tho

>> No.2895307

Do me a favor and dont take the train south. thanks.

>> No.2895314


I want to leave this hell of a career I've chosen

>> No.2895329

What is so awful about it?

>> No.2895337

Yea I'm pretty dissatisfied at my current controls engineer job too. What type are You ? What's your plan?

>> No.2895372

Was in the teaching game, but now in the private tutoring game. Making $50k USD Dollars a year with 20 hours a week averaging (peaking at 50-60 in the months May/June, rest of the time is closer to 10).

Most of my clients are online now so I can travel quite comfortably most of the year

>> No.2895374

Only creeps like me use this website...r-right?

>> No.2895400

I just graduated college at 27 (did the military first) and I've been working in commercial real estate for a year. Just here for the cryptogains

>> No.2895460
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I'm a low-IQ neet trying and failing to get rich with magical internet monies.

>> No.2895472

Same here

I wish I majored in a useless degree and bummed around for a bit

>> No.2895478
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>we got a shit skin being butthurt here

>> No.2895483

What degree do you need to do what you do, can you talk and explain more on how you got a tutor job etc... thanks

>> No.2895486

I'm not even memeing I'm the original poster of the Canadian plumber. Yes I do rip people off. Do I feel bad, no. Do I acctually make 10,000 per day? fuck no. Maybe 1200-2000 a day.

Started crypto 5 months ago. I had saved up 120,000 cad fiat bought ethereum at 48.00 and sold at 387.00 have a little over a mill now with over 300 btc.

I hope one day I can make it so I can retire. At the moment the Vancouver housing markets are fucked beyond belief. My goal is 50 million for a comfy life. Otherwise I'll just kill my self.

>> No.2895501

I just have a maths degree (from Cambridge, and reputation helps in getting clients), there are online websites where you can sign up, but once you establish clients, you can take them off platform which saves them money and earns you more money. Now 50% of my clients are family members or through referals. It's pretty shit to start out, but once you get through and start gaining reputation, you can earn more money easily.

For what its worth I tutor mostly A-level, which is the UK qualification, and also very popular in international schools in Indian, Malaysia, Hong Kong and China. Around exam time (May/June) I focus on my local area, as I can often get group bookings for private classes etc. and can earn lots of money in that time.

>> No.2895526

This. Engineering is stressful. I would rather work at a min wage job.

>> No.2895539

s-stem master race

>> No.2895540

What the fuck is the deal? I'm considering going back to school for engineering.

>> No.2895571

Demographics for this site vary greatly from board to board. For instance, /k/ users are likely older than /lgbt/ users, /r9k/ users are more likely to be male than /fa/ users.

The average poster is a young (16–30 yo) male. Almost always western and English-speaking. More than likely single and unemployed or working part-time for minimum wage, maybe fast food or retail, may also be self employed, these people usually work with computers as programmers or technicians. Rarely work jobs involving idea conception. Are more often than not affected by some slight/moderate form of social anxiety or other mental illness. Drugs such as marijuana and LSD are wildly popular among users, so it seems.

By just you're simple statement of "projecting" and "Neet" more than likely you fit the description to the tee above.

You're a nobody and you're most likely average/poor

>> No.2895605

I'm a NEET

>> No.2895619

I work in stem field making 6-figures. I mostly come here to shitpost and build self-confidence

>> No.2895662
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Canadian plumber, who'd you rip off and fuck over today? I'm genuinely interested and find your stories amusing.

You tend to exaggerate a lot though. You shouldn't do that if you're making decent money.

>> No.2895709
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why are you so triggered?

>> No.2895732
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Self employed IT and network admin. I have some decent paying clients that give me regular work. I work a total of about 8 actual hours per week and have lots of freedom. Enough to pay my bills. The rest of the time I fuck around on the internets researching crypto or go to the beach. Lately I'm starting to feel depressed and want to change my career. My clients are Jews and are demanding souless pieces of shit. Wish I could leave them but it's pretty easy money.

>> No.2895740
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I'm a Canadian plumber.
Just kidding, I'm getting a PhD somewhere in the USA. Hello CIA.

>> No.2895750

Student, finance. Reading bitcointalk.org and more professional sources is exhausting. Come here for memes and to get a crude social take on the markets. Also sob stories are dank.

>> No.2895752

That's bang on.

>> No.2895758
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Lol, did you extrapolate the entire demographic of 4chan based only on posts that you can relate to? If you've interacted mostly with one demographic group throughout your life, you would be less likely to notice people of other demographics.

>> No.2895767
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think again

>> No.2895787

Hi there, you must be fucking retarded
Get into private equity?

>> No.2895806

>its hard enough to get into this field as a fiance graduate let alone an engineer

what did he mean by this?

>> No.2895813

Investment adviser here, looking to be a hedge fund manager soon too.

>> No.2895835


LMAO It's like I'm looking into a mirror of my former youger self. Had most of these trates as a virgin. Still have social anxiety even later in life.

>> No.2895839

Sales Representative
Implantable medical devices

>> No.2895982
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>Ph.d in Maths
>Any job i want
>300k starting

>> No.2895994
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full time shitcoin trader

>> No.2896026


Good on ya mate, I'm an aircraft mechanic with similar investment. It's all just a bit on the side, with an extra potential for early retirement if the stars are right

You'd be surprised how many other tradies are aware of things like bitcoin. We all know the company isn't going to give us a fat pension....

>> No.2896095
File: 31 KB, 456x320, 1426858342702[1].jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

work 2 days a week in a factory, have a bachelors degree in english, have a very small amount of crypto that im holding