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28494314 No.28494314 [Reply] [Original]

If so, how is it? Any big revelations,blunders you care to share?

>> No.28494666

I unironically do my decisions regarding crypto only under the influence of LSD. No revelations but intuition has been pretty good so far.

>> No.28494694

I turned into Chainlink on a shroom trip.

>> No.28494762

do you microdose or take a whole tab? I've tried LSD couple times. Too much sensory overload for me to think at all, although at times it felt like my third eye was opening.
also c-checked

>> No.28494825

ive only ever had nightmare trips. it's impossible to stay focused while on lsd or shrooms. dont recommend it if you actually have shit to do

>> No.28494919

I trade under the influence of mania and weed.

>> No.28494923

i shorted xrp drunk as fuck. made money. didn't flip the switch when i saw the reversal and kept shorting

>> No.28494940

Adderall. Great stuff.

>> No.28495299

I use cocaine. No revelations and other nonsense bullshit. It helps me to stay sharp and get over the stress when managing my positions.

>> No.28495344


>> No.28495349

Based wall street daytrader

>> No.28495400

All my best trades happen like this

>> No.28495442

I get irrational on coke and make emotional trades

>> No.28495482

Not sure if srs but wouldn't it be more economical to just do adderall?

>> No.28495495

Looking at graphs is extremely exciting when im high. I have no idea why.

I was watching one of my shares plummet the other day and it literally felt like I was falling of a skyscraper. Ebin dude weed moment.

>> No.28495533
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Only coffee and cigarettes for me famalamadingdong

>> No.28495540

>bro let's open up a nightclub

>> No.28495545
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I got some tabs I hide in my new warhammer 40k 9th edition rule book. Sounds like a dumb idea to trade while on the cid, but I've heard dumber shit working. Probably more tangible than meme magic. Might give it a try if I can get away from my FOB Chinese girl friend for a few days. Chinese are super scared of psychedelics, had to lie to her and said I threw them away.

>> No.28495610

I smoke weed and occasionally 2cb.

>> No.28495623

I trad eunder the influence of unmedicated adhd and I always sell too early.
bad: I miss the ATHS
Good: I dont get dumped on

>> No.28495625

oh yeah I should say I don't make any money kek. Managed to double my BNB last night with a shitcoin but I lost 0.3 eth chasing uniswap garbage earlier. Put 700cad into REEF at 67sats then sold at 70 to swing trade but panic rebought 5000reef at 87sats kek. Bought 2.1bnb at ATH. I just smoke weed and forget to sleep and eat, no insight or wisdom just chasing the high + inflated ego

holdings: 3.23bnb some in shitcoins right now that'll sell when I wake up
5.3k reef at 87sats

>> No.28495627

I consume dangerous amounts of oxycodone to maintain my focus and intensity throughout the day.

>> No.28495644

i smoke some weed, buy the cryptos, and then forget i buy them. easiest profit strategy i've ever used.

>> No.28495670
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>get high
>trade during post-nut clarity

>> No.28495671

It's a dirty secret around here, I like to trade with a few under my belt, it makes me feel luckier or more intuitive, it is of course bullshit and it costs me more than I gain most of the time

>> No.28495699

made my best trades when drunk, made my worst ones when totally focused

>> No.28495709


>> No.28495727

dangerously based

>> No.28495797

Very stupid idea, I once forgot how to read and talk, and even think properly. Had to make enormous efforts to force through it and and put the neurons back in order. Money would be the last thing I cared at the time, legitimately thought I was going to stay this way

>> No.28495827

Yeah, I'm srs. I only ever do coke or weed, it's just a matter of it being like more "natural" product, compared to other "synthetic" and heavily modified things. You know what I mean.

>> No.28495937

isn't cocaine made with like gasoline though

>> No.28495947

Do you think that cocaine is natural, you blithering fool? Weed, sure, but coke?

>> No.28495983
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try heroin retard thats the real pro trading drug

>> No.28496044

Cocaine is incredibly synthetic and it's made in the jungle by brown people who I would imagine aren't in a medical grade lab.
It's not really cost effective either.
I mean personally I think coke is overrated. I like DMAA or addy better. Live your life though famalam

>> No.28496056

Something between. Whole tabs makes me stay far away from everything money related.

>> No.28496067

You're gonna make it.

>> No.28496137
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all the time
>how is it
fucking great

>> No.28496141

Yeah, trading your TV for more heroin

>> No.28496179

adderall and coke have very different effect profiles. for me personally, adderall makes me extremely prone to rage. the last time I took adderall I tried to start a brawl between a group of ~50 people and another ~50 people by provoking tensions between them while also wanting to fight all of them by myself. half of these people in both groups were also my friends.

adderall also has a more nasty, chemically feel to it for me and once you're on it you're on it and can't really come down til the effects wear off. it also mixes very poorly with other drugs.

coke only lasts for like 30-45 minutes and then you have to do more, which you probably will because the primary effect of coke is it makes you want to do more coke. but it mixes much better with downers if you want to come down. booze is an easy way to level yourself out while you're on it, indica works to cancel out the side effects of the comedown, and if you've done too much and need to crash back down or get to sleep xanax works perfectly.

coke is also much more euphoric and much better for boosting your confidence. adderall is better for focus, but being a less controllable stimulant that also makes you more prone to tilting makes it way more inferior for trading or similar stuff like playing poker.

i don't use drugs at all anymore but i used them pretty heavily in my early-mid 20s. overall, I would say using drugs just caps your performance, doesn't really enhance it. makes things more fun though, but overall there is a negative expected value to using drugs not a positive one.