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28781725 No.28781725 [Reply] [Original]

Anons, thoughts on PNG? I have used this exchange yesterday and the APY percentage is not that bad 3% is fairly good.

>> No.28781814
File: 38 KB, 1001x298, lmaocap_distribution_scam.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

avax is a messy piece of shit and has a scam distribution

>> No.28781889

Are you speedrunning fud? Dude png liquidity pool is giving 3% APY per DAY are you serious?

>> No.28781946

Zero Exchange has four new devs joining today.

Desu, I don’t see how Pangolin can compete. Zero Exchange will have integrated Polkadot before the end of Q1, making it a tridex to Pangolin’s unidex.

>> No.28781969

That fud would have worked if I was a newfag, I've been holding this since ICO and made some decent money from AVAX.
See you on the dumpsters anon.

>> No.28782078

I gave it an honest try and were it not for the network going down it would have been pretty good
but since it's a buggy piece of shit I'll never put real money on it ever again

I also think it's bad for avax because listing ERC20's forced you to cross the bridge or sell into AVAX to market dump. I'm market dumping my avax

>> No.28782098

Actually, another reason Pangolin can’t compete with Zero Exchange, is the latter didn’t ICO.

Zero Exchange has a market cap of $30mm, with a circulating supply of around 160mm tokens. This is an easy 30x, anons.

>> No.28782191

Invest in fantom fagets

>> No.28782243

Yeah, still doesn't beat 3% APY per day, also, the bugs are fixed and the platform is running smoothly.

>> No.28782259

pangolins caused coronavirus

>> No.28782333
File: 104 KB, 1224x679, photo_2021-02-15_11-59-23.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.28782507

What the fuck are you even getting 1000% apy in?

>> No.28782576

10.000% APY EOY

>> No.28782649

3% a day is great, but last time I checked the AVAX/ZERO pool over at zero.exchange is paying out more than this.

>> No.28782660

if the team just took the high road, i would've bought back in already, instead it was lies/changing information, no timeline announcing "it's fixed!" and finding out wallets are still locked. that's a lot of uncertainty in a time where other projects could moon in the next month.

>> No.28782878

I don’t think there’s anything wrong with Avalanche the platform, but the devs have an attitude problem, for sure.

Imagine fudding the best DEX on your platform (Zero Exchange) and believing this would do anything other than damage your reputation.

It’s hard to see why projects would switch from Ethereum to AVAX with friends like this.

>> No.28782882

this a website or something?

>> No.28782935

weak hands anon, imagine if you witnessed DAO hack, you would never use crypto again

>> No.28782938

Where's the scam?

>> No.28782975

Zero Exchange APY are better than this.

>> No.28782991

Who the fuck cares about Zero's scammish vibes?

>> No.28783021

zero is great, but it's an exchange made by anon devs, we have plenty of reasons in the world of crypto to suspect from it

>> No.28783035

Scalability at the level its reaching is hard to control, the issue was addressed, solved and you are the first person ive seen impliying theres still locked wallets out there

>> No.28783146

the dao hack wasn't on day one LMFAO and it wasn't a problem with the underlying chain

protip: people that have thier money stuck on your shitchain DO NOT want to hear this shit lmfao

>> No.28783157

Pangolin dev spotted in the wild!

Shouldn’t you be back in your Telegram bitching about how it ‘wasn’t fair’ Zero Exchange beat you to the launch?

Boohoo! ‘They should have waited’.

Pangolin devs actually said this, kek. That shit is fucked up.

>> No.28783202

Ok weakhands
Bitcoin had a way worse inflationary bug and today hits 47k$
Also, the Avalanche team always updated what was going on, both on Twitter, Discord and Telegram. The only way you were not informed it is because you didn't want to

>> No.28783242

Go check out the four new devs that joined Zero Exchange today.

>> No.28783299

I reached ZERO ANONYMOUS admins and they treated everyone like a pajeet piece of shit. I won't give them a single penny and anyone smart enough would be with me

>> No.28784003

probably a scam

>> No.28784231

Give me the run down on zero. I’m using pangolin rn and it’s gonna be pretty hard to beat the $500 I’m getting per week by sitting on my ass.

>> No.28785309

Not at all, but, still your loss.

>> No.28785662

Pangolin uses AEB, which has almost 3x the fees of the one the zero devs built. Zero devs built their own bridge faster than Avalabs, they have full control over it and will add a bridge to Polkadot asap (confirmed by ZERO).

Meanwhile Avalabs went radiosilent about Zero, they haven't endorsed them as first-mover, this backfires now as Zero got a warm welcome from the Polkadot community, they secured a partnership with a parachain and already test their implementation on Kusama. It's a disaster for Avalabs and gives Polkadot another advantage, also Pangolin can't bridge to Polkadot because they have to wait for Avalabs. After Zero is done with the DOT Bridge they probably continue with BSC, which is primed to get shilled by CZ (like pancakeswap).

>> No.28785853

That's an even worse scam

>> No.28786091
File: 17 KB, 403x408, 1610622204030.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Zero devs built their own bridge
that's all you need to know about the rug

>> No.28786335

Salty pangolin spotted, you can say the same about uniswap, sushiswap (it got rugged in the past), pancakeswap, that is no roadblock for a successful dex.

>> No.28786354

This. The constant un-organic shilling of Zero is pissing me off. Shitting up Avax threads every fucking day.

>> No.28786497

you have misunderstood i think
>0.3% fee to liquidity providers on daily volume
APY is better than uniswap and delegating on the avax platform

>> No.28787334

Pangolin is great. I'm making fat stacks pooling.
rope yourselves you fucking pajeet scammers

>> No.28787387


>> No.28788168

But Zero blantantly shills itself on Pangolin groups and has the shittiest and shadiest support. Fuck you.

>> No.28788429

To any anons who need to see this, ZERO is an obvious rug.

1. Entire team is anon
2. They made their own bridge with unknown secret relayers and unknown code. The team claims Chainsafe helped them, Chainsafe team says they have never heard of zero. Relayers can take bridged funds at any time.
3. ZERO smart contract allows for anon devs to mint half of the total supply at any moment and rug.

Rug Rug Rug

>> No.28788618

Why would I put money in a platform of anonymous people.

>> No.28788859

How much is png coin worth?
Anyone got the airdrop?

>> No.28789161

Around 8$, and yes, if you had UNI or SUSHI by Dec7th 2020, you can claim

>> No.28789451
File: 63 KB, 688x1024, 2020.09.03 cute larp.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

question anons, is it better to
1) deposit the PGL for liquidity mining, or
2) leave liquidity in the pair and ignore PGL tokens
from what i see rewards from depositing PGL outweigh just leaving liquidity in the pool and making PGL deposits

>> No.28790474

I would deposit png for liquidity mining, I really think earning png like that will turn fine.

>> No.28791461

I thought you accrue the 0.3% fees when you deposit your PGL still? Is that not the case?

>> No.28791532
File: 27 KB, 550x322, wut.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

How am I supposed to interact with Pangolin if I can't even transfer funds to C-Chain to use MetaMask?

>> No.28791642

The C chain is working perfectly.

>> No.28791707

Ledger doesn't support the C chain yet until the new version comes out.

Just create another wallet.

>> No.28792050

But I used the c chain not long ago.

>> No.28792373

cool stay out then, no prob