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/biz/ - Business & Finance

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File: 78 KB, 1242x718, 11CBE733-3303-4B74-8F8E-8723EF1CD6AB.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
28602236 No.28602236 [Reply] [Original]

TTT 60k market cap.
Working product.
Use, spend and transfer in-game currency.
Already Steam enabled.
Working on in-game NFTs.
Yield farming/staking live.
Has a side token for cutting gas fees by half.
Founders public and do a regular update podcast.

Like seriously, why the fuck are you not buying this gem biz?!?!

1 ETH will buy you 5M tokens. If this gets discovered and pumped to the #100 by market cap it will do 6200x

Yeah yeah, I get liquidity sucks right now, but it doesn’t have to be that way anon. You know what to do ;)



>> No.28602506

You have my attention - but whats the best way to get into it?

>> No.28603114

As of now Uniswap. Liquidity sucks but all you need is a fraction of an eth and if it gets rediscovered you’ll make bank

>> No.28603214

To clarify- you can transfer your game currency to other games altogether, right ?

>> No.28603491

That’s right anon, it’s genius.
TTT’s biggest flaw? Purely when it was unfortunate enough to go live, right at the peak of the last bull, so everyone got rekt and investors sold out of their moonshots like this. If TTT went live today with even half of the things it’s offering it’d fly. True degen gaming crypto just waiting to be rediscovered

>> No.28603956

why all this shill post always look like it's just 1 fat loser posting all the comments?

>> No.28604028

Idk. I’m intrigued but it’s up 172% over 24hrs

>> No.28604124

6600$ volume lol

>i-i-it went up guys!

yes it went up because a chump with thousand dollars can drive the price up

>> No.28604577

Thanks anon. If it reaches its ath its 292x from these levels. Plus nfts are hot right now.

>> No.28604928

I dont get why people ignore it. They always chase PND scams with astronomic market caps already. Not everyone is made to become rich.

>> No.28605089

I went all in, wish me luck guys

>> No.28605172

Ok I’m in for 300k tokens. Let me know when I’m rugged

>> No.28605232

thank you so much the best decision ever it's already climbing

>> No.28605465

you're fluent in hindi? if we hire the rubic shills this will be x2000 but on the other hand we would actually do them a favor so theres that.

>> No.28605520

This is a known scam.

I present to you Holochain.

Holochain enables a distributed web with user autonomy built directly into its architecture and protocols. Data is about remembering our lived and shared experiences. Distributing the storage and processing of that data can change how we coordinate and interact. With digital integration under user control, Holochain liberates our online lives from corporate control over our choices and information.

>> No.28605562

This is the article that got me to buy in btw. Just out yesterday. My highlights below


> The Tap Platform’s NFT Portal allows all NFT’s and assets to traverse multiple blockchains while saving the user up to 60% in associated gas costs
>Tap N Go Rewards : Over 100K Downloads on Google Play Store
>20K Users on the Tap Platform allowing gamers to play, games, and convert game score to TTT

>> No.28605563

Not necessary, give it a few days in this bullmarket and we have the price at 20 cents minimum.

>> No.28605631

And so we already have the first FUD. Anyone is feeling the magic?

>> No.28605893

My bags are packed and the magic is just beginning

>> No.28605922

Thanks a bunch anon, if this thing shoots to the moon, this will be the first coin that I think I'd actually be considered a whale.

>> No.28605931

I mean its not magic, this is just seriously undervalued. Inefficient market here

>> No.28606076

I actually see this as a longterm investment. the future lies in tradable game cryptos

>> No.28606616
File: 211 KB, 828x961, C05FFE88-02BE-43C0-8F7D-9E12ED9E3A81.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Verified it’s in the google play store with 100k+ downloads and it’s team is in Canada (I.e. magic white team)


>> No.28606619

Comfiest feeling ever seeing the marketcap explode

>> No.28606991

How many do you have?

>> No.28607216

It's an interesting project.
One of them that could either go 100x in a month or dive back into obscurity.
I guess we'll see!

>> No.28607387

what's the market cap now?

>> No.28607468

I don´t think so, it is getting already a lot of attention. Give it a week and we will have a higher price as doge coin.

>> No.28607572

Are you planning to rug me, anon?

>> No.28607585

20k, its seems prohibited to get in that easy..

>> No.28607777

fuck it, im in waiting for the rug

>> No.28607803

nah, i just checked for myself and its like 400k marketcap atm,

0.0015c per coin x 271,000,000 circulating.

still a stupidly low market cap tho

>> No.28607903

Rug would suppose its a scam project, but look at their established application. Why would they throw all of that away?


>> No.28607958

yea this is an actual legitimate unknown gem. ive been doing my research and seeing nothing but good things so far. still active twitter and medium. only thing is having a hard time finding the devs

>> No.28607970

The graph looks like the devs did a pump and dump right after it launched. Is this even a real product?

>> No.28608043

>Is this even a real product?
it has a working app with 100m downloads

>> No.28608130

100k, nigger

>> No.28608289

Too good to be true

>> No.28608433

Is it even worth it being a poorfag and with high as fuck fees?

>> No.28608454

Anyone got a realiable price chart ?

>> No.28608508

search coingecko TTT

>> No.28608541


>> No.28608581

i plan to take a year off after corona to get missed time back, how many to buy for let's say 12 month travelling around the globe?

