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File: 174 KB, 750x430, eloncuck.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
28089528 No.28089528 [Reply] [Original]

How long until Elon gets arrested for market manipulation crashing the market?

>> No.28090066

He really should, but I have a feeling he's untouchable. Still going to crash the market though.

>> No.28090195

>He really should
ACAB, including the SEC

>> No.28090432

im happy hes pumping this. gonna cash out soon bros

>> No.28090475

I would normally agree but Elon is an autistic schizo nigger and deserves to be gangbanged by all the regulatory agencies at once. Not because he did anything illegal, just because he's a nigger.

>> No.28090510

>How long until Elon gets arrested
how long before sec becomes irrelevant?

>> No.28090522

Especially the SEC have you been living under a rock?

>> No.28090571

The SEC has nothing to do with Canada or Canadians.

>> No.28090661

I feel like Elon is just proving to everyone what a joke the market is.

>> No.28090850

What the hell are you doing here lmao

>> No.28090907

They're gonna switch to Bitcoin as the new world currency backed by billionaires instead of government and people will end up worshiping them because they'll think it's the currency for the people.

>> No.28090916

Elon is just an attention whore

>> No.28090952


92 IQ

>> No.28091035

he said 'almost' OP

>> No.28091090

He is CEO of Tesla, an American company.

>> No.28091146

He's literally just shitting on fiat in this tweet.

>> No.28091158

Unironically sneed

>> No.28091178

so cyberpunk?

>> No.28091218

I hope he gets assassinated

>> No.28091264

>bitcoin is shit
>invests 1.5 billion into it
Is he trolling?
He could've easily crashed the market if he wanted and accumulated way more down the bottom?
What's the endgame, I don't understand.

>> No.28091310

They wouldn’t dare, Elon tusk is the embodiment of the americunts dream

>> No.28091311

Niggers tongue my anus

>> No.28091398

sub 80 IQ.
what do you think "almost" means?

>> No.28091402

the tweet said in his opinion btc is almost as bs as fiat... most of his holdings were in FIAT So it would only make sense for him to transition to btc per the tweet...

>> No.28091462

>Jealous poorfag

>> No.28091491

wtf do you mean, like this place loves authority figures? fuck outta here

>> No.28091494

He's saying Bitcoin is better than fiat in this tweet.

>> No.28091547

I fucking hate this glowie ugly fucker, jeff bezos was cooler

>> No.28091571

This move will be the end of Tesla. You can snub the SEC all day. You can't undermine USD sovereignty and shit in treasuries mouth. Today will mark the top of Tesla. He is going to have regulators from finra, SEC, treasury, congress, FBI so far up his ass now.
>You dont fuck with money

>> No.28091611

>Your average /biz/fag
I mean I always knew u lot were lowiq retards, but jesus christ

>> No.28091621

The South African Dream?

>> No.28091625

Same thing when I say you’re almost a woman but you never will truly be one.

>> No.28091704

It's not manipulation just because normies (and OP) are so low IQ they read this tweet as anti-bitcoin somehow

>> No.28091713

No matter what you transition to you will always be a biological male, a gay one at that.

>> No.28091736
File: 424 KB, 750x711, 1606863097784.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

go away we make money here by buying high and selling low. not by listening to shit head repeat-on low teir iq takes about the American's polices

>> No.28091761

But Queen Nancy Pelosi bought a fuckton a Tesla stock a few weeks back.

>> No.28091778
File: 32 KB, 200x201, 57F0732E-F114-489F-A509-19269DB13F52.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.28091885

Sure, she probably didnt know he was going to make this move. If I was a tesla shareholder I would be dumping everything today. You dont undermine the USD and treasury. Those guys are the heavy hitters and they dont fuck around. Elon about to find out

>> No.28091940

>You have to realize that most beggars do not actually want to steal all your money

That might be comforting if most robbers weren't niggers and therefore fucking retarded and give fucking dump projects

> Still you can find how they try to tell about fake scam 500%1500% income

That’s why I don’t listen to them and use my own pool on Poolz rofl

>> No.28092014

based and redpilled. fuck that nigger

>> No.28092144

Military (spacex) > economy (like fucking new cars) > fiscal policy
It’s about potential and gradients, not muh dollarinos

>> No.28092251

I'm selling it's gonna crash big time

>> No.28092265

he is right, you don't fuck with (((them)))

>> No.28092304

I can respect that

>> No.28092367

Guys, you should help me. I can’t get why NFT is so hyped now??? How it works?

Checked twitter yesterday, everyone is talking about Poolz and their new protocol, I can’t even get what is it? Sorry, I am idiot

>> No.28092380

How do you nufags don't know this by now...
The people fudding are ALWAYS people trying to suppress the price cause they're already in.

>> No.28092473

>All Criminals Are Black
Racist much?

