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28122892 No.28122892 [Reply] [Original]

I have my reasons that I will go through, I just wondered if I’m being dumb or if some agree with me? Btw I do still have about $30k ‘in the game’, pretty 95% of my liquidity. So I’m not exactly hoping it will crash, just a feeling I can’t shake.

So basically I’m look at the whole economic picture, the whole feeling that the foundations are built on sand and the tide has came in.
Businesses have been closed globally, countless have shut their doors for good. In the U.K. some big big names have gone along with thousands of jobs and there is nowhere for these thousands of people to get no jobs. Tax in come for governments world wide have crashed while they are paying out trillions in stimulus.
Printing is off the scale.

However magically the markets sit as if everything is fine. Crypto is at ath and boomer markets have recovered over half the covid crash losses. How can a market recover when it can barely trade?

This crypto pump is not organic at all I was there for the 2017 pump and you could feel the momentum building, the high was a logical crescendo.
This time round people are more perplexed at how it can still be going up, there have been no dips when there should have been, we haven’t touched the 100day on HTF for months. Don’t tell me Btc is a ‘hedge’ it has always followed the main economy.

Basically we shouldn’t be where we are, this economy feels like a criminal on life support after the nurse gave him a shot of adrenaline so he could talk to the fbi.

It HAS to crash, every way you look at the economy it looks bad. If you check the spy and ftse charts now it has began to turn downwards, the peak looks like it came mid January and we are currently setting lower highs and lower lows. I just can’t shake off the feeling that ‘it’s coming’, And have no confidence at all in this ‘bull run’.

>> No.28122962

I'm not reading all that shit, the point is you're a bearish fucktard who never ever makes any gains while bullchads take everything from you and price you out.

All you had to do was buy and hold, but you fucked it up.

>> No.28123123

It does have to crash but it doesn’t have to crash within the next few months. By the time it crashes BTC could be worth a quarter of a million dollars.

>> No.28123154

People know the economy is crashing and are moving into crypto as a result

>> No.28123240

Your assumption is reality is logical, which is hardly the case, I am assuming you're new since you are bewildered by when stupid things happen like the case you've presented, just realize that the markets stay irrational longer than you can stay solvent.

look who got liquidated from the elon pump

>> No.28123323

Lemme get some of dat kool aid

>> No.28123436

I didn't get liquidated from shit, stop projecting your shitty decisions onto other people.

>> No.28123455

>who got liquidated from the elon pump
Who was it? I only know it was a ton

>> No.28123494

I don’t own any BTC, I’m just being objective. Doomsday retards have been underestimating the American economy since its inception and never learn. It can continue at this retarded pace with no reason to for another year.

>> No.28123497

>people are more perplexed at how it can still be going up
Who is "people"?
>there have been no dips when there should have been
"Should have been"? lol

>> No.28123650

"people" are the normie boomer fucks OP probably gets advice from that tell him crypto is scary and to only trade an index, i.e. fearful losers that will never amount to anything

>> No.28123993

This one feels organic to me. The first one involved a lot of people just hearing about it for the first time. This one involves institutional money chasing yield now that they've decided it's a safe investment. I'm sure there will be a dip soon as profit taking is a natural reaction to such a high run up but it's not going to go as low as it has been and it will continue to rise. The only thing that can kill it now is central banks if they fear the capital outflow or that they're being replaced.

>> No.28123995
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>Trying to be rational in an irrational world
We are in clown world, not in inside a closeted university lecture room, where everyone plays by the rules and the markets aren't manipulated. In clown world it pays to be a bull