>> No.28608613

sometimes these lowcap unknowns are the best coins for a poorfag but they are also the biggest gambles

>> No.28608632

thanks anon

>> No.28608791

Thanks, anon. I'll take the risk, I guess.

>> No.28609158


>> No.28609160

Fair enough anon, 20k more volume today and itll go to top earners on coingecko atleast

>> No.28609511

Total newfag question, but when you trade a token back to eth on Uniswap, do you still need extra ETH on your wallet or is it sliced from the ETH you're supposed to get?

>> No.28609513

I haven't felt so good for a long time about a coin like I do now. If this gem would only get 1% of the attention Rubic gets it would already be top 20

>> No.28609597

I have 32k now. We'll see.

>> No.28609598

keep eth in your wallet at least .2

>> No.28609811


>> No.28609920

insane find OP

>> No.28609937

Holy shit it’s skying

>> No.28609958

Thanks, anon.

>> No.28610005

some spicy price action occurring. 0.01 feasible?

>> No.28610102

as long as people shill it responsibly. as in keep this thread bumped and answer questions without acting like a complete scammer piece of shit.

>> No.28610266

Probably, but I wont sell at that point. I'm still pissed at myself, I bought a legit scam coin a few days ago and sold it after quick profit because I knew it was scam. This thing mooned a week after. And now we have something with a real potential, I will hold at least until end of next week and reevaluate, with this bullmarket I see legit possibility that this gets to 1 dollar a coin

>> No.28610305

retard here
why does the price keep going up when people are selling

>> No.28610441

Noone with at least a little sense would sell at this point. Sure if you enter now you probably make a few bucks, but considering the bullmarket this gem with attention could be the early retirement opportunity

>> No.28610562

just hit top earners on coingecko fren

>> No.28610695

Can it get more comfy?

>> No.28611023 [DELETED] 

Fuck me what happened to the price? Its already exploded!

>> No.28611065

The first dip directly inhaled, I see this thing exploooding

>> No.28611210

neat. it's going up.

this is one of the first lowkey gems ive seen shilled in a while that wasn't a complete and obvious scam like mcdc

>> No.28611271

Neat, im in

>> No.28611282 [DELETED] 

I cant seem too buy any on Uniswap anymore. Has availability already dried up?

>> No.28611333

I just yolo bought 750k 30 minutes ago and it’s been in a good move so far. Let’s send this shit to the sky biz liquidity is so low that a 1 eth buy sends it up like 10% percent lmao. Not selling any until at least another 3-5x which shouldn’t be hard

>> No.28611379

The people who sell now will hate themselves so much in a hour, right now its extremely volatile but with more attention this is easy money

>> No.28611452 [DELETED] 

Nevermind! Managed to quickly get 100k worth. Even through if I bought not 1 hour ago I couldve picked up double...

>> No.28611507

i don't really want to cash in on pump and dump vibes though. this isn't hoge or shiba

>> No.28611519

How the fuck do I buy

>> No.28611585

Has anyone tried the app? I think I read you can earn TTT from playing games but dunno how that works or if it's worth the time investment

>> No.28611731

There are always a few who see the quick buck and sell but it literally makes no sense having that low mcap to already go out

>> No.28611885

guys project is legit.

Add a small part of ur holding to liquidity.

Farming is live too.

This can do 1000X . Just read the latest tweets

>> No.28611936

Has anyone actually looked into what this coin does?

Its fucking dumb and pointless. This is a pump and dump friends.

>> No.28612017

Tell this to the thousands of people already using it. Let me guess, you own rubic?

>> No.28612056 [DELETED] 

Yeah it might be, its a bit of a gamble but I have cash to burn so why not

>> No.28612105

it has Games / NFT and Farming

They r hardworking and passionate people.

Just check some of the latest tweets, u will understand.

Project is legit, just needed some exposure.

Already 3 years in Dev.

This is going to change lives

>> No.28612123

crosschain nfts are kind of cool man idk. im always interested in anything that tries to do 1) crosschain anything 2) nfts as that's slowly picking up steam

>> No.28612172

also this is first project to bring Interoperability to NFTs

Yes the one and only.

>> No.28612200

We are just extremely early

>> No.28612245

>Let me guess, you own rubic?
seething faggot probably does

>> No.28612299

Dammit I bought some but I wish I saw this thread two hours ago.

>> No.28612307

Sounds like you're a retard who has never heard of nfts.

>> No.28612313 [DELETED] 

To all those who have bought just now, are you staking?

>> No.28612359

We are still in birthing hours

>> No.28612463

The only reason the app has that many downloads is because its a bunch of desperate pajeets trying to make $2 playing games.

Look at the app reviews for proof:


>> No.28612486

better to add liquidity and farm

>> No.28612510

Who cares? It’s real users.

>> No.28612533

lol,that's old app , they r now bringing interoperability to NFTS

>> No.28612550

Some people just dont want to get rich

>> No.28612605

We know you're just fudding to try and buy in lower. How stupid do you think we are?

>> No.28612701

if anon wants to buy in lower, right now is the time

>> No.28612702

i don't care. people are using it.

>> No.28612760 [DELETED] 

Yeah the website failed to stake twice, fuck that I'll just hold

>> No.28612857

Thought this was a pump and dump but after doing a bit of research it really does seem to be massively undervalued. NFTs are going to be huge and here is a platform up and running with an active team doing great work. Unbelievable gem. Good find op., today you are not a faggot.

