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28308752 No.28308752 [Reply] [Original]

1) We actually get hyperinflation, everyone becomes a millionaire and the US will become a irrelevant shithole
2) Every asset crashes 50% at least as they try to save the US dollar
3) Something else? What

>> No.28308887


>> No.28308941

so hyperinflation?

>> No.28309106

>the US will become a irrelevant shithole
It already is to everyone outside of the US

>> No.28309190

>the US will become a irrelevant shithole
Trump already made that happen though

>> No.28309242

I mean yes it is a shithole but lets not pretend it is irrelevant. I don't understand why the fuck would (((they))) give up their world dominance just to save muh stock market? Wtf is going on

>> No.28309402

Grow up already.

>> No.28309548

Ok rabbi

>> No.28309575

Answer the question. Why would the people in power give up the power just to avoid crashing overvalued assets?

>> No.28309657

You sure showed me

>> No.28309711

Lurk moar

>> No.28309804

you contribute nothing useful to this thread

>> No.28309840

found the jew

>> No.28309886

>people in power
>Why would the people in power give up the power just to avoid crashing overvalued assets?
They won't.

>> No.28310045

so you think that we are going to see a 2000 level crash? What other way out from this mess is there?

>> No.28310202
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>oy vey

>> No.28310370

Just trolling, or low IQ reddit fag? Can't tell anymore.

>> No.28310383

Brace yourself :)
I don't think anyone doesn't know that rich capitalist Jews are nepotistic (like all rich capitalists)

>> No.28310517

Oh I am ready, over 50% in cash already
was just hoping to get some intelligent discussion here to make sure that I am not the retard about to get my savings inflated to nothing

>> No.28310610

You think communists aren’t nepotists?

>> No.28310728
File: 649 KB, 454x568, A0F1F905-FF2D-4055-B00D-20739C403E6E.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

In (((clown world))) anything is possible

>> No.28310870

>anything is possible
keeping the printers on and enriching every stock/crypto speculator why simultaneously keeping the value of the USD intact is not possible even in clown world

>> No.28310947

I think unbridled power corrupts. That clearly happened in the Soviet Union as well.

>> No.28310992

that’s the hard choice isn’t it - low interest rates, asset bubble and a decreasing us dollar or raise interest rates, pop the bubble, destroy unrealized gains and save the usd.
is there some way with cbdcs to get a new paradigm where the fed can have low interest rates and a usd that maintains its value?

>> No.28311236

Don’t let comprehensiveness and abstraction obscure the unexpected desu

>> No.28311658

I would assume it would be in the best interest of the fed to keep the usd strong and pop the bubble eventually
>is there some way with cbdcs to get a new paradigm where the fed can have low interest rates and a usd that maintains its value?
How is that even possible in theory?

>> No.28312045

new to economics here. why do they have to pop the bubble to save the dollar....what does that mean to "save the dollar"?

I know, I know. newfag, retard, just fill me in please.

>> No.28312862

nothing ever happens

>> No.28313318
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is that why you subhumans outside of the U.S. are so obsessed with American clothing, entertainment and hypocritically do the same things Americans do while still bitching about America?

Reminder to newfags that Tel Aviv LOVES to post demoralizing bullshit about America and white people on every 4chan board, pretending like they have some kind of life outside of monitoring Americans 24/7. They don't.

>> No.28313885

It’s not

>> No.28314841

Since the numbers have never been real, has inflation ever been real?
What's stopping them from just changing any egregious numbers and keeping the illusion mostly believable? It's not like they can't and haven't done so before.
Is there a way in which they could transition from USD to CBDCs in that manner? I'd think so.

>> No.28315043

>usd becomes worthless
>GOY WE HAVE TO USE DUSD (digital usd)
its all going as planned

>> No.28315075

This 20 min vid sums it up pretty nicely. It has to do eith secular cycles repeating in history since the fall of the Roman Empire.


> successful nation grows in population
> increase in population surpasses growth of economy
> worth of a single human decreases due to supply and demand
> system becomes top heavy because elites have hoarded too much wealth for the working class to sustain themselves
> try idiotic schemes to save themselves (SJW to keep focus in racism instead of class differences/this time mixed with soviet subversion making the current generation allergic to capitalism)
> ???
> downfall in which population thins
> setup of new stable and successful nations
> rinse and repeat

>> No.28315445

i do wonder what their brilliant plan is to keep their middle eastern colony kicking
without huge transfers of burger tech and money it falls into the sea
it has zero change of standing on its own and don't even get started on the eu taking over the aid from the us

>> No.28315752

It’ll probably get taken over by Turkey.
US is now biggest exporter of oil in the world hence why they’re starting to shift from a world police back to a more isolationist stance.

>> No.28316307
File: 50 KB, 807x784, 0db5eb21866e4e3063a2e2c85ca4e77c.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>American clothing
Sorry, but all of "your clothing" are too big for humans.
Such as? Braindead laughtrack trash and capeshit movies? Sorry but even chinkdrones rejected that shit, and they are literal cockroaches.
>Muh demoralization
You will never be white, mutt.

>> No.28317218
