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File: 74 KB, 640x619, 1603098288551.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
28445177 No.28445177 [Reply] [Original]

Would you rather be worth 8 figures or wake up tomorrow and live life as a 16 year old chad

>> No.28445250

8 figs check em

>> No.28445272

OP confirmed dumb as fuck.
I can honestly say this is the dumbest question I have ever seen on /biz

>> No.28445294

8 figures, then I'll be a 26 year old chad which is superior.

>> No.28445307

Chad, having underage pussy without any social scrutiny is priceless, also it would be quite easy to get a job and shit if I keep my skills

>> No.28445388

8 figures, actually no contest.

>> No.28445402

god damn why am i so ugly

>> No.28445424

8 figures. I already had option B.

>> No.28445486

8 figs for sure, I know plenty of 16 year old chads who hit the wall hard.

>> No.28445569
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>wake up and have to go to school
>wake up and get to do literally whatever the fuck I want for the rest of my life
Real tough one you got there OP

>> No.28445589


Depends on if I know what I know now, or if I'm a normie chad whose brain is full of football/baseball statistics and shitty memes. Also, consider Brendan Fraser's chad trajectory.

>> No.28445643

Depends. What is my IQ as 16 yo chad?

>> No.28445652

in current year? fuck no. if i could be a 90s or 80s chad though, when the world hadnt entered hyper faggotry yet

>> No.28445902

Even if I had 8 fig or was an attractive Chad I won’t make it.

My next investment is in $ROPE.

>> No.28445922

16 year old chad, i could make 8 figures by being hot

>> No.28445938
File: 92 KB, 900x718, 1592584425373.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

why would anyone not take the money, being a teenager sucks no matter how Chad you are. Being in your 20s is awesome, you have unlimited freedom in the world, at least you did before last year

I wish I was a teenager in the 50s/60s California, that was the peak of human civilization

>> No.28446108

I think it's pretty good. I'd choose Chad because money isn't that important to me but I can respect those who choose the othet

>> No.28446140

Are you like fucking 14?

>> No.28446183
File: 108 KB, 198x217, 4e.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

imagine there are literally 16 year old chads who's also 8 figures and you NEVER be that lmao

>> No.28446237

16 year old because time is more valuable than money.

>> No.28446434

Let me rephrase that for you:
Would you pay 10 million dollars for teenage pussy?


>> No.28446442

I would definitely be a 16 year old chad. Eating whatever I want, fucking any bitch I want, stacking sats with my job at the boardwalk, Aceing schooling since I am more mature now. Fuck yea.

>> No.28446451

>16 year old because time is more valuable than money.
this, but OP never specified if you're a retarded chad or not

>> No.28446526

8 figs

>> No.28446530

8 figures. I’m not ugly, just autistic.

>> No.28446623
File: 210 KB, 820x892, 7068BCAE-58AB-4AC5-8199-22227519D317.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Imagine the newborns when i graduated highschool are now chads.
Fuck my shit life.

>> No.28446643

>you can make more money
>cant make more time

I'd be the 16 yo chad.

>> No.28446674

Go back to 16.
Smash a load of prime teen poon.
Assuming I've travelled back in time put all my pocket money in to Bitcoin.

>> No.28446680

16 if I get to keep my IQ, knowledge and skills. Would be pretty easy for me to make it to at least $2MM by the time I'm 25. And I'd get a bunch of extra years of enjoying life.

>> No.28446763

16 yo chad in 2013

>> No.28446789
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8 figures.

Pic related.

(Bryce Mitchell groin injury)

>> No.28446812

right there with you bud. Sometimes I think guys like them and guys like us are different species

>> No.28447011

I don't know if I will ever make it big financially anon but I'm about to run a test cycle and my face is pretty attractive

>> No.28447120

>You choose to be a 16 year old chad
>You go bald at 18
>You have a micro penis
>You have a sub 100 IQ
>You have aids
Should have read the small print!

>> No.28447221

Lol @ all the dudes saying "Chad with brains". Literally the male version of the 2001 DeviantArt Mary Sue artist pairing her avatar self with Sepiroth.

I'll let you in on a secret: nobody likes smart people. Nerds aren't cool. There is a reason why Ebenezer Scrooge is the villain, it's because nobody likes jews.

Now take the momey and continue to be pumped and dumped by 10/10 escorts playing sugar babies and keep playing the 5/10 sugar babies who think they are wives without the ring. Chads are not the assholes in society.

