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/biz/ - Business & Finance

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28771422 No.28771422 [Reply] [Original]

>> No.28771474

I really feel for her

>> No.28771516

>this time is not different
Exactly meaning we are nowhere near done yet, noob. We still have a bit less than a year left

>> No.28771525
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Why ain’t my doggy coin stock doin a lil smn smn

>> No.28771544
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>> No.28771582

Her heart is in the right place but she needs to do her own research

>> No.28771583

Sorry, I thought you meant bitcoin. Should have read kek. Ya, doge is fucked

>> No.28771616
File: 101 KB, 828x289, 42FB4D47-C917-4F59-89B5-2EC4BD256761.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Dodge Coin
I almost feel bad for getting a kick out of this

>> No.28771651

kek wtf is this retard

>> No.28771663


>> No.28771730

>normans buy doge and get rekt
>bitcoin to 200k
best timeline

>> No.28771778

>HODLing a meme coin.
Stupid bitch

>> No.28771787

Anywhere people who look like her make up a sizeable portion of the population will be a violent impoverished shit hole.

>> No.28771797

Imagine being this retarded holy fuck. Must be pretty comfy desu.

>> No.28771823

Ok chud

>> No.28771826

To be fair if most of the faggots here held sub 1 cent they’d be sitting pretty. Her biggest mistake appears to be she went all in instead of cost averaging

>> No.28771871

why do people belive shit like this, I feel bad for them, digging a bigger hole while claiming victory

>> No.28771877

fuck elon musk. these retards will be bag holding a fucking dog meme coin because he keep shilling this shit for no good fucking reason.

>> No.28771880

>her heart is in a right place
but her PUSSY was not.
why else she is a single mom?

>> No.28771914

So why are we "reaching the top" twice as fast as we did the last two cycles retard

>> No.28771931

Fuck the self-entitlement of people.

>> No.28771949

>typical investor: broke single mother trying to get a better life for her kids
this is a major sell signal

>> No.28771966

i hope the whole market crashes so that niggers who invested become even poorer

>> No.28771968

I will brutally dump on this porch monkey and all other normies once DOGE goes up again

>> No.28771977

These people buy on Robinhood and have no exposure to the greater crypto market. When soccer moms are trading on uniswap, its time to bail.

>> No.28771990

wish i had a stack of this shitcoin just so i could dump on this nigger and her little nigger

sure you can leave the city, to live in my cotton field farm, fucking negros

>> No.28772000

Dylan! You son of a bitch!

>> No.28772019
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>Some of us really deserve this chance !
but why?

>> No.28772037

Great now that little nigger is going to grow up and rob me someday because his mommy fucked up and invested in a meme coin all because daddy Musk told her so.

>> No.28772093

Today I had my normiest friend of all normies ask me if he should buy bitcoin out of the blue. Huge sell signal personally.

>> No.28772096

this is soul crushing

>> No.28772140

>Feeling empathy for this

>> No.28772162


>> No.28772176

I'd feel bad but at some point having good intentions alone doesn't do jackshit
step up to the game or stay stuck in slave mentality your entire life

>> No.28772182

I don't

>> No.28772235

She didn't ask to be born probably in a ghetto. She didn't ask to have alcoholic parents. She didn't ask to have probably a avg - low IQ. She's just doing what she's programmed to do (have babies and care for them). Have some empathy for your fellow humans.

>> No.28772240

I know they’re poor and all but something feels so cringe about this.
>ai’ght devonté mommy finna take you to Greece with her dogecoins you ain’t never need to want for anything, you is royalty, you is EXPENSIVE

>> No.28772243


simple entitlement. this moron thinks she deserves to be a billionaire for doing jack shit because the world has done nothing but tell her she's entitled to it.

>> No.28772247

hers or yours

>> No.28772274

>If whales sell the price goes up
>What is supply and demand?

>> No.28772300

That kid could be the next elon musk, and he's being held down at the bottom. It's sickening. Now we may never see the stars.

>> No.28772376

This just in: Generational poorfags who are uneducated about finance and investing make bad decisions.
Idk I kind of feel bad for her because there's all this stuff she could be doing that would really give her kids a better life but she's trying to get rich off DOGE instead.

>> No.28772386

you guys like to laugh at crypto niggers on twitter, and I was one of you for a while. But this summer, after bragging about my gains while drunk at a company event, I found myself in a position in which I had to teach a nigger from fucking Mozambique how to effectively trade crypto. I could write a fucking book about the whole experience, but he eventually picked up on it and he's actually making money now. This isn't your average nigger, this one reads and everything. I'm actually proud of this accomplishment, I feel like one of those circus tamers who teach dogs to play pianos and shit like that

>> No.28772417

Why don’t they just move?

>> No.28772422

I feel for what she means, but.... thats no way of making it

>> No.28772468

That’s quite a lot of assumptions there anon. Empathy is imperative yes as it provides greater understanding to the world around us.. but are you going to take it upon yourself to go to her page and educate her on dollar cost averaging? If not then you’re right here alongside us.

>> No.28772474

They're urban, they need to be near the urbs

>> No.28772570
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Not sure if pasta but this is based as fuck
>feel like one of those circus tamers who teach dogs to play pianos and shit like that
Fucking kek

>> No.28772575

>sure you can leave the city, to live in my cotton field farm, fucking negros

Slaves are EXTREMELY dangerous to have around in modern society. Slavery only ever worked/works in shithole-situations, where life is inherently dangerous, simple physical labor has some value (it's worthless nowadays) and there is natural incentive for everyone to band together.

