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/biz/ - Business & Finance

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28165386 No.28165386 [Reply] [Original]

My ex-friends called me a delusional moron when I told them Bitcoin will be $10,000 and now we’re nearly $50,000
I use to be the “punching bag” of the group, they would make fun of me and shit on me, hence why I stopped interacting with them and ghosted them.

I wonder what they think now, I have all their numbers blocked so I wouldn’t know if they’ve tried contacting me about it

>> No.28165476


Cool. So you lost all your friends for a years salary

>> No.28165490
File: 17 KB, 216x198, 1610570421635.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

you and your lost friends sound like insufferable faggots.

>> No.28165547

Anon.... I have more than 100 Bitcoin in cold storage, most of which I bought for under $300.

>> No.28165726

cool story bro time to buy some new friends

>> No.28165797
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If you want to really fuck with their heads, send them a message saying you just sold your 2500 BTC stack and want to invite them along for a trip to the Maldives to celebrate.

After you send the message you just block them again and leave them hanging.

>> No.28165850

I’m $50k
Loyal for a lifetime

>> No.28165883

Waow can i be ur new friend!! U r so rich and cool!!!

>> No.28166025

lmao what a beta cuck

my friends tried that shit I straight up told them Thei IQ was too low to comprehend and that's fine, one day bitcoin will be a 100k and you will all be asking me to please help you buy.
They clowned me hard, now whenever they ask me to help them buy and when to sell I just laugh they try to turn it into a serious ''Im serious bro im trying to get a downpayment'' And I laugh even harder.
It's the best.

>> No.28166061

Right, so a multimillionaire has nothing better to do than complaining about the only people other than his parents who ever cared about him, after cutting ties with them over a tiny dispute.

>> No.28166240

I will be your friend but I can’t guarantee I won’t give you abuse if you’re a total dork

>> No.28166283

Lmao this guy thinks money somehow Enlightens you.

Rich people are the most butthurt big ego assholes you'll ever meet Lmao.

>> No.28166364

Elon memes on twitter about dogecoin because he's pissy at the SEC

>> No.28166449
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>> No.28166583

holy shit why has biz turned into a fucking personal diary for all these degenerate faggots?

>> No.28166683

Send me money then I wanna get a signed copy of mein kampf

>> No.28166693

Better to fly them to some shit hole and claim its a connecting flight and you'll be linking with them there to pick them up on the privats jet. Pay some cab service to drop them off in literally the middle of nowhere. Then just leave them in some retarded ass country stranded.

>> No.28166700

Gg making it anon but don’t be so petty that’s how you lose people and gain scum. Should unironically get some hobbies that involve people and make new ones

>> No.28166834

Sounds about right. What the fuck else is he gonna do, work? Lmao

>> No.28166991


OP you're a punching bag still, just you blocked your peers instead of standing up like a man. think other wealthy people will respect you just because you have a suit and some real ray bans? you're a magnet for taking heat from the group, like a sick chicken who gets pecked or an ape that gets chased away from the main tree

should have been confident about it and shown patience then after they realise you were right you can just play cool and say shit like 'i remember telling you guys about it all the time and you didn't even bother to learn about what i was talking about'

>> No.28167024

They would shit on me constantly about everything. Cryptocurrency was just another thing.

I decided to cut ties with people who would only shit on me and everything I said.

The fact youre defending them makes me believe you're probably the type of person like theyre, you all defend your own kind.

>> No.28167089

i am a multimillionaire and have so much free time i often bitch about random BS and bobo-post for no reason on /biz/ too

>> No.28167194 [DELETED] 

I swear, cryptocurrencies attract only losers.

I hope you lose all your BTC just like you lost all your friends.

>> No.28167276

Now you’re lashing out at anyone giving you advice. You did them a solid by cutting ties.

