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2023-11: Warosu is now out of extended maintenance.

/biz/ - Business & Finance

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28157755 No.28157755 [Reply] [Original]

Tosa Finance aims to become a new protocol that adds features to existing DeFi systems.

Tosa Finance currently is governance token that has mixed three tokens:
1. Reflect Finance - Automatic Staking, earn on buys and sells.
2. Doge Coin - Self Explanatory
3. Bao - Soon to be implemented Synethic asset swapping based on UNI/SUSHI LP Tokens

Rug FUD Bingo:
How much tokens does the team own?
1. None, they have bought in just like everyone else and are developing actively regardless.
2. Admin keys have been burned.
3. Liquidity is permanently locked forever.

What's the total supply?
Total Supply: 10,000,000,000,000 $TOSA
Advantage: Psychologically more accessible.

What's the market cap?
1. We are currently sitting around 100k mcap, that is why you are insanely early.

Who's the team?
The team is currently anonymous, but the COO of Catex Exchange is currently working with the devs on KYC to get a listing, CoinGecko is also coming up this week.

1. Changing the entirety of the website for rebranding.
2. Implement the synthetic asset swap aspect afterwards.
3. Create a second token which will add on to the current tokenomics of Tosa Finance.
4. Add farming.

Where can I get it?
Uniswap: https://app.uniswap.org/#/swap?inputCurrency=0x3a6fe4c752eb8d571a660a776be4003d619c30a3&outputCurrency=ETH

Where can I see the code and contract?
Token Contract:

Telegram: tosatoken

>> No.28157929

Don't be telling everyone about this gem before Wednesday gets here. Smart money is still accumulating.

>> No.28157965

What’s coming Wednesday??

>> No.28158003


>> No.28158121
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Tell me anon

>> No.28158130
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The right people deserve to know!

Farming/Staking updates.

>> No.28158170

damn no website
y'all didn't ever hear of $DARK?
fuck you scammers
no team ° no website ° no investment

>> No.28158240

You'll see... :)

RFI + SHIBA + BAO = buying a bag and cashing out a fuckton of greenbacks.

>> No.28158248
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We have a team and website, what fud pipe are you smoking?

Just because the developers are investing in creating a completely better website and interface =/= no website.

>> No.28158407

Just hodl frens it can only go up with this tiny marketcap

>> No.28158431
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do not buy this rug pull
all the liquidity is was just put in

>> No.28158506

what's the URL of your website? not etherscan not uniswap

>> No.28158653

Bruh the website is less than a week old, you're literally looking at when we had close to no holders than holders.

https://tosatoken.com/ - but this is being completely changed and updated Wednesday.

>> No.28158888

It doesn’t seem like liquidity is pulled out, just that liquidity is very low as it’s a new contract

>> No.28159063

>chinese text
>"dogecoin little brother"


>> No.28159143

You keep reiterating points that we went over, the website is not a reflection of the project, this is being updated and released on Wednesday.

>> No.28160223
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Mooning despite the haters.

Join us frens.

>> No.28160400
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>> No.28160485

tosa gang

>> No.28160733

I'm getting visions of later this week when I have moonbags full of tosa dust and all the fudders are losing their mind

>> No.28160903

Higher lows everyday. Looking like a solid foundation to say the least. Looking forward to wednesday!

>> No.28161014
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>growing liquidity on a literal 50k mcap is bad
You will buy 10x from now. And still be early.

>> No.28161594

Holy shit, $100 tx fee. Wtf?

>> No.28161644
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>> No.28161831

Yeah, buy something that will outweigh those costs before Wednesday, ETH is mooning so I don't think its dropping anytime soon.

That's a default stock page in a common WordPress template that was never even linked from the primary homepage and has since been removed. Nothing there was meant to implicate it was the TOSA team (read the text ffs), if you google that same text you get many sites using the same stock template that haven't removed that page yet either (pic related). I won't pretend it's not hilarious, but it's not indicative of the project being a scam or of its quality.

>> No.28161838

Eth network is congested right now, its like this everywhere atm. Id just wait it out

>> No.28162019

>it's not indicative of the project being a scam or of its quality.

it's definitely one or the other

>> No.28162065

Yes, you're right, quality, this is why it's being completely redone and was removed instantly.

>> No.28162865

Lol holy shit I hold TOSA, not even joking, just for memes and the very off-chance its the real deal. But why are so adamant and defensive you poor nigger? Is this like your one shot? The project in is current state is worth its basically 30k mcap. If the devs work hard and actually create a project beyond basically saying they're going to do a complete copy-paste of BAO (and even thats not a bad idea if they actually do it), it will go up in value. Instead of camping this thread and refuting every valid criticism of a micro-micro-cap, go make sure the devs are fostering a project they intend on working on. Faggot.

>> No.28162933

lmao there it is
Go tell it to Amanda.

>> No.28162980

bro I was comfy going to sleep at 5c and those niggers dumped it as soon as I closed my eyes
this burned my brains, seems like I will lose every time
only poolz gives me income now with their liquidity system

>> No.28163064

>If the devs work hard and actually create a project
These jeets can barely run a website and change their "roadmap" Evey time they shill their dead coin, how the fuck do you think they're going to pull off a bao clone

>> No.28163094


Wow, someones a little emotional, piss poor attempt of acting like a random speculator in attempt to drop the price once again, sorry retard, 400 is the new floor.

>> No.28163186

He refutes a few pieces of fud and your world is suddenly collapsing.


Its okay you can buy in 500 dumb fuck.

>> No.28163253

>is this your one shot?

>> No.28163437

Are you faggots retarded, AND poor. I hold more TOSA than you. Post your stacks, then I will. What I said was completely true. Go make sure the singular female dev is on her game before half-assed refuting valid criticism. I bought in for memes and got a bunch of dumb niggers on twitter too as well, for memes. We all hold over 50b because ita literal pocket change.

>> No.28163499

You definitely don't, top holders are in this thread.

Dumb fucking cunt once again.

>> No.28163564


Hahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahhahahahahahahahahahahhahahahahahahahhahahahahahahahhahahahahahahahahahhahahahahahahahhahahahahahahahahahahhahahahahah fuck. You're poor.

>> No.28164067

Show me your stack, if you put more into this shit than that, God bless your retarded soul

>> No.28165199

This sounds more and more like a scam. A few sell-offs and the price plummeted in half.

>> No.28165345

Exactly, and these retards who will not post their stacks are the ones selling. There is no "Wednesday". They just rugged. Which is why i put in a pittance i don't care about, which was still more than these LARPers

>> No.28165808

(Notice the crickets) scam.

>> No.28166615

>mixed three tokens:
>1. Reflect Finance - Automatic Staking, earn on buys and sells.
>2. Doge Coin - Self Explanatory
>3. Bao - Soon to be implemented Synethic asset swapping based on UNI/SUSHI LP Tokens
Come back when it actually does any of this. Until then fuck off to your telegram circle jerk.

>> No.28167816

I’m new to the crypto space but seeing a group of people working behind the scene to pump and dump scam coins for quick money makes me feel uneasy for some reasons. I’ll stick to the stable coins for now.

>> No.28167907
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