The costs to upkeep a slave easily outweight its labor benefits. You don't need to pay the slave a salary, but you sure as hell need to pay the gunmen.

>> No.28772588

get that ??? off the plane

>> No.28772679

>holding inflationary PND bags
I seriously feel for her. Hopefully she knows to exit on the next pump.

>> No.28772726

This is just sad. Doge? Swing that shit. Out of everything.... doge? Jfc

>> No.28772745

nah dude this is 100% real, it actually happened. I'd post proofs but the conversations aren't even in English so I'd probably just doxx myself

>> No.28772797

They are niggers, they can only live being cannibals in the jungle or pavement apes

>> No.28772851

I was born in the ghettos as well, the only difference is my mom realized my dad's a retard and got out. I then got a STEM degree, made an emergency fund, and gtfo and invested into stocks and learning a trade skill, long with programming. Had she found friends or people who weren't retarded following the herd and invested into those people vis-versa she wouldn't be in this issue. But, it's not a minority thing, more like american system is fucking retarded.

>> No.28772883

someone stop this man he is singlehandedly going to make Dodgecoin moon

>> No.28772914

lol dis nigga got bear trapped

>> No.28772936
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based and truthpilled

>> No.28772957

What languages do you program in? Any good resources for learning?

>> No.28773050
File: 248 KB, 828x784, F65A7187-203C-44AF-8CB3-0D16EE2FB0DC.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Shots fired by Dogecoin

>> No.28773059

most of these accounts have to be paid for shills or totally made up cointelpro
no way do i believe this is real, from all the screencaps i have seen in mpy years on the internet i know they would spend their gains on new weaves and nails, not having any concept that tomorrow even exists

>> No.28773126

Oh its daily "top is in" thread

>> No.28773139
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>trying to secure the future of your kids by jumping a shilled pyramid and expecting to rob other people of their money
>buying high too
People like this is what makes me empathize with the rich, even tho I am a poorfag myself.
Seriously, how can you NOT take everything away from such cattle? They are literally begging to get robbed. They are also acting like someone who totally deserves to be robbed, because they are trying to rob people themselves.

>> No.28773176
File: 1.77 MB, 4032x3024, 313753D6-99DC-46DE-967E-8ABA7A93D00A.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Local news this morning

>> No.28773183

To add onto this comment.

Elon has openly said in interviews he is memeing about Doge (likes BTC). Poor people who don't know shit about investing are literally pouring money from their 12am-7am wendy shifts in ghettos that they use to feed their children like chick in OP pic. If Doge does dump thats pretty shitty on Elon.

>> No.28773188

Someone make a Joggercoin so these Ooga Boogas can make bank plz. I feel so sorry for her and the 6 kids I've paid for.

>> No.28773272
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>> No.28773274

html-doesn't count

as for trade, electrical and going to learn plumbing on the side. It's actually quite amazing you can levy a lot of shit when you have a trade or know something the average person doesn't. As for resources,


udemy: brad traversy for web dev, Tim Buchalka for java

>> No.28773276
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>> No.28773332

Appreciate it man, best of luck with your future endeavors anon. You sound like you got your head on right

>> No.28773338

based, I'm now a #dogebitch

>> No.28773367

Is he beating the market?

>> No.28773376
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l keep asking for the government to sterilize low IQ humans and euthanize repeat felons but you don’t see me crying about on Twitter >;(

>> No.28773379

dumb money will be left bagholding,that's how it works

>> No.28773442

fucking kek.

>> No.28773476

I appreciate it, like I said. I only got to this point cause of the friends I keep and the experiences I witness from bad relationships. If I'm fucking up, my friends will tell me, and I do the same for them.

>> No.28773535

Wow, I guess not all anon super heroes wear capes. Don't stop the good fight!

>> No.28773538

it's her fault that she had babies, if she can't provide for them she should have been sterilized, why bring new people on Earth just to have them suffer for your pleasure? Poor faggots who have no money and children winder why they are so poor, drop the children and do something and maybe you wouldn't be like this

>> No.28773549

It’s actually really sad. A little research and she would actually had a chance

>> No.28773588

Go back to r*ddit, pussies. You guys are detrimental to yourselves and everyone around you.

>> No.28773662


I wear a cape, they call me.... migger nan

>> No.28773685

>shouldn't have gone into a meme coin
>shouldn't have gotten pregnant at 16
people do be digging their own graves

>> No.28773707

>Local news piece on bitcoin
So we really will go higher

>> No.28773748
File: 225 KB, 828x805, 7E7C83E4-C02F-4090-B0C8-EEDDF4675F49.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Alright which one of you fags told her the way out? Raise your hand

>> No.28773760

Haha i feel fucking good dumping my dogecoin. Hold my bag negro girl. I will buy in later just to give you hope and dump it with small profit just to be a dick. Goddamn i hate niggers

>> No.28773773

Welp. I’m selling to spite this nigger

>> No.28773827


>> No.28773830

>they would spend their gains on new weaves and nails
Haha, you don't really believe she'd put up a trust fund or savings account or whatever if she'd win big? She's just using her kid as emotional leverage, she's still clever enough to know that this makes getting her way easier than if she'd outright tell someone that she just wants to have fun herself.

