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28784084 No.28784084 [Reply] [Original]

What if I tell you there is a new Bunny, with TVL of 20ml on day 5, and before the 40X pump? No one biz is talking about it but twitter is picking it up and the daily volume is 5 million!!!

I shilled AUTO and Bunny. and they each pulled a 15 and 20X. If you missed AUTO and Bunny, here is your next chance. This is essentially the next Bunny, before the 50X it has pulled, doxxed dev, shilled by BoxMining and other youtubers, team transparent (e.g. they removed the migrator code as well as increased dev lock time), and TVL is 20ml on day 5.

- More farms are being added everyday
- Certik audit report expected to be out on 20/2
- Boxmining and Trevon James spoke about $EGG

This thing is gonna moon so hard while y'all just sit and wait

Don't miss out on $EGG @FinanceGoose

On coingecko and CMC,

>> No.28784307

OraiChain coming to Pancake swap today and Binance listing next week. Thank me later anon

>> No.28784347
File: 87 KB, 1249x657, egg.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

This thing is gonna moon so hard while y'all just sit and wait like you did with Bunny and Auto.


>> No.28784445

Where did you hear this news anon? I still have 750 ORAI locked in the vault that are gradually releasing over the next 6 months, kek am I really going to make it?

>> No.28784619

this looks like a complete scam
just a copy and paste of pancakeswap, plus their twitter is full of shit like "BRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRR"
also, it claims to have 20 million TVL but it doesn't show up at http://defistation.io/
I guess this will rug in max one week

>> No.28784639

they literally cloned the pancakeswap site -_-

>> No.28784670

Hmmm cool logo. I’m sold on this one

>> No.28785514
File: 272 KB, 1198x1182, Screen Shot 2021-02-15 at 11.41.15 AM.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


you must be extremely new to this concept.

What is Pancake bunny? How did it go from 2$ to 90$? These are all clones. The only thing you look at is the Vault, the APY, and DYOR to make sure its auditted. This one's market cap is going to be 40, 50, 60, 70ml in a few days.

When I posted about Bunny when it was 10$, everyone was like 'scam scam scam'. you guys never learn.

Look at this guy. he is followed by CZ from binance, Pancake Swap. He is shilling EGG as the gem of 2021 and he bought Cake in september.


DefiStation ONLY works if you partner up with them dumbass. The vaults are on BSC, you can literally check it right now. Everything is on BSC scan.

Guys, you disagreed when I told you about AUTO and Bunny and you are now bullshitting again, just remember this post. TVL on eGG is growing too fast, the team is way better than bunny, and they are constantly adding vaults and burning their tokens.

Open your fucking eyes. If you want to make life changing money, you need to take these investments. Buying CAKE right now or buying Auto right now won't bring you 100X

>> No.28785856

bunny is not a pancakeswap clone, try again

>> No.28785971
File: 93 KB, 750x500, apeswap.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.28786002

You just outed yourself as a retard. Pancake Bunny is not a Pancake Swap clone, it is a yield aggregator like YFI. This Goose shit is nothing but a shameless clone

>> No.28786079

yeah they couldn't even arse themselves to change the frontend a bit

>> No.28786260
File: 92 KB, 1954x478, Screen Shot 2021-02-15 at 11.46.01 AM.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


buddy, can you summarize bunny for me?

the 'exchange' function from bunny or egg is from pancake swap

the other part is the vault/APY/pools/FARMs which bunny, cake, egg are all the same.

bunny offers nothing unique besides a massive APY on vaults. The problem with bunny? Although went from 2 to 90$.

Egg's TVL grew from 2ml to 20ml in 3 days. In a few days, this will catch attention and will go on the same parabolic rise that bunny went (Bunny literally went from 4$ to 20$ in like 2 days).

The main reason I love EGG is that they removed the migrator function from the code that Bunny and all of them have.

Read this: https://goosefinance.medium.com/goose-finance-first-to-remove-rugpull-migrator-code-d6f415070783

I can tell you one thing, if Bunny has been successful, EGG will be massively more successful.

>> No.28786628

I'm getting ice cream swap vibes

>> No.28786707

I want to buy this shit, I changed my metamask yo bsc, but how do i transfer funds from my ethereum network?

