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2023-11: Warosu is now out of extended maintenance.

/biz/ - Business & Finance

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28094601 No.28094601 [Reply] [Original]

>6 figures in crypto
>no car
>walk everywhere with a shopping cart

>> No.28094776

>7 figure crypto hell
>no home
>sleep with trezor in pocket that hasn't worked since 2017

>> No.28094923

>6 figures in crypto
>sleep at my wife's parent's place
>their dog humps me as I try to sleep on the couch

>> No.28095013

>6 figures in crypto
>live with parents
>collect unemployment

>> No.28095255
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>$500k in crypto
>used car I paid cash for, still take the bus everywhere
>receding hairline
>dress like a 00s high school student in my 30s
I'm starting to think more money isn't going to help me make it...

>> No.28096134

I remember him looking like a balding manlet. When did he turn into Lex Luthor?

>> No.28096257

PLeeeeease don't tell me you wear *blue* jeans?

>> No.28096310

>6 figures
>still live with parents
>havent left the house in over a month
>just farted

>> No.28096349


>> No.28096356

You have already made it (spiritually)

>> No.28096794
File: 454 KB, 2000x1339, 1609146796080.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Yes. Also they're oversized because I can't stand the feeling of my balls being constrained so they're baggy around my ass.

I want to wear suits everywhere but wearing a suit to the poor peoples' grocery store and the hipster cafe seems like a bad idea.

>You have already made it (spiritually)
No I'm pretty sure I haven't. The arcane knowledge I received upon reaching wizardhood just made me hate w*men more than I already did and now I can't see how I'll ever legally form a relationship with one and reproduce. I'm rushing headlong into permabachelor territory.

>> No.28097298

>barely (low-end) six figures in crypto
>don't own a home
>living with mother
>still stuck in poorfag wagie job
>no car (had a used one that lasted me nearly a decade but lost that in a recent hurricane; since then had to choose between saving up hundreds of dollars monthly for another used car, or putting that money into crypto)

>> No.28097699
File: 488 KB, 546x533, 2.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>4 figures in crypto
>no house but a gorgeous Benz that I can't afford repairs on
>just bought a hardware wallet to secure my babystaxx
>unironic XRP and silver doomsday cultist

>> No.28097983

You know how heavy his bags of cash are anon?HIs gains have no limits.Fucker is looking jacked here. Got some guns showin.

>> No.28098095

Hi me

>> No.28098181 [DELETED] 

Omg, my $5 worth of free Bitcoin I got from Coinbase is worth $6.16 now. I'm gonna make it!!

>> No.28098193

>6 figure hell in crypto
>living with my parents
>no car
>take the bus and walk everywhere
>no gym membership/ lift at home
>no netflix membership
>learned to cut my own hair

>> No.28098213
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>7 figures in crypto
>no car
>no tv
>no kikeflix subscriptions
>walk to buy groceries with a trolley
>married with qt asian waifu, about to become dad

>> No.28098402

>Living in a country were the wind can take your car

>> No.28098604
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>high 7 figures in crypto
>live in trailer park
>get welfare
>fuck 35 year old ex meth addict
>richfags look down on me, little do they know...

>> No.28098766

>100k linkies so 7 figures
>shitbox fiesta
>t430 /g/ meme
>5.05 hacked ps4
>torrent movies and watch them on my t430
>neet at my parents house even though I have orders of magnitudes more money than them
>wear cheap clothes
>5/10 gf

>> No.28099252

>three figures in crypto
>rent a comfy flat for myself
>spend freely on nice ingredients for cooking
>don't need for a car, live in a city 5-10 minutes walk away from everything I need

>> No.28099597


>> No.28099687

>I want to wear suits everywhere

>> No.28099850

Based and yellow fever pilled

>> No.28099856


>> No.28099927

Absolutely based. I've dreamed of living in a trailer and enjoying all the crazy shit my neighbors would do/talk about

>> No.28099940
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>$6000 in crypto
>but it was $4000 a couple months ago
>am happy

>> No.28100170

>6 figures in crypto
>no car
>no job
>no friends
>lives from rent
>have a plan to survive up to old age

>> No.28100182

>7400$ in crypto
>ate a 18$ burger for dinner

>> No.28100260

The suit pants are cut appropriately so they fit well and don't squeeze my sensitive balls, and I look way better in a suit than I do in my high school clothes. I figure if I was a real adult with an adult job and adult responsibilities I could get away with it (I can certainly afford the suits and dry cleaning), but since I have none of that there's no point outside of special occasions like weddings and funerals.

