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/biz/ - Business & Finance

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28849315 No.28849315 [Reply] [Original]

Should I buy? Will it dip?

>> No.28849374

wait for the dip

>> No.28849402

not buying your bags, Oliver

>> No.28849500

Do you know what caused the bull run in January?

>> No.28849525

Listed RLC yet? No? Then Kevin has lost touch. Prepare for stagnation

>> No.28849590

it was shilled on /biz/

>> No.28849686
File: 292 KB, 529x1059, bellemetro.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

it became shilled on biz

>> No.28850487

Now that they are teasing steaking what will happen? With the money for the MTF licence they grabbed in the last direct to equity round this is now horribly undervalued buy it still needs a spark to get new idiots to start fomoing.

>> No.28850786

I'd never heard of CoinMetro until late last year but when I was looking to buy QNT it was the one of the very few options available so I checked it out. I was genuinely impressed with how the exchange looks and functions, everything is very user friendly which has serious normie appeal I think, as well as the low fees. I picked up a small bag on the off chance it has some kind of an explosion, and there's also a relatively low supply of coins. Seems like a safe enough bet.

>> No.28850928
File: 329 KB, 1164x738, moonmetro.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

It will moon hard, more people will connect the dots, I will be a millionaire and dumping my bags on nice people leaving them a nice token and product

>> No.28851625

Whoever it was here shilling their XCM token back in December, thank you!

>> No.28851640

XCM is another 100x waiting to happen

>> No.28851733
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>> No.28851779

I get this reference.

>> No.28851810

Only gullible retards buy this shit

example: Bourg and Autokrator

>> No.28851917

It will dip it's big white cocker in your poohole if you haven't bought a 6 figure bag by now

>> No.28851957
File: 276 KB, 680x725, childprotossmetro.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Yeah the proper definition is 4x gullible retards

>> No.28852094

not buying your bags, Oliver

>> No.28852220

is parsiq doin sum soon? i know it mooned hard already. hasn't done anything for a month+

>> No.28852272

>shilling point is trustpilot scores
holy grasping at straws

>> No.28852620

Oh wow. It's a damn shame, I almost got convinced by people claiming that the exchange would eventually be a pioneer for the future of finance with tokenized bonds. But who was I kidding? People are looking for ways to save up on gas fees but at the same time aren't willing to come back to DEXes. KYC and taxes aren't appealing to the demographic willing to selfishly increase their net worth clicking on buttons and staring at charts all day.

On paper, coinmetro looked promising. Its low fees in particular and its normalfag-friendly UI could have helped in making it a new ramp for fiat to crypto. But looking deeper, you quickly realize that the whole thing wasn't sustainable, to begin with. I can count the entire user base of coinmetro with 4 hands worth of fingers. Daily volume is astonishingly low, revealing the flaw: it's just a smokescreen to hide that it's actually a ponzi/money laundering scheme, which was proved by crowdfundinsider. XCM cannot be valued above 10 cents. XCM holders are now tasked to try their best to recruit as many people as possible into the exchange to keep the money and the rewards flowing in, otherwise the house of cards inevitably falls upon itself without warning as soon as the tokens bought by Kevin Murcko/the exchange ALL GET SOLD AT ONCE to break even. Let me repeat myself here : the XCM token CANNOT be valued more than 10 cents per token, if not less.

>> No.28852706
File: 340 KB, 498x699, brainmetro.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

no dude it's all about becoming rich

>> No.28852733

How about lowest fees in the industry, fastest responce to any query in the industry, a CEO who will answer any question off the cuff in a weekly ama on youtube, the best tokenomics of any exchange token and that they are working with regulators to build an unprecedented capital market with the ability to tokenise any security.

>> No.28853114

How about sneed

>> No.28853621

I think your assessment is spot on. To me CM feels like a mixture of genius fintech startup magic and high-end banking ethos i.e. tailored products and human-to-human communication, but brought to the reach of masses!
The current top exchanges prioritize profit at the expense of the customer, and they can afford to do just that because of how established they already are. CM does just the opposite. They prioritize the customer and offer him such amazing products and conditions that he will happily use their services. CM generates profit and the customer stays happy. I stress that bulk of the innovation of CM is in their idea of multiple revenue streams that allow for the investment into unparalleled user experience they could otherwise never afford.
Kevin is a good guy but he is not doing this out of the goodness of his heart. I think that he identified a huge vacuum where a customer oriented exchange should exist in the crypto space and decided to fill it, and make us fucking rich in the process.

>> No.28854093

Jesus, the desperation of this guy to fud and get back in cheap is palpable.

Face it man, you lost, but its not too late. You want back on the train, put your money in or lose out.

>> No.28854319

>cannot be valued above 10 cents
this copypasta has aged well

>> No.28854487


>> No.28855122

you should
xcm is the only coin I will not be selling as we enter the bear market
I am convinced this will continue to grow regardless of market conditions, and soon their revenue wont even be dependent on crypto trading but all other kinds of financial instruments and services

>> No.28855202

When will DNA moon?
Also the DNA team should ban payments with BTC and LTC so that only DNA can be used for payments. Then the token will be needed

>> No.28855508
File: 133 KB, 756x945, 1608780688271.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

you guys are the only anons I truly love
xcm video coming soon

>> No.28855568 [DELETED] 

just a wallet
just an exchange
read this

>> No.28856441

this week if the ama goes well

>> No.28856482

How soon is soon?

>> No.28856522

don't talk to my gf like that, >>28852620 is doing important work

>> No.28856688
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>he identified a huge vacuum where a customer oriented exchange should exist in the crypto space and decided to fill it, and make us fucking rich in the process.

>> No.28856964
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correct and absolutely based

>> No.28857090
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>> No.28857139
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>> No.28857508
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>my gf

>> No.28857793
File: 72 KB, 439x452, 1574459409034.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

It's not what it looks like anon I swear

>> No.28857886


what dip lol

>> No.28858575

dip lol... the lower line is where the system doesn't allow to sell aka price floor

>> No.28858729
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>> No.28859077
File: 76 KB, 547x401, file.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Find the thread, scrolled through it, find my posts
I cannot fucking believe how I never missed a single coinmetro thread since August

>> No.28859558

How? How do I determine the price floor? What’s the purpose

>> No.28859730

you can't determine the price floor
a price floor is just something set up by the exchange, they basically have a massive buy order sitting at 0.12€
so the price cant go under the floor on the exchange, it can however go under the floor on uniswap and other DEXes

>> No.28859773
File: 104 KB, 606x562, 096A60CB-CBC7-43E9-8315-310EE6DBA587.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Price floor plus on boarding big clients makes this hold very comfy
Got 1MM XCM plus 1k 10€ bonds hoping to start staking the XCM next month

>> No.28860609

when I hit 7 figures I'm buying a bunch of coinmetro boxers

>> No.28862077

Thanks for the effortposts

>> No.28862169

I’d also like to thank for the effort posts. Based thread.