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File: 884 KB, 1675x1043, wynaut winn1.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
28675795 No.28675795 [Reply] [Original]


Why Wynaut?
Just like Wynaut this token has the ability to reflect percentage of the fees back to token holders.

How does it work?
A 3.6% fee will be charged on each transaction done with the Wynaut Token. 1.8% is distributed to token holders, while the other 1.8% will be burned and thereby decreasing the circulating supply.

Total supply of Wynaut begins with 36,000,000 token on listing. Fair launch. No presale.

Fast, low cost transactions
Wynaut runs on Binance Smart Chain, Wynaut users and liquidity providers pay very little fees and get quick confirmations.

Marketcap: $160,000

info: https://pancakeswap.info/token/0x067a5ad3f0f91acf512ffe66ea77f37b4dcaaf18
chart: https://app.astrotools.io/pancake-pair-explorer/0xa8d547d000349b28a4e8c0289e15407c453ad009 (not displaying the price correctly)
buy: https://exchange.pancakeswap.finance/#/swap?outputCurrency=0x067a5ad3f0f91acf512ffe66ea77f37b4dcaaf18
swap onto BSC: https://www.binance.org/en/bridge

Burned LP: https://bscscan.com/tx/0x09b299ad99a12fec30e38dd2d7f15a3ed1cd0af831adb22a6fbfb48ea7d5a8f3

Easy 10x with this market cap, BSC is heating up. The only question is Wynaut?

- How to connect Metamask to BSC -

Click on Metamask and select the dropdown at the top that says "Ethereum mainnet"

Select "Custom RPC" at the bottom

Network Name: BSC Mainnet
New RPC URL: https://bsc-dataseed1.binance.org/ or https://bsc-dataseed2.binance.org/
ChainID: 56 or 0x38 if 56 doesn’t work
Symbol: BNB
Block Explorer URL: https://bscscan.com/

Click save.

Your wallet should now display BNB instead of Eth

Test it out! It's fast and transactions are cheap.

Your address should be the same as your Ethereum address

>> No.28675856

Well, we're getting some attention


>> No.28675918
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>> No.28676141
File: 134 KB, 593x496, wynaut winn3.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

What's going to be bigger, the liquidity pool or the pool I buy with my wynaut?

>> No.28676174

this shit has been shilled so hard the past couple days that if i lose my $100 to a rug, you probably deserve it

>> No.28676216

it's 1 day old?

>> No.28676254

It’s been shilled a lot because it’s actually decent and no one is picking up on it. That’s pretty much it. It’s definitely undervalued though.

>> No.28676460

20,000, all in for these big stack multipliers- after DYORing im confident this is that least a x5

>> No.28676476
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>1 day old coin
stay pumping jew tokens on UniShit

>> No.28676514
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>> No.28676622

Remember how much Rubic was shilled under 5 cents?

>> No.28676650

its pampinggggggggggg

>> No.28676696

HOLY SHIT WATCH HER SOAR- I haven’t been this excited for a shitcoin in a while

>> No.28676800

How do I quickly move my shit from eth metamask to this? Could I just get bnb from uni and move that?

>> No.28676836
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Why you coming to Chink chain? Stay in Unishit?? No?

>> No.28676928
File: 1.07 MB, 1006x1204, 1581926536904.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

WTF WAS THAT????????

>> No.28676962

rubic and this are nothing alike....

>> No.28676990

cope. seethe. dilate

>> No.28677066

You're right, they're completely different in that Rubic has already pumped whereas this is just barely getting started

>> No.28677170

How come the price keeps dropping to 0.01$ and rising again? Is that the transaction tax or something?

>> No.28677200
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Why didn't you read the whitepaper?

>> No.28677231

I just wanted to check the graph before doing anything

>> No.28677247

For wynaut of course

>> No.28677313
File: 81 KB, 592x516, 1592696463183.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

3.6% tax on every TXN. Half is burnt, Half is rewarded to all token holders.

>> No.28677425

Yeah, i got that, just wondering if that was how it was reflected in the graph

>> No.28677619


>> No.28677652

It's probably people who got in last night unloading. Very good to clear them out early

>> No.28678189

I unironically make the most money out of these ponzi coins so fuck it I'm in. Plus it's on bsc so I can take profits without getting raped by gas fees

>> No.28678357

I think I might be stupid, but maybe someone can help me. I'm trying to buy some on pancakeswap. I attached my metamask wallet and got it to show BNB block just fine, but how do I use the ETH i have to buy that? do I need to swap to BNB first, or how do i do it?

>> No.28678362

what is the metamask equivalent wallet for bsc?

>> No.28678416

use the binance bridge bro, i just did

>> No.28678439

metamask. You can configure it to support BSC just search it on jewgle or check some of the instructions in this thread.

>> No.28678654

yeah swap to bnb first, keep a little bnb to pay gas fees (every transaction will be like 10 cents, so keeping 0.1 bnb should do it)

>> No.28678816

Thanks I think I got it now. I made the mistake of adding all my ETH, so now don't have enough for the gas fee.. anyway to cancel it and redo it, or do just have to wait 2 hours for it to cancel itself.?

>> No.28679339

I just sent my eth from my eth wallet to the bnb wallet through the bridge and nothing is showing up?
Do I have to add a custom token?

>> No.28679413

yeah add custom token! You can find the contract at wynaut.money

>> No.28679437

whats the dextools or coingecko of pancakeswap? or at least some way to get info on the coins? looking at some of these coins on pancake and cant find any info on them.

>> No.28679455

im talking about the ethereum that i sent through the bridge. I haven't converted to wynaut yet.

>> No.28679617

Did you make sure to send it to the Binance Smart Chain? Is your wallet set to the BSC now?

>> No.28679629

nvm it looks like some of them are on coingecko but with different tickers for some reason

>> No.28679655

nvm I got it I just had to add the custom ethereum address to the binance smart chain

>> No.28679943

astrotools.io but it doesn't work very well.

>> No.28679986

Ok, where is the scam?

>> No.28679994

sorry im so retarded.
i made a new wallet in metamask with the bsc mainnet.
when i connect to wallet in pancake swap it keeps connecting to my ethereum wallet. how do i get it to connect to my bsc wallet?

>> No.28680319

click the dropdown next to the account icon then select the BSC network you've configured.

>> No.28680476

yea. I made a seperate wallet in metamask along with my main erc20 one and I have the funds in the new bep20 one.
when i hit connect on pancake swap it always connects to my old erc20 wallet even when i have my new one open.

>> No.28680686

It’s 1 day old, it literally can only make money from here

>> No.28680931

Did you click on the account icon and switch to your new wallet?

Basically ETH and BSC use the same codebase so your address will be the same on each network. This obviously doesn't mean you can send cross-chain but if it keeps activating your first address, just send your bnb to that address. Your ETH private key == your BSC private key for a given address.

>> No.28681039

How can I get BNB Blocks on metamask? I transferred the ETH there to the using Binance smart bridge, and got it under the new network. It's there as ETH, not BNB blocks, so i can't buy anything at all, since the gas fees are covered by BNB blocks.

>> No.28681648

well you can, and its called BNB tokens. But you can swap your ETH for BNB on pancakeswap.

>> No.28681706

post your address and I'll send you some BNB for gas (try name field if it says spam) :)

>> No.28681801

Thanks bro, it's the first time for me trying to convert on the bridge, so i'm a bit confused. thanks for the help :)

>> No.28681937

sent ;)

>> No.28681997

got it, thanks :)