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28276376 No.28276376 [Reply] [Original]

OPEN your heart and your wallet and join our cult.

>> No.28276628
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>> No.28276680

how high is this going I have a puny 600 stack kek

>> No.28276702

link the dextools for a retard pls

>> No.28276717


Nigger, if you're going to shill your coin drop it's name. The bulls are running I ain't got time to research that.

>> No.28276739

Short term? Tree fitty. Mid term? $10

>> No.28276756

Marketcap: 6 million
TVL: 78 million
Partners: REN, UMA, OCEAN, DSD, more to be announced soon (confirmed on telegram).

>What is it?

OpenDAO serves as a bridge between real-world and crypto assets. The goal is to bring more value into the space by providing exposure to real estate, stocks, and more... all in a permissionless and seamless manner. Currently, the protocol is working closely with UMA and Ren to develop new stable coins and in Q1 2021 will release the USDO — a dollar pegged stable coin backed by the world around you: starting with Bitcoin and Ethereum, but rapidly expanding to include other on-chain and off-chain assets. Holders of crypto and traditional assets will be able to mint stablecoins against them, retaining their asset holdings while unlocking more capital to invest, yield farm, or do as they please. There are confirmed additional partnerships in telegram, as well as a sushi stablecoin rumor.

>> No.28276761

Sounds like you need to be a bit more OPEN minded

>> No.28276778

opendao actually looks to be good

>> No.28276801
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>https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=EqR12uqhIwQ&feature=emb_title&loop=0 [Embed] [Embed]
>OpenDAO and Ocean team up: A new stablecoin is on the way
>OpenDAO and the Dynamic Set Dollar's stablecoin
>renDOGE backed stablecoin announced: Dogecoin + Ren + OpenDAO = $DOGEO Stablecoin
>5.5 mill marketcap: 100x mid-term potential
>Earn dividends on stable coins
>Opendao debit card
>Huge announcements on friday / saturday / sunday and cross promtion with ren


>> No.28276807

u buyed right before me :)

>> No.28276812

>Okay, so why does this matter? What is the long game?

While DeFi inaugurates a number of improvements over traditional finance, some of its more novel propositions are:

1. Democratization of finance (decentralization, ability for retail investors to tap into advanced financial tools)

2. Unlocking liquidity and untapped value of assets via lending and other methods (yield farming, etc).

OpenDAO capitalizes on these propositions by allowing institutional investors to turn illiquid assets liquid. Think of a property owner, who, wanting to invest further, tokenizes their property and then uses it as a debt instrument to access more capital to do as he pleases through OpenDAO. Think also of a retail investor, wary of volatility in crypto, who invests in property (or stocks) through OpenDAO and then mints stablecoins against his asset holdings to do as he pleases.

We can see then that OpenDAO is not just about tokenizing assets, but also about creating a system that creates value through unlocking untapped liquidity in both DeFi, and traditional finance.

>Okay, give me a brief TLDR
OpenDAO allows you to have instantaneous creation of credit on demand and a global defi bank that can create sound money backed by real world productive assets.

It opens up an entirely new world of credit for DeFi projects as well as traditional assets.

>> No.28276858

whats up 1k stack

>> No.28276878
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>Okay, you have me interested. Why is OpenDAO seated for success?

1. The team, Moresh and Sean have years of experience in investment banking and real estate and have already tokenized assets on ethereum. The UMA project lead has personally known many of the team for years prior to UMA, and has stated that he has been very impressed with the teams ability to bring real estate to ethereum.

2. The partners. OpenDAO's is partnered with DeFi heavy hitters such as UMA, REN, OCEAN and DSD. These projects have marketcaps ranging from 20x-400x the market cap of OPEN. The UMA founder has stated they are "working closely" with OpenDAO and REN has stated that they've been working closely together for years. They have also confirmed in Telegram that they have more announcements to come.

For projects of the kind of stature of UMA, REN, and OCEAN, reputation is everything. These players are only going to partner with projects they believe can succeed, and they will also be leveraging their status in the space with the sort of connections and resources that OpenDAO needs to become a major player in DeFi.

Do you remember what happened when people put 2+2 together with Rook's integration with REN? Partnerships are everything in this space and OPEN is already sitting with some of the largest partnerships a project could have.

3. The product. I've covered it above, but it goes without saying that unlocking instant credit through illiquid assets is extremely valuable. Advanced forms of lending and credit are the future of DeFi and are also one of the primary channels in which traditional finance will seek to leverage DeFi for further value.

>> No.28277208

No thanks. I'll just use Kleros.

>> No.28277305

when is mid term

>> No.28277601

sometime between end of feb and mid-late march.

>> No.28277652

this isnt gettting talked about on twitter, 4chan seems to be the only place people post about it. so given we get some attention on twitter and elsewhere, i think it could pull a snowswap type run or even something more bullish

>> No.28278942

I get really high gas rn

>> No.28278987

Should I use Bilaxy. Does anybody if it has issues

>> No.28279017

Same anon

>> No.28279056
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these threads are a blessing. thank you 4chan. it couldn't be easier.

>> No.28279102

I think bilaxy is fine, ive had a good experience with it