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286923 No.286923 [Reply] [Original]

>20 years old
>Have an Associates in business
>Working as customer support/relations in shipping company making 50k/year
>No idea where I want to go or what career, but I just want to move out of state and make money.

Would pursuing a bachelors even be worth it? I'm not going to any prestigious institution just a state uni and with everything currently saturated I'll be hard-pressed to find something good if I don't get some connections. What is the feasible thing to do? I'm at a crossroads in life, I feel sick and don't know where to go or what to do.

>> No.287644

What? Live frugally and save / invest your money you giant faggot. You are making good money and have no college debt, why start now? Do you realize how many people would kill to be making 50k at 20 years old? You have an entire lifetime of mistakes ahead of you, don't make this one of them.

>> No.287659

pretty much what>>287644 said

dont fix what isnt broken, and buddy, you aint broken at all. 50k is huge money for a 20 year old, and seeing as how you probably have less expenses in your life because of your age (no wife and kids, no huge mortgage) just save your money.
Save it, save it, save it.
Its easier to decide what to do or where to go when you have money and more options

>> No.287683

Start your own freight forwarding company. By the time you would have finished your degree you will have a 5 figure income

>> No.287718

Just keep advancing in the company. If you find you can't advance anymore, move on to another company or start your own

>> No.287825


how did you get a job that pays 50k with an associates degree?

>> No.288034

I don't know if I would incur much of any debt going for my bachelors and would think it would be necessary later on so that's why I'm asking. I'll start saving my money though and planning for the future, I just felt a little anxious because it felt like I'd be stuck in this position for the rest of my life.

That's a good idea but I want some experience in this industry first.

That's what I'm now planning on doing.

It's an office job. I had adequate experience related to the position and managed to do well in the interview.

Thanks for the advice guys

>> No.288073

Take your time and don't rush into decisions to "get ahead" or escape from uncertainty.