>> No.28167310

Kys u absolute beta faggit fucking delusional retard lmfao

>> No.28167317

>My ex-friends called me a delusional
You mean random people on 4chan and reddit because you don't actually have any friends

>> No.28167323


>> No.28167346

No friends.

>> No.28167386

I have new friends. Cope.

>> No.28167474

I, too, enjoy living a delusional lifestyle

>> No.28167556

Then why did you feel the need to make this thread, and why are you instantly replying to my responses? Is it possible you’re lying? Are you lonely?
>The data also clearly found that those who feel lonely and have no close friends are more likely to see their physical health decline earlier and die younger.
Don’t bother replying, sort yourself out.

>> No.28167605


>> No.28167690

>dude you can't just lose your retard normie faggot nigger friends, whatever will you do without "friends"??
this board is fucking dead

>> No.28167770

You should probably go apologize anon, they know they are wrong and if they talked all that shit, dont worry they know they are retarded now.

>> No.28167815


>> No.28167870

Serious question, are most of the replies here from reddit newfaggots? Reeks of seething nocoiner trannies who seem to have gotten triggered when OP mentioned the 100+ BTC. Kek.

>> No.28167921

You are a huge faggot for complaining about your friends on /biz/ and no amount of money in the world will change you. Better get the rope

>> No.28167935

they probably don't care
best case scenario : "cool for him, I don't care"
worst case : "he's a freaking weirdo"


>> No.28168032

ill let you in on a secret
you arent the punching bag because of your belief in coins.

>> No.28168047

I'm going to fill you in on something. These ex-friends of yours do not remember making fun of you. They were just acting "normal". They can't be shaken out of it or awoken to how you felt about it. Dominant baboons in baboon troops will constantly harass inferior baboons to the point where they get mental problems, have consistently higher blood pressure, and will never be normal. Even if that beta baboon rises to the spot of alpha, they will retain the mental problems. If the alpha is reduced to a submissive position in the troop, they will NEVER develop the mental problems. You were born to be a pathetic fucking loser, no amount of millions will change your gay biology unless you find a way to not care.

>> No.28168171

Sounds like spam message desu

>> No.28168225

Here’s a hundred btc worth of free insight anon. They weren’t picking on you over Bitcoin.

>> No.28168292

Good job OP they are shitty people who don’t deserve you.

>> No.28168400

Wow this board has really been overrun by NPC normalfags

>> No.28168433

I had ''friends'' ghost me because I yelled at some new fuck that yelled at me to shut the fuck up. Listen, I am a very calm person. If you scream at me I will fucking scream back at you. They trated me like I was the agressor bullying some poor loser. Unreal. I cut ties with every single one of those snakes.

>> No.28168551

Bitches be trippin

>> No.28168561

I am okay with it, Im going to be worth 8 figures by 2025 at the very latest.

>> No.28168659

Based. I think one bitcoin will cover that.

>> No.28168693

Most people lack the self awareness to think "oh, I was wrong" instead they will just say something like "that moron got lucky" or whatever massages their ego even though they were incorrect.
Wanna see examples of this?
Look at how hot women think and react to things.

>> No.28168734
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This, I stopped talking to my "friends" years ago and my life has improved dramatically. A lot of people don't realize how much better off they'd be without certain people dragging them down. Troll your friends into thinking you're in a fucked up situation and see how many of them are willing to help when shit hits the fan. You'll be disappointed at the number.

>> No.28168745

those real estate people probably made good money too the market has been unreal. Way more work.

>> No.28168809

If your friends won't let you sleep on their couch when you become homeless they're not friends just people you know.

>> No.28168864

Send some to me as proof

>> No.28168894
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>tfw I let one of my friends live on my sofa for two years when his stepdad kicked him out on his 18th birthday at the cost of two girlfriends who got tired of him and after knowing him for 14 years and bailing him out constantly he stopped talking to me because I'm a "fascist"

>> No.28168922

Ignore these fags anon. I understand where you're coming from. You did good cutting those guys off, they would've damaged you a lot more down the line.