>> No.28612971 [DELETED] 

50 bucks of transfer fees I'm never getting back. Fuck that, just hold

>> No.28613041

literally all the fucking pumpers are pulling the rug rn. why can't you assholes just hold, this still has runway

>> No.28613075

Yeah, this could be the new floor now. Thinking about aping into a bit more now...

>> No.28613082


>> No.28613099

Lol you kooks are so delusional and desperate. This is the equivalent of buying wow gold and hoping to get rich of it.

>> No.28613173

Yeah, check out the Uniswap.info / dextools for this and it is pretty fucking obvious what is happening ITT.

This coin may or may not have a future. It is a great idea, but this thread is just one fuck-off sized grift.


Read through the transactions.

>> No.28613475

Can anyone explain how u can stake /pool to earn xttt? Their tapcoin website looks like it's from 2006

>> No.28613482

In other words, it's literally just like OP said.
Thanks for that wonderful insight.

>> No.28613486

Retard here, what does this tell me?

>> No.28613629

>one fuck-off sized grift.
i disagree. i bought in because i saw the nft crosschain stuff and bought in due to those buzzwords and seeing they have a working product. that's all. i see a lot of issues with the coin such as bad website and all that but overall the fact theyre still working is a positive sign for me.

>> No.28613651

Where are you fags buying this coin? I don't see it on binance or uphold. Can you only get coins in the shitty app?

>> No.28613697
File: 73 KB, 1350x546, ada2da.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

It is just the same few wallets trading back and forth attempting to artificially drive up the price.

>> No.28613738


>> No.28613802

k, youve been rugged

>> No.28613804

Thanks my dude.

>> No.28613830
File: 965 KB, 1380x640, 1613226258691.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I cannot think or comprehend of anything more cucked than selling your LTC. Honestly, think about it rationally. You are buying, minin', collecting and posting your LTC portfolio for at least some years solely so it can go and get ravaged by another shitcoin. All the hard work you put into your beautiful little portfolio- reading her cryptoscam rates at bedtime, making her go to the safe, making sure she had a healthy gain, protecting her, playing with her. All of it has one simple result: her gains are more enjoyable for the shitcoin shills that will eventually buy her before she moons.

Raised the perfect LTC stack? Great. Who benefits? If you're lucky, a random shitcoin who had nothing to do with the way she grew up, who you sell her for. You will cry for her mooning body every night. Pajeets gets the benefits of her precious and lite personality that came from the way you stacked her.

As a man who has sold his LTC stack, you are LITERALLY dedicating at least 3 years of your life simply to raise an LTC stack for another man to enjoy. It is the ULTIMATE AND FINAL cuck. Think about it logically.

>> No.28613894

That’s called trading dipshit

>> No.28613920

Yea I know Im just waiting that all of them have sold what they bought an we can get a substantial growth, now its a good time to get in I think

>> No.28614159 [DELETED] 

Fuck lads... I think I bought the very top...

>> No.28614260

No, its LTO, its already generating revenue. P/E showing it should be over $5. LTO team doing a reddit ama monday, price discovery will follow soon after. /biz node now has over 10% of LTO supply. Over 50% of LTO already staked. Less than 900 make it stacks left on binance. Within 3 months /biz node will hold more LTO than binance. Supply is low, 7% apy and deflation built in. LTO team have no bags to dump. United Nations and IBM already using LTO network. 100k transactions a day, top 15 for transactions, all for less than 50c a coin. Do yourself a favour and head to the LTO breads and dyor before the reddit herd wake up.

>> No.28614352

never change /biz/
this is not a project it is a rugpull lmfao

>> No.28614450 [DELETED] 
File: 24 KB, 360x360, 1498163327430.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Why am I so fucking retarded all the time

>> No.28614511

don't worry about it. come back in 24 hours and if its still shit, cash out, but i think this shitcoins only getting started as its only now being looked at

>> No.28614523
File: 216 KB, 940x480, you.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

You are NGMI.

>> No.28614567

Have patience, it was obvious that there will be pumpers and dumper but all the shills cant negate the position and support this project has. Give it time.

>> No.28614685
File: 451 KB, 600x550, the_devs_lmao.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


The rug wasn't even there in the first place bud.

>> No.28614808

sure man, ngmi cos im not wasting a single cent on some videogame goop garbagetoken youve been bagholding before this thread was even made
i can live with it

>> No.28614827

What an embarassing Fud, because of their skin color its not good developed and therefore only starting it already has 100k people actively using it?

>> No.28615002 [DELETED] 


>> No.28615169 [DELETED] 

Tried to look them up, they're not anywhere. Not on Linkedin or even Facebook. it's over...

>> No.28615307
File: 108 KB, 640x845, shitcoin_man.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>because of their skin color its not good developed and therefore only starting

>> No.28615338

When Uniswap swap confirmed the fucking top of this shitcoin and now you just gotta hodl and hope for the best.....oh well.

>> No.28615446

>I was repeating you
>They dont send their best to FUD this

>> No.28616152

and we're back

>> No.28616466
File: 33 KB, 1357x628, IQ_MAP.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


I only trust Jews, Whites and Asians with my hard earned money. You can call me racist, but it's a decision based in science.

