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28193992 No.28193992 [Reply] [Original]

should I buy rubic?

>> No.28194033

you want to lose money OP? if so, buy RBC

>> No.28194091
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>> No.28194104

Dubs of truth, never trust anything shilled on this board

>> No.28194123


>> No.28194173

parsiq doubled my 401k but i did my own research.

looking to gamble a bit

>> No.28194221
File: 312 KB, 500x500, jumping rubic.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I'll just copy and paste what I said in the other thread when some anon asked what "the true value" of rbc is

>what's the true value of RBC?
Look at uniswap, the biggest dex:
>high fees
>only on ethereum chain
>no limit orders
Now look at the rubic roadmap:
>very low fees
>cross chain transactions between binance smart chain and ethereum
>limit orders

Why would anyone want to use uniswap when Rubic exists?
If rubic gets to even half of uniswap's market cap it will be worth $25.
The people selling are either retards trying to swing or people who bought in because of the hype not really knowing what rubic is

>> No.28194307
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>> No.28194326

thank you

>> No.28194338

when are actual coins coming to rubic.exchange?

>> No.28194369

the popular front guy interviewing him was your typical british faggot afraid of guns.

>> No.28194421

i knew the shilling was immense but dayumn

>> No.28194456

Rubic needs to get listed on a big exchange. Merit doesn't really matter too much here. The shills on the discord are right, we need this to go mainstream. THEN the product will also grow.

>> No.28194505

what about LINK, the most shilled coin in the history of biz?

>> No.28194537

the dude makes his own rounds, from scratch.

most impressive

>> No.28194610

why do you believe in this project?

>> No.28194707

I just don't like it

>> No.28194813

the team said they're going to apply for binance listing in march

>> No.28194824

answer me this and I buy in

>> No.28194850

Defi exchanges are too crowded, pools closed

buy BADGER instead

>> No.28194937
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>> No.28194971

will look into ty

>> No.28195109

my favorite part of this imagine is I can read it in that “anonymized” voice modulator

>> No.28195200
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If you want to get rugpulled by russian scammers outside of US jurisdiction, sure

>> No.28195273

is this real??? what the fuck

>> No.28195396
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>> No.28195407
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>> No.28195433

chainlink ?

>> No.28195448

No it's not.


I can't believe they think people will panic sell without fact checking something some anon posted on an image board.

>> No.28195658

The dude is a fucking hero. He could have articulated his arguments better, but I guess the language barrier was an obstacle.

>> No.28195833

what is this from?

>> No.28196032


>> No.28197348

now go fuck off and buy btc

>> No.28197402

I need a 3d printer

>> No.28197469

aight not buying niggers since no rbc holder has an answer for this

>> No.28197503

they're adding new coins every week or so anon, you can technically trade any coin you just need to put the addresses in. the site UI is kind of new right now, and they're going to be 100% overhauling it in march once they finish L2 in february.

>> No.28197518

I'm trying to add 5,000 more RBC to my stack but none of my transactions go through today. Fucking nigger normies clogging up my blocks and wasting my gas.

>> No.28197690

just answered it sorry friend, not sure why no one else did. They're constantly adding new coins as they can to the site, Uniswap has been around for a year+ which is why they have so many coins.

>> No.28198045

What do you mean "actual coins"?
They have everything Uni has+BSC coins

>> No.28198112

this lol

>> No.28198489

RBC 0.1 to 0.7+ for no fucking reason.
+2000 Holders.
Next RBC news will mooning us, can't wait, but have to

>> No.28198635

its listed nowhere as a exchange and its missing a lot of coins

>> No.28198833

You should have bought it weeks ago when the pajeets were pumping it
Shits worthless now

>> No.28198989

It's pretty new

>> No.28199076

>its missing a lot of coins
retard. You have to use it like uniswap by putting the token address in.
You can trade every coin that's on uniswap + binance smart chain

>> No.28199281

You can do more than just the coins listed. Try typing anything in, and the coins will show up with that name

>> No.28199282

oh yeah retard, then why isnt is as big as uniswap, or at least 1/2 of it? gas is so much cheaper and its 10x faster

>> No.28199483

Buy on probit or bilaxy?

>> No.28199662

This product just came out and Uniswap has been a work in progress since 2018 nigger.

>> No.28199834

because its like a month old

>> No.28199994

I'm holding on to 250 RBC that I bought at $0.25. Some exposure while costing nothing.