Most /fa/ recommendations are horribly overpriced for what you get compared to a good suit and extra shirts + ties.

>> No.28100436

>9 figure hell
>live in a giant plant pot I roll around

>> No.28100451

Extremely based

>> No.28100696


>> No.28101504
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>7 figure crypto porfolio
>never leave house
>just sleep in every day, jerk off, watch old movies, work out, write short stories for a website
>alternate between wearing a bathrobe or just my underwear
COVID hasn't changed my life much

>> No.28101931

Testosterone replacement therapy is one hell of a drug.
Rich people get to do legal steroids.

>> No.28102065


>> No.28102158

Just shop around until you find a doctor who doesn't give a shit, it's not that hard to get test.

Go away Diogenes.

>> No.28102230

>720 figures in crypto
>post on /biz/ all day

>> No.28102248

>5 figures
>renting a room
>don't want to get my own place cause that leaves less money for crypto

>> No.28102299
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>> No.28102513

its called never selling your link

>> No.28102719
File: 822 KB, 960x720, Jeff Bezos 1997 Interview 5-42 screenshot.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Fun fact: Jeff Bezos continued to drive a Honda Accord even after he was already a billionaire.

>> No.28103768

this but 5 figure

>> No.28104199

> 6 figures in crypto
> jiu jitsu blue belt
> gym everyday
> living in a taxfree country
> got a job I like (will not even quit if I hit the 7figures)
> often have sex

>> No.28104235
File: 346 KB, 460x446, image_2021-02-08_105713.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

very nice

>> No.28104293

>walk everywhere with a shopping cart

>> No.28104351

documentary extremely related:
at least a handful of anons will go full-blown Cartpilled after watching this and never look back

>> No.28104525

how does



>> No.28104614
File: 111 KB, 450x360, 2CCBEE12-1BD8-4DF0-B27A-35406CF9AA2F.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>6 figured hell in crypto (600k)
>comfy 6 figure dev job
>no debt
>sleep in my own hipster apt
>drive a 10 year old used toyota

>> No.28104632

> walk to buy groceries with a trolley
unfathomably based

>> No.28104742
File: 79 KB, 970x600, BD0802B2-2510-414E-9749-14FBD2E9C903.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>5 figures in crypto
>need low 6 figures
>buy shoddy beachside bar once I get my goal
>open barcade
>free drinks for my /biz/ frens

See you all there soon

>> No.28104764

>Mett Damon
Jesus fucking christ, I think I just woke up everyone at the homeless camp laughing.

>> No.28104830
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>> No.28104834

He is based, that's what he is.

>> No.28104864

>10k portfolio

>> No.28104968

>4 figures in crypto
>own car
>sprint everywhere at impressively high speed

>> No.28104990

>hasn't taken the shopping cart pill

>> No.28105053

me but 7 figures

>> No.28105368

i never saw this one fuck topkek

>> No.28106110

Money literally ruined your life wtf wack off outside for a change or something

>> No.28106456

>5 figures, mostly in crypto
>no car
>full remote IT position
>garage gym
>buying a house with my gf very soon
life is ok, I guess

>> No.28106516

ummm, hello?

>> No.28106880

Why be a bitch to a witch when you're a warlock?

>> No.28106896

Man I miss training, gyms here haven't opened up.

>> No.28106950

>5 figures in crypto
>4 cars

>> No.28106973

hola, esta el basado department?

>> No.28107091

Sounds comfy, also IT fag dreaming of having a house with home gym, keep working remote and getting a cat

>> No.28107177
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i wish crypto was around when i was younger

>> No.28107342

>£100k in TSLA
>comfy £50 job working from home
>no car
>no hobbies

How much should I transfer into crypto? I was too scared at £14k BTC now I'm way too scared.

>> No.28107945
File: 23 KB, 300x335, 1311564558843.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Wizards are not warlocks. Warlocks are male witches which I imagine would be some kind of gay virgin who was raised by lesbian mothers.