>> No.28168927

no, probably nine, kek

>> No.28168959

you were a good friend sounds like he was the problem

>> No.28168992

Don't block them, the vindication from those desperate texts is so so sweet

>> No.28169009

You guys ever notice some friend groups keep a monkey around to feel better about themselves? I wonder how often the monke becomes self aware.

>> No.28169010

kek same. I've /made it/ and shitpost a on /biz/.

>> No.28169015

friend of mine told me btc is just used for the blackmarket and thats why musk and gates aren't invested. i didn't reply. 4 days later i sent him an article that said musk invested 1.5 billion. just ignore them, they'll be proven wrong, let BTC do all the work.

>> No.28169088

Thats pretty sad anon. But hey, you are rich. You did right by cutting ties with them. It seems that you want to rub it in their faces but thats probably not worth it. In any case just brag on social media if you really wanna do it. All that bitterness and resentment can't be good for you. The next step seems like self improvement, creating and helping your community and finding people that really care about you.
Wish you all the best anon, good luck.

>> No.28169101


>> No.28169134

good on you anon

>> No.28169150

Is your name Andi?

>> No.28169185

based turbo autist name

>> No.28169330
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Not rich yet, that isn't my picture just something funny I saved. Feeling good about my portfolio though, should be there in a couple years. Been self improving since before I started buying crypto and helping community is my main goal with the money.

>> No.28169359

Some of you fucking people are way too tolerant of disrespect. It goes to show how you think of yourselves. I feel bad for OP because my friends have always seemed excited and interested in my crypto holding every time Bitcoin makes mainstream news, the lack of jealousy is actually surprising although I'm pretty generous with friends. Even my dad who is basically a retarded version of Ted Kaczynski thinks it's neat and has asked questions that indicate genuine curiosity. If the people around me were putting me down and mocking me for my interests I wouldn't just ghost them, I'd make it absolutely clear that they could fuck themselves.

Fucking kek

>> No.28169420
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So either you had bad friends or you are an autist who doesn't know how to talk to people so your incessant shilling of bitcoin annoyed them. Judging from your posts its pretty safe to assume it is the latter.

Either way why would you care.

>> No.28169455

Why would he apologize? Fuck them, if they like him now it is just because he is rich.

>> No.28169486
File: 311 KB, 1200x656, Eren.Jaeger.full.2468807.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

u sound likw a fucking loswr

>> No.28169587

Holy no coin cope

>> No.28169639

Money can't make someone less pf a loser and a dork by itself. But it does give him more options to improve if he's willing to work on it. From his posts in this thread, doesn't seem like it.

>> No.28169656

>if I make even more money then I’ll cease being a fucking sperg retard
So. That’s not how any of this works

>> No.28169676

>Hey man, it's been a long time, I hope you're doing good! You've probably seen the news about Bitcoin and I don't know if you remember but I had some of those. Anyways, I sold 2500 Bitcoin today and wanted to invite some old and new friends to an all-expenses paid trip for a week in the Maldives next month. You up for it?

That's how easy it is. Then just block and leave them hanging.

>> No.28169687

You did nothing wrong

>> No.28169717
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im just calling him that bcuz hws focuswd on mortal plwasurwd
not cuz hws a dork or anything
gwtting mad ovwr mortal twmporariws

>> No.28169821
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He was but I still feel bad. Haven't spoken to him since last March, he works in programming and he seemed like his life was going to hell before he stopped talking to me. He eats like utter shit, spends all his salary on weed (he makes close to $60k a year and is always borrowing money by the end of the month), and has gone full twitter communist (he gets angry when you use that word and reminds you he's a "democratic socialist" not a communist). I tried to get him to lift with me for free in my home gym but he said lifting turns you into a Nazi. I get it's not my problem but that sort of garbage is the exact thing I want to fix when I make it.