>> No.28616474


>> No.28616606

I guess it's better than hodling gme


>> No.28616891

bought some, fuck these gas fees btw, makes shitcoin gambling expensive

>> No.28617037

Thats why were in for long term

>> No.28617159

Don’t know why idiot anons keep harping on about a rug, the founders are public and have been continuously working on it since 2017

>> No.28617326 [DELETED] 

Founders are public are they? What credentials do they have? What else have they worked on?

>> No.28617504

When I saw their working application I was in..

>> No.28617548 [DELETED] 

You didnt answer my fucking question.

>> No.28618006


Anon, can you find anything about steam support? As far as I can tell they are making the implication that you can already make purchases with it on steam....that does not seem to be the case though.

>> No.28618105

It's fucking tanking.

>> No.28618170 [DELETED] 

No, of course not, because this coin is A FUCKING SCAM!
This is why you always DYOR, because a fool and his money and easily parted with

>> No.28618307 [DELETED] 

This is the fucking guy scamming you


look at these transfers

>> No.28618492

As far as i can tell, this requires the developer to enable their in game currency for trading. What incentives exist for developers to do this?

Two general types of currency exist in my experience with games. Economic currency, such as gold, materials, etc, which can be traded between players and used to advance a character. It generally can't be bought from anyone other than players or illicit third parties, and developers also generally take great pains to shut down gold selling, because it gives the game a pay to win reputation.The second category of currency is cosmetic currency, which can be bought from the developer in exchange for cosmetics, and occasionally, in game advantages.

For either of these currencies, what incentives exist for developers to allow currency to be bought outside of their controlled channels? Are there any major developers agreeing to develop NFTs for their ingame currency? IMO, you would need at least two major developers to create a market which would give this crypto value. But do you think this crypto would have value with one or less major developers adopting it? If so, why?

>> No.28619090

There’s nothing there. Baseless fud

>> No.28619103

22.5m tokens staked on their platform, 100k users. Of course it's a scam.

>> No.28619501

absolute fucking state of /biz/ in 2021

>> No.28619604

As always when something has potential

>> No.28619711 [DELETED] 

Fucking shill niggers fuck off

>> No.28619900

Posting random transactions and calling others out as shill without reasons
>they are not sending their best

>> No.28619907
File: 2.68 MB, 2306x1110, Fraud_Evidence.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


Good Find. Clearly this is 100% fraudulent. It's cool though, I found undeniable proof here:


>> No.28620327 [DELETED] 

You dishonest retard, you hypocritical nigger, you have yet to give any answers to any of my claims. Show me the team and what other projects they've worked on.
Also refute this >>28619907

>> No.28620381

Wont click that link please go FUD some other coins and no we wont buy do the needfull and buy your rubic coins

>> No.28620456

Am I the team? Are you retarded? Do your own research and fuck off I got today in this coin

>> No.28620464

The NFT angle is the really juicy aspect to this, and you can farm this thing. It’s a no brainer to me. In a week this shit will be everywhere on biz

>> No.28620493
File: 584 KB, 1018x704, tappteam.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>white team
anons they're niggers, pic and link related


>> No.28620601

Instead of harping on like a fucking autist why don’t you DYOR and go talk to the founders on telegram (they’re on their right now) and test out the platform? It’s a working product with a solid use case unlike 99% of the shit that fills biz

>> No.28620695

And please just don´t buy it I dont want to have legit retards mooning on monday with me

>> No.28620758

Hey OP their Dega thing is awesome, gas fees halved.. they should push this and on sell it to other projects, amazing

>> No.28620817

I really don´t understand these people, it´s obvious this gem will moon so either you buy some or you don´t but nobody will buy their skleros if they fud every good new project

>> No.28621015 [DELETED] 

>Wont click that link
You fucking admit it then, no answers to your scamming ways, only baseless conjecture. You fucking niggers will hang

>> No.28621071

The potential gains made this such an easy buy for me. For an eth I got 5 million tokens. There are dead projects with a higher market cap than what TTT needs to make everyone here millionaires

>> No.28621091

t. hugh knight

>> No.28621189

sheez, good for you, i bought at 330k at the top for that price

>> No.28621247

Take the meds please Anon its not too late

>> No.28621315

You’re still one of the earliest anon, congrats

>> No.28621339
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>> No.28621465
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its not good developed!

>> No.28621484

Acting like this wont give u another hour internet anon! Do i need to call her??

>> No.28621617


>> No.28621622

Based and Factual

>> No.28621635 [DELETED] 

Ok just went on their telegram and asked them. Funnily enough, no reply at all! Very suspicious!

>> No.28621651

threw some funny money at it. nice find OP

>> No.28621714

Price starting to pump again, good to see those dips being bought. Liquidity providers are going to kill it with this in the next few months as everyone gets on board

>> No.28621782



yes, based and factual

>> No.28621885
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>> No.28622118

Jay, you posted on TG at 7.45 and a minute later posted this here. Calm your panties down. He’s replying now

>> No.28622274

Everyone should recognize this as a pnd. No need to fud this early though. Get in, make some money, get out. Anyone throwing out price predictions or talking about holding long term is a jeet. Anyone fudding is retarded or just trying to keep the thread bumped with an argument. Let's fucking get a shiba pump out of this and get our money and come back in a day or two to laugh at the bagholders

>> No.28622361

TTT has been rediscovered after 3 years of quiet development. This is much greater than a PND. If you don’t see this as your ticket to retirement then you’ll regret life

>> No.28622621

Regarding team identity

Hi Jay thanks for the questions! We have been building the foundation of the platform since 2018 and have always been around through our podcast, videos and public speakings. In 2019 we were recognized by the Canadian government and received a Scientific Research and Development Grant as well. So we are definitely far from working with a scam.