>> No.28773852

Fair point desu

>> No.28773908

lol @ thinking a sheboon will be able to decipher this

>> No.28773955

You first mistake is assuming she wants to do any work

>> No.28773958

I agree that we shouldn’t give a shit, but stop using “empathy”
Empathy doesn’t mean you care or even feel.

>> No.28773998

But Elon isn't holding any cash at all.

>> No.28774012

What the fuck is this? I'ts like show someone the whitepaper for eth and saying "this is the only way to learn"

>> No.28774033

>buying a literal meme because Elon Musk shilled it as a joke while buying BTC
Why are normies so stupid?

>> No.28774041
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You know what i dont feel bad for these retards in the slightest. They are just as greedy and selfish as rich people. The only thing between this sheboon and me is that my IQ is high enough to realise when to buy low and sell high.

For some reason this is not making me sad or makes me feel compassion towards her and her son. Just repulsed and angry.

>> No.28774059

You talk like a dunning kruger 90 IQ r*dditor. Go back to your shithole with the rest of your fellow "intellectuals".

>> No.28774112

Hol up.
So you be saying dat it don go fo 0.05 chciken nuggets to dem 50k kfc buckets in a day? Sheeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeet

>> No.28774137

dogecoin top is in
bitcoin on the other hand..

>> No.28774162
File: 492 KB, 2342x1274, whaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaa.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]




BTC TO 100 000 !

>> No.28774217

Jesus christ. We are going to 300k btc this cycle arent we. I'm surprised these apes can even handle technology like phones and computers.

>> No.28774292


>> No.28774314

I literally came from a poor family, grew up in section 8 housing and what not. You know how many women love dating thugs , plenty.

I’m getting rich now and I have no sympathy for these girls.

>> No.28774320

Elon is south african. He probably feels a great deal of joy when he leaves niggs bagholding doge. Might have been his plan all along kek

>> No.28774433

They can't live without niggerville gibs.

>> No.28774487

Good on you for getting yourself anon

>> No.28774517


>> No.28774547
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>> No.28774563


>> No.28774741
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Feels bad man

>> No.28774754
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Thx mommy for buying my heavy bags. Just because of people like her we make these crazy gains so stop acting like a pussy and make some more money as long as it lasts.

>> No.28774774

Lol faggot

>> No.28774823

I just dumped my doge. bought 50 bucks worth. now have 60

>> No.28774829
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>> No.28774890

Absolutely checked and he's dead tiredpilled.

>> No.28774910

this is why there shouldn't be universal basic income or mass welfare.

people with shit genetics should not be rewarded for having more kids

>> No.28774911
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I live in a Central American country and I have never heard a shooting, just don't live near the niggers

>> No.28774958
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so exactly like all of /biz/
but we're gonna make it

>> No.28774969
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>> No.28775079
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>> No.28775135

The difference is we are not room temp IQ niggers thinking Doge is going to hit 30 million dollars if everyone holds

>> No.28775213

Holy shit, what a fucking white knight cuck. disgusting.

I bet my whole portfolio she calls this fud anyways or is just too stupid to understand at all.

>> No.28775237


>> No.28775570

At what point is someone responsible for their own behavior and not a victim of circumstances out of their control? According to your logic Hitler did nothing wrong.

>> No.28775679

>if whales sell price goes up
>inner city education

>> No.28775708

>just don't live near the niggers

how when they get incentivized to move near you and have lots of children

>> No.28775719

unironically makes me sad/scared

>> No.28775746

>According to your logic Hitler did nothing wrong.

I thought this was common knowledge

>> No.28775767

>we deserve
It's all so tiresome.

>> No.28775788

It's a nigger so no.

>> No.28775833
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Then you move out, in my country niggers are 3% of the population, with whites being 75%, yet the only nigger city accounts for 40% of the crime

>> No.28775831

Holy shit...

>> No.28775841
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CNBC Fast Money, indeed.

>> No.28775859

>I feel like one of those circus tamers who teach dogs to play pianos and shit like that

>> No.28775876

Maybe she did. You cant know that retard

>> No.28775909

The only thing Hitler did wrong was extending east too far too early.

>> No.28775924
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>> No.28775939

i mean... is this supposed to be a gotcha? musk has very little cash on hand
it's ok for smoothbrain normalfags to read a msm article on "the richest person in the world" and think this translates to dollar bills, but you'd expect the twitter account of a cryptocurrency to have a slightly better understanding of money

>> No.28776007

No it's not. You're just weak.

>> No.28776090
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They are just acting for the normies retard, its a matter of time until msm publishes "feud between doge and elon musk" and all the normies buy $100 worth of doge thinking it will give them 1 million dollars in a month

>> No.28776096

>I really feel for her
good way to get fucked over by life & other people anon

>> No.28776181

stay poor

>> No.28776219

hahahahahaha fuck
i hate doge holders but that is undeniably fucking based

>> No.28776401

They think they’re special and fail to recognize the arena they’ve stepped into is littered with the bodies of idiots like them who thought they could get rich quick and with minimal investment.

>> No.28776481

That bitch would laugh at you if you were on the side of the road dying lmao.

>> No.28776601

The only thing I feel reading these is disgust really. They are playing the "for muh kid" card to hide their greed behind it and also for the sake of baiting some empathy along the way.

>> No.28776602

What a Alpha Chad, fooled normies into buying worthless dogecoins kek

>> No.28776771

>If dogecoin holders sell the price down, I'll start buying

>> No.28776813

when was that from?

