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File: 42 KB, 947x911, photo_2021-02-14_23-00-45.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
28762597 No.28762597 [Reply] [Original]

TTT - NFTs & in-game currency (sub $1m mcap)
TTT 400k market cap.
Working product.
Use, spend and transfer in-game currency.
Already Steam enabled.
Working on in-game NFTs.
Yield farming/staking live.

Has a side token for cutting gas fees by half.
Founders public and do a regular update podcast.
The Tap Project Milestones:
Tap N Go Rewards : Over 100K Downloads on Google Play Store
20K Users on the Tap Platform allowing gamers to play, games, and convert game score to TTT
Patent Pending IP
Proof of Mastery Protocol
3 Year Platform Development and Strong Core Development Team



Tap N Go Rewards: https://play.google.com/store/apps/details?id=net.tapngo.android

Price target: $0.03
Current price: $0.0025

>> No.28762981

quiet.... I'm accoooomulating

>> No.28763242

Me too but I owe this place for a lot of gems.

>> No.28763343



>> No.28763386

True, biz has been good to me.

>> No.28763568

Wake up. Check biz. Two fucking tap threads and I don't get paid till Friday. I'm not gonna make it.

>> No.28763798


Fuck it, got to be worth a punt. Worked for me buying Rubic.

>> No.28763957

RIP bro

>> No.28764890

Might still get in if this stays under the radar but I bet I wake up Friday to this being shilled here bigger than Rubic. Fucking destined to be poor.

>> No.28765177

Can't figure out if this is the next Bitconnect or the next Antshares. Gah!

>> No.28765275

>what do you want to be when you grow up?

>i want to be a incel shilling a coin on a asian basket weaving board with my other incel friends so i can eventually afford to go aokigahara and off myself there after realizing what a waste of life i am

>> No.28765671

just bought 1m, happy to make up for recent pumps I missed. Expecting a 15-20x at least.

>> No.28765822

Fucking hell!

>> No.28765889

Damn fren, welcome to the make it club.

>> No.28765898

its neither bitconnect nor antshares, it's just a solid project that could totally hit 30m
I'm aiming for less since Im in rather early now but I fucking know a biz gem when I see it and this is the next biz 10x.

>> No.28766141
File: 208 KB, 768x1024, 7060D813-F927-4C72-9DB9-F4A954B10DBB.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

just bought 234k


>> No.28766356

95k stacklet reporting in, im feeling better already

>> No.28766500

10x seems kinda low, NGL

>> No.28766867
File: 227 KB, 425x405, 1613312449303.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Dubs don't lie.

>> No.28766946

I'm a conservative estimator.
Plus I don't mindlessly shill, I just say the minimum I expect.

>> No.28767204

Wish I hadn't sat on this. Saw it earlier today and it's already 2x price. Fuck.

>> No.28767542

Same. I saw this yesterday but no money to buy as poorfag. I hope it's not gonna keep going up until Friday. Gutted. Rice and beans for me if I manage to get in then but it'll be worth it.

>> No.28767657
File: 35 KB, 1500x500, tap.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Still a buy though. This is heading for the planets soon.

>> No.28767985

I have thousands in crypto now and I unironically ate red beans and rice last night. It's just what you do until you make it unfortunately.

>> No.28768244

Underrated meal.
Protein & carbs - good brain fuel for buying shitcoins!

>> No.28768258

Nobody ever got rich by spending money.

>> No.28768541

>good brain fuel for buying shitcoins!
That's pretty much all I use it for these days.

>> No.28768858
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This medium article is a good read on what to expect in the coming weeks.

>> No.28769086

But I want 10k marketcap :( where does a poorfag like me find something under 10k marketcap which will reach 10M marketcap?

>> No.28769186

Lad, opportunites come along regardless of Mcap. You just have to take them as they come. Biz has set me up for life with low cap projects like this one, none of them were 10k Mcap. lol

>> No.28769511

100x's are nothing you catch in oone go.
But factor 100 can also get reached by catching a 10x and investing into another 10x.

>> No.28770710

Why does blockfolio display this coin incorrectly?

>> No.28770921
File: 140 KB, 1440x1604, nigga.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

It's a tiny low cap. They have problems with CMC too but are in a queue for CMC to sort it. Problem is with their side.
Blockfolio is often wrong anyway, even on the majors. I mean, it send me racist notifications and all the coins were wrong. :)

>> No.28771772
File: 152 KB, 1439x1116, Screenshot_20210215-085759.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Lmao did they get hacked? This app fucking sucks honestly, I just don't want to check dextools when I'm on my phone. The thing can't even display candles properly for anything below a day on the timescale usually

>> No.28772102

I think a twitter that feeds it got hacked. They changed all the coin names to nigga, the symbols to a coomers cock and values to 0 then sent notifications telling all black people they were liquidating all their positions and that they were no longer valued as customers.

