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2023-11: Warosu is now out of extended maintenance.

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28792716 No.28792716 [Reply] [Original]

AVAX is becoming an extremely lucrative savings and profit option.

You have to be smart and look to the future, if AVAX continues at its current pace, it is possible that in 10 years, those who bought at $ 3 will be the nouveau riche of the next decade.

AVAX is the response of the generation of the children of the people who were duped by the banks in 2008, that's why it generates so much scandal and why it will be so successful, don't forget that.

AVAX is part of the spearhead of an entire generation.

>> No.28792763

down he goes
this will make u reddit bastards weep
OMG it rise
then LOL it dumps
why u cry like a girl??
ar u lost again with your trash bot for trading?
> be smart use bot ocean for cex and dex trading, forget about scam strategies

>> No.28792890

paidshill get off my board

>> No.28792903

we get it, your mom never loved you, its okay man

>> No.28792920

A coin that goes from $60 to $30 is on it's way to becoming obsolete.

>> No.28793012

Stop spamming the board. Jammies please.

>> No.28793131
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Oh look, the roach shills are back right on schedule.

>> No.28793150

>double spend
>First time the C-chain gets any kind of use it fucking implodes
>Network goes down for days
>Bridge is down for week
>Bridge is 'up' now eating people's WETH on swaps and wraps
>Binance deposits eternally down so people can't fucking sell
>Huge token unlock next month
Face it AVAX is fucked

>> No.28793272
File: 737 KB, 1538x312, 1613361918126.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Multiple proxies are used by our team which generates a new ID when we make a post. By using these proxies and multiple IDs to communicate with one another, it becomes almost impossible to tell the difference from an actual conversation.

>> No.28793356

wow, AVAX is so fucked, this is next level desperate, I'm guessing, trapped staking?

>> No.28793383

i want to buy avax but i'm worried that there will be another double spend :/

>> No.28793473

We're not buying it shill. Fuck off

>> No.28793582
File: 8 KB, 250x250, 1613410422008.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

New ID, same fud. Cool. KYS.

>> No.28793594

Here are all of the avax talking points before they post it

>Don't get mad you shorted
>it was double spend it was a double mint
>it was addressed quickly absolutely bullish
>Bitcoin and Ethereum had the same problems starting off
>Don't buy more coins for me
>something about zero exchange

>> No.28793740

The FUD is in the name, >avalanche

avalanches go DOWN, you stupid fuckers

>> No.28793926

>imagine believing there's a conspiracy against you
I feel bad for you anon. We're all tired of seeing you shill your bags 24/7 like some kind of brainlet. Can you at least consolidate into a single thread for us?

>> No.28794120

>double spend compensated through burning
>C-chain has been used times before the bridge and pangolin, massive user movement bugged it which was untestable before launch
>Security over liveness
>Bridge was down for less than a week and got back online yesterday, working perfectly fine atm
>"Eaten funds" are because of ETH fees that already exist on said network, that go to its miners
>Binance deposits and withdrawals are down on several coins
>Huge token unlock also happened on december and the price barely moved
Face it your FUD is pointless

>> No.28794166

Lmao this fucking retards just hate making money

Fuck off faggots, I'll keep getting rich

>> No.28794831

End of month:

AVAX $120
Pangolin $2
Zero Exchange $2.50