>> No.28169966
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You are 5 millions in the green and you still want more?
Congrats, you made it. But money won't fix your autism, take some profits and do something with your life.

>> No.28169973
File: 384 KB, 220x166, E28A67C4-3471-4F3E-A128-DF3AB9044A43.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>op is faggittt
>thread is fake and gay
>anons point this out
>”other anon” actual samefag loser says “cope”
This is a quality thread for sure

>> No.28170065

I also cut out all my old friends. People make all kinds of justifications about why they stay in bad situations, but if its not worth it anymore its not worth it anymore. And yes a lot of the people in this thread are shitting on you because they are the exact same type of person as the fake friends you cut out. But its also correct that i can smell weakness and insecurity coming off you. Get a hobby and get really good at it. Excellence is where confidence comes from.

>> No.28170089

>Then just block and leave them hanging.
>that’ll show em!!!1!
>now I’m no longer a loner and a complete spastic moron
Imagine being this fucking stupid

>> No.28170157

Then he can move on with his life. Why does his situation make you so angry and bitter?

>> No.28170284

he got rid of dirtbags cheap

>> No.28170309

>I still feel bad
You have less than nothing to feel bad about. This guy is a lost cause
>taking care of your body means you’re literally Hitler
>communist is so last century... we say democratic socialist now... meet me at Starbucks to discuss

>> No.28170323


>> No.28170391

you just blew my mind

>> No.28170445
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I do feel bad though, he used to be super popular and do well with women but now he's a turbo incel. I get it isn't my fault but I still hate to see shit like that.

>> No.28170475

>Why does his situation make you so angry and bitter?
>calling up his friends to go on a trip and then ghosting them is neat
I’m just amazed there are people out there that actually think like this. Not angry and bitter. Just disgusted by your mental illness and pathetic lack of character

>> No.28170686

That imagine. Top kek
>did you do you Campbell’s soup and alpo dogfood curls today comrade?

>> No.28170721

they aren't his friends anymore anon. Whats so complicated about this? Do you have some skeletons in your closet that you're worried are going to haunt you in the coming years? Remember, whether its a rock or a pebble, in water it sinks the same.

>> No.28170782
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>5' 10"
>135 lbs
do communists really?
how is this even possible?

>> No.28170881

Fuck off retard.

Did you not read this >>28170089
This is the gayest shit I’ve ever seen. You’re an idiot too. Get fucked

>> No.28170926

When someone treats you like shit and you proceed to make it despite their objections, you're allowed to send them one final fuck you before you ride into the sunset.

My bet would be that you're a poorfag who's jelly about OP having made it, while you need to get back in the wagie cagie tomorrow morning.

>> No.28170989
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Once you understand Communism you realize it isn't an economic system, it's just a name given to a natural phenomenon where social mobility allows the best of the lower class to succeed and reproduce with better stock, while the worst of the upper class can fail and end up moving down and reproducing with worse stock. After a while the people at the bottom get so stupid and useless that they can't operate in the world because the smart people push technology further and higher IQ is required to succeed. Eventually they get fed up, smash society and kill all the smart successful people to bring things down to a level they can succeed at again. https://archive.org/details/revoltagainstciv00stod

>> No.28171086

>Do you have some skeletons in your closet that you're worried are going to haunt you in the coming years? Remember, whether its a rock or a pebble, in water it sinks the same.
Go back to plebbit tranny.

>> No.28171192

What does that have to do with anything? They're not his friends, they're "people who have wronged him". You're allowed to fuck over people who have wronged you. Your comments stink like you're worried about someone who you've wronged doing similar shit to you. Maybe you should be.

>> No.28171311

communism is literally a scam where all property is seized and centralized. In a bitcoin thread and you don't even understand that much.

>> No.28171494

>My bet would be that you're a poorfag who's jelly about OP having made it, while you need to get back in the wagie cagie tomorrow morning.
Lol. No. I own two businesses and control all of my time. Not rich but I make $16k a month and that’s fine.