>> No.28772293

I already have 500k but I could buy 800k more and idk what to do. I'd have to take it out of another project. Weep

>> No.28772407

What’s a good entry price?

>> No.28772519

Anywhere around here is a decent entry. It might dip more, it might not but it's going much, much higher with the updates they've got going on.

>> No.28772612

everything under 1c really

>> No.28773141
File: 546 KB, 828x1707, B40B1119-5AC7-4DB2-B884-979938716CC7.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

K. Gonna start DCAIng in a bit a week for q1. I saw this in the TG

>> No.28773354

Lol can you TA a coin of such low cap? It looks like a bull flag on the daily

>> No.28774035
File: 220 KB, 828x1084, DD6D9746-4089-4575-B60D-13B87A5CBAB5.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Pic related

>> No.28774181

Holy fuck-a-mole....

>> No.28774277

I bought the dip just now. That's my 3rd buy in 3 days and I'm going to keep DCAing.

>> No.28774521
File: 1.38 MB, 1235x1096, tapscam.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

You shills are relentless.
Pic related are the only four games you can trade tap coins in. They're all by the same publisher, and they were all paid for by the tap devs to implement it. They're all shoveware mobile games. The rest of the games listed on their website? All they do is link your steam account, and if you have an achievement, they give you their worthless currency. That doesn't require developers to agree to anything, it just requires them to have begun using a steam api in a fraudulent manner to advertise their coin, and I am almost certain if anyone at steam realizes it, the API will be revoked.

Traditionally, the shills have responded to the fact that TTT has no games in one of two ways. They've pointed to any of the games listed on the website under challenges, and lied, claiming they were tap coin enabled. This is because the shills have a script, and english isn't their first language. Do not be fooled. See above.

Then they attempt to convince you that TAP will somehow be the best thing to happen in the NFT market since NFTs were invented. A couple of counter points:

1. The TAP devs have had 3 years to implement tap coin trading in video games, and they have only managed to do so in games they literally paid an advertising agency to make. What makes you think they can fulfill any of their NFT related promises before blockchains are developed enough on interoperability to render them obsolete? There are any number of bridge and portal projects which are far more promising and made by far more competent devs.
2. TTT has provided no technical information on how they will accomplish their NFT stargate. They haven't even provided a date. And if you check their twitter/tg, it's full of vague promises like this, see: >>28773141 where they mention that an unidentified group at an unidentified time will be helping them.

Another funny thing on twitter? That time they claimed fortnite is in their challenge system. It isn't. And it won't be.

>> No.28774708
File: 19 KB, 432x261, screenshot1.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Stop with the copy paste fud lad. The devs spoke on this this morning.

>> No.28775007

Can you trade in game currency in any of those 15 games for tapcoins, or tap coins for in game currency?

All that you and your boss just described is a steam API. They have access to a steam API. For reference, anyone can get a steam API. This does not require permission from the game developers, and it does not reflect an endorsement by the game developers.

Glad to see your script is evolving though it still falls into the predictable pattern I laid out above. Next you're going to mention NFTs.

>> No.28775045

So this is what a whale posts when they are accumulating. Interesting

>> No.28775199

I don't have a boss lad. I know you're salty you feel priced out but just buy here. I promise you won't lose out on your hard earned 20 dollars. How many toilets did you have to clean to get here? I feel for you anon.

>> No.28775329

Nope. I'm not going to waste the gas on a scam. The only way to make money out of this is if you can convince someone dumber than you to hold your bag for you at a later date. But if you're a tapcoin hodler, shill, or developer, there are no people dumber than you.
Also, that isn't a refutation of any of the reasons this coin is shit. That's not very sage of you shill.

>> No.28775866
File: 38 KB, 930x484, tapscam3.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

ha, it doesn't even require a steamAPI. It just requires you point them to your profile by URL. It probably doesn't even work if you have a private steam account haha. They couldn't even get a steam API. "steam integrated" is a bullshit marketing phrase, and this coin reflects no level of steam integration. You're basically basing all its value on a custom webcrawler. Congratulations, your devs can parse html.

>> No.28776263

does your baiting ass really think a sub 1mil projct is a full on steam partner? do you think steam would just impliment cross game trading on a whim, with no understanding/data on consequences of trading in between games? TAP is trying to position it self by building infrastructure, getting users and know how. shut up and enjoy the ride!

