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/biz/ - Business & Finance

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28720031 No.28720031 [Reply] [Original]

What was /biz/ like in the days preceding the 2018 crash?

>> No.28720249


lol, such an old meme. I remember when a Columbine survivor spoke at my school. She said her body fat protected her internal organs from being punctured by the bullets. She understood how it came out, so she said that that's why she doesn't care about being aesthetic. Her fat saved her life.

>> No.28720323

There were tons of Blockfolio threads and “shill me the next 10x/hidden Binance gem” threads

>> No.28720382

WAY more euphoric than now. Like 100 times more. Coins were going up 100% a day for weeks.

>> No.28720413

a lot of retards bragging about their riches (which they immediately lost) and a lot of retards foaming at the mouth to get rich at the next antshares/raiblocks

>> No.28720414

threads about portfolios, make it cars, screenshots of willywoo's tweets, frenchbro - renkobro, turkishTA shitposting


>> No.28720480

threads about muh institutions also
muh bakkt
muh CME

>> No.28720552

Remember the McAfee 1 million BTC threads ?

>> No.28720562

"don't sell fucking retards, we are going straight to 100K"

>> No.28720631

there is not as much euphory as during 2018 bullmarket because people got rekt very hard and 50% of the 2017 fags still have PTSD

>> No.28720652

full of hopium, even while it was crashing.
women posting timestamped selfies on here.

we are nowhere near that level of euphoria but that's not to say this isn't also a top. 2019 top happened with little euphoria

>> No.28720733

Catalog moving so fast it was almost useless. Think /pol/ speed. Endless onslaught of newfags. People saying "I'm tired of holding these bags" on tokens that had hit ATH 48 hours earler, etc.
It was nothing like it is now. I look at how the market returns to stable after pumping at the moment, and it's all retraces, no crashing. Sentiment is too warm and people are scared of bear trapping themselves by dumping and getting shut out straight away.
My feeling is we're about 1/3rd of the way into this run.

>> No.28720820

Your memory is way off. Look at the charts on 4stats and cmc and compare 2018 to 2021.

>> No.28720845

>make it cars
I forgot about those threads

>> No.28720923
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>50% of the 2017 fags still have PTSD
I haven't shaved since. 500k to 40k yep.

>> No.28720969

2018 was fucking hard bro

>> No.28721058
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make it houses and make it qt 3.14 too ;)
and those threads are back on the menu

>> No.28721348

Yeah but we aren't seeing thots with wallet addresses all over the catalog and I haven't seen any wen lambo threads. This feels like August 2017 to me

>> No.28721529
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Where's Willy? He warned us in Nov 2018, right before the final 1-month dumpage that made the bottom.

>> No.28721542

yeah it's not like the girl from GOT and lindsay lohan were in and that the wealthiest man in the world said he was in and we can't break 50K

>> No.28721551

Like now.

>> No.28721611

Explains a lot about America

>> No.28721693

Waiting for a Blow off top before I sell.

>> No.28721772

I see. This is the most insightful post.

>> No.28721909

euphoria won't come back
most of people are not in the mood to gamble their savings on imaginary tokens and those who would be have been burnt 3 years ago

>> No.28722169
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Different environment considering covid and unemployment skyrocketing.