> When someone treats you like shit and you proceed to make it despite their objections, you're allowed to send them one final fuck you before you ride into the sunset.
Here is why you’re a fucking loser: the fact you see this as normal or acceptable behavior showcases your complete lack of self-esteem and your terrible social skills. He would serve only to make a bigger retard of himself (if that’s even possible) by hosting this autism parade to “prove he’s not retarded” by literally proving he is in fact retarded.

Now fuck off pussy.

>> No.28171767

>You're allowed to fuck over people who have wronged you.

They didn’t wrong him. He referred to them as his friends and he was/is the most beta of them. They’ve grown apart like most people do as they get older. He’s a sperg, much like you, and he made this fake and gay thread as a jerkoff fantasy of getting back at Chad.
Newsflash: Chad doesn’t give a fuck about this twink, rich or poor.

Revenge porn is for losers.

>> No.28171850

you sound like a whiny vindictive faggot so I can see why

>> No.28171866
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>>28171311 Yes any what could people's motives be for wanting to seize all property and make sure everyone gets their share? Your brain telling you that you're weak and not suited to survive on your own. Everything has a biological and evolutionary basis. If you know you can't survive by yourself, you're going to bitch and moan until the people who can look after you. Communism is the name of a scam founded on this principle.

>> No.28171876

Bring them to Kleros Court for beheading.

>> No.28171887

>I have more than 100 Bitcoin in cold storage
Post proof or gtfo.

>> No.28171972

you're not fooling anyone mate. The biggest sperg in this thread is you.

>> No.28172064

oh ok yeah thats pretty accurate. The issue though is thats just the propaganda that they use to make the defectives want communism. They'll still be losers under communism so the whole interbreeding of the classes thing you put in your earlier post wouldn't happen. The elite would still be the elite.

>> No.28172635
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The people running the scam aren't communists obviously, they're just the targets of the elite who figured out the phenomenon and began putting it into words to use for their advantage. The classes wouldn't interbreed, they'd separate over time and become more distant. The elite see themselves as a separate class anyway, they just need footsoldiers and figured out a good way to get them.

>> No.28172691

yeah its basically a return to feudalism

>> No.28173057

Look at me I read a manga and I have to post pictures of it on the board. Fuck off

>> No.28173490

What I like to do is tell them I got out of crypto.
>Sorry man I cashed out it was too risky for me
>Just trying to save up for a house ATM
>Rise and grind you know

>> No.28173604

I bought btc in 2013, cashed out years of wages already and still have big bags, but still think OP is a sad loser.

Having cryptos won't help the fact you'll always be seen as a weak target that no one actually respect. Making a thread here to feel good is just another sad act in your life.
You're still thinking about them years after not seeing them, they already forgot you and have happy lives. They didn't try to contact you lmao, you have a few hundred thousands in paper, not billions to spread.

>> No.28173863

You have gotten it figured out

>> No.28174049

Congrats if real
Time to focus on the future instead of wondering what people in the past think of you, who cares

>> No.28174135

hate to tell you bro, but he is right

>> No.28174201

Based. Friends that don't support your endeavers are better kept as acquaintances

>> No.28175125

how much are those? like 15k?

>> No.28175444

lol imagine being that rich. He'd never go back to that post wall roastie now.

>> No.28175520

BTC's still a SCAM, you faggot

>> No.28175635

>posts weebshit
>calling someone else a loser

>> No.28175712

>lifting turns yu to a nazi
sounds like you did good by cutting ties, what a soiboi argument kek

>> No.28175765

Based anon

>> No.28176323

you sound like a pussy. Get your T up

>> No.28176750

Congrats op, you're doing good.

Lots of jealous poor losers itt though?