Here our founders Twitters:


>> No.28622836

Good to see the FUD dissipated and the price is climbing again. This looks epic anon thanks!

>> No.28622875

Look man, I have half an ETH in this + gas. If I can get more than a 2x out of this I'll be happy even if this becomes a 500x

>> No.28623117

I thought this, exactly. But one or two days might be too much. The whole thing's gonna be finished today.

>> No.28623234


>> No.28623245

I said in one or two days we laugh at the bagholders. Not sell. I'm not going to to sleep with this in my wallet.

>> No.28623297

the PND is already over, now your funds are directly going into these niggers wallets basically

>> No.28623442

Price will definitely cool off and some people may make 2-3x gains.
But look at the bigger picture.
By putting half an eth of this in your long term moonshot bag, it only needs to achieve moderate success (top 100 by market cap) for you to never have to work again. For me that’s fucking worth it every day. The project is solid, if survived the last bear crash, and opportunities like this only come around once every year or two

>> No.28623516

The price is holding steady. In six months the holders will be laughing at those who sold away potential retirement figure sums of money

>> No.28623520

There are some ASKO threads that need your help bro

>> No.28623603

So what do you think a make it bag is?

>> No.28623610

This. I bought this simply because of the fact that it's OBVIOUSLY not a scam. It's been around for years and has a working product. This is TRULY the definition of a "hidden gem"... but not for long.

>> No.28623638

why do i have to put in eth in addition to putting in my ttt when giving uniswap liquidity

>> No.28623673

You only need 1m of these rn and you'll be 1 out of only 1500 people ever.

>> No.28623677

I'm already laughing, have you been through the twitter, tg and medium? They are relaunching with some major improvements. With NFTs just starting to take off this is a no brainer. Anyone fudding on here is either trying to get in lower or has not done their research. This is an absolute belter.

>> No.28623731

How new are you?

>> No.28624433

Put it this way
If TTT made it to the #100 market cap spot today the token price would be $1.60c.

It’s currently 0.0024

The upside is fucking mindblowing.

A make it stack is 1M.

>> No.28624495


“ Good Morning Tap Community!
Great news today! Introducing the Tapcoin NFT Portal - this allows NFTs to cross not only game but cross-chain using the Tap Platform and saving users up to 60% in gas fees!

This means developers and users will be able to buy NFTs from ethereum and transfer them to binance chain ( or any other chain that uses NFT's ) with the lowest cost possible!

Read more here in our latest article:

From Game to Game now Game to Chain! We are making it possible!”

>> No.28624680
File: 71 KB, 1077x771, 161135896345351s.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

WTF is this shit? wanted to test the steam achievements on their site, so i need a key to convert to TTT, this is the gas price for it.

>> No.28624703


>> No.28624795

Check your gas settings anon, got nothing to do with Tap. In fact when staking LP tokens you can use their Dega token which cuts gas by 50%

>> No.28624964

Answer me shills.

>> No.28625085

Ask the team retard

>> No.28625121

I am by posting in this thread. I'm on to you.

>> No.28625408

For sure suddenly the team shills their coins on biz? If so, why are they trying to create a legitimate product? Why not just copy and ERC20 and shill it, their always falling guys for it look rubic asko or kleros

>> No.28625788

You haven't proven to me you have a legitimate desired product here. No game developer is going to open up their game to goldselling intentionally. No game developer is going to relinquish control over their cosmetic market by allowing people to buy currency from other game devs and trade it for their currency. You're either a shill (and therefore on the team), or a delusional retard if you can't answer any of my questions.

>> No.28625821

This is kind of a weird thread, for Biz.
Project is 3 years old and pretty much 98% down from ATH after years of nothingness.
But it's clearly not a scam or a rug pull, so the potential here is incredible with the right marketing... Am I wrong?

>> No.28626103

Why wouldn’t they?

>> No.28626104

i dont know, i got a good feel that we'll make it tho

>> No.28626133

You are a literal retard. Have you ever thought that maybe people shill stuff because they invested in it, not because they're the fucking dev team.
Sorry, but if you're this retarded, then chances are that everything you're saying is retarded fud.

>> No.28626187

Well I also asked myself this, but its plausbile for me what one in another thread said, they were developing it and are getting closer to the major release.

>> No.28626343

Man I dont have to prove you anything, before this thread I didn´t know the project. But concerning your question I understood it that they have some kind of system that the developers get their fair share corresponding to where the tokens are used. Probably something like spotify

>> No.28626402
File: 196 KB, 650x800, crynigga.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Can i get it without using uniswap?

>> No.28626586

Christ man a 30 second check of the website can answer this

Developers/publishers get a reward each time a user makes a TTT conversion.
Having Tap protocol integration actually results in more player retention.

And you do realise the product is already working on a number of extremely popular games right?

>> No.28626616

Double dubs checked

Mindblowing confirmed.

>> No.28626670

>either a shill or a delusional retard
>delusional retard
I think I covered the possibility that he invested in it.