>> No.28447316
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>Your 8 figs, sir

>> No.28447549
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>> No.28447613

>There is a reason why Ebenezer Scrooge is the villain, it's
yeah, if scrooge had higher IQ and was chad, he could larp as someone like elon or some shit. retard.

>> No.28447718

most retarded question ive ever seen

>> No.28447839
File: 129 KB, 1200x697, elon-musk-kanye-west-friends.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Scrooge DOES have high IQ.
Elon is not Chad, he is the weird rich white guy.

Pic related; he associates with Hollywood weirdos who snitched on said fellow weirdos and earned himself the "Shut up, you snitch" reward.

>> No.28447950
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Well I definitely would try to do HS all over, even if I wasn't a chad. I just want to feel what teenage love is really like.... Instead I wasted my teenage years playing videogames.

>> No.28448431
File: 211 KB, 600x729, 16127961506880.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I'm 42 years old, you could offer me 1 billion dollars and i would still choose to be 16 again, if i can keep my current knowledge.

>> No.28448712

>Scrooge DOES have high IQ.
Yeah, but he's not Chad. Chads have the ability to make people like them naturally.
Combine Chad with high IQ and you get gigaChad.
> it's because nobody likes jews
> proceeds to talk about taking money instead and fucking whores instead
> totally not epstein-jew behavior

>> No.28448890

Obviously a chad, money will not buy you genuine love from qts and you can make money from modelling, instagram etc as a chad

>> No.28449034
File: 12 KB, 300x250, 63b60a0a40bcdb1d50e74843f4d2719d.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


Stahp. You guys are smart, you wrre better off playing vid games at home.

When will you loser nerds understand that intelligence is cringe and unsexy?
The top is a lonely and dangerous place, mate. But if you're the top, you're not safe at the bottom either.

Accept that you are a sheep amongst wolves. That hot Stacy you fell in love with fantasizes about killing you and taking your money. There's a whole song about that right now, hell, go read Fight Club or watch the movie.


>> No.28449088

top kek

>> No.28449238

I wasn't crippled when I was 16.
In fact I was in great shape and attracted all sorts of women that I was too shy/autistic to make a move on.

16 please.
I miss being able to sprint like a cheetah and cumming 4 times a day.

>> No.28449353

lmao I already had that

t. chad

>> No.28449361

You're missing the point. Are you trolling?
A high IQ DOES make you a weird and unlovable freak who is hated by -everyone-. And it's even WORSE if you're a smart GIRL, because then no guy wants you (you aren't docile) AND you only attract scumbag well-connected guys who fantasize about wasting your time and taking all your gainz with Jew Lawyer Friend Powahs. And Jew Lawyer Powahs ARE an ultinate evil power.

Fuck. You guys are nerds.

>> No.28449447

8 figs pls

>> No.28449596

20s are fucking garbage

>> No.28449830

>because then no guy wants you (you aren't docile) AND you only attract scumbag well-connected guys who fantasize about wasting your time and taking all your gain
Ok, now I know you're a schizo. You're the jew if you pick money over the chance to spread good genes with a hot wife because CHAD entails intelligence, height+strength, looks, and the opportunity to do something greater than getting money. You think I'm talking about faggots like Zuckerberg?

>> No.28449927

16 yo Chad 100%.
Imagine reliving life not being an autist and actually getting to enjoy it.

>> No.28450011

chad 100%

i have 200 eth but i'd give it all up to be 16 again (and chad is a huge bonus)

>> No.28450211
File: 53 KB, 979x519, OOF.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Do we go back with full knowledge of our previous life?
Do we transform automagically into a 16 year old Chad without knowing?

>> No.28450263

You know the fun when you make it anon? You can spend a couple months becoming as disgusting as possible then fucking models in complete filth. The mixture of the grotesque and the beautiful, two sides of the same coin. Then you can clean yourself up and focus on one of your many business pursuits until you crave the need to defile once more.

>> No.28450430

No, YOU'RE the coomer for even making a big deal about it. To Chads and Stacies, their lives aren't this "WOO AWESOMAH POWAHHHHH" sexy glitzy thing. It's about as grunge as cleaning a toilet with your bare hands, then eating lunch without washing said hands. It's eating your own boogers in front of people, then crying about what a loser you are, because you can't have lots of chicks. It's as normal as shitting, brah.