>> No.28176859


>> No.28176931

wow, who told you about these alts? This is shit man, don’t believe these niggers
if you wanna get profit use your brains and follow yield farming
I participated in metalex and they made a new model, a guarantee of x3 apy

>> No.28177035

And then get grief-wrenched by jealous retards.

>> No.28177345
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Fascism is basically the same thing as communism though as far as state control, it's just that fascism (or just nazism at least) had a pyramidal social structure where everyone in both civilian and military life was to be obedient to their immediate superior, making the whole society a sort of giant government bureaucracy where people got their jobs via appointment by the next guy up the latter all the way up to the dictator himself. Fascism also had no rights to private property. It's basically communism but without the social control over the means of production but also still having capitalisms rat race and exploitation of the workers surplus labor. A bigger scam than anything, i'd take communism over fascism anyway.

>> No.28177753
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That's not even close to right though.

Hitler regarded Marxist economic policy as no less repugnant to genuine socialism as the concept of class warfare was. Marx advocated de-privatizing all production and property. State control would supposedly ensure equitable distribution of manufactured goods and foodstuffs, and protect the population from capitalist exploitation. Hitler advocated private ownership and free enterprise. He believed that competition and opportunities for personal development encourage individual initiative. He said in 1934: “On one hand, the free play of forces must be guaranteed as broad a field of endeavor as possible. On the other, it should be stressed that this free play of forces must remain for the person within the framework of communal goals, which we refer to as the people and the national community. Only in this way can we attain ... the highest level of human achievement and human productivity.”

Der Schulungsbrief dismissed Marx's disparate clamour for equitable shares in national assets and equal pay for all work as stifling to personal motivation: “The man capable of greater achievement had no interest in realising his full potential, when he saw that the lazy man sitting next to him received just as much as he himself.... Any initiative to do more and willingness to accept responsibility could only die out under this system.”

Fascism does have rights to private property. Fascism allows a semi free market, but unlike capitalism, you are prevented from acting in a manner that puts profit over the wellbeing of the nation or people, depending on NS or Fascism.

>> No.28177790

Or maybe he is the shitty one who didn't deserve them

>> No.28177817
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Elections rarely produce a strong leader, rather, they produce politicians, and the very politicians who are most adept at lying and deceiving the populace are the ones who usually win. In a democratic system, the votes of two idiots count for more than that of one well-informed man. In a National Socialist system will, character, and ability are the three main tenets of leadership, and leaders are appointed to office by their superiors rather than elected.

By way of this appointment, the leaders of a National Socialist state have absolute power to make decisions over their particular field. Some say that absolute power corrupts absolutely, but society must front up to three facts before being so hasty to throw this type of catch phrase around.

First - Power must be given to somebody, else there is no more than anarchy.

Second - It is essential to have responsibility for power, lest it be misused. Where one man is
making the decisions, he alone is responsible for the outcome of those decisions. Where votes are taken in a parliament or senate, responsibility is so divided that effectively no one is held accountable.

Third - Given power's tendency to corrupt, it makes more sense to entrust it to him who shows the best character, and is consequently more able to resist its corrupting influence.

If two men stand together, and one is to have power over the other, it is natural that it should be the better man, the man with the stronger will, the better character, and the superior ability, that rules over his companion. This is the formula that has always stood throughout Man's history, and is in fact the very basis of any structured and hierarchical society outside of human society. It is the strongest and most dominant lion who leads the pride — he is the one who is the most likely to make the best decisions most of the time.

>> No.28177871

Based, fuck your friends.

>> No.28178055
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Germany also wasn't some super dictatorial society where nobody was allowed to do anything, Goebbels spoke out strongly against exactly that.

>> No.28178074


Nazism had no rights to private property. It was simply something that was allowed by the state in the same was communist china does. And I'm sorry but I don't trust dictators so this ain't for me.

>> No.28178088

You sound like a turbo autist, those people are better off with you out of their lives.

>> No.28178155


>> No.28178173

>private property
>has to pay property tax or have it taken away and sold at action.

pick one.

