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2023-11: Warosu is now out of extended maintenance.

/biz/ - Business & Finance

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File: 7 KB, 800x286, iExec.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
28777247 No.28777247 [Reply] [Original]

Lmao. Let's change that.
Discuss fundamentals, tokenomics, tech, partnerships, demos, etc. Anything goes.

>> No.28777344


>> No.28777392


>> No.28777445

Don’t feel like there’s much to discuss nowadays. Coinbase and SEC end of March, if it happens, we’re in the clear for a galactic run this year, if not, I’ll have to sell, but all signs point towards optimism. $1000 EOY

>> No.28777453

NSMDO retards

>> No.28777490

DAG DER TONNE!!!!!!!!!!

>> No.28777583

Fuck BTC, seriously. We could have hit $3 yesterday

>> No.28777634

What about this project could possibly drive people to call it a pajeet P&D besides people trying to accumulate? The fud is just irrational, even versus clear scamcoins

>> No.28777639

I have 400 barrels right now. Should I complete the 870 suicide stack?

>> No.28777933

Yes, get your 870 suicide stack

>> No.28778014

honestly the logo looks very pajeetry

>> No.28778207
File: 148 KB, 631x474, 1606741944386.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Psyops everywhere
We are in a dip now thanks to Boomercoin ruining zoomer lives again.
Only BTC could force the whole market and thus iexec to dump more, either you Tether up waiting bigger dip or you buy now

>> No.28778692

We need Gilles to drop some news asap

>> No.28779037

I'm addicted and can't stop buying.
My long held BTC stack is beginning to dwindle; I'll probably slow down for a month just so I can eat something other than fucking baked beans and rice. I've also made some very poorly timed trades along the way.

I just love everything about iExec RLC, it's an addiction for sure, but it's one I'm content with.

t. 26K stacklet (my goal was always 100K)

>> No.28779103

Based oiler

>> No.28779258

I'm convinced that there are psyops everywhere trying to separate me from my digital oil

>> No.28779629
File: 2.08 MB, 1768x1073, 1613372373084.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I have 10k but I want more. Do you think there could be a dip ? Any news about Coinbase listing ?

>> No.28779815

Coinbase will happen only after SEC approvation. But Binance.us could happen sooner than we think

>> No.28779958

Coinbase is soon. Binance us is soon. RLC 50$ is soon

>> No.28780736

We need to get Giles to change the logo not matter how much he loves yellow balls

>> No.28780859

Nope. Too many memes would be ruined

>> No.28781217
File: 642 KB, 904x884, 1597626359665.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Idk lol Idk lol Idk lol Idk lol Idk lol Idk lol Idk lol Idk lol Idk lol Idk lol Idk lol Idk lol Idk lol Idk lol Idk lol Idk lol Idk lol Idk lol Idk lol Idk lol Idk lol Idk lol Idk lol Idk lol Idk lol Idk lol Idk lol Idk lol Idk lol Idk lol Idk lol Idk lol Idk lol Idk lol Idk lol Idk lol Idk lol .

>> No.28781285

Kek my favorite

>> No.28781919

Gilles owns 160k eth, he is billionaire but he keeps going to dump token every pump.I will tell you the truth : he failed, there is no adoption and he doesn't care about iexec anymore

>> No.28782077

We aren't selling go away

>> No.28782341

I'm holding 19k coins. How much will that be worth this year? Is a 10x from here dreaming? Between this and the rest of my portfolio I'm hoping to hit 2 mil this cycle and can quit my wagie job

>> No.28782376

The more popular a coin gets on biz, the more fud that comes with it. Happens to every single coin on here. All you have to do is your own DD and you should be able to easily determine if this is a solid project.

>> No.28782440

20 million

>> No.28782635

You guys really think we can hit 1k? That seems pretty ridiculous, we'd be getting close to ETH market cap

>> No.28782830

It's only 87b marketcap
Many coins will go to 100b plus

>> No.28783254


shameless plug if u like the barrelhead and oilwave videos everything helps :)

>> No.28784324

god speed anon, I'll either make it with my RLC stack or buy some rope and a chair. The fundamentals are there from my point of view but who knows what might happen

>> No.28784777

Is all this shilling recently just a desperate attempt to kill your resident whale?

>> No.28784841

Be patient and hold, its not a matter of if, but when. It may be this year, it may be in the next few but it will happen. I was impatient and sold LINK and could be retired by now, not making the same mistake.

>> No.28784963


>> No.28784976

Do really think the marketcap of ETH will stay this low? Blockchain & smart contracts are like a new internet. How high would you value TCP/IP? Also, there is no actual reason why iExec can't be as high as ETH or even higher.

>> No.28785154

We have less supply than Eth

>> No.28785667

The supply will go down even more as ERLC is created too.

>> No.28785767

Yeah eRLC plus staking plus hoarders will make RLC fly into the top 5

>> No.28786345


>> No.28786445
File: 6 KB, 402x125, download (1).png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

huh is this real??

>> No.28786529

Yes sell now

>> No.28786605

unlike this retard if I were being honest I see a $20 EOY

>> No.28786665

guys Im starting to lose my faith in the project. I see Gilles at the Carrefour sometimes and he always tells me he's working so hard and big partnerships are coming with enterprises and so on. but every time I look at his shopping cart it's all sorts of anonymous looking pills, lots of oil-based products, and a lot of courgettes and cucumbers for some reason ? why isn't he eating normal foods ? he seems to be losing it.

>> No.28786845

Its a (((parody))) account

>> No.28786996

no it's real cmon stop shilling. his @ is literally GillesFedak. how can we trust someone like this ?

>> No.28787162
File: 59 KB, 686x401, iPooPump.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.28787219

Gilles doesn't have time for social media

>> No.28787336

Gilles is a genius

>> No.28788045

You are dumping when the btc is mooning

>> No.28788261
