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28320871 No.28320871 [Reply] [Original]

Had a bad day at work today bros. Let a lot of people down who counted on me. What do?

>> No.28320954


>> No.28320968
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>> No.28320995

Pray to God.

>> No.28321042

Correct your mistake and make it up to them.
Every problem has a solution

>> No.28321132

I don't think he would like me very much.

I'll try, but I really fucked up big time. It wasn't on purpose, but that doesn't matter.

>> No.28321255

What did you do, faggot

>> No.28321310

Who the fuck buys a coin called "HOTDOG"?

>> No.28321407

>I don't think he would like me very much.
That's the worst sin you can commit, worse than murder. Because it's false in every way. Give it a go, not even trying you on. Give it a go, nobody is watching you.

>> No.28321647
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Relax anon. I know a guy named Paul Allen, he will help you.

>> No.28321909

Unless you dive so deep down that the only solution is to sell

>> No.28322065

shit your pants and make your mother change you, you'll feel like a whole new faggot

>> No.28322079

>That's the worst sin you can commit
*blasts you in the face with a sawed off shotgun*
*prays afterwards*
heh, nothin personnel kid

>> No.28322477

Everyone makes mistakes, anon. You will recover. And if work won't let it go, remember-- you are more than that job.
He loves you more than you can conceptualize. Your entire life is a journey to meet Him, it's the reason you were formed from stardust. You are everything to Him. May you find Him.

>> No.28322747

based and Christpilled

>> No.28322851

I'm so far off the right path, I don't know if there's any coming back for me. I'm afraid that if I try I won't be honest enough about it.

Broke something expensive. The people I work with had stuck their necks out for me because they saw me as young and ambitious, and I let them all down. I'm in biotech.

I hope the damage isn't irreparable.

>> No.28323193

Explain what the fuck you did faggot OP. Are you in the military and sent your men in to die because you fucked up on the intel? Or are you a nameless clerk at a giant firm and made a clerical error? Explain right now or delete your gay diary thread

>> No.28323242


Eat my shorts

>> No.28323327


>> No.28323367

Well, it's fucking Nsured, isn't it? Just make sure you never make the same mistake twice and you are golden.

>> No.28323374

There is nothing you can do that changes the spark of divinity inside you. You are a literal, actual child of God.

It goes like this: accept the radical notion that you are loved. Completely. Irrevocably. Feel what that feels like. Work to feel it.

Once you feel it, you can love yourself-- and you can Love God back. Until you feel that love, you can't feel it for Him. Only then can you truly love others. His love for you, then your love for Him, then love for yourself and others. And in your field, you obviously have an innate love for others that can only become more powerful through this. I hope your work can understand your mistake, but whether they do or not, anon-- you are irreplaceable, and there is a plan for you.

>> No.28323409

Man you're a melodramatic faggot. Just tell us what you did, green text it. If you are/were this dramatic and faggy with your coworkers when you broke whatever, it's not a good sign

>> No.28323481

What did you do?
greentext it

>> No.28323720

There's a team of people that I'm responsible for, that have been loyal to me for a long time, and if I get kicked, so do they. All my direct supervisors also stuck their necks out for me, and I fucked them with my incompetence. No one died, but I can't take letting down those that actually believed in me.

>> No.28323766

things break all the time, machines fault

>> No.28323912
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>> No.28324024

looks like a solid opportunity to average down.
put half of what you make and hold until the next meme cycle.
some poor sap will hold your bags.

>> No.28324068

el bar sinson strikes again

>> No.28324431
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>I'm so far off the right path
bro that's literally why Jesus died, for your sins

sounds like you broke some piece of equipment, they can make a new one anon. at least no one got hurt.
you might need to get a new job though kek

>> No.28324567

are you from r9k

>> No.28324964
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honestly if you didn't kill anybody or cause grave injuries, it's fixable
shit happens.
if you're a man suck it up and own up to what you did
apologize, and offer your time in order to repair what you've damaged (figuratively)

>> No.28325206

Believe it or not, I like my line of work.

Sure, but I feel like such a complete fucking idiot. They handed me the device, explicitly told me not to break it because it's expensive, and 4 days later I was too carried away feeling happy with how good my experiment was going that I accidentally fucked it up. Normally I don't have much empathy for people who are like that, being on that place now I feel like a complete brain let that causes problems. And they've put me in charge of other people with more years of experience than me. Why am I like this...

I've been thinking about God a lot recently. I know my life's not going right, and it's mostly because I refuse to embrace Him, and stop being a selfish prick. You've pushed me in the right direction, thank you.

>> No.28325312


>> No.28325793

You understand that eventually you'll fail to meet the ever mounting expectations of those around you, becoming so riddled with self loathing you seek self sufficiency to grow old and die peacefully alone

>> No.28325796


Wow, dude you are being super harsh on yourself and holding yourself to exceptionally high standards.

The best example you could set to your team is that it's ok to make mistakes, otherwise they will be fearful/paranoid about making any mistakes.

You are human. It's ok to make mistakes. Normal. Natural. Everyday occurrence.

My advice would be to make it up to the person/team who lent you the device - can you help out on some of their experiments? Do some extra data anlaysis/scrubbing? Some shitjobs that they don't like doing?

Beating yourself up not going to do anyone any favours

>> No.28326201

Fabricate evidence of sabotage. Maybe pin the blame on one of your older underlings. This is management 101 kiddo.

>> No.28326236

despair is one of the worst sins you can commit, because you are denying that God is infinitely merciful

>> No.28326241

I work in labs and have broken machines worth 6 figs, just be honest and explain what you did. They'll just ring up the engineer and tell you not to do it again.

Learn from this experience.

>> No.28326307

El Barto

>> No.28326322

Bless anon

>> No.28326995

At least you know you're the kind of person who feels regret for that, and genuinely wants to help. I bet you're a good person. Another anon said God loves you and that is true. Just show good intent, do your best and truck through the shame, and eventually you will feel you have made up for it and it'll all be in the haze of the past.

>> No.28327580

Did you break their Hamilton Microlab STAR Liquid Handler?