The only person who makes a big deal about looks/brains/money is a person who started out openly bullied at the bottom tier of society. Hence why all educated liberals are the most racist, insecure and superficial people you will ever meet. If you're a chaser, you're a loser.

Don't marry or have kids. You WILL be cheated on and/or dumped.

>> No.28450456

By looks I kinda already am a Chad, I just have social anxiety
And I'm almost worth 7 figures
But with 8 figures you can do anything you want man, pussy is not even that expensive

>> No.28450575

Why would you post something like this on a Mongolian piss fetish board, anon?

>> No.28450736

They are. Being a 10/10 like that is a different universe most people can't comprehend.

>> No.28450908

Retards choosing chad are guaranteed virgins. Pussy is the most overrated thing in the world

>> No.28450909

Who runs the world? The wealthy or guys with 8/10 looks?

>> No.28450918

idk how old you are but when you reach 30 you literally wont care anymore. its so beautiful

>> No.28450935

The only thing more valuable than youth is wisdom. Do I get to retain my current knowledge? If so, I would wake up 16. If not, I'll take the money thanks.

>> No.28451121

8 figs. No point in being young today.

>> No.28451132
File: 232 KB, 1000x1414, IMG-20210209-WA0003.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Girls want older guys, not teenage boys anon

>> No.28451244

Did you miss what I said before? Chad isn't about the money/power. You're the one that seems obsessed over power since you said money and women.
> because you can't have lots of check
Check my ID and show me where I said chad meant fucking whores. 8 digits can buy you whores that will never love you.
> don't marry or have kids
either a jew or schizo retard. kek

>> No.28451270

Can't you just go to Germany or some shit where 13 is legal?

>> No.28451352
File: 102 KB, 1200x768, enough.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

This is the stupidest question I've ever seen. Anyone who picks being a child over having hundreds of millions of dollars is either baiting or being a contrarian retard. I don't care how well off you, being in school is the absolute nadir of modern living. Has nothing to do with looks or popularity and everything to do with control, ownership, and free time. Plus I'm pretty sure I would drop out if I had to do school a second time. Just barely had enough energy left to pump out those semester long hundred page papers you have to do in uni by the time I graduated and I wouldn't care anywhere near enough to make it through a second time.

>> No.28451412

>Retards choosing chad are guaranteed virgins. Pussy is the most overrated thing in the world
seems like most people are picking chad for the chance to make up for the teenage pussy they missed on when they can pay whores with 8 digits. Also, you know Chad is more than looks, right?

>> No.28451537

I'd wake up tomorrow 16 again, even without being a Chad. Money will never buy time.

>> No.28451604

>Pussy is the most overrated thing in the world
I'm begining to feel my recurring "forgot I'm 34 and am somehow stuck back in school with lots of work due that I never did" nightmare coming on just looking at this thread. Fuck anyone who wants that.

>> No.28451782

This don't matter either, what is it all for? We'll all return to dust one day.

>> No.28451847 [DELETED] 

I would finish just to not get beaten half to death by my parents, then start stripping instead. I would learn to drive in my teen years, so that my dad can't monitor my wherabouts, so that I can safely earn money and ACTUALLY learn2human. Then I will invest in bitcoin and plastic surgery, then live happily ever after.

I would have made it too, because the only drugs I actually like are sativa and whippits. Everything else I hate.

>> No.28451869

This. I'm 24 and I can completely sympathize with this viewpoint.

>> No.28451904

Wake up as a 16 year old chad and travel back to 2008 because that's the peak comfy timeline of humanity.
Money will follow... Or not. I don't give a shit about money anymore. Money change people. It will change someone's wisdom, how they values someone else, how do they view the world, etc. Name one richfag who still hold his ascetic lifestyle and not dump his money for luxurious shit.

t. witnessed my family turned into malicious toxic devil because of money

>> No.28451934 [DELETED] 

Also forgot that I would lie to my parents and pretend to go to college. Somehow.

>> No.28451959

How about I can be 16 years old again with my ugly ass self but have my current knowledge and make 8 figures from that

>> No.28451979

>live life as a 16 year old chad
Wake up at the prime of my youth? That's priceless! I'll take that deal!

>> No.28452027

8 figures. Money>>>>>>> all

>> No.28452074

lmao, I feel you so much bro.

>> No.28452089

just me at 16 although I would have to basically check out straight away, I couldnt be bothered interacting with people at that age again

>> No.28452093
File: 76 KB, 220x210, coffee.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>that's the peak comfy timeline of humanity.
This is what zoomers ACTUALLY believe.