>> No.28776989

>But this summer, after bragging about my gains while drunk at a company event,

>> No.28777019

>but you'd expect the twitter account of a cryptocurrency to have a slightly better understanding of money
>involved with crypto
>has any form of understanding of money
let me just stop you right there

>> No.28777094

at best people hate and envy you, at worst someone comes to your house with a gun asking for your private keys

>> No.28777143

If you’re homeless
Just buy a house

>> No.28777246

Incel detected. Black people have been oppressed since the beginning of time, and they will rise this century if white people step aside.

>> No.28777569

all of your argument is defeated by modern Arab states today. They all have slaves, they don't give a single fuck. The flaw is whiteys retarded morality.

>> No.28777654

ah yes, everybody is a genius in a bull market, including our mutt friend and his pet nigger

>> No.28777822

Imagine if this fuckhead had shilled them grt or Link instead.

>> No.28778080

yeah dude no need to lecture me, I just tend to get cocky when I'm with a couple of whiskies too much around retards old enough to be my parents bragging about 5-10% gains on ETFs

>> No.28778365

wait until they try to cash out

>> No.28778465

The 2017-2018 crash was signaled by black twitter going nuts over ripple. This is a bearish signal.

>> No.28778522

>musk has very little cash on hand

the $1.5 billion he spent on btc was 10% of his cash reserves. he has plenty of cash.

>> No.28778636

>She's just doing what she's programmed to do (have babies and care for them).
Gee, maybe if she'd just sucked dick and swallowed instead of letting some rando impregnate her, she wouldn't be in that situation.

>> No.28778941

I can assure you he's not

>> No.28779133

You are a fucking retard.
Why even have a kid in the first place if you don't have money? Why not try to get out of your shitty situation before dropping into another one?
Go ahead and keep wallowing in your own misery and blame the whole world and pretend it's none of your fault.

>> No.28779148


>> No.28779295


>> No.28779302

The hard to swallow pill is that they never are, ever. Even hitler.

>> No.28779303

that's a company cash reserve tard, not his checking account

>> No.28779353

stop posting idiot

>> No.28779431

Dogdgecoin is correct dodge it

>> No.28779618

A fool and his money are easily parted. She bought a meme dog coin because of a few tweets. If she loses any money its fucking funny and a good life lesson on how not to be a fucking idiot.

>> No.28779690

Always the fucking Normans...always...

>> No.28780297


>> No.28780608


Imagine being racist unironically.

You have a lot to learn, anon. She's a victim of an environment that treated generations of her people like nothing.

The real black pill is thinking she's the enemy and not the elite.

She needs to take responsibility no matter what, but you can't ignore she's playing at a disadvantage under most. No wonder she thinks things her stacked against her.

>> No.28780757

Yes we are. But there will be so many fucking bloodbath corrections along the way to make sure these people panic sell and won't get to ride it all the way to the top.
And the newfags with iron hands who hold every correction won't be able to know when correction turns into a full fledged fucking crash, and they'll hold to the bottom

Most dumb money will lose money. That's how every market works.

>> No.28780759
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Kill yourself faggot, the elite are the jews

>> No.28780768

the elite are the enemies, but not least because they fill our cities with niggers. That might be normal for americans but I've literaly never seen a nigger until 2010 and now the city where I was born is filled with them

>> No.28780785

meh bait
the intentional reddit spacing gave it away

>> No.28780889

You're a pawn and you have no clue.

>> No.28780942

based and truthpilled

>> No.28780962


Africans are people too. Infact scientifically your ancestor was an African as well once upon a time ago.

They want to /makeit/ just like the rest of us. Being on the side of the people who don't give 2 shits about us is incorrect anon. I can't control you, but this path of hate will only lead to your own self destruction.

>> No.28780997
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Even the jews bow down to them, tho

>> No.28781068

But she's a nigger wtf. I don't get you burgers

>> No.28781195

The fact that so many people are able to articulate the problem is seriously promising
We're going to fix this world anons

>> No.28781203

>Infact scientifically your ancestor was an African as well once upon a time ago.
Not the guy you're replying to, nor am I a racist, but the "out of Africa" was debunked years ago, you fucking retard.


>> No.28781220

Dollar coast averaging is such a fucking meme in 2021. You either make insane gains off a random pnd or you lose 20-50% in a matter of days. There's no in between.

>> No.28781330


I tried reading your source anon. The sites dead.

>> No.28781459

I don't hate anyone dude. I literally get along really well with black people from my company. But they're only "on your side" until the going gets tough. When people's needs are in danger, they start thinking tribe-wise, and race comes before tribe. I don't want anyone to die or suffer but I want to be able to enjoy life in the land of my ancestors without having to accept people who don't care for me and whose interests can be opposed to my own, when they have Earth's richest continent for themselves as it is. Also, you can also say "my ancestor" was a primate, but you don't go around defending primate rights and hiring quotas for primates

we are my guy, and sooner rather than later.

>> No.28781514

gonna sneak up on this bitch by walking directly at her

>> No.28781587

Look, I have empathy as well, but you need to realize that you only make money if someone loses money.
Hopefully institutions are the ones getting fucked, but that's too optimistic.

>> No.28781642


"On your side until the going gets tough"? You're basing an entire race of people off a few of your co-workers?

>> No.28781808

>The economy is a zero sum game
This is your brain on leftist theory

>> No.28781895

>Markets are the economy
You are the retard.

>> No.28781992

>Markets are a zero sum game

>> No.28782045

no, my coworkers are cool, we get along fine as I said. I'm basing an entire race of people off what literally all races have done at all points in history except for Europeans in the last 70 years for some unknown, mysterious reason.