>> No.28786713

bruh goose looks almost identical to cake, at least bunny changed the website and it's not the exact same as you say
also, what do you have to say about their twitter posting shit like 'BRRRRRRRRRRRRRRR' and overall looking like a scan
also, show me on bscscan their 20 million TVL because I don't see it

>> No.28786837


the funny thing is I was the one who shilled bunny here (there was 0 posts about bunny before me) and now you guys are telling me about Bunny's success.

haha guys you really need to be smarter than this.

Can you tell me, whats unique about Bunny? what does it offer that the rest cant? yield aggregator? why not use Auto? the only thing unique about bunny was the HIGH APY. Whats the cost? huge sell pressure down the road. Bunny is only a code, nothing about bunny is unique faggot. the idea is to invest into these projects EARLY and not hold them forever. Can bunny be hacked? OF COURSE. YFI was exploited. Alpha was exploited. Bunny can be hacked at any point. The only thing bunny is offering is just a code that offers a high APY, at a cost of huge inflation. Do not marry these fucking coins. Invest early, before the huge inflation in tokens because of the >100000% is NOT sustainable in the long term, otherwise you think Pancake Swap couldn't offer 950% APY?? haha, the problem is these tokens are fucking successful early on, but long term they are fucked.

Anyways DYOR, I can only have this conversation for so long.

1 week from today, we will look at the EGG's price .

>> No.28787240
File: 304 KB, 1964x1206, Screen Shot 2021-02-15 at 12.03.17 PM.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


1. Pancake Bunny changed their UI design I think around 10 or so days ago. You guys were not here when bunny was 4$.

2. Dumbass, EGG is the ONLY project that removed the Migrator code. Bunny has the same migrator code that Icecream had. If anything it's the only one thats safe. The Dev lock was 4 hours (meaning if they changed any of the parameters, it would not take place for 4 hours, and they just increased it to 24h, these guys are the most legitimate when compared with Bunny)

3. Sorry that you are so fucking new to this. But look at my screenshot. You click details and then click on 'View on BSc scan". Again the fact that you don't know this but then claiming that you are capable of telling me which one is better project is beyond me.

Again, people shilling EGG are people who bought Auto when it was 500K mcap, can you believe it? 500K mcap. It's this guy or cryptococcus.

https://twitter.com/Smartoshis ((Followed by CZ!))

Anyways, can't care less, I remember I had the same conversation when bunny was 20$ and auto was $1800. lmao.

>> No.28787450

How do i get my fund to the bsc smartchain from my eth smartchain

>> No.28787775
File: 640 KB, 956x1332, Screen Shot 2021-02-15 at 11.45.56 AM.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


If you are not familiar with this please research it and youtube it first. The easiest way is on Binance, if you buy BNB, and withdraw, you can click withdraw to BSC smart chain. They also have a bridge which doesn't even require you to login in etc. But PLEASE watch videos and google it first. Its extremely easy and fast process but you just have to know what you are doing.

Learn about BSC. BSC right now is like Uniswap early 2017. Give it a few weeks to months and it will completely explode.

>> No.28787841

>https://twitter.com/Smartoshis ((Followed by CZ!))
and why do you care so much about shilling goose
just invest your life savings if you're so sure it's not a scam

>> No.28788055

ok you're a scammer
I searched the list of cz follows and smartoshis isn't there

>> No.28788450

You’re unironically retarded. EGG already has a market cap of almost 9 million while BUNNY is around 18 million. EGG has a TVL of 20 mil while BUNNY’s TVL is over 60 million. This means that EGG is already half of BUNNY’s market cap while only having 1/3 of the TVL, confirming that BUNNY is more undervalued by that metric. You’re nowhere near as smart as you think you are

>> No.28788518
File: 468 KB, 1194x1486, Screen Shot 2021-02-15 at 12.18.40 PM.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


lmao you can't even verify that CZ is following Smartoshis? look at the screenshot.

^^^ for everybody else, I've been here for a few years, there are a lot of intelligent anons on this board, if you are here to make life changing money, you need to be smarter than this. This guy is shit posting and doesn't even know how to use twitter.

guys making 50X, 100X, in this market requires lots of research and risk taking. Auto was 500mcap. It's since pulled 140X. Was buying auto at 500mcap 'obvious'? no. I don't care if you buy EGG or whatever. Just DYOR. I bought GRT at 10cents, people start fudding it at 30cents, it reached 2.80$. Whether it's Egg or bunny or auto, being early takes risk.