>> No.28452140

Yeah I'll echo the being 16 but keeping current knowledge. If keeping the knowledge isn't an option then a billion will do I guess.

>> No.28452163

yeah this 100%

>> No.28452166

Yeah 20s are absolute shit. You go from a world of zero responsibility to everything tossed on your plate, sink or swim.

>> No.28452195

Depends. Am I going back in time, or just transforming into a younger person?

If it's the former, easy chad pick. I can just become a millionaire in my free time with my future knowledge.

>> No.28452210

easy, money

>> No.28452256

Nice dubs. Also, I can just tell from the things you say that you're a loser. Possibly unattractive too.

>> No.28452293

chad easily
when you look this good you will always have a quality GF and whenever you do an interview and a woman is doing it, she will hire you

>> No.28452358

8figures no question lol

>> No.28452428
File: 262 KB, 2048x1361, anakin.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

8 figure. I would corner a stonk and be the leviathan. I would then make fellow biz shitposters rich and we would begin order 66 on wallstreet after a few months of market manipulation and we'd all make it.

>> No.28452558

I woudn't want to be "chad" even if i would get 7 figures

>> No.28452599

t. actual zoomer
Born in 94, faggot
2008 is the definition of "living your live" because teens back then are the actual teens who do sports, skipping the school, brawl, and spend 5 hours in internet cafe. We don't care what's happen about political bs because we simply want to have fun with friends, literally
Not some "teens" who pretend to be adult and suddenly got force-fed with political ideological bs.

>> No.28452604


>> No.28452647

Nope! You'll be a loser fag working at a gas station, drugged out and P&Ding fatties for a dollar. You'll punch out all your true friends (gay guys and old/er women wanting you to be a stripper or a model), while trying to break into fields that are completely wrong for you (trying to be a Code Bro, but failing the entrance/final examination, because STEM IS FOR COMPETENT PEOPLE).

You will waste your time, then peak at 30. Never noticing the white hairs you got at 19. Bruh.

>> No.28452717

get the fuck out, newfag

>> No.28452770

16 yo Chad
>get years of my life back
>fuck 99% of girls
>can just model and make my own clothing line for money which I could then invest and easily be at 8 figures in 10 years

The question really lacks detail though, are you a top .1% looks chad? Are you low 8 figs or high 8 figs?

>> No.28452913

16 year old Chad, it's a once-in-a-lifetime opportunity to steal more time.

>> No.28452924

in my country a teenage prostitute costs like 30 usd lol 30 min tho

>> No.28452985

being 16 yo chad of course, i would trade like 200 millions for it.

>> No.28453028


>> No.28453071

>be 16 year old chad
>peak in high school
>get a baby mama and then wageslave for the rest of my life

>> No.28453073

>Nope! You'll be a loser fag working at a gas station
this dude clearly got bullied. you can cope all you want, anon.

>> No.28453196

Born in '86 you zoomer.

>> No.28453296

Everyone gets bullied, m8.
And no, not hating on Chad at all.
I used to look down on them, but now I feel sorry and sympathetic for them.

The only people I truly hate are nerds.

>> No.28453502
File: 82 KB, 513x600, 6bI7sHXwW7oHurbokafhu8fzJJGKCPsy9_NKKjQaUEoHn0vFN6titY5jSF_drRtq.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

i already was a 16 year old chad who peaked in highschool
ill take the 8 figs

>> No.28453532

>Everyone gets bullied
You poor, coping bastard. I feel sorry for you and your warped vision of reality. Also, you probably never met a Chad in your life. You were bullied by Brads

>> No.28453588

I was once handsome enough to get the attention of 8/10 girls - but that's it. And 8/10 is very attractive if you ask me. My first girlfriend was an absolute stunner, but even with rose tinted glasses, I knew she was a step down from some of these 10/10 models you see. She had two ballerina roommates who were 9/10s and you could just tell they had slightly better skin, finer features. Whatever. That's beside the point.
I was attractive enough to be able to pull girls that got me extremely turned on. And while I'd say in the moment, sex with a girl you're blown away by is as close to heaven that a young man will get, it's not everything.
Now that I'm married, a father, have a career, property, etc, I'm realizing that I wouldn't even pay $1k for sex with a beautiful virgin, or 10 of them for that matter.
So 99% of the benefits of being a teenage Chad are out the window when you realize sex isn't that great. I used to fuck my hot girlfriend and then lay there with her sleeping on my shoulder, and as much as I loved her, and as much bliss as I felt in the moment, my mind would drift to what else I could be doing other than just laying there.