>> No.28782132


She is making the right decision. This bullmarket is far from over and if she holds in 2 years tops she will be wealthier than any of you paper handed fags.

>> No.28782211


>> No.28782222


Except for Europeans Anon? Everyone is shitty anon, including Europeans. No one is exempt from being a fucking degenerate.

You say yourself that your coworkers are fine. If a random white dude came up to you and stole your bitcoin would you still believe he's better than your actual friends?

>> No.28782270

Why’s it always come down to racism with these retards.

They play the card and in their heads they sort of believe it will change the outcome. Because every other moment in their life it has done.

>> No.28782292
File: 727 KB, 979x971, IMG_20210201_172630.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Fuck off kike

>> No.28782421

Yes, approximately they are.

>> No.28782641

Checked and kek’d

>> No.28782709

Better sell your DOGE then.

>> No.28782714

>if a random white dude came up to you and stole your X
yet somehow it's very rarely, if ever, that a white dude does that kind of thing, isn't it? That's the old "there's also white robbers/drug dealers/murderers/etc" argument. Are there white criminals? Sure. Are the proportions between whites and other races even similar? Not by any stretch of mind. Again, I don't hate anyone, but I like to live in peace, and to me, as to everyone else, "peace" means "away from niggers". Even the rappers leave "the hood" as soon as they can, and they don't go buying in black majority areas.

>> No.28782718

Nice bait faggot

>> No.28782804

(((unknown mysterious reason)))
if we can regain control of our media and expose the lies that are broadcast daily we need never suffer through this again

>> No.28782862


>> No.28782942

>i'm tired of living in a city
so close to understanding (((it))) but so far...

>> No.28782976


>> No.28783192

nah dude, the brainwash is so deep these days that if you removed all journalists and replaced them by the most ethical people you could find, people would call your publications "propaganda" and call for the "freedom of the press" to have the old one back. No, my guy, this isn't a sport for the masses: you just need to remove all jews in power, one way or the other, and those who would be persuaded will be persuaded all the same when they notice the difference in the ways of living

>> No.28783237


>> No.28783288


That's not the point is it? It could be the rarest event in history. Just the fact that it happened means that race capable of evil just as much as anyone else.

>Even the rappers leave "the hood" as soon as they can, and they don't go buying in black majority areas.

Anon. When they refer to the hood it means they want to leave their impoverished area. Of course it's a majority of black people there, because that's what happens when for generations your slaves and are now forced to live with an unfair advantage the majority of your country has.

There are many rich black majority neighborhoods in America and other places anon.

At the end of the day it's not about white vs poor, etc. It's about the elite who brainwashed you to think that someone with white skin is better than your friend with darker complexion.

>> No.28783487

I could write paragraphs about how 1 in 1000 of one race killing someone is not the same as 1 in 100 of another doing the same thing consistently (And that its obvious, even to a child)

but instead I'll just say
ok jew

>> No.28783612


Let me ask you this. How many people have your coworkers killed?

>> No.28783982

>Just the fact that it happened means that race capable of evil just as much as anyone else.
my dog eats grass sometimes, but that doesn't make dogs herbivores, does it?
>There are many rich black majority neighborhoods in America and other places anon.
there are, and they have higher crime rates than the poorest white majority areas in the country. What does that tell you?
>When they refer to the hood it means they want to leave their impoverished area.
you see, this is how I know this argument is a load of shit. I grew up in an area that's poorer than anywhere in the united states, my family still lives there, and yet, when I make it, I'm going to live the rest of my days there. Why? Because it's my people, it's where I belong, and while my grandparents still talk about childhood friends of theirs who starved to death, no one ever stole or murdered or beat up other people. That's the difference between civilization and savagery. And I know that if I'm there, if the worst disaster ever happens to me and I'm on the streets with nowhere to go, not even the folks I don't get along will leave me out. In big cities, even your friends abandon you. Remember my dude, a tree without roots always falls down.

>> No.28783994


I feel what you are feeling. It's a crying fucking shame that I'm not a god-like superhuman with limitless energy and time so I could care for every fucking person on the planet who needs help.

I've barely got enough fucking energy for my own people, and I'm on fucking medication to accomplish it.

Fuck you, anon. Worry about the people right next to you, get rich, and then MABYE, you'll have the time and energy to worry about fucking strangers.

>> No.28784051


>musk has very little cash on hand


>> No.28784154

how many of your white colleagues have owned slaves?

>> No.28784316


That's my point. Don't judge other people from what someone you know does. Everyone has their own mind.

>> No.28784374

You forget the level of agency involved to get into crypto which creates a time lag. Give idiots at least a month or two before the top is in

>> No.28784414
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>> No.28784446

Jizzus Christ normies are dumb as shit.

>> No.28784466


>my dog eats grass sometimes, but that doesn't make dogs herbivores, does it?

No, it means they are capable of eating grass. That simple

>there are, and they have higher crime rates than the poorest white majority areas in the country. What does that tell you?


>I grew up in an area that's poorer than anywhere in the united states, my family still lives there, and yet, when I make it

Which area are you from that has a 0 crime and/or murder rate? I'm curious.

>> No.28784476

why doge though? should've gotten btc and just wait. honestly I'm actually startng to feel bad about the people who went into doge BECAUSE of elon.

