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2023-11: Warosu is now out of extended maintenance.

/biz/ - Business & Finance

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28178871 No.28178871 [Reply] [Original]

Hello gents, I hope you’re enjoying “working” from home, doing absolutely nothing. Now that much of the riffraff has gone, we can be comfy in peace.

A day spent watching boomers buy BTC and watching my portfolio grow as well as some exercise I think.

How are my fellow /wfh/ chads?

>> No.28178910

had a 5 minute meeting and wrote 1 mail today in the last 3 hours

>> No.28179039

why work when its possible to be comfy neet instead

>> No.28179093

Still drinking my coffee, might play some resident evil 7 today. Work is so difficult!!

>> No.28179135
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/wfh/ is comfy neet status with the additional caveat of having to have your work laptop on next to you whilst you listen to music and snooze my friend. In this current climate you're missing out

>> No.28179277

we need the czech /wfh/ anon in here, last week was comfy until the post got archived

>> No.28179353

Morning, king.

Just started "work". Logged in at 9 am sharp, and then went straight on /biz/. I have a meeting at 10, then I'll probably go for a walk and then shitpost and masturbate for the rest of the day.

Never been so productive!!

>> No.28179396
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Yep im thinking a surf in the morning and a late log on

>> No.28179418
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WFH in Snowy Scotland reporting in. Clocked in 1 hr 15 ago and done 10 mins work so far

>> No.28179530
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work laptop laying on the sofa whilst i browse and shitpost on here, thinking i could probably smash a 5k run in about 30 minutes. My work for the day is done.

My boss called me yesterday and asked how I'd feel about permanent home office. "I will miss the office environment but I get so much more done working form home!!" I said


>> No.28179555

I have a room filled with mining rigs, the ETH i mine gets traded directly into SNC and i pay my electricity with it. It's basically free money.

>> No.28179657

my internship this summer will be wfh
is it really as comfy as you are all saying?

>> No.28179748

I work at an IT company, won't specify what it is exactly. I check that one service is running at 9, message my boss to confirm service is running, send an email and then i'm done for the day providing nothing goes down.

i have never been this comfy. no commute, no uniform, no shower, no insufferable boomer co workers just chilling

>> No.28179822

living the dream

>> No.28179955

holy fuck based

>> No.28179959

bet that the clueless boomers will retire some day and these useless and overpaid jobs will then be history

>> No.28180048

THATS the time that use comfy wfhers just take their jobs and stay at home in pjs

>> No.28180189

Internships are different. You will need to work hard to impress them to get a comfy full time job.

WFH comfyness isn't just handed to you, you have to earn it!

>> No.28180346

sure.. enjoy it while it lasts. it just seems quite risky to me because a lot of these tech people are not doing anything valuable but are getting paid much more than people who do

>> No.28180372

how many days holidays do you have lads? I have 30 and planning on taking them all in september providing things open up a bit more after vaccines, seeing every day is basically a holiday at the moment anyway when you wfh

>> No.28180434

at that point (say 2-3 years) i'll happily either contract or start my own thing, this is just temporary comfiness and money stacking season