You are wrong. Check my posts in this thread, there's a very good reason this won't see adoption by game developers. Also elaborated on here, in my response to this next retard:

Let's say you're EA games, and you're making an MMO. You make your in game gold currency an NFT and allow trading on crypto markets for it. You've just defacto allowed gold selling, the game is pay 2 win within weeks as whales gobble up all the currency, and nobody sticks around. You lose the billion dollars you sunk on development.

But hey, it gets worse! You were planning on allowing people to buy gold in game anyways, through a GW2 style in game store. It was going to be great! You were going to make so much money from those whales. Maybe enough to actually make the MMO profitable, because you could charge an arbitrary amount of dollars for gold! Oh wait. the whales just sold all their shit in other MMOs that allowed this, and bought your gold without spending a penny on the in game store? You earned nothing, because you tied your asset to a crypto market funded in part by other game developers who can print infinite digital currency worth as much as yours?

No rational company or game developed would adopt this, because it would actually lose them sales in most current models of game monetization.

List them.

>> No.28626740

A 30 second check of the website will show you that developers get rewards whenever a user makes a TTT conversion. Having tap protocol enabled actually increases player retention.

And you do know that it’s already working with a number of incredibly popular games?

>> No.28627054

Let it, I don´t want this stupid ass fudders on the moon mission

>> No.28627165

List the games that I can by currency on using TTT. The only games I see on the website are games that you can earn TTT by earning steam achievements in or by installing a spyware mobile app, none of which requires dev permission. But I see nothing that indicates you can actually buy in game currency using TTT for the games listed on the website.

Frankly, the fact that they list those games on the website is borderline fraudulent, designed to get morons like you to think this is legitimate and based on developer buy in. Are you a moron who thinks this is legitimate because a fortnite picture was on the website anon?

>> No.28627289

Bro, just don't buy. It's obvious that you don't like money.

>> No.28627304

Apex Legends
Rocket League

Like, seriously, you don’t know what you’re talking about

>> No.28627396

Kek, fudder rekt

>> No.28627629
File: 1.38 MB, 1235x1096, tapscam.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Nope, those are games you can earn tap in by getting steam achievements. Don't lie. I just checked the marketplace on the website, and these are the only four games in the marketplace, and the only four games listed with tap coin. Not a single one is steam. It's just four mobile games. Your devs couldn't even convince someone talented enough to release on steam to adopt this shitcoin.

Actually, now that I think about it, I'm 90% sure steam TOS would prevent a developer from enabling a trading system outside of the steam trade system, which is another huge institutional barrier.

>> No.28627680
File: 308 KB, 1440x3120, Screenshot_20210213-201016__01.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I tried to buy 100 euros worth of this shit and uniswap or coinbase fucked up somehow

>> No.28627811

Congrats you’ve officially made it

>> No.28627895

Even so, institutional barriers exist for all investments at one time or another. As an investor, you’re trying to find value in underappreciated coins by the market. That’s exactly what this is. It should be a $10M mcap coin but it’s sub $1m

>> No.28627972

It was sub $100k before biz aped

>> No.28628175

The price feed on CB Wallet is fucked. My half ETH buy is worth $1.6M according to the wallet feed. This happens frequently with shitcoins in CB Wallet.

>> No.28628386

Did I miss the pnd?

>> No.28628418

Congrats on this Hugh or Haniff. Taking this to Biz before your NFT event was clever. Well played.

>> No.28628552

Congrats, you will finally be able to beat panda commander - air combat x with the in game bonuses you can buy! But you aren't going to make any money.

What's the market for it being 10M market cap, when the only games it has with it are all from the same publisher (check the tap website, they're all made by a company called "Truly Simplistic")? In the three years (as far as I can tell) they've had this product, they have only convinced one company to release four games with TAP support for it.

That publisher by the way? It's actually listed as Truly Simplistic Innovations Inc on google play. Finding their website is a simple google search. Here it is:


They don't actually make games as their main business. They're basically a marketing/consulting for blockchain startups firm. The TAP guys hired them to help with the start up, and they made four shit mobile games to put on its platform. That's all the currency you can buy with tap: currency exclusively printed to sell TAP.

This reeks of a scam.

>> No.28628580

Can assure you I am neither nor on team. Simply found this gem after hours of hunting microcap shitcoins and had to help my biz bro’s make it. Haven’t even shilled to redditfags yet

>> No.28628594

well, its pumping slightly right now

>> No.28628640

Is this the 1c waiting room?

>> No.28628685

Make yourself comfy fren

>> No.28628721

Lol, I can hear the desperation in this post.

>> No.28628824

Were all gonna make it, im sorry you sold

>> No.28629138

>8 posts by this id
Thanks anon. I’ll be ok with my stack

>> No.28629142

Fuck me, and the market cap is still only just over a million.

Well biz frens, we really gonna make it.

Can someone feed it to reddit

>> No.28629155

Who else waits waking up tomorrow with a cent price?? Glad I finally got into something early

>> No.28629219

I never bought, I'm trying to help people avoid obvious scams.

To summarize:

TAP lists over a dozen games on its website, to deceptively make you think it has widespread and popular industry support. It does not. All but four of the games listed on the website are simply games that the TAP developers will reward you with worthless currency for earning steam achievements. This does not require any authorization from developers. It merely requires them to build something that listens to a steamAPI and you to link a profile.

The four games TAP does let you buy currency in were all made over the course of three years by a firm that specializes in advising startup blockchain developers. They are exclusively shit mobile games. The firm is not a game publisher, it is a firm that used the lowest effort form of game publishing to advertise.