I just want children of my own at this point, because I fucked up my early years and I could give them a better chance than I got.

>> No.28108161

Ahhh the modern day wagemaster. Treats his workers like trash. Try’s to replace all workers with AI and Robots in wagies faces. Fucks and married to a tranny. Can one man be so based?

>> No.28108217

put it all in eth, avax and ada and you’ll be a millionaire bong

>> No.28109085
File: 535 KB, 1280x1707, 1422324846246.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>10 figures in crypto
>squatting in a McDonald's employee bathroom I stole the key to

>> No.28109157

>4 figures in crypto
>make $50k/year in manufacturing
>$30k in student debt
>$300/month car lease
>just put minimum down payment on $250k 30 year mortgage

>> No.28109401

I’m so glad my dad paid for my college and I bought a cheap car in cash. Payment plans are so stupid. They sound good until the 2nd month when you gotta keep paying for shit you already got

>> No.28109592
File: 28 KB, 450x506, CD43CA58-EA24-461E-9923-FED8708ECD87.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>35 years old
>Five figures in crypto
>sleep on parents' couch in the living room
>bought 10k BAT in 2019
>was going to buy 10k Link as well but I got into a car accident a month later and couldn't find a reasonable deal on a used car to save my life


>> No.28110036

Anon is not a crook

>> No.28110292

Please let it be true this is the most awesome living details/projection I have seen until now
Hiding your immense wealth in a white trash environment fucking kek
You could also airdrop sudden 'luck' upon deserving members of the community or make life hell to the assholes, even remove them
A real test of IQ, how long can you go undetected?

>> No.28110796

>3 figures in crypto
>car I own fully
>condo in upper middle class part of town
>house in the countryside with no mortgage
>self employed
Guys I think this crypto thing is a meme

>> No.28111376

>2 figures in crypto
>living in a gated suburb in CA
>own 3 cars and a truck
>have my own small but growing company
>two houses in NY and WV for holidays
You're right, it's shady business

>> No.28111646

Wtf hello me

>> No.28112205
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>10k portfolio
>Hongcouver so rent is 2k/month
>living at parents place with my nip wife instead
>parents are insufferable but moving out means ngmi
fucking hope my ADA do sumfin

>> No.28112403

It will, in March

>> No.28112974


>> No.28113505

The fact that everyone here is unemployed or working a low wage job but has 6 or 7 figures in crypto is so unbelievably bearish

>> No.28113768

for USD, yes
that's what you get for robbing an entire generation of their dignity -- outjewed

>> No.28114262

Is the appeal in shitcoins just the potential for a x10 in a shorter period of time or do they really have the staying power to outperform BTC and ETH over the long run?

>> No.28114450

It's entirely the potential. Most shitcoins will 10x and then drop to near zero inside of three months. Maybe you get lucky or are especially diligent with research and can find a 100-5000x that even sticks around until the end of the cycle, but the end goal is always accumulating more BTC/ETH/[$TOP_10_ALT]

>> No.28114830
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I'm happy that you're happy anon :3

>> No.28115036

I see, what is it that inherently causes the shitcoins to surge in price? If time after time they fall and all of the gains are pumped back into the winners why is it that there is still huge potential in the countless number of other shitcoins out there?
Are they fundamentally different enough from one another that one day a shitcoin could surpass BTC?

>> No.28115246

Not when you realize that we are being kept out of the job market intentionally by people who resent us.

>> No.28115339


True. 6 figs here but also remember 2018 - def not quitting my day job anytime soon

>> No.28115452

Tiny market caps mean the price can increase exponentially as the coin gets shilled to more people. Usually it hits /biz/, then maybe the crypto subreddits, then if their marketing is on point it gets shilled by crypto Youtubers or Twitter shills, then finally third world poorfags who can barely read start buying in. When you see people with barely functional English or Indian usernames pouring into the project's official Telegram, it's time to sell.
Not all coins are like this, but most follow this pattern. It's a systematic transfer of wealth to internet-savvy post-ironic morally flexible memelords from redditors, normies, and third worlders.

>> No.28115642

I have one of these. Very convenient.

