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File: 64 KB, 571x574, TRDL.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
28607166 No.28607166 [Reply] [Original]

I'm sure you've heard the recent hype related to TRDL. Let me redpill you on why this is the next 100x opportunity.

In a nutshell, TRDL is all about creating a TRUSTLESS bridge for BTC to participate on the ETH network. ETH clearly has the greater upside, so why leave any BTC lagging behind? Not to go on a tangent, but active portfolio management means you are OUTPACING the market (i.e. BTC), not matching it (warning: this strategy is only for the true veterans who are looking to substantially increase their net worth -- it is NOT recommended for beginners or amateurs). Einstein once famously said, "Compound interest is the 8th wonder of the world." Extend this idea, and you begin to see why ETH offers a greater value proposition portfolio-wise juxtaposed to BTC.

Back to our regularly scheduled program...

BTC has promised the Lightning Network, and has failed in delivery; it's also talked about smart contract implementation, and it's failed miserably. Not trying to make this a BTC v. ETH debate, however it's clear that ETH is more versatile in its function, and has by extension the more vibrant, long term trajectory. This is the precise idea the TRDL developers are subliminally programming with their ambitious effort, ie, the full migration of BTC to ETH with BTC represented on ETH in the form of vBTC. Can you see the vision of a fully integrated ETH 2.0, complete with sharding? What sense does it make to have BTC exist on its own chain performing a measly 5 TPS? The future is ETH, and this is the bridge to make that integration a reality. I am not saying BTC will cease to exist, but the value proposition of ETH makes a migration all the more practical from a holistic ETH ecosystem perspective. You do as you wish, but I can see the vision and am putting my money where my mouth is --> TRDL makes the merger of BTC to ETH all possible.

BONUS: Similar value proposition to REN, but trading at 1/100th the valuation...congrats to anyone who got in early

>> No.28607259
File: 190 KB, 1280x720, 2021-02-12 11.28.11.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

currently indulging in the sweet toasted goodness of fucking making it anons

>> No.28607310

WAGMI strudelbros

>> No.28607356

If I could id remove all btc from existence and turn them all into vBTC

>> No.28607430
File: 108 KB, 943x1280, IMG_20210212_172932_793.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.28607452

>muh foodcoin

not buying this jeet scam i bought mcdcoin and it just went to 0 so i lost like 600

>> No.28607567

maybe that'll teach you to dyor anon

like how you can research this coin and see that, unlike mcdc, it does not say it's a scam RIGHT THERE ON THE WEBSITE

>> No.28607740


I understand the reservation, and you have to do you; respect. The thing is, food tokens in their purist form are a relic from DeFi summer. This time, the food token is being used as a meme looking back to that time. The difference here is the actual utility associated. The team is all DOXXED and has been super transparent in replying to community inquiries. Check out the TG bro! I hear they are getting influencer support as early as next week!

>> No.28608134

shill me, how is this better than wBTC? What does the coin do?

>> No.28608317

Unlike wBTC, TRDL brings BTC to ETH in a trustless manner. There's a reason Vitalik expressed serious concerns with REN:


>> No.28608341

Flash loans are integrated and the bridge is trustless
You are not trusting a bunch of kikes to hold your money for you, rug is impossible

>> No.28608950

wBTC has a nice little honeypot of thousands of BTC to steal the moment someone develops a working attack vector. vBTC doesn't.

>> No.28609140

whale here,
next time post asian girl if you want us to care


>> No.28609817
File: 99 KB, 640x795, $TRDL.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]



>> No.28609885

Stop larping

>> No.28609957

I'd load her uterus with my mutt nutt if you know what I mean

>> No.28610034
File: 11 KB, 216x234, itsmes.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

so fucking glad I bought at 2.50
this coin has personally sent me to 5 figure hell and you'd retarded to not buy-in while there's still time

>> No.28610047

RIght everybody loves and respects Vitalik so much and this project is exactly what he was asking for. Surely everybody will sell their BTC that's going to skyrocket to 100k+ for this that has ZERO indication it will ever keep pegged.

>> No.28610125

Good luck when REN gets hacked! Going to be a shitshow moment!

>> No.28610150


>> No.28610248

I don't fuck with Bitcoin at all why would I care

>> No.28610644

Because the most people fuck with btc out of all coins
That's why

>> No.28610667

fuck btc just buy strudel and make monies

>> No.28610780

>literally "turd" L
>burning your bitcoin for a turd

>> No.28611168

seems better to me than REN
I don't see a difference between using REN and selling BTC for ETH directly on a CEX
REN is lame AF

>> No.28611244


>> No.28611313

there is a difference

as long as you take your eth out of the cex, you won't care if it goes down or gets robbed

>> No.28611360

I think the crypto community is starting to catch on. Again, drop in the TG, the admins and community are very helpful and transparent. Marketing soon (big influencer next week). Good luck to all.

>> No.28611397

not buying but knowing my luck this shit will probably 10x and doomp when i finally fomo in

why am i like this bros

>> No.28611448

you can keep money out of the CEX without REN
trusting REN is even worse than trusting CEX in my eyes

>> No.28611586

Very good write-up
Most people won't understand just how game-changing TRDL is, but let them be

>> No.28612177
File: 730 KB, 2000x1000, HaveYouTriedTheStrudelHere.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Also the Hans Landa meme potential will be great with this one

>> No.28612488
File: 19 KB, 671x399, Screenshot_2021-02-13 Strudel Manifesto.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I just bought 300 and... well, fuck. thanks pajeet

>> No.28612559

What's this gal's name for research purposes?