>> No.28453727
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94 is considered millenial, you literal oldfag niggerdick

That's it, I declare a cross generational war against zoomer, x, and boomer. And my first act of war is to refuse to acknowledge of Israel sovereignty

>> No.28453755
File: 343 KB, 982x1600, Redpillcomics4.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I had a Chad friend in my EE classes at uni
>buff handsome asshole
>cheated on every test
>his senior design group was, I shit you not, composed of the only fuckable girls in the department and our salutatorian who probably thought he was just gonna get easy pussy but instead had to do an entire project on his own
>I thought he was absolutely fucked after college
>he ends up getting a 140k starting as a Lockheed engineer and then gets bumped to upper management within a year's time

>> No.28453763

How old are you Anon, if you're still 22 or 23 you can absolutely still have that puppy love first romance, I lost my virginity at 23 (girl was same age and also a virgin) and those two and a half years were the best of my life honestly

30 now and two other far more shitty relationships with roasties who'd had multiple bfs before me have pushed me to give up on women, I gamble on shitcoins for fun now

>> No.28453795

16 year old without question
Time is much more valuable than money

>> No.28453862

8 figs
im already a chad

>> No.28453995

fuck I wish I lived in America where engineers are actually paid a decent salary

>> No.28454092

I go back in time if I wake up tomorrow as a 16 years old chad?

>> No.28454231

the importance of virginity has nothing to do with the quality of sex you coom golem

if your interest is in the quality of the suck n fuck then obviously your best option is an extremely experienced whore

>> No.28454245

I already look good so no thanks, I'll take the money.
Are you guys all incels or something?

>> No.28454294
File: 39 KB, 700x467, you.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>I already look good


>> No.28454306

Been there done that give me the money

>> No.28454404
File: 153 KB, 735x1121, cb78020622f936990db8aa0a1e9fc5cc768232930f122dc488dd8fb8619082b2.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Cope like you're in Copenhagen
This is not my best shape

>> No.28454476

At first glance it's a stupid as fuck question but what prevents you from just making money again once you're a chad? Your lifespan will automatically be longer again too. I'm in a solid relationship and pretty fucking poor but I'd still consider the chad option before money

>> No.28454557
File: 2.06 MB, 2894x4093, 1608621634768.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

you pretty much nailed down my experience except for the getting married part. being a teenager who fucked the "popular girls" kind of jaded me from women forever. i cant even look at a (real) female now and feel "primal" sexual desire, all i want is someone to raise children with, though i feel in my career now thats never going to happen.
used to have guys come up to me and say they wish they looked like me, that i looked like a hollister model, constant DMs from girls trying to fuck, pretty much the dream 16-18 year old experience.
now i just let the balding take over, dont shower for weeks at a time, and exclusively fap to anime. once i make it off crypto im going completely off the grid and transcending humanity

>> No.28454604

Nice biceps, chief

>> No.28454655

this. With 8 figs I can larp as a 16yr old boy and live a irl porno

>> No.28454706

16 year old chad 100%

>> No.28454709

If you didn't make it to eight figures, you won't make it to eight figures with a prettier face

>> No.28454742

8 figures. being a chad at 16 just means you peaked early

>> No.28454986

8 figures easily. Then I could hire people to make things for me

>> No.28454988

>missing out on illegal poon when you have 8 figs
nigger you can do that now, with that amount of money you can go full Schneider and set up your own casting couch.

8 figs is the only right answer

>> No.28454991

this, time is the most important resource. Having lots of money is valuable only insofar as it buys you time to do what you really want.

>> No.28455049
File: 198 KB, 550x535, yike.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

8 figs, how is that even a question

>> No.28455107

>where engineers are actually paid a decent salary
you have to take into account standard of living. rent (high as fuck in good areas, silicon valley ~33k a year) + other expenses.

>> No.28455192

I feel u bro

>> No.28455316

8 figures for sure, some of us already had a good high school experience

>> No.28455320

The real difference in species is someone like Isaac Newton or Einstein. The difference between a Chad and a chimp is less than that of a Chad and a genius.

>> No.28455332

Be 16 yr old chad, get job, invest money, be millionaire by 20.

