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28912850 No.28912850 [Reply] [Original]

I'm thinking about selling everything

>> No.28914019

bump, what do you think?

>> No.28914102

I'm with you but I'm poor and need it, what you looking at if you sell now?

>> No.28914273

Bullish news for crypto is only just starting man. It's only February and we've already had insane gains. We're still months away from crypto hitting mainstream media and every normie getting in on the action. You have to wait for them to pump our bags before we can dump on them.

>> No.28914430

Bro, you should have sold last weekend. Get back on the train in a couple of weeks. Alts are in a downward trend, and will be for a while. Almost everything pumped and mooned between November 2020 and last week. We are in a correction phase now. Not a bear market, but a correction phase, where we will see tons of bleeding out and dead cat bounces.

>> No.28914439

Newfag here but it seems like the entire internet's talking about investing in crypto now.. you can thank Elon for that. if there's a crash I'm fine with it, already made decent profits. Sold 2/3 of my GRT stack this morning, half of my portfolio. The rest of it is split between LINK/ALGO/shitcoins

>> No.28914484

Is it just me or is biz slow tonight. Did everyone neck themselves during the "crash"

>> No.28914598

FA doesn't mean shit, i'm talking about technical here.
I'll probably wait to see how this week closes and decide.

>> No.28915046

Or maybe i could just convert all my alts into BTC

>> No.28915923

>selling everything

>> No.28916251

>he didn’t sell yesterday when it was clear last week the top was in.

Enjoy the lost gainz bro, watch market internals next time. Literally every fear/greed euphoria/panic P/E and any other signal you could possibly look at has been pegged at all time highs and market internals deteriorating combined with every penny stock you could possibly find pumping and dumping was basically screaming sell now.

It’s still early, you can get out before the rug pull if you sell the opening pump tomorrow. They will take it back to unchanged or up slightly to rope more people I. Then bombs away IMO.

>> No.28916448

Started crypto literally like a week and a bit ago but it was blindingly obvious it was over yesterday. Sold all my shit at the top and this is the first time I’ve been back on the board since because I knew the 50k memes would be funny. God knows I didn’t make much but I think a lot of people are about to lose a lot of money.

>> No.28916550

Oh I was talking about stocks but yea people are gonna get absolutely destroyed in crypto as well.

>> No.28916642

It’s over for now anon. Only the blind cannot see.

>> No.28916662

very slow, anon

>> No.28916736

Nah, i just loaded up on more bags. So much shit on sale. 20-40% off everything. I feel like a whore at forever21 in the middle of a season change.

>> No.28917000

what is in the discount bin, anon? besides the leopard mini skirts

>> No.28917048


> BTC hits ATH
> 30 minutes later on biz: "I think the momentum is gone guys"

>> No.28917098
File: 93 KB, 385x390, 2C9671FB-6EB3-4DB3-8052-DC9C9FCE7B4D.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Coming from the guy who got into crypto a week ago
Enjoy being priced out forever retard

>> No.28917108

Yeah I'm out, feels good liquidating on a crisp 50k BTC though

>> No.28917124


>> No.28917184

yea anon, sell

>> No.28917294

I got aave for 414 and omg at 5.92 so far

>> No.28917672

This anon gets it. We don't dump the good bags. We add to them. Even if this shit tanks I'll still be loading up. I'll see you dumpfags by 2025 in my lambo with your girl's lips wrapped around my dick.

>> No.28917893

>selling GRT
anon . . . i . . .

>> No.28917968

top jej

>> No.28918187

No not the GRT!

>> No.28918403

If you think the momentum is over I would cash out half of everything.
That way you have one foot in USD, the other foot in crypto/other investments.
Even if you aren't making financial gains on crypto/PMs, you can still use them as a hedge against USD failure.

>> No.28918527

Euphoria comes in cycles anon. Accumulate. Distribute.

>> No.28918562

I've been holding grt since $0.71. Just got a buy alert on trading view at $1.95...gonna get some more

>> No.28919376

At least wait until after the US stimulus package and retards put it into crypto. Then consider just selling your initial investment so you are playing with the houses money and fuck hookers.

>> No.28919934

>muh technical


>> No.28920052
File: 78 KB, 1100x1007, 1597136469958.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

all of my alts took a major dump and i feel nothing

>> No.28920199

Feels like top to me, if these resistance barriers break 1 or 2 times, there will be more panic selling

>> No.28920271

Bro I heard Al Michaels make a joke about it during a football game in December.

>> No.28920331

>bear trap

>> No.28920860

We’re always slow on red days

>> No.28920966

Burgers will get their stimmys and a big chunk of burgers will invest in shut coins and alt coins, like $doge, there will likely be a massive pump, just wait my man

>> No.28921060

People talk all sorts of shit about doge, but you'd have to be a retard not to hold at least a little. The normie appeal and marketing is too grandiose.

>> No.28921184

Yup, even just as small as 100 dollars wont hurt, yes its a shit coin, but just look at the publicity it gained, if it pumps because of stimmys, its gonna be a crazy pump

>> No.28921282

only fundamentals matter. TA is astrology. You'd have better luck reading tea leaves.

>> No.28921429

Yeah, it sucks being down 10k since the weekend, but oh well. As far as dumps go, it's not a bad one. It's a "people are exiting alts trying to catch a BTC pump" which is still overall bullish. These things happen in spurts as activity yo-yos back and forth between BTC and alts. Just like how everyone was frustrated in December how their alts were barely moving while BTC mooned, bleeding a ton of sats.

Ideally BTC just chills out and calms down at 49k. But if BTC goes on a run up past 50k to however much further in the next few weeks, so be it. That money always ends up flowing over into alts later

>> No.28921516

Imagine selling w news like this https://www.cryptoglobe.com/latest/2021/02/institutional-interest-in-ethereum-is-at-unprecedented-levels-says-a-leading-crypto-investment-firm

>> No.28922659

I would agree with you if this was February 2017 but with a second round of stimulus I can't imagine the markets won't at least trend sideways for a little bit before the dump off. Then again I feel like we made the exact same cope back in '17 with the upcoming tax season so who knows