>> No.28092559

Um no, You dont fuck with fiscal. The USD is why the united states is a superpower. You cant have superpower without USD due to twin deficits. Everything is about the dollar. Watch what nancy does. If she sells I am going so deep into TSLA puts. This is the top of TSLA. I would bet everything on it. You dont fuck with USD soveregnty. The US literally invaded Libya and Iraq over them not selling oil for USD. Dont forget why we are in Iraq.

>> No.28092733

I would add, remember what happened with facebook and Libra? Congress and treasury shut that down so fucking fast.

>> No.28092793
File: 79 KB, 413x395, 1610667288510.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>all blacks are criminals
STFU nigger

>> No.28092803

>The US literally invaded Libya and Iraq over them not selling oil for USD
The EU invaded Libya and they invaded Libya because fucking Gadaffi was ordering Europe to pay him billions to stop rapefugees from sub-Sahara african from going to France.

God /pol/turds really are dumbing down this board.

>> No.28093069

I agree to your point regarding the wars and fb, but Elon is completely steamrolling two industries at the same time while offering the possibility to explore new worlds. Whoever wants the best for muh USD has a very hard choice to make and my bet is on two new industries + space exploitation kicked off on us soil. Disregarding chink miners in this argument

>> No.28093220

The motives were in the wikileaks cables. It was about selling oil for gold. There is only one rule in international finance. Dont fuck with USD sovereignty. Thats it. One rule. Elon just broke it.

>> No.28093282

>The motives were in the wikileaks cables

>> No.28093351

Spacex is a different company and Elon isnt necessary to run it. I agree its a hard choice but US dominance rests on the USD sovereignty. They cannot let this go unanswered.

>> No.28093374

Not an argument.

>> No.28093381

BTC is the new sovereignthing

>> No.28093383

elon never mentioned what he knows about the Galactic Federation or if that israeli old man was just lying

he is a puppet

>> No.28093457

Do you deny the authenticity of the leaked cables?

>> No.28093478

>t. SEC

>> No.28093486

>Spacex is a different company and Elon isnt necessary to run it.
Shut the fuck up retard you've got no clue what you're talking about.

>> No.28093521

I have about 50k doge left after i sold the recent MOONING.
if doge actually goes to a dollar (i sell at 80 cent ish) i am bloody rich.

>> No.28093544

>Do you deny the authenticity of the leaked cables?
Wikileaks is Russian propaganda.

>> No.28093549

Imagine if companies start dumping USD en masse to hold BTC instead. No way the government will just let that slide.

>> No.28093558

Next market crash. Which is soon.

>> No.28093583

im so sick of this elon faggot

>> No.28093639

it was a failed joke at "All Canadians Are Bastards" (ACAB).

>> No.28093764

He is really is gonna get crypto fucking regulated

>> No.28094005

This right here. Tesla share holders in this thread, take notice. This isnt a bullish action by elon.

>> No.28094024

He's right though

Systems made by the few for the many tend to favor the creators at the expense of the plebs. Don't you find it at all suspicious that bitcoin has a mystery unknown creator? Do you personally know who controls access to the Core repo? Its centralized just like fiat. So many deluded libertarians are blinded by the risk of the ultimate rugpull.

>> No.28094062

This, I am not a fan of the burger military industrial complex in the slightest, but Libya was largely driven by the Macron having a massive war boner, not the burgers.

>> No.28094183

>but Elon is completely steamrolling two industries at the same time while offering the possibility to explore new worlds

>makes a few thousand luxury cars a year
>puts some satellites into space

If you swallowed the bullshit marketing scheme about the Mars colony you deserve to be shot into space to live as a feudal serf farming vegetables all day in an hydroponics farm and eventually die of radiation poisoning on that freezing cold, bone dry, atmosphereless rock.

>> No.28094771

This is true
It is not about whether he is necessary it is his persona for the average pleb
Tf I care about where he aims his rocket dildo

>> No.28094971

screencap this, elon musk is gonna get himself killed by some redditor who put his and his granny's entire life savings into dogecoin and got dumped on by 4chan incels. it's gonna be at a public event and it'll be a huge event that will put an end to the crypto market as we know it and will bring (((regulations))) to cryptocurrency

>> No.28095404

He's not untouchable lmao. The US gov cucks billionaires on the reg.

>> No.28095474

Because some tendie toddler is going to be able to reach the richest man in the world, ok

>> No.28095573


>> No.28095943

Bollocks. The floodgates opened after he got whacked, remember? They keep rolling over for Erdogan, so it wasn't the principle. It was the gold-backed dinar that got him killed.

>> No.28096018

>imagine not understanding this statement.

>> No.28096115

that's not what this statement means you fucking retard.

>> No.28096121

nocoiner huh?

>> No.28096157

that was when he bought

>> No.28096339

She will get the signal to short.

>> No.28096709
File: 8 KB, 465x113, nigsarein.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Cucks here bought into "BTC is gonna destroy USD bro" narrative. The fact that all these normies are getting in feels so toppy.

>> No.28097039


>> No.28097112

Damn no coin eh?