>> No.28456069

You're a creep and you always were.
Aspiring for a wife and child are not normal at all. If you were a cool person, all these things would have come and gone naturally. You're probably too much of a sexist pervert for anybody to take you seriously.

>> No.28456167

This anon gets it.

>> No.28456184

>asking 4chan if they are incels
>"Mommy, is water wet?"

I believed that you were Chad, just from that post alone, hahahahaha.

>> No.28456406

He sounds like a terrifying person to be around. Also, buff. Eww.

>> No.28456584

Bruh...YOU can chase them.
If that's the kind of person you want to be around or be like, then more power to you. But I know what predators are like; out of control and with no limits.

Yeah, you can keep that trash to yourself.
I don't envy those predators -or- you.

>> No.28456595

>You're a creep and you always were.
i mean, i guess. i got away with it though
>Aspiring for a wife and child are not normal at all
youre retarded

>> No.28456772

If i could be a 16 year old chad with all the knowledge i have now then id be earning 8 figures by 25.

>> No.28456894

how would you do it anon?

>> No.28457044

>Aspiring for things that ACTUAL normies can get, cause it just happens.
>"I got away with it though"

Re-read these things and ask yourself how you come across to sleep-mode humans. Seriously. You are a freak and people are afraid of you, DESPITE whatever perks you have over others.

That isn't winning, that is failing SPECTACULARLY. Holy Hannah.

>> No.28457056

16 year old chad. I don't think you ever really get over complete rejection and isolation as a teenager.

>> No.28457148

>Played 3 sports in highschool
>Already chad when 16

Yeah I'll take that 8 figures.

>> No.28457201

This. Having 20 years more of life would be nice, but thanks to globalhomo stretching out the education period, my life is only now truly starting in my mid 30's, because I have the combination of money and time to do shit. And a GF that puts out.
The last time I would want to do is have to go through high school, college, grad school, and my starting position all over again, especially in today's completely cucked environment. Fuck that.

>> No.28457411

the shit that you have to deal with pussy is hairpulling

>> No.28457513

As a chad I cannot even empathize with you. When I see ugly people I wonder why they even exist. It’s actually what convinced me that god isn’t real

>> No.28457543

Definitely the 8 Figures. Why would I want to go backwards when the sweet embrace of death is closer now?

>> No.28457615

Are you kidding? Surely you're kidding.

>> No.28457689

16 year old chad by far

>> No.28457820

come on man you dont have to be a fag about it

>> No.28457874

Already worth 8 figures.
But yea I'd give it up for that.

>> No.28457905

None of us here has had 8 figures. A few of us here have been chads and had decent luck with women. The ones with experience know that 8 figs is the obvious answer.

>> No.28458415

I unironically look like the front guy with little less jaw. Id pick 8 figures. Roasties are boring bro

>> No.28458451

>ugly and awkward in high school
>face matures with age and working out and start looking pretty good
>start balding

>> No.28458505


>> No.28458875

what country?

>> No.28459059

Imagine not being both in the 80s

>> No.28459088

im a zoomer and i seethe everyday, technology has ruined women

>> No.28459116

More time is the one thing money can't buy for you. It is your mostprecious non renewable resource. I would throw away all of my money just to go back in time 10 years. I would easily take the 16 year old body especially if I get to keep my memories.

>> No.28459133

if being the 16 year old chad involves time travel then that because I can just buy bitcoins before they were 50,000 cuck dollars

>> No.28459139
File: 106 KB, 327x420, 1611434401308.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I was a 16 yr old chad so I guess ill just have to go and make 8fig nig

>> No.28459147

8 figs

>> No.28459167

people born in the 80s die 10 years earlier than people born in the 90s.

gota take rebirth, time > money

>> No.28459193
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Pic related

>> No.28459272


Post feet

>> No.28459277

But you already know all the school shit so you could breeze through high school and college, land a six figure job immediately. BZB+1

>> No.28459289

>without any social scrutiny
You just need enough money like Prince Andrew, Trump and Biden

>> No.28459487

Is this thread still. Why waste frontal lobe thought energy on this question. Is there really not anything more productive we could be discussing?

>> No.28459893

16 year old chad

>> No.28459976

>a talking hole figured out 4chan
look at all these personal attack for a former chad who wants to live off the grid, my goodness roastie no one wants to help raise your little niglet.
Tyrone and Deshante will always leave your roastie ass leaving you with the niglets

>> No.28460096

If I get to keep my current knowledge 16yo chad is the way to go. No two ways about it.