There are strong institutional incentives for all game developers to never implement TAP, because in general, players don't like pay to win, and firms don't like getting a small cut rather than the whole pie when their cosmetics convince you to spend money on the game.

There is no evidence provided for the website's claims that TAP increases gamer retention. This is because there is no evidence that TAP currency trading is involved in any real games.

>> No.28629232

The only person actually doing any research and not just joining a shitcoin pnd.



>> No.28629261

Yes anon, this
TTT has it well within its tokenomics to get to over $1-2 and still be undervalued

>> No.28629303

The only one scamming right now is you.
This is the least scammy microcap I've seen in ages.

>> No.28629358

Dubs confirm a cent price per token tomorrow. Were all gonna make it

>> No.28629371

The coin's been around for 3 years. You haven't gotten into it "early" by any definition.

>> No.28629472

39, 11 & 19 posts from these ids.

They are only posting for you benefit anon, not shilling your bags.

>> No.28629483

Okay so when I wait until it hits 1 dollar it will be late?

>> No.28629503

i believe anon is reffering to the interstellar space mission we are going on, otherwise known as mooning

>> No.28629587

I admit I am hyped to be finally part of something big, read my posts I didn´t shill anything and if you don´t see a chance in this coin let it be, in the end its all luck to find the right one

>> No.28629603

...i mean the thread is 7 hours old, /biz/ should be in. might be time to spread this.

>> No.28629790

Luck and keeping a thread alive on biz for 7 hours. Off to reddit and twitter you go now to shill your shitcoin. This is in no way a decent project.

It may pump, but sell your og capital on a 2x and ride your gains.

>> No.28629907

Don't need to lie. I checked the token holders more than 12 hours ago and not a single person was a large holder (>5%) outside of people who solely held TTT. Pretty salty I didnt see this coming though.

>> No.28630053

Can an investor not spread the word without being on the team?

>> No.28630091

I don´t know why you are so negative, it feels just right with this coin. I always was a huge game fan and can´t wait to use it in real life even if the price will dumb

>> No.28630190

>TTT 60k market cap.
>Working product.
>Use, spend and transfer in-game currency.
>Already Steam enabled.
>Working on in-game NFTs.
>Yield farming/staking live.
>Has a side token for cutting gas fees by half.
>Founders public and do a regular update podcast.
>Like seriously, why the fuck are you not buying this gem biz?!?!
>1 ETH will buy you 5M tokens. If this gets discovered and pumped to the #100 by market cap it will do 6200x
>Yeah yeah, I get liquidity sucks right now, but it doesn’t have to be that way anon. You know what to do ;)

It’s on Reddit now

>> No.28630324

thank you - when to dump?

>> No.28630349

I wouldn't expect you to be defensive if you weren't one of the two. It doesnt make a difference though, I like the project. Not trying to FUD. Good luck to those who bought early.

>> No.28630644

Well I want to use it but for those who don´t I would suggest wait a few days, now the volatility is very high but will get better

>> No.28630736

I’ll probably take out my initial around 2 cents and let the rest ride

>> No.28630893

thank you kings.

>> No.28630996

its mooooning
thats what you are missing fudders

>> No.28631010

I think the volume was at 6k when this thread was started lol
Almost 300k now!

>> No.28631078


>> No.28631132

For those who missed it:

>> No.28631456

Fucking hell. We pumpin!

>> No.28631634

1c waiting room!

>> No.28631839

Insanely comfy

>> No.28631986

Jesus Christ on a jetski, I think we’re all gonna make it. $1.60c for this just to hit top 100?! It’s got better use case already than half the shit in the top 100

>> No.28632144

And remember that's just the CURRENT market. The entire market is going up, so soon #100 coin will be more like 900m-1b mc.

>> No.28632251

“What I will say is that, in 2018 many alts performed and most of them exited scam after huge volumes popped up. TTT isn't the only project that has depreciated and good thing is that we have never exited.. The team has been working day and night to get TTT usecase on the ground. If without much development in 2018 price was able to surge that high I don't have any doubts on how positive price will appreciate with all the updates coming in.

We have achieved a lot so far from tap and go, tap shop and the platform itself. Staking, farming and many more.
The great NFT haunt is coming soon. There are now a whole lot of usecases for TTT as compared to 2018.. This should tell you how far we are set to go from here.”

>> No.28632412

Thank you very much for this thread, anon. If I make it, I'll remember this.

>> No.28632430

Trading volume increasing

>> No.28632475

Any CEX or DEX listing this without crazy high fees? I'd throw like a 50 or 100 at it, but if the fees are like > 10 USD, I feel like it's not worth it

>> No.28632904

It's sure going to be a bumpy ride on the way up with this though. Massive swings.

>> No.28633127


>> No.28633138

I wasn't in Rubic & Bao - how did they start after Biz first discovered them?
Did they both shoot up in price in the first day?

>> No.28633368

I was in Rubic, it took a while to breach 20c.

>> No.28633602

Sorry, I meant how was the first day or 2 in terms of Xs.
Did it go up like 10x or more when Biz first seen it?