>> No.28776423

literally fuds like this was a 1bn product

>> No.28776648

>steam partner
Anyone nonfraudulent basically can get a steam API. Steam APIs exist for markets with capitalization as low as tf2 hat trading. The tapdevs are fraudulent though, so that poses a significant barrier to getting that API

>implement cross gaming trading on a whim?
No. but I also think tapcoin has had 3 years to get any sort of integration at all, and the only gamedevs they managed to attract was a marketing firm they paid to make four mobile games with tap coin integration.
I actually know steam would never allow for tapcoin integration, because it would by its very nature ruin the protective trading ecosystem they've developed to shield consumers. I also know that no major game developer will ever integrate this coin, because no major game dev would allow someone to buy their in game currency with in game cyberpunk 2077 currency that can literally be manufactured by save editor instantly. No game dev would want to open up their non-competitive currency market to a competitive currency market.

Why would I, EA, allow people to buy apex coins not by paying me, but by paying ubisoft, a major competitor? Don't say "you get a cut of the sale". That's retarded. If I don't integrate, I get the full sale. If I integrate, I give away all that money to my competitors and the leeches who made TAP.

>> No.28777003


I bought my 140k suicide stack yesterday at 0,0013$. Still wanting to buy more before this thing explodes to fucking K-PAX

>> No.28777125

You must really hate money. This is a no brainer.

>> No.28777235

As in you would have to have no brain to think it would be profitable. I mourn for your gas fees.

Can any of you people reporting from True Simpletons tell me what the word is that causes you to abandon the thread?

>> No.28778003
File: 216 KB, 940x480, you.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Thanks for your input anon but I'm already sitting on a 3x on this and have a reputation for getting in moonshots early. I don't balk at gas fees because I'm not a poorfag trying to fud down a <$1m Mcap. Fucking pauper.

>> No.28778394

are you the big titty mama?

>> No.28778586

>I actually know
Yes and my uncle works for bitcoin.
Steam, and especially Epic Games have their eyes on the gamefication NFT industry right now. Check out Fortnites tweets about NFTs. Stuff like this could just grow on hype alone. But thes guys have actually been working on their product for three years and are about to launch the fireworks. I dont see why you are so pessimistic, did you lose your funds investing in hoge and now feel the need to fud coins with a product that backs them?

>> No.28778773

> are you the big titty mama?
Not me lad. Big tiddy mama is a whole other league.

>> No.28779036

I love my TiTTies

>> No.28779123

Triple titties for the high T

>> No.28779189

We need more memes lads, I'm more autist than artist so I can't help.

>> No.28779213

Sounds like TTT needs big booba memes

>> No.28779430

where is big TiTTy mama when we need her? titty bat signal

>> No.28779745

you just want to much from this! sell the hype, let it play out or do both. Its fuckin retarded to think any of this stuff is about to get realesed on full potential, your points are valid but youre kinda like linkies that thought they would be crowned kings of data it sibos 2018. Its just to fast, dude! fast is slow, slow is fast.

>> No.28780836
File: 453 KB, 411x683, Bild_2021-02-15_163631.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.28780956


>> No.28781009

Based big TiTTy Tap momma.

>> No.28781053

Who do the two top wallets holding 55% belong to?

>> No.28781333


How can anybody fall for this?

>> No.28781435

per TG, they are dev/team wallets

>> No.28781507

this is a hold through q2 mate. of course there will be people taking profits. it's sub 1m mcap. thats part of the game at this level

>> No.28782056

Where do I buy?

>> No.28782247


>> No.28782323

Damn those are some nice TiTTies

>> No.28782382

Never been in a low cap before anon? It takes big balls and strong hands.

>> No.28783210

Such a low cap this could literally moon with ease. 100% worth a punt. NFTs are getting shilled everywhere at the moment

>> No.28783813

what is a make it stack?

>> No.28783882

FUDders gonna regret this soon.. Get a bag quick until this gets shilled everywhere or stufu motherfuckers!

most comfiest hold since a while.

>> No.28783893

100k comrade

>> No.28783909

I think it's
1mil make it
100k suicide

>> No.28783969

I think the same

>> No.28784065

k, i need to top up to get a make it then. when gas dips, you will see my addy in lights boys

>> No.28784136

1 mill seems kinda high for a make it stack, considering how miniscule the MC is.
I reckon like 50k sui, 500k make it

>> No.28784147

Pajeetshitcoin pnd of the century

>> No.28785095

This is working with games on the actual steam network, has a working product that you can download. Pump is coming for this. Thankyou biz!

>> No.28785227

Kek, brown ID for the pajeet poo trying to fud a microcap for his callcenter wage to buy 10 TTT.