>> No.28784521

She black, it’s black culture for the father to leave

>> No.28784575

kek, no white people have owned slaves for hundreds of years you fucking kyke, and yet we still have race quota's and stupid terms like BAME invented every day
1 nigger junkie dies in custody and the cities burn and the news call it a peaceful protest

it doesn't matter where you go, blacks are doing worse and its not because muh racism

you are so disingenuous, it makes me sick

>> No.28784607


>> No.28784729
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Meanwhile on schwabtweeter..

>> No.28784728

do you actually enjoy that shit? Maybe modern JS, but Java is such a piece of garbage language. Too bad a lot of the BIG enterprise world still runs with this awful shit.

>> No.28784755
File: 1.20 MB, 966x952, Screen Shot 2021-02-14 at 6.20.18 PM.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

She a queen, anon. She the prota.......prottog, proteg... main character of dis movie.

>> No.28784808

Wow calm down with the antisemitism guys

>> No.28784825


He was a junkie criminal clearly. Did you not see the part where the cop broke protocol by retarded margin?

People aren't upset because a random black dude died, people are upset because police brutality is still going strong.

>> No.28784995

holy fuck... am I... am I one of them?

>> No.28785052


>> No.28785122

how think to make this thought

>> No.28785168
File: 117 KB, 1531x841, 1590604368741.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>it means they are capable of eating grass
capable, yes, but not prone to, or especially known for doing it, unlike, say, a cow, who can be expected to eat a huge amount of grass in her lifetime, just because that's what cows do, it's their nature.

>Which area are you from that has a 0 crime and/or murder rate? I'm curious.
interior Portugal, look it up.

I have to look for it in my /pol/ folder, give me 1h to quit work

>> No.28785292

Read the stats anon. Just because the media grabs 3 stories a year and pretends it's "representative of the reality", doesn't mean it's "still going strong".
Second, where police brutality does happen is usually completely justified. We have entire neighborhoods full of absolute animals, and animals need to be kept under control. They only understand beatings, threats, and force. Imagine trying to train a dog without negative reinforcement. Now imagine you have 40k dogs and they have guns. Welcome to being a cop in a minority area.
I can't stand cops, and even I sympathize with them when they have to deal with those critters.

>> No.28785428

>People aren't upset because a random black dude died

if you wanted a martyr you'd use a non-criminal, non-junkie:

but instead cities burn whenever a niglet dies trying to rob a corner store, the protests were blm protests, not police brutality protests

>> No.28785454
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Some are GPT-3 bots. Indistinguishable from your average schwabmarine.
Saw "42" bot on /pol shilling blockchain and link recently. Truth is they are everywhere.

>> No.28785490

You're a based guy.
You're gonna make it.

>> No.28785632

You on the other hand are very smooth brained.
Not gonna make it.

>> No.28785721


Determinism is the ironic ruler of our entropic madness.

>> No.28785751

holly shit, i'm out

>> No.28785799
File: 194 KB, 722x1024, oyvey.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

races are different and some are more dangerous and prone to violence, you can see it in crime stats around the world, you can see it in the development of the countries of the world and you can see it in (((their))) choice of propaganda

those few good examples that do nothing wrong don't cancel this out or excuse this - they're lives are not worth the ruined lives their continued presence costs

>> No.28785813

negro I was born in literal 3rd world country in shitty small town where 90% of workers are employed in dying coal mining industry and now I work on Wall St, don't give me this crap

>> No.28785836


You're comparing rates of 13.2% of the population over 77.35% of the population. Of course when you stretch them out to 100% it's gonna make the minority statistics look worst.

What this picture doesn't include are other factors as well such as wealth, family disadvantages, access to education, etc.


Do you know the point of the BLM protest? It's not just saying black people are better. They're saying black people should matter as much as everyone else.

And you can see from this thread alone that the majority here don't think that. Black people are people too. One of them became the president of the united fucking states.

At that point of time, the top world leaders didn't have a drop of euro in them. Do you see now that everyone has the potential to be great?

>> No.28785843

thanks fren, I hope you make it too.

>> No.28785888

>Buying dogecoin and thinking she's gonna make it
Why not a real project.

>> No.28785911


Do you have a source that's not a meme off facebook?

>> No.28785942

>Do you see now that everyone has the potential to be great?

No, they don't.

>> No.28785970

look up denisovan man

>> No.28786136

Didn't you oldfags say the top was when women were taking pics of themselves with their crypto?

>> No.28786219


What am I looking for? I just found people from about 200,000 years ago.

>> No.28786234

Oh no it's definitely a brown people thing. Note how essentially every nice country in the entire world is a white country. It's not a coincidence. Note all the utter shit holes are brown.

Brown people are genetically predisposed to crime and anti-social behaviors as well as have significantly lower IQ.

>> No.28786236
File: 95 KB, 1024x605, B6D5075F-93D2-49DF-97A4-D63C15DC6C6B.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

and how many people do you know that have had their kid’s face eaten off by a pit bull?
If a stray pit bull comes up to you, do you let your kids pet it? Now what is it’s a stray golden retriever?
How can someone be on biz with literally 0 concept of statistics and probabilities? If you know a breed is wired differently, you never relax. You’re the kind of person that would “rescue” a stray pit bull, then never acknowledge it was your fault when your child has to live the rest of its life with a hideous scar on its face that people have to pretend they’re not looking at.