>> No.28633652

Yeah especially with not a lot of liquidity. Could be very profitable to be an LP right now

>> No.28633766

Good to see dips getting smashed

>> No.28633985

There was a week of gradual price increase, along with fifty threads a day on biz. Interesting that a single mega thread is having this effect, good to see people catching on to how big of an opportunity this is

>> No.28634065

I got in at 0.009 and it didn't do too much but that was before most of biz fomod in as usual. This will be the same. Clever folks are getting in now, the madness starts when there are 4 or 5 threads fudding it.

>> No.28634201

This is possibly he first time I've seen a token on Biz that's 3 years old and still has a crazy moon potential... They're usually 5 mins old lol

>> No.28634514

Just needs more liquidity, NFT Hunt release and it’ll fly further. Throw another dev partnership in the mix and holy fuck

>> No.28635042

Need more threads here too and people spreading the word, not to mention joining the TG, etc.

>> No.28635219

Well, we need an unofficial tg so we can say nigger.

>> No.28635858

Just thought the same thing.
>Heard about this coin its great
>yeah anonbuddy thanks for telling will buy right away

>> No.28635986

Anytime biz frens

>> No.28636067

You can have one on your own if you want?

>> No.28636220

>another dev partnership in the mix
The only "dev" that's partnered with them was one they paid to develop games with the token.

>> No.28636321

Just picked up 100K. God speed faggots

>> No.28636525

Gotta start somewhere homey

>> No.28636629

Also, this from their medium

“ The Tap Platform’s NFT Portal allows all NFT’s and assets to traverse multiple blockchains while saving the user up to 60% in associated gas costs (the price associated with transactions on the blockchain network). With the Tap Platform, NFT’s can be used, played and traded on one blockchain then transferred over to other blockchains for continued play. The solution isn’t a mirroring system or a bridge but rather a Portal to other blockchains.”

Fucking boom

>> No.28637202

They started 3 years ago, and the only games that have "partnered" with them in those 3 years are games they paid for to be made on mobile.

You gotta start somewhere, but you don't have to go anywhere.

>> No.28637336
File: 533 KB, 841x1000, 086176668d379e062116fdda1224a0f1_594165.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

This thread has the supreme ones blessing

>> No.28637392

All the while surviving a 3 year bear market where they lost 98% of token value. That in itself is commendable. Gonna be good to see where things go with this bull market for sure. They’ve adapted with the times and added on yield farming and now a unique NFT use case, why all the hate anon?

>> No.28637456

>12 posts by this id

>> No.28637631

NFT craze is about to become fucking gigantic. Hope they can get a good foot in the door.

>> No.28638208

>surviving a market
You mean kept up hobbyist tier development on a scam coin? I dislike scams, I dislike deceptive advertisement, and I dislike shills. If you feel hatred directed towards you, which of those are you?

>> No.28638292


>> No.28638316

Real, functional product that’s down over 90% from its ATH three years ago. If this is a golden bull run, this shit will absolutely fly. Don’t give a fuck what will happen long term here— throw an ETH at it and catch a 10x.

>> No.28638470

400x to break top 100 right now, even more in six months time. Easily done for TTT.

>> No.28639623

Even top 200 insane gains from here

>> No.28639676

comfy hold

>> No.28639758

>already up 1200% in 24hr

Wtf? Is it really down pumping?

>> No.28639939

It’s up 1400% and holding strong, dips being bought. No one likes to buy a pump but let’s be real here, the market cap is still only $1M. This will probably crab here until gecko no longer shows a big pump, then people will ape in again for the next leg to $10M

>> No.28639984

Way too early on this one, gonna ride it out for at least a week and see what happens

>> No.28640052

got myself a stack for good measure. you never know

>> No.28640237

I want some but gas fees are more than I’m trying to put in right now

>> No.28640249

Mcap is still like $890k

>> No.28640311

Christ almighty

We really gonna make it

>> No.28640689


>> No.28640713

Bought 100k for the fuck of it let’s see what happens

>> No.28640863


>> No.28641187

No way?
I see projects on here that have "insane potential" all the time which are already 50 mill MC...we are seriously early here

>> No.28642324

Embryo early

>> No.28642715

Yep. And we are seeing higher lows and higher highs on this pump

>> No.28642734

To answer OP’s question, I think we can safely say that yes this is way undervalued and around 300 comments on a biz post supports this

>> No.28643237

Need to get some general threads on the go, with info in the OP, etc.
Get more people interested with some actual stats to back it up, rather than 100 "this will moon so hard!!!!!" posts

>> No.28643286

Higher lows and higher highs combined with THAT marketcap... spread the word, more guys should learn about this now that's on its early stage

>> No.28643438


>> No.28643964

I can't tell if you think this is a good thing or a bad thing

>> No.28644859
File: 146 KB, 1346x708, Untitled.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Is this a bad sign, maybe rug pool? no fud just tryna see what the bulls say about it

>> No.28645219

Last sentence, nigger.

>> No.28645271

Gecko have it on most listings. This project has been around for 3 years, public team, rug pull chance zero IMO

>> No.28645795

Losing a bit of momentum here, not many trades happening.
Keep spreading the word, guys. We're really fucking early

>> No.28645984

There's also a wallet with 21 million left who's been selling half a mill in chunks for the last few hours...

>> No.28646066

I'd honestly let it cool off for a bit, let this thread die, and then shill it again heavily tomorrow.

>> No.28646278

Hmm, not sure about that.
Momentum is important.
It also keeps it fresh in the memory

>> No.28646543

Bought an Eth worth, lets see what happens