>> No.28788765

Fuck it i bought BSC coins will be $$$$ printers

>> No.28788774

also this

>> No.28788782

how the fuck do you check locked value if "info" tab on the page redirect to pancake... oh yes goose finance page is just a copy of pancake.

>> No.28788830
File: 281 KB, 1832x414, Screen Shot 2021-02-15 at 12.29.18 PM.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


Wow... I literally posted this for you above

Total EGG Supply: 176,603
Total EGG Burned: 91,959

Can you subtract the two? 84,644. MCAP of this coin is ~2ml. TVL 20ml. And they are continuing to burn these coins at an extremely high rate.

Please either shut the fuck up or just research before posting. BoxMining and big CTs are posting about EGG right now.

Can't wait to post the price of EGG in 1 week :)

>> No.28788900


omg.... guys the exchange function of ALLLLLLLLL of these projects ----> Pancake Swap.

Lmao god please fucking kill me. these guys are too dumb for this.

>> No.28788929

kek it's true, it literally says cake-lp tokens
what a scam

>> No.28789014

and total egg supply is 260k lmao when will this retard stop telling lies

>> No.28789190
File: 361 KB, 1188x1068, Screen Shot 2021-02-15 at 12.36.05 PM.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


lmao last time in responding to a dumbass here, you click 'HOME'.

No wonder you guys bought Bunny at 50$ and I bought it at 4$.

Ok I'm done with responding to these retards not knowing the basics about twitter, TVL, BSC.

Aaaaaand another tweet by this guy ;))) CZ will notice very soon.

>> No.28789216
File: 1022 KB, 1170x2532, 41A8D757-7FB6-415F-86FF-52B171973ADC.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Lying fucking retard. Anyone can fact check your lies faggot


>> No.28789277

so what do i do, can i make it with $1000?

>> No.28789371


Look another retard here.

Here is your home work.

Whats the market cap of CAKE?

CoinGecko says: 768M

BSC scan says: 1.2B

>> No.28789381

fuck im fucking stuck in a shitcoin, they wont let me fucking leave

>> No.28789443


guys I'm done, never thought there are so many retards here. enjoy. wait for my 'friendly reminder' post in 1 week about EGG.

>> No.28789567

Even by bscscan BUNNY is 18 mil mc while EGG is 9 mil mc, and considering BUNNY’s TVL is 3x higher than EGG that means it’s still undervalued in comparison yet you’re over here acting like BUNNY is done and that EGG is so much more undervalued. Fucking retard

>> No.28789682

oh wow, just a screen number without backup. why can't just see the amount of tokens on each pool? or staked?

>> No.28789745

>Binance listing next week
Is it confirmed?

>> No.28789833

I'm in anon. Farming right now is comfy af. Been in since $20

>> No.28789843

3000 ORAI locked, will be released till October.

>> No.28789902

What's the contract address?

>> No.28789970


enjoy brother while these guys are still asking 'why can't I see the number of tokens in each pool" LMAO

>> No.28790046

yeah they're both ready. bunny seems a tad bit safer because of their audits.

crow is undervalued too, they're supposedly having a major audit next week.

>> No.28790157

but why do you straight up lie about supply? it's true that they burned 90k but the total is 270k, so it's 270 - 90, not what you said
you sound like a scammer

>> No.28790211

Damn you are gonna make it fren, congrats. I’m guessing you were also staking when APY was like 1500%. I shilled it to biz once or twice but would get like 1-2 replies saying “nice supply faggot” or something. I tried

>> No.28790288

Why do you keep ignoring my point about BUNNY being more undervalued than EGG based on market cap to TVL ratio? Is it because you have no response?

>> No.28791229

How much does farming cost? is staking on bsc cheap?

>> No.28791558

literally pennies

>> No.28791967

Good outlook anon.

>> No.28792249

Anyone look into smokehouse.finance? They have crazy apy

>> No.28792308

You're late. Everyone already dumped their bags yesterday

>> No.28792758

What's the fastest way to buy this?

>> No.28793327
File: 995 KB, 1232x1518, Screen Shot 2021-02-15 at 1.26.13 PM.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


I encourage you to look at this guy on twitter. He invested in cake when it was 0.18 cents. Pancake Swap and CZ Binance are following this guy on twitter. Please look at the screenshot. If you want to make your million dollar, this is how you do it. He bought Cake at 0.18 and now thinks EGG is the next gem.