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28916227 No.28916227 [Reply] [Original]

Are you all fucking new to crypto or something? This your first bubble?
Bitcoin starts pumping, alts crash.
Bitcoin starts dropping, alts crash.
You really think it's just going to fuck around sideways at $49,500 for three weeks while your link goes up 6%? This is your warning anon gtfo.

>> No.28916289

What kind of pizza is that???

>> No.28916300

bitcoin will pump to 100k just like it was written in the bible

>> No.28916548
File: 60 KB, 650x333, 5f1e64e34cbd3866c223d29c2f11a5502.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

bitcoin pizza why

>> No.28916623

Project more

>> No.28916713

>Are you all fucking new to crypto or something?
>Bitcoin starts pumping, alts crash.
>Bitcoin starts dropping, alts crash.

>> No.28916844

Btc won't start pumping substantially until May, fractal nigger.

>> No.28916862

>Are you all fucking new to crypto or something? This your first bubble?

>You really think it's just going to fuck around sideways at $49,500 for three weeks while your link goes up 6%?


>> No.28916887

>>Bitcoin starts pumping, alts crash.
the money moves from alts to btc
>>Bitcoin starts dropping, alts crash.
because btc is the defacto value behind the alts

>> No.28916983
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>You really think it's just going to fuck around sideways at $49,500 for three weeks while your link goes up 6%?
yes i'm looking at the depth chart

>> No.28917006

uhhh, are you seriously going to steal BITCOIN100K from the Sumerians and give it to the Christians? AGAIN??

>> No.28917031
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nah suck my cock

>> No.28917261

It's just what happens, look at any chart.
BTC is an indicator for total interest, when it drops all the alts go red. Did you not notice when it failed to rally above $5k and someone dumped a giant red fucking candle on binance? Not only red but they drop 2 or 3 times harder than BTC.
When it rallies, no one wants to have their BTC basis absolutely devastated, so they all rotate into BTC to lock in their basis as fast as possible. Remember at least half of us are in alts only to stack sats. Even if that isn't your strategy the flight from everyone else means 5% 10% 15% drops on a dollar basis.
Alt szn happens after bitcoin goes parabolic and stagnates for a while. That's where we are now. Bitcoin set a new ceiling for all of crypto and everything seemed overvalued so alts went crazy to catch up. But now they're all loaded, overvalued from 600% boosts in the last month, and BTC is near a big make or break number. Whatever happens alts will be fucked for a while unless BTC miraculously just stays sideways for a while. Does that seem likely?

>> No.28917429


>> No.28917439

>altcoins dumping

Cool, easy to accumulate bigger bags.

>> No.28917530

true, that's a good strategy if you have money that's not already in alts.

>> No.28918014

the same fucking thread every fucking time. yes sometimes you bleed sats, sometimes you gain sats. I can tell you that since December I have quadrupled my sat count while never holding more than 25% of BTC

>> No.28918091

Eggs -> https://www.eggs.cool

Metamask + Expanse for the gas

Expanse Network For Metamask wallet:
Network Name: EXPANSE
New RPC URL: https://node.expanse.tech or https://node.eggs.cool/rpc
ChainID: 2
Symbol: EXP

>> No.28918507

This sort of analysis is so retarded. The entire crypto world is barely over a decade old, but guys like this think that they can lay out with great detail all the twists and turns of every inch of the crypto market, all based on the massive wealth of perhaps half a decade of serious trading, since virtually no one was taking this stuff seriously for the first few years.

You should have a severe mistrust of anyone who claims to know what they're doing with this level of detail.

>> No.28918712

This is super macro shit, not exactly twists and turns of great detail. If you've been paying attention at all over the last month you would have noticed the market still responds strongly to big changes in BTC price, exactly how I described. Yeah, maybe there are a few special exceptions, and yeah maybe someday it will be different, but right now it's stupid to stay in alts while there's huge expectations on BTC to break 50k and maintain right now.