>> No.28178192


Less totalitarian than Ingsoc, you say?

>> No.28178210
File: 77 KB, 415x604, 1610567358935.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Most people don't think about what they do. The brainless NPC meme is true. Your friends didn't think anything about giving you shit. People in this thread giving you shit are only doing so because they smell weakness.

You have to learn to push back when people are fucking with you. Don't get bitter about it. Just think of it as a game. Even if it's as much as laughing with them and jokingly telling them to fuck off and that they are an idiot. If they can't take it back, let it escalate, keep joking and taking the piss out of them and plant your fucking heels. Don't be the first one to get upset.

>> No.28178219
File: 467 KB, 442x442, 1587186933611.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Shut the fuck up Daniel. Your still look like a fucking wood elf.

>> No.28178232
File: 51 KB, 570x428, big pile of money.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

but he's got $50,000,000

>> No.28178238
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There are no such thing as rights though. Rights are a made up concept. If your government states you have a right to something, that right is only as concrete as that states ability to protect it. If a rival tribe were to come along and overpower yours, your supposed right to private property means nothing. It allowed private property, so whether they were allowed it through a right or just by "being allowed by the state" is irrelevant. National Socialism isn't for everyone and that's ok.

>> No.28178415

is this a concern. dont know enough to understand

>> No.28178598

anons,is this anything to worry about ? i lack understanding

>> No.28178684

It means that he has 300 bitcoins that he bought for $300 each and they are stored securely. Nothing concerning about it.

>> No.28178729

I think I know why your friends thought you are an absolute fag. I‘m also pretty sure anyone of them didn’t even try to contact you ever since then.

>> No.28178766

sorry more than 100 bitcoins not 300 mb

>> No.28178901

People shitting on him are absolute pathetic trash.
Imagine being someone who sides with the bullies

>> No.28179016

He may be a sperg fag but that doesn't justify bullying him. And why would he care that they don't message him, they were NEVER his friends.
If you accept people who bring you down as 'friends' because you have no better alternative, you deserve to be unhappy. OP did right in cutting them off

>> No.28179096

You know, blocked numbers on android just puts the messages in a different spot. It's still on your phone.

>> No.28179110

sorry, link got lost ?

>> No.28179203
File: 125 KB, 1024x1024, 1610122755230.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

They see your success in bitcoin as the same bullshit luck as winning the lottery. Their opinion of your intelligence won't have changed. If they really wanted to talk to you they would get a mutual to ask you to unblock them. But reaching out to them and setting them up for some fake trip will only make you look retarded

>> No.28179258

Cool wish fullfilment revenge fantasy, laddie

>> No.28179670

When I made it, I went back to my last employer who was and still is an insufferable cunt who deserves to be fed to zoo animals. I acted like I didn't hate him and gave him $100 gift card to his favorite restaurant. I hope he choked on the eggplant parmesan.

>> No.28179778

Nice job, anon. I'm envious.

>> No.28179832

That's why i don't interact with normies anymore. And it's like that for many other subjects. Spending time with normies is just not worth it. Do something else instead.

>> No.28179855

That hurts anon. But people like him will never be grateful and are condemned to be themselves for the rest of thier lives.

>> No.28180097

Very based. Although I doubt we'll see the return of the philosopher king any time soon in this clown world.

>> No.28180406

Must be pretty cheap seeing as youre part of a market that is made up of like 1000 incels.

>> No.28180420

same here OP, including the ghosting

everyone in my life abused my trust and i am truly alone in the world. but discord anons are funny and i don't have to work rn, so that's cool

>> No.28180432

OP (or any millionaires in the thread)

Could you mayhaps toss a few shekels my way?
Envious of you kings...


A mote of BTC... all I ask. A crumb!

>> No.28180975

people are being edgy fags anon, i am happy you cut these shitty people from your life. hopefully you do have other friends tho