>> No.28786237


>> No.28786261
File: 37 KB, 495x426, 1590605037014.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

if you want more comprehensive stats, feel free to use any African country, and pray tell me if the result you reach is different.
>What this picture doesn't include are other factors as well such as wealth, family disadvantages, access to education, etc.
ok, I hope this one does

>> No.28786417


And where is this from exactly? I'm willing to look into it, but I can't just take a picture at face value without knowing it's credible

>> No.28786459

Are you debating it's accuracy?
Do you believe Paris is better after it was diversified?

>> No.28786463
File: 52 KB, 480x360, EPw75uaWsAEQ2GT.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>There are many rich black majority neighborhoods in America


>> No.28786572

>uh, i asked for proof, not racist proof, checkm8 sweaty

Let's get some african migration started for israel, they're behind on that front I think

>> No.28786592

a little research and she'd be a bagholder for the next rugpull

>> No.28786623
File: 140 KB, 1000x966, 1613405336049.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I'm a black guy and I feel her.
I'm trying to make it with parsiq rubic and statera so I can get my family out of the hood, kickoff my acting career, make passive gains from stonks and staking, and improve my hood for my fellow blacks and hispanics

>> No.28786664

Just wait for 30 years

>> No.28786686

Not that anon but stop deluding yourself. It's a genetic thing. Blacks are genetically predisposed to crime and have lower IQ.

In this study black children were raised with well off white families and yet they still had significantly lower IQ than their peers.


>> No.28786721
File: 631 KB, 739x740, 1600883592009.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

you forgot about dropping your fire mixtape nigger

>> No.28786792

literally a niggercoin

>> No.28786829


You say "Diversified" as if that was the issue. The issue was the idiot government not being prepared to handle an immigration crisis.

You can blame the people at the bottom all you want, but at the end of the day it's the Elites who are brainwashing you to make you believe you're unironically better than someone else because you got a good color on the color wheel.


Link a source? Is that too much to ask or are random pictures you find on facebook all you have

>> No.28786855


>> No.28786885


>> No.28786900

Not gonna happen. She'll hold into deep losses. You know it's true.

>> No.28786917

Making him black in that pic makes him look terrifying lmao
I've also been learning computer science at my 4 year, I'm learning art and coding so I can make my own small indie game too

>> No.28786930

Ayo my dog coin be doin sumn

>> No.28786971


In that same article you linked me it says,

>The 1992 follow-up study found that "social environment maintains a dominant role in determining the average IQ level of black and interracial children and that both social and genetic variables contribute to individual variations among them.

Anon. All humans are humans. Skin color doesn't matter.

>> No.28787023

Name one country that isn’t fegget

>> No.28787046

setting it up is cancer, I'll admit but building stuff is fun cause you get to see the progress and test it.

>> No.28787126


Can anyone counter this? From what you guys shown me so far I don't see any evidence that black people are born inferior.

You may have your own bad personal experiences, but trust me when I say that humans are humans.

>> No.28787131

Most people and especially women need to be controlled like cattle, this woman cannot look out for herself

>> No.28787133
File: 1.02 MB, 1003x677, 1585155225013.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>(((follow-up study))) because the first one didnt reach the right conclusions

>> No.28787244

I wonder how much DOGE they are holding. Also, do they believe that this meme coin will be the next BTC?

>> No.28787253


I'm assuming you didn't actually look at the data on both studies right? You probably just flanced over the first one and said "Alright my cognitive dissonance is good for the day, time to go."

>> No.28787354
File: 130 KB, 1000x1000, 1612816872229.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Dolla cost averaging? I be keepin my dolla cost up, ain't nothin bout that be average.

>> No.28787360

>You say "Diversified" as if that was the issue. The issue was the idiot government not being prepared to handle an immigration crisis.

Both are an issue.

>You can blame the people at the bottom all you want, but at the end of the day it's the Elites who are brainwashing you to make you believe you're unironically better than someone else because you got a good color on the color wheel.

Lamenting the elites is funny, by and large, since the majority of people who do such also tend to agree with more immigration [often saying no one is for open borders, but mentioning limiting immigration gets a raucous reaction], which is beneficial to aforementioned elites, along with proliferation of the consumer/technological society.

Culture is the overarching issue; wanting more people sublimated into a consumer culture is what, essentially, people promote without even knowing it.

>> No.28787409

Race isn't skin deep you fucking retard. It's genetic. Behavior, IQ and temperament is all genetic.

Braindead. You really think it was coincidence that the more black blood the children had the lower their IQ was?

Another study, showing that genetics heavily determines behavior.


>> No.28787418

Wow this, so much this. Here have an upvote kind stranger. These incels are fueled by hatred and insecurities

>> No.28787459
File: 467 KB, 1200x1600, 1600148915301.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

read "the bell curve" and "The 10,000 Year Explosion" instead of guns germs and steel sweetie

>> No.28787490
File: 32 KB, 750x421, 1612852295192.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

HAHA linkies fucking seething

>> No.28787499

nigger i live in france while your fat american ass acts like an expert on something he has no clue about
cherrypicked as the pic may be, there's only one image at most that can be attributed to "an immigration crisis" (the bottom right)
most of the nogs above are as french as i am. they're 2nd, 3rd, 4th, even 5th generation immigrants

>> No.28787562

>nogs above are as french as i am
read camp of the saints

>> No.28787587

Guys...it’s literally called fucking DOGECOIN. This CURRENCY has a FUCKING MEME DOG on it...HOW ARE PEOPLE FALLING FOR THIS SHIT?

