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28785053 No.28785053 [Reply] [Original]

there is a name in big data that will be announcing that they are investing 2bn into Chainlink 2/18
Overall this news will be bigger than Tesla buying BTC due to the fact that they are allocating into Link. They will not be buying their position on the open market but directly from the Chainlink team's wallet which has funds specifically allocated for deals like this.
This week may be the last chance to purchase sub $50 chainlink.

>> No.28785135

do you have a single fact to back that up?

>> No.28785346

They already have all of the infrastructure built to become a data provider on the network they were just waiting until OCR makes providing a wider variety of data to the blockchain viable. Now that OCR is ready to roll out they are ready to roll out their node to the public.
They will be expanding the types of data available on the blockchain in an exponential manner.
If you have any questions I will be here for roughly 50 minutes during the rest of my lunch.

>> No.28785367
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Has it anything to do with their partnership with Kadena?

Chainlink and Kadena are working together to integrate Chainlink’s market-leading decentralized oracle network to Kadena’s scalable layer-1 Proof of Work public blockchain. This will be an industry first in deploying oracles to a public/private hybrid blockchain platform. Enterprises and entrepreneurs in the Kadena ecosystem can utilize Chainlink oracles to create end-to-end Pact smart contracts using Chainlink’s large collection of pre-made inputs and outputs. Kadena developers can benefit from Chainlink’s high-quality data by building Price Reference Contracts for market prices and leveraging its external adapter technology for off-chain access to credentialed APIs and legacy systems. Chainlink also provides strong security and reliability guarantees via decentralization, wherein multiple independent oracles and data sources can be aggregated together to protect against any single point of failure or a sole arbiter of truth.


>> No.28785451

this was posted on r3ddit a few days ago. might not be a larp

>> No.28785495

op is a faggot

>> No.28785540

No, what you posted is expected by anyone with half a brain. Every single blockchain's standard oracle service is chainlink
This company is one of the biggest tech companies in the U.S.
It is already known that they have been working with Chainlink for years but them rolling out their own node publicly is going to change the entire crypto landscape.

>> No.28785587

is it google?

>> No.28785592

>im gonna need a source for that

>> No.28785622

That's not how the internet works. It's the opposite. *Because* it was posted a couple of days ago on reddit, it is most definitely a larp.

>> No.28785699

Just say who it is

>> No.28785704

does this mean i will finally be able to feed trustless gravel pricing data into my concrete mixing smart contract?

>> No.28785806

why do you shill link here faggot? you think you larp will move the price more than 0.01$? Post proof or at least breadcrumbs or kys in minecraft

>> No.28786083

I dont feel comfortable naming the exact company because they do have algorithms that scan public facing websites such as reddit, 4chan, twitter, youtube comments, etc. for chatter about deals like this. It is part of their SEC compliance protocols.
It's possible there are a relatively large number of people in the know about this because the deal required many to participate from the tech, compliance, finance, and management teams. Even a good amount of outside advisors participated
this is basically spoonfeeding. Anyone who is in the know about chainlink already can guess who im talking about with 85% surety

>> No.28786171

Chainlink is a dead meme

>> No.28786302

>this is basically spoonfeeding. Anyone who is in the know about chainlink already can guess who im talking about with 85% surety
So if someone guesses then they will pick it up using their supposed magic software anyway. Wtf dumb larp. This is anonymous. How would they know it was you? Zero consequences for you naming the company you time wasting larp cunt

>> No.28786323

ETA on any actual news articles for this? Yes it'll be after it already has happened.

>> No.28786336

No one noticed that the BigQuery integration was actually a Google run chainlink node.

>> No.28786369
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God Christ I'm so excited for all you kiddos.

>> No.28786382

someone on reddit said google were going to announce on the 18th and this larping faggot is pretending to be an insider.

>> No.28786393

Change your IP address and name the company as a “guess” from a random anon. Problem solved.
Such an obvious larp. “I can’t name names because ... reasons”

>> No.28786416
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WGMI bros

>> No.28786443
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>> No.28786490

Link to thread please

>> No.28786591

I'll make a thread for you on 2/18 if legit. Has been awhile since something insider larping were true.

>> No.28786595

so this current pump is insiders buying in anticipation of the news?

>> No.28786714

underrated post

>> No.28786785

All I can say is this >>28786443 anon understands the end game.
hey buddy... maybe look around in the thread a little.

>> No.28786801

This is worst than the XRP schizos larp. Every week theres a different "insider"....foh

>> No.28786822

Seeing whispers of this all week. Only reason I keep lurking in this godforsaken shithole is to see good larps like this.

>Gut says it's true. Usually my gut makes better calls than my head.

>> No.28786957

Deutsche Telekom already runs a chainlink node. The news hit late July 2020. Basically put LINK from $7 to $17 over a 2 week period. More news from another big telecom infrastructure provider running a node should favorably impact the price. Remember everyone, don't trade on the technicals, you'll never beat the HFT algos and bots. Trade on the news and rumors.

>> No.28786966

Its old school grt

>> No.28786970
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>> No.28787160

those women make my pants feel weird

>> No.28787193

It's Google you faggots.
I guess one of the perks of being a neet is that I get to see every single link thread

>> No.28787263
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>> No.28787420


>> No.28787444

notice the language of t-systems in this article.
Data/tech companies will get exposure to crypto/defi through Link.
>By applying our secure infrastructure expertise to operating a Chainlink Node, we can thus indirectly participate in the growing DeFi and Staking space. This is the first step in our secure blockchain infrastructure provisioning project. "Chainlink is the first public blockchain network to which we are currently providing infrastructure and will provide staking services in the future. This brings us a lot closer to our vision of establishing public blockchains as the basis for numerous use-cases", says Dr. Andreas Dittrich, Head of Blockchain Solutions Center of T-Systems Multimedia Solutions. We will be supporting the Chainlink Network with secure infrastructure and with its planned staking implementation in the future.

>> No.28787476

damn bro

>> No.28787493
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>> No.28787663

lol these thots cant make me throw my life-savings away
only bonafide xrp schizos can do that,

but fr tho bros, any other proofs of ops nonesense? I'm a bit late to LINK obv

>> No.28787761

>any other proofs
that's proof to gtfo of linkie

>> No.28788249

fuggin checked bro

>> No.28788326

can a fellow bro tell me how to move USDT to TRC20 so i can transfer to KRAKEN?
i need my LINK moved anon.

>> No.28788679

Starting to think this isn’t a LARP. This big question is do I move a couple more ETH to LINK just in case?

>> No.28788953

what pump lmao? we're barely holding on to top 10

>> No.28789131

checked and wagmi

>> No.28789160

There are reasons why they are taming the volatility on Link. Not having such insane volatility helps to get it to fit in the company's risk framework much better.

>> No.28789255
File: 26 KB, 583x101, Screenshot 2021-02-15 at 15.00.14.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

insider here too bro,

The happening is Saturday night

dis cord.gg WU6p47g 8b4

>> No.28789419

when btc goes back to 20k doesn't matter even if musk says link is the future. It will dump

Unless you bought when the "team" was dumping on us you're an idiot