>> No.28460127

They're not your crowd then. Stop letting assholes mess you up. You don't want to know what it's like to be chased by them either. I'm talking gaslighting, coordinated harassment and emotional manipulation like you have NEVER SEEN. If they don't just outright drug and rape you. Or SWAT you.

You want to run from them. And find real people. The minute they start their bullcrap, you report them or start running.

>> No.28460223

>16 year old chad
>during covid
Yes enjoy my online zoom classes and no sports. FUCK THAT

>> No.28460524

If I was 16 again back in 2008 I would just buy BTC and hold until now and I'd also have 8 figures.

>> No.28460528

16 year old chad. I can go pro from my athletic skills and be a millionaire doing what I enjoy

>> No.28460549
File: 56 KB, 478x475, b0d797eb166d29ef061f1c0afcb937b7pepe-cries-happily.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>wants to live away from society, like the unlovable nerdy freak Unabomber
>is threatened by ugly pig-faced barbarian niggers, specifically the ones that even black people don't like
>flags this mild-mannered Armenian gyro cart owner as a stupid snow bunny

You're not Chad, you're an Ari larping as Chad. Lose weight and stop trying to be a nerd, Ari. You are a dumb faggot, just accept yourself as who you are.

>> No.28460952
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>> No.28461480

16 year old Chad bro 100%.

I would berry my dick so far into so many 16 year old bitches I wouldn't be able to count them all. And their feet? Bro when I was 16 I didn't even know to check them. Believe me bro, this time I'm all over them feels.

>> No.28462025

16 year old chad

>> No.28462405

It’s not about knowing the material, it’s about having to wade through all the pointless shitty essays and homework

>> No.28462590

8 figures without a doubt

>> No.28462602


>> No.28462774

He cut his dick off to become a tranny

>> No.28462869

kek, there's a market for sissy femboys like you

>> No.28462932

tfw you had multiple girls who were down in high school but your house was trailer tier
ill take the 10 mil

>> No.28463083
File: 144 KB, 895x834, 659FF67D-8CA9-4CB7-B9B6-CFDB589E603E.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

When you say 16 again do you mean that I’d go back in time? If so then yes because I’d just dump all my money into BTC then be a millionaire in a few years and be a chad

>> No.28463155

8 figs obviously. With money comes time and food. With time and food, you can become the god of training and dominate the human race

>> No.28463361

Well i would do exactly the same obviously (and i was 2008 also 16), but i would have at least 9 figures. 2010 BTC was 10 cents lol.
I could have spared a few 1000s

>> No.28463417

Do I get to be white? Then chad all the way.

>> No.28463468
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>> No.28463474

That would be money with influence on society.

>> No.28463772
File: 875 KB, 3240x1741, A94D8BE2-7494-48C5-9709-D995E3F6E06B.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Chads die by peer pressure, or get caught up in drama with their shitty friends, or end up driving a minivan in their twenties while married to their HS sweetheart because they’re less likely to be broken up with

>> No.28463841

if it is 16 year old me then i would definitely take that over 8 figures right now at 31.
I get another shot at life and this time i know about bitcoin? i will have a 10 figure net worth and i would have learned the fuck out of mathematics as a 16 year old

>> No.28464629

Spoken like a jaded former Chad who was lucky enough to have not ended up a pizza man driving his mom's busted Taurus at 45. Be happy with what you have, it may feel boring and routine to you, but lots of other people are an heroing because they will neber go anywhere, own anything or be anyone, no matter how hard they try. And the ones killing themselves are men. Men look up to you, try to be happy.

>> No.28464854

>getting a hard-on whenever you want.
Easy choice retard.

>> No.28465002

16. More life years are worth more than money. Doing life over with my current knowledge would be amazing. And being a chad would be nice too.

>> No.28465086
File: 2.63 MB, 680x920, binnie book.webm [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


6 figures

>> No.28465127

Holy fuck am I ugly

>> No.28465253

16 year old Chad no doubt.

>> No.28466328

>peak comfy timeline of humanity
unironically one of the saddest things I’ve ever read on this board

>> No.28466375


>> No.28466697

8 figures

>> No.28467592

Would you take the knowledge that you have now back 20 years in time knowing that it would shave 20 years off the end of your life?

>> No.28468489