>> No.28787638


>> No.28787647
File: 180 KB, 1280x789, edf9924a-3dc6-4e44-8710-bdad60337be2.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Link a source? Is that too much to ask or are random pictures you find on facebook all you have

what do you want jidf, do you want me to read you the links out loud on vocaroo with my home address?

>> No.28787672
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Fucking kek

>> No.28787735
File: 96 KB, 761x1067, 18e4ce8f-322c-4b76-8208-caf4b6351f8f.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>You say "Diversified" as if that was the issue. The issue was the idiot government not being prepared to handle an immigration crisis.

They shouldnt have let them in to begin with, but they are complicit

>> No.28787772
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You LITERALLY ruined her morning you sick fucks...

>> No.28787776
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>Skin color doesn't matter.
it doesn't, but race does

>> No.28787785 [DELETED] 

Ah yes. I remember Louis XVI, the sun king, whos complexion was a dark as the damp dirt of Gascony

>> No.28787794

>not telling the difference between gunshots and fireworks anywhere anytime

>> No.28787798


Anon. Are you really basing all of humanity off a single study of a set of random twins?


Do you know what a link is? And no, not chainlin

>> No.28787823
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>> No.28787879

>most of the nogs above are as french as i am. they're 2nd, 3rd, 4th, even 5th generation immigrants
that just means you're a nigger, not that they're french

>> No.28787883


>> No.28787889


>> No.28787913
File: 45 KB, 748x525, 13462ad0-a2e9-413c-9fc1-761ea6906c11.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>lol i will just ignore the urls and sources in the image, i win

>> No.28787938
File: 16 KB, 360x360, A076F5CA-BCE0-4749-9B44-A51303FB18B6-360x360.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Oh no, are these the retards that are pumping my bags? Fuck i almost feel sorry for them when i destroy their hopes and dreams one day

>> No.28787946
File: 869 KB, 1280x720, 1599961469649.webm [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

twas many twins u ape

>> No.28787960

You've clearly never lived in a "diverse" area. They'll never fit into white culture

>> No.28787970

Where do you live anon.

>> No.28787988

You think the move telegraphed by Tesla being headed up by Musk and buying $1.5B worth of BTC and NOT doge coin would have been a big indicator to people that he is just memeing.

>> No.28788038

No. Her biggest mistake was investing in doge coin. Her second biggest mistake was buying the fucking top by being an NPC and not even doing the slightest research into it.

>> No.28788057


Anon. I'm Black. I lived in the hood. I lived in a suburban white neighborhood. I've been in the Army and met every race there is.

I can speak first hand about one thing. People are people no matter what. And You hating a race of people only causes harm for yourself.

>> No.28788092
File: 96 KB, 1081x618, 1593334543955.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>biggest mistake was being born a nigger


>> No.28788116

This. Same reason the Cybertruck is bulletproof and essentially Nig resistant for the bleak future ahead. He knows.

>> No.28788143


>> No.28788176
File: 16 KB, 320x180, tiIn3h.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Thank you for this thread OP.
Reminds me everyday that keeping my standards high and never having children was the best investment decision I ever made.

>> No.28788190
File: 97 KB, 1280x688, d888efc3-4788-45bf-8e4a-dd4cc3068e43.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>And You hating a race of people only causes harm for yourself.

Wanting to be among your own kind is the most natural thing there is. Forcing a mingling of the different races of the world causes nothing but conflict and hate.

>> No.28788192

>I'm black
It all makes sense. You will never be French. Never. You can pretend all you want. Just because I move to China and give myself a chinese name doesn't mean I'm chinese

>> No.28788283

I used to agree with this, but we have gotten to the point where globohomo is pushing race mixing and black culture on to EVERYTHING. If it wasn't in my face all the time, and if blacks could actually do something meaningful with their community and stand up to the people that really fucked over the inner cities, but guess what? Nigs gonna nog and want gibs. They don't care about the truth.

>> No.28788284


French? Anon... nevermind.

>> No.28788367

>When soccer moms are trading on uniswap, its time to bail.
Impossible. That’s way to difficult.

>> No.28788511

She'd probably call you an evil white supremacist, and vote to have all your wealth robbed in an instant if it meant she got hers.

>> No.28788590


>> No.28788757
File: 235 KB, 1024x1024, 1523878263934.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I know someone legitimately driving Lyft every single weekend to pay his bills. He's banking on his $500 buy of "Dogecoin shares" hitting $1 to get out of the hole he drove his stupid ass into. I tried explaining to him the concept of mcap and why he should just take his profits at $0.09 and forget all about Doge, but it was like talking to a brick wall.

>> No.28788799

>Elon's right! Dump your bags on me!

>> No.28788841

Kek, how do we get niggers to buy our bags? Somebody start talking up FunFair to black twitter.

>> No.28788921


Blacks need to do better. Whites need to do better. Everyone does.

No one is shoving hip hop or other stuff down your throat.

Anyways guys it was cool getting to understand a little more of your inner thoughts but I gtg

>> No.28788979
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>> No.28789017

Dont come back nigger

>> No.28789170

Same story during the 2017 bullrun, and the primary reason XRP blew up to like $3. 90% of normie retards simply do not understand how marketcaps work.
So they threw a couple of thousand into XRP thinking that it would eventually hit $20k just like BTC.

Normies create these insane bubbles within an already massive crypto bubble, so that when it bursts, they'll lose like 80% and it might not ever come back, unlike the rest of the crypto market which eventually recovers.