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2023-11: Warosu is now out of extended maintenance.

/biz/ - Business & Finance

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28598204 No.28598204 [Reply] [Original]

If you had bought BTC at $0.2 you would've undoubtedly sold at $1 and probably killed yourself in 2017.

>> No.28598281

It doesn’t matter now that it will crash to below 10k

>> No.28598347

I will scrr¡eencap this and post it next week to torture you. If you're still alive by then that is.

>> No.28598581

no, if i bought at .2 i would have panic sold at .1 and bought at $1

>> No.28598610

Whem? My body is ready

>> No.28598695

I bought bitcoin at 250 and sold at 700, thinking I was being smart. Yet to kill myself tho

>> No.28598825

And I would have bought back at 10 dollars and hold from 10 to 100 to 20, I would have panic sold at 30, then FOMO at 120, held until 700, sold half, buying back a bit at 1000, panic selling a bigger part at 800, held duri g the bear, went all in at the bottom, then bought ETH at one dollar and selling at 1000, making me rich finally

>> No.28598883
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do it!

>> No.28598928

Why post this? They probably did.

>> No.28599017

If i think about the millions i could have made holding btc instead of spending it on silkroad acid i will unironcally off myself.

>> No.28599058

Why not sell a part of it to recoup your initial investment+some gains and just ride the rest till the end

>> No.28599111

No I wouldn't have. I've been in crypto for 4 years and haven't sold anything yet. I'm a serial bag holder

>> No.28599150

take that thinking and extend the moment where you have to make a decision from the past to the present, then extend the moment where you realize the outcome of that decision from now to the future.
Then basically all you have to do is just to wait...

>> No.28599171

how much have you made out of curiosity?

>> No.28599231

Well I haven't cashed out anything so technically 0.

>> No.28599234

i bought 50 at 2-10$ and used them to pay drugs
then sold 5 at 200$ because my gov ripped me off and needed quick money
then sold 5 at 2k$, keeping 1 (i made those 5 btc through trading)
but i still have enough capital now to be fairly happy, still young, and great degree with great job prospects

thing is, it's not over. don't look back, look at what is possible next

>> No.28599285
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actually, that might not be the stupidest move ever, considering most of the time this strategy is a good one. Except you did it on the only asset that going to moon. How could you know? no point in blaming yourself

>> No.28599288

based obito

>> No.28599380

Are you....me??

>> No.28599530

Yeah, I wonder how many people deliberiatly held BTC from 2010ish -> 2021.

>> No.28599550

Nah, but I probably would have left it on Mt. Gox and lost it that way.

>> No.28599583

nobody did, except those who forgot about it or are insanely rich

>> No.28599673


>> No.28599784

i bought at 1k, didnt sell at 200, didnt sell at 20k, not selling now.

>> No.28599786

Every ATH you sell 50%. You miss the rest? No problem. Just wait. Prices are retested on every asset. You will have a chance to rebuy. Even if you don't its not the end of the world. Don't let emotions control you, just stick to the plan its not that hard.

>> No.28599906

i bought at $200 and didn't sell at $10k. unfortunately i only bought 2

>> No.28599997

Only idiots or people who forgot about their bitcoins held through the previous ATHs. No one thought it would moon until it did.

>> No.28600044

Back in 2009 it slowly crept up to $0.12 before falling down to $0.04 and everyone was panic selling at $0.06.

>> No.28600064

this or just realize that nobody knows the future. So be happy with whatever gains you make, and reinvest. That's my strategy, but will always keep 20% moon bag to avoid being in this situation

>> No.28600118

>/biz/ - Business & Finance

>> No.28600158

My first BTC buy was in 2016 for 430usd to buy MDMA with. From 2016 to 2018 I spent about 1.5 BTC on DNMs. No regerts

>> No.28600177

This is the thing most people don't get. Either:
1) They woulda cashed out long before the top
2) They woulda lost all their shit in MTGOX
It's like people who miss out on airdrops and then complain about missing the ATH value of the free coins, as if they wouldn't have sold it for a pack of doritos on day 1.

>> No.28600286

if i bought in 2017 I'd have forgotten my passwords by now

>> No.28600661

I bought $750 worth of bitcoin in 2013 I got 30 btc all for the road of silk, once btc wwnt up to $350 i sold them all thought I was awesome made so much money, I made like 10k , I would be a millionaire right now, but I know I would have never held past $1000 , every article I read said it would never be worth anything and the bubble was about to burst at anytime

>> No.28600784

Why would anyone sell everything? If it's going up, wouldn't the smart thing to do be to just cash out a portion of it?

>> No.28600916

If my aunt had balls she'd be my uncle

>> No.28600997

No, I would have probably lost the keys in a HDD wipe.

I still have my old as fuck Runescape account from 2006.

>> No.28601095

yeah, if you read this board today it's lots of FUD
every time the price rises there's a crapton of FUD
timing the market becomes real hard then if you don't have some basic trading experience

It's easy to hate your past self but in retrospect, how would you know

More importantly, why obsess about bitcoin? there's other cryptocoins that moon much more, there's pennystocks that do x8 in a few months. in comparison with the pennystocks i bought recently BTC did *worse*

BTC also did worse than IOTA and ROUTE that I bought this week

>> No.28601343

>Cope: The Thread
Sorry, but anyone smart, with a good understanding of how clever Bitcoin was when it came out, would've kept skin in the game.

>> No.28601509

my first time on SR I bought some weed with 11 btc

>> No.28601546

did you have any in 2013? if not, then it's quite a cheap comment

>> No.28601706

Yes, I bought my first BTC in 2013 for an average of like $150 on VirWoX and Bitstamp.

>> No.28601760

My lowest cost whole bitcoin i bought at 730. At that point i think if i bought more i like to think i would have managed to hold through out. I never sold that one so who knows...