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File: 125 KB, 1300x954, young-male-scientist-in-lab-pipetting-on-science-bench-side-wearing-C2BMTY.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
2885285 No.2885285 [Reply] [Original]

I work as an American graduate assistant. Today I did more good for society than any of you greedy people will in a lifetime. Want to know something amazing? I can feel it in my HEART.

I started work at 5:00AM today. I was able to perform 10 tissue culture assays, purify three proteins, test 7 pre-clinical drugs, prepare 50L of bacterial media, AND write half of a research grant application today. I find problems in experimental design that paid professionals often miss. Even if it's helping the post-doc who is supposed to know what he's doing, I never hesitate for the good of science.

I get paid $18k/yr, USD. Yeah, laugh all you want, you Canadian jerks. "Muh opportunity cost", big deal. So you make $50k/yr plumbing from 18-30 while I break even with nothing to my name after undergrad loans are considered. WHO FUCKING CARES. Once I graduate, and then finish my post-doc at 35, I'll be able to find a job ANYWHERE IN THE FIELD. Do you know what the median wage is for biotech researchers in the Bay Area? 80-fucking-thousand dollars a year. You'll never have a salary like that, and certainly not living in such a nice area. That's not even considering all the Numeraire I earn.

And the hilarious thing is you guys think it's all about money. The money is only secondary. Do you have any idea what an honor and privilege it is to work in Dr. Blaustein's lab? I'd do it for free if I had to. There is nothing more rewarding than knowing you're playing a part in curing cancer.

>> No.2885310
File: 210 KB, 500x571, Donald-Trump-PNG-Image-500x571.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


if this isn't larp (which it is) i applaud you, anon
somebody has to be a loser so the rest of us can be winners and you took one of the team

>> No.2885330
File: 231 KB, 643x537, 1500787873416.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>the money is only secondary
>honor and priviledge working at Dr.Jew's lab

best Larp 10/10

>> No.2885334
File: 7 KB, 200x200, digibyte.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>if this isn't larp (which it is) i applaud you, anon
>somebody has to be a loser so the rest of us can be winners and you took one of the team

P.s. we are the digimarines

>> No.2885362

Enjoy your 0$ wage when the NIH budget is cut , LOL

>> No.2885431

fuck this is going to be me next year when i graduate with a useless neurobiology degree and no intent to go to med school or motivation to get for a phd

>> No.2885433


who's life are you trying to ruin? Did he fuck ya girl? Not your personal army bro.

>> No.2886455

>Once I graduate, and then finish my post-doc at 35, I'll be able to find a job ANYWHERE IN THE FIELD.

True. Fellow PhD candidate here.

You forgot to mention the most important reason to do a PhD: we have fun and enjoy life in the meantime doing cool stuff. Research is pleasurable, it's fun, and it pays off in the long run. Not to mention that women think it's sexy. Heads up!

>> No.2886474

I work as a bar manager in the bay area and make 80k a year.

>> No.2886477

>>288585 or you could go to school for 2 years making 60k a year starting out as a Registerd Nurse

You sound stupid af

>> No.2886524

>bay area
>80k a year
>10 years of schooling

Lmao you could make that bartending two nights a week. If you would have just got a 4 year compsci degree you could be starting at 200k. I hope this is just counter trolling in response to the plumber guy.

>> No.2886534

>You forgot to mention the most important reason to do a PhD: we have fun and enjoy life

going through thousands of pull down assays is fun?

>> No.2886677

>I can feel it in my HEART.


>> No.2886702

This sounds like a skit from The College Dropout

>> No.2887035

Somebody making 35-40k a year who actively invests and makes any kind of compound interest is going to have a 17 year head start on you, without debt.

>> No.2887053

I'm a tech in neuroscience in one of the best labs in the world and I fucking hate my job.

Applied to shit tier osteopathic medical schools last year only to be rejected and waitlisted after interviews because of my 3.1 GPA.

It's been 3 years since I graduated college and I'm ready to turn shit around. Thanks to modafinil I got a 514 on my MCAT and thanks to crypto gains I can finish some post-bac work to bump my GPA (3.9 so far at a top UC)

I hope I never end up like you OP. If I'm gonna go through hell to save lives I'd rather be an MD and make fucking bank while I do it.

Hopefully I have a quarter mill by 2019 so I don't have to deal with debt.

>> No.2887113

You keep it going man
You keep those books rolling
You pick up all those books that you're gonna read and not remember
And you roll, man
You get that associate's degree, okay?
Then you get your bachelor's
Then you get your masters
Then you get your masters' masters
Then you get your doctorate
You go man!
And then when everyone says quit
You show them those degrees, man
When everyone says "Hey, you're not working, you're not making any money"
You say "You look at my degrees, and you look at my life
Yeah, I'm 52!So what?
Hate all you want, but I'm smart, I'm so smart
And I'm in school
All these guys out here making money all these ways
And I'm spending mine to be smart!
You know why?
Cause when I die buddy
You know what's gonna keep me warm?
That's right, those degrees."

>> No.2887124

That's nice dear

>> No.2887138

This meme put me to sleep m8 kys

>> No.2887139

This is fucking great. Even though Op is clearly larping I actually know people who are exactly like this, one of them literally sells his plasma for an extra $50 a week. It's fucking pathetic.

>> No.2887146

Saved tbqh

>> No.2887152

you are such a clown ass mark

i want to believe this isn't larping

>> No.2887184

Full time UPS driver makes almost 100k a year with no education. Enjoy your loans.

>> No.2887240
File: 54 KB, 362x353, NUMBERAIREY.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.2887262

I envy you. I wish I could do something that matters at all or contributes anything lasting. Hopefully some day.

>> No.2887281

>80k in the bay area

you must be living in complete squalor and poverty with that much in the bay area

>> No.2887288

this shit is my nightmare scenario regarding medical school. What if after all this work some old fucks decide I cant get in, and I'm stuck going nowhere application cycle after application cycle?

>> No.2887318

he thinks $80,000/year is a good rate considering he lives in one of the most expensive places in the US, I really hope you do love what you do, I'm an IT student making 40k a year as a paid intern and I have a job lined up after I graduate in a year for 60k at 24 years old. I have 0 student debt, a decent credit score and a big dick, hope chasing pipe dreams of curing cancer pays off for you, in 5 years I have a potenital income of 80k (once again only spent 4 years in college) and what I do isn't to hard. I even do some web development and game development for fun and residual income, I'll make sure when I'm driving my mercedes to be kind to every honda driver I see considering it'll likely be you driving it

>> No.2887510

Excellent larp. Is this inspired by reality? I feel for you, anon. Get some Monero, everything will be alright.

>> No.2887595


>> No.2887599


Stop being a bitch and learn to live life on hard mode

>> No.2887773

That's me. I can have a good prosperous life in my country, but I don't have enough balls to quit that useless American PhD. My advisor doesn't even pay me in summer so I have to sell plasma.

>> No.2887782

Hey Brian