>> No.28115679

>3 figures in crypto
>single bachelor in LA
>spend all my time writing spec movie scripts to counter-subvert the Jews
>collect unemployment

>> No.28115835

i really should get one of those trolleys. bags get kinda heavy. but ill also look like a weird foreigner

>> No.28115862
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Aló? departamento basado?

>> No.28116205

>6 figures in crypto
>only drink coffee/water until 12 am
>only eat toast and butter after that
>live in my gf's apartment for free
>haven't showered in three days
>haven't cut hair in four years
she doesn't know I'm about to get 7 figures

>> No.28116497

Same. I have a couple different bath robes to choose from though. I wear my thick blue one in the winter to reach max comfort

>> No.28117006

>7 figures in crypto
>shopping for a cheap used car to replace my 16 year old shitbox car.

>> No.28117155

>with a shopping cart
he is more than a lowly human

>> No.28117178

Thanks for the sell signal. Emotional investors with too much to lose

>> No.28117249

lol are u an idiot?
wat a’fuck ur talking about here?
I’m not a tard who follows trashtokens that they shill here
longing for bot ocean pre-sale and their release
want to trade with top bot like a pro

>> No.28117750

>9 figures in crypto
>no physical possessions
>not even clothes
>seed phrase memorized
>don't sleep
>live like animal in wilderness
>travel by foot between two dozen large boulders and rocky outcrops
>carve one unique word from seed phrase into each one

>> No.28117992
File: 19 KB, 480x360, download.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

cry more

>> No.28118068

Google basic bastard fashion. You don’t need to spend a lot, you will look good and appropriate. Wearing a suit everywhere as a NEET is next level cringe m8

>> No.28118076

literally me, except no figures

>> No.28118100

undisputedly based

>> No.28118354

>anarcho capitalist
>supports social benefit explotation

>> No.28118410

This is the most based thing I've ever seen

>> No.28118644

If Anon doesn't sell then he has no income and qualifies. It's fair play.

>> No.28118760

>I have one of these. Very convenient.
I also wanna have a qt asian waifu anon...

>> No.28118801

Walking is for chads.

>> No.28119196

Based same.
I've published multiple Op Eds in major journals and papers because of all the time I've had. I've transferred my shitposting from 4chan to irl thanks to gains.

>> No.28119318

holy shit this image is foul
>dp on pc as hp logo
nice touch

>> No.28119329

>the gun on the floor

>> No.28119471

> 9 figures in crypto
> still wage at Costco in my 40s because I enjoy it

>> No.28119905
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>4 figures in cypto
>have 2x cars 4x motorbikes and all are pieces of shit

>> No.28120319

data mine

>> No.28120455

>5 figures in crypto
>likely hitting 6 figures this year
>$78k a year in a comfy engineering position
>buying a home in April
>graduated last May
>permanent wfh option likely coming this year
I'm killing it right now. Just wish I graduated a year earlier or something so I could have had bigger stacks, but alas, I've got to work with the hand I've been dealt in life.

>> No.28121183

get married first dickhead

>> No.28121185

thank you

>> No.28121224

>7 figures in crypto and forex made in a year starting with literally $10 maple syrup nigger dollars and adding $750 profits a month from my semi-legal medical product shopify page which somehow hasn't gotten nuked despite breaking both the shopify and card processing TOS and having competitors filing complaints about
>dating teenage gf with permission of her parents
>never wore a face diaper
>threatened local gym owner to open up gym against covid lockdowns
>retained semen for almost 3 years now
>drive a $3k civic
>drawing up plans to build mansion with marble used from colorado mine where the american monuments are created from
>rescued my doggo after vets poisoned her and told me to put her down
>found high school bully and made him pay restitution to me and others he harmed
>have been collecting info on local drug traffickers with my mini surveillance van and anonymously giving tips to police and watching with popcorn as they get arrested on the news
>made friends with my former boomer enemy
>started massive community garden project to feed the neighborhood
>escaping the clutches of the jew
>residing in at least the 2nd jhana on a day to day basis
>can manifest things. manifested a cheesecake and a tennis ball
>building nature trail projects and placing statues of Gods all around town and other community beautification works
>drink healthy raw goat milk from farm

Why yes, I retain my semen, how could you tell?