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28151376 No.28151376 [Reply] [Original]

If you on GME using cucked Webull dont forget to disable sharing/leasing for tomorrow
Pass it on for newfags

>> No.28151902

bump for visibility

>> No.28152371


>> No.28152836


>> No.28152920


>> No.28152954

what's happening tomorrow?

>> No.28153118
File: 1.78 MB, 2569x3425, 996966D5-5AEB-4E27-9D02-A8011EBA6E02.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

hedge kikes posting fake fabricating report on how much shorts they holding so everyone will sell, paper hands will bent and diamond hands will hold

>> No.28153452

GME is for fags. Get onto some real stocks and start making money

>> No.28153576


Also reminder to turn off margin on most brokers, and disable shares lending program, for Ibteractive brokers its called "stock yield enhanchement program", etrade has it too

>> No.28154362
File: 522 KB, 1242x2208, 90EA24AB-748E-4695-A708-3D20AF5EF3D4.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

What’s going on here?

>> No.28154420

literally nothing, this retard is delusional >>28153118

>> No.28154443
File: 58 KB, 828x612, 1612235466199.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

explain why big boys like fidelity, blackrock and vanguard are still holding?

>> No.28154468
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>> No.28154519

retarded iphone poster

>> No.28154608

They aren’t
Also shorts are out, if they werent before they certainly are at this price

>> No.28154690

where was the volume and this proof to your accusations

>> No.28154869

it drops another $20 and we will have GME shit suicidal teens threads every hour

>> No.28155381

>Configure Your Stock Yield Enhancement Program
>Interactive Brokers Stock Yield Enhancement Program helps you generate extra income and may increase total returns. Program pariticipants receive 50% of the interest income earned by lending your fully held securities to other traders. The interest rate we charge borrowers is transparent, can sell your shares at any time without any restriction and may terminate your participation at any time for any reason.
i have Interactive Brokers , is this the option ?

>> No.28155491
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>> No.28155598

(((they))) wrote this

>> No.28155684
File: 57 KB, 977x549, 5CBD7D0A-EA02-430C-8FD4-0960E98023AA.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Take a look at the volume day by day on this graph. Those volume numbers are massive, more than enough to cover the 50m or so short stocks. The volume on this graph shows they could have covered in a single day, but obviously that isnt a realistic view given the circumstances.
Furthermore, look at this site, you will see short positions have dropped to a much more reasonable number of around 50 percent: https://isthesqueezesquoze.com/
Why is it still a highish number? Because many of these positions were likely created at the 300USD or higher mark, and these positions would stand to profit in these conditions.
There is no more catalyst for a short squeeze.

>> No.28155752

I've never gotten any interest from it desu

>> No.28155919

yeah there is because shorts also have been shorting down low again. also updated short numbers come out tomorrow

>> No.28155956

cheers , i just checked and it was disabled by default , maybe you should check weather you need to activate it first , but not now after the fart

>> No.28155957
File: 116 KB, 4054x757, shillcheatsheet.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

volume came from fomo buyers, volume dropped massively after rh disabled buy. Try more recent data nigger

>> No.28156322

I had it on until a few days ago. Sorry, bros. Only got pennies for them too. Cheap fucking bastards.

>> No.28156533


>> No.28156607

why are all you gme bears unable to make your arguments lmfao, just give up its been months of this.

>> No.28156620
File: 6 KB, 224x224, Bulby.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

who's the dumb negros still holding this shit?

>> No.28157531

And I can already tell you what will happen. The short number will come out around 50-55 percent. People will say “VW squeeze happened at 40 percent, the squeeze will still happen!” What they wont mention is the price of VW before said squeeze
Well no shit volume dropped, you can see that in the graph I posted. But it doesn’t matter, because if shorts covered with the FOMO buyers before the restrictions, then there is no catalyst for a squeeze. WSB/normies could hold every GME stock in the world, it doesn’t matter if nobody wants to, or more importantly, needs to buy it

>> No.28158091
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>> No.28158604

you look at that excel file and tell me a sane mind made it. i dont even have a horse in the gme race, ive been laughing at the cope from the sidelines

>> No.28158720

My bet is the short numbers are going to be surprisingly high because of new shorts taken out during the peaks, people will see it and say "oh my god SQOUZE ME DADDY" and give it one last gasp of a bump before finally giving up when it doesn't happen because people who shorted it at 300+ have nothing to fear.