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/biz/ - Business & Finance

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28781005 No.28781005 [Reply] [Original]

behold a haven of comfort

>> No.28781114
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Cheapies tomorrow

>> No.28781122

Why is the market closed? It makes me upset.

>> No.28781200
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so my dad has given me a "small loan" after I demonstrated some success with trading through the GME fiasco.

I've been given 20k to invest from him which is quite a lot of money for me. I was mainly looking at Airlines/Oil/Semiconductor ETFs for most of it. Are there any emerging markets I should invest the last 20% in, any tips? Thanks for reading my blog.

>> No.28781246

so many retards in the main thread rn not sure if its trolls or tourists

>> No.28781378

We've killed so many bears in this run. Where do you fuckers spawn all day?

>> No.28781448

My tip would be to not diversify too much because it's really not a lot of money.
Watch closely the movements of whatever you own and be ready to predict "sudden" changes.
Better to play safe.

>> No.28781529

We come when you do not expect us

>> No.28781842

I hate working from home without active threads and trading.

>> No.28781890
File: 64 KB, 736x552, Autunite.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Good morning frens!


>> No.28782626

>mineral correctly named
This pleases my autism

>> No.28782633


all you need really imo

>> No.28782740

its a nice looking mineral

>> No.28782832

Where do you find these green minerals? Is this what they make money out of?

>> No.28783075

Unironically the US of A and yes they put them in a hydraulic press and make money out of it.

>> No.28784063
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We sleep...

>> No.28784153
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Autunite is a naturally occurring, uranium-containing mineral that often looks greenish in color. A lot of shit you pull out of the ground looks like chalky, grey stuff, but sometimes compounds can grow large and very nice looking crystals in nature. The greenish color of a lot of U-containing minerals comes from the uranyl cation (UO2^2+). It's the most oxidized form of uranium possible, and the most common form uranium takes in the environment.

If you shine a UV light on a lot of these, you'll see bright green fluorescence, which comes from the uranyl cation as well.

>t. actinide chemist

>> No.28784554

would the mineral chunk in this pic >>28781890 be quite expensive if you wanted to buy one?

how severe is the radiation? could you own one and keep it on your pc desk for example?

>> No.28784694

Rocks and inorganic compounds are fucking great. I loved geology in college, too bad the 2008 crash completely fucked up my life, I would have been a good engineer.
Something that amazed me as well was that some diamonds also glow under UV but it's usually indicative of low quality.
Geostuff is cool...

>> No.28785504
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This one doesn't seem to be that expensive, but the presence of radioactivity may make private ownership of stuff like this illegal in some countries. The specific activity (radioactivity/gram) may not be high enough in many of them for authorities to care (some glass table tops and pieces of marble contain substantial amounts of U, but aren't regulated). The thing doesn't need much U to exhibit fluorescence.

Yeah, crystallography got me into chemistry in the first place, shit's cash. Also, it's never too late to join the autism so keep at it.