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28783649 No.28783649 [Reply] [Original]

How do I get PNG?? My whole PF is 300 AVAX which is staked until next week. What should I do after this ? ? I heard before I should sell.half my avax and buy another coin to provide liquidity, but is it worth selling half my stack ?

>> No.28783849

While png is worth a lot and liquidity is still relatively low, yeah it's worth it. I'm making like 30% weekly return right now via pooling avax/eth

>> No.28783930

I'd be able to get about 4.5 eth with half my avax stack, worry about being eternally priced out of avax if I sell half now

>> No.28784254

you should make enough png weekly to buy like 50-60 avax at current prices. that'll go down over time but for now it's a great deal

>> No.28784405

Is there a calculator somewhere ? Just wondering how you got that figure roughly ?

>> No.28784522

Some guy in the Telegram made a script that calculates it

>> No.28784773

Where can I find a resource that will teach a smoothbrain like me how to provide liquidity without messing it up. Also whats the better deal right now, PNG or ZERO? or should I split my free AVAX between both

>> No.28785016

>AVAX which is staked until next week. What should I do after this ? ? I heard before I should sell.h
im interested also

>> No.28785146

Provide liquidity on pangolin to get png rewards

>> No.28785185

I can’t talk to PNG farming, but ZERO farming rewards are outrageously generous.
I farmed AVAX/ZERO until a few days ago - the only reason I stopped is because I expect ZERO to 10x and I don’t want to lose any to IP.

>> No.28785244

it is ez, just use any lp pair, you ll get png as reward

>> No.28785271

You need to provide half avax and half the other pair if you want to provide liquidity however some pools offer high apy than others so you might want to check beforehand

>> No.28785294


To your question: Zero.exchange has guides for farming on their app.

>> No.28785306

2 questions for the big brains here:
1) i sent 1 uni over the avax network (to myself, ostensibly), but i no longer have it. where'd it go?
2) how do i claim the png airdrop? it says insufficient funds. do i need to transfer some eth to the avax mainnet or something? i figured it would be able to read the eth i have, but it doesn't seem to be able to.

>> No.28785407

ayy, newfag here who never tried out staking or liquidity providing

what are my expected weekly returns if I provide like $650 worth of tokens to Pangolin?

>> No.28785412

To anyone wondering avax png pair is the highest awarding pair to provide liquidity right now

>> No.28785469

Have you added the Avalanche network to Metamask? If you follow the tutorials on aeb.xyz or Pangolin you can't go wrong.

>> No.28785519

Are you sure? I think it could be AVAX/ZERO

>> No.28785536

PNG has the potential to be a real hub for the AVAX ecosystem in the same way that Pancake is for Binance and we know how it ends up.Farming is very profitable right now, and I look forward to participating in the governance.

>> No.28785595

Where can i buy avax mates?

>> No.28785626

You use AVAX to pay for transactions on the Avalanche network. Come on, anon.

>> No.28785674

followed this one: https://pangolin.exchange/tutorials/claim-png
>Have you added the Avalanche network to Metamask

>> No.28785694

use your fucking brain you dumb faggot

>> No.28785743

If you provide a pair to LM you always risk of loosing your AVAX because of IM!

imo better to buy fresh AVAX and put them to IM

Second question to ask yourself if you just keep the PNG (in the hope of it mooing) or buy new pool shares with it

>> No.28785765

By 'sent Uni' I assume you mean using the bridge?

>> No.28785798



>> No.28785868

Zero is a scam with an anon team

>> No.28785933

no need to be mad anon. it mentioned gwei/gas limits, so i assumed i was still working with eth
yes, used the bridge to send uni to myself

>> No.28785943

The delusion in the Pangolinverse is strong.

Zero Exchange has integrated with Avalanche and Ethereum. Polkadot is next, before the end of Q1. Looks like some anon started integrating with Binance today.

Pangolin has ONE blockchain. If any DEX can lay claim to title of ‘hub’, it is Zero Exchange.

>> No.28785979

What is LM and IM?

>> No.28786025

Pangolin dev alert! Must be painful to be so comprehensively beaten in the rush to be the first DEX on Avalanche.

>> No.28786106

No one cares about Zero you stupid nigger. Stop spamming your shit product. No one cares.

>> No.28786115

dispel my fud pajeet. Why does zero have an anon team, and why can't I view an analytics page to see total liquidity?

>> No.28786126

LM: Liquidity mining
IM: Impermanent loss

Say you buy a pool share of AVAX:WBTC with 10 AVAX (5 go to WBTC)
Now AVAX moons, in comparison to WBTC

If you withdraw your poolshares you have less AVAX than before!

>> No.28786583

if my meme lines tell me avax about to moon/dump, cant i withdraw my liquidity quick af with little fees because avax?
and at what percentage change of the token price (+ - x %) does this become significant?
i read the whole uni documentation but it seems we are talking about negligible amounts compared to the farmed png rn, even if on of the two tokens doubles but maybe im retarded lul

>> No.28787042

it is not that signficant

say AVAX makes a 10x and WBTC says the same
then you loose 25% of your Stack

>> No.28787574

But then you will have made absurd gains with PNG?

>> No.28788162

Where the hell do you buy PNG? I can't find it anywhere.

>> No.28788737

Have you added a custom token to metamask? The contract addresses aren't the same on Avalanche, you can find them easily on Pangolin

>> No.28788853

And you need some AVAX to pay for the gas, it costs around 0.07 AVAX if I remember correctly

>> No.28788869

I'm mining 600 png a week right now. how the fuck am I ever gonna explain all this shit to the tax man

>> No.28788879

this, how do I buy PNG and ZERO?

>> No.28788971

Is there some tutorial on how to mine or find this stuff?

>> No.28789012
File: 8 KB, 250x250, 1611907428000.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

To any anons who need to see this, ZERO is an obvious rug.

1. Entire team is anon
2. They made their own bridge with unknown secret relayers and unknown code. The team claims Chainsafe helped them, Chainsafe team says they have never heard of zero. Relayers can take bridged funds at any time.
3. ZERO smart contract allows for anon devs to mint half of the total supply at any moment and rug.

Rug Rug Rug

>> No.28789615

There is a tutorial on Pangolin's website https://pangolin.exchange/tutorials/

>> No.28790001

png is on pangolin

>> No.28790069


Based warning man, doing the work of Allah

>> No.28790514

Thanks for the warning anon, I'll look more into PNG then. Where can I track the value for the PNG token?