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28086197 No.28086197 [Reply] [Original]

I am legitimately asking

How do you guys resist the urge to commit suicide when YOU LITERALLY HAD THE OPPORTUNITY TO MAKE LOADS OF CASH RIGHT IN FRONT OF YOU?

Holy shit bros what do I do how do I stop the thoughts I’m sucking on my shotgun in Minecraft as we speak.

>> No.28086315

Booze and drugs....lots of booze and drugs

>> No.28086431

the next 10x or more is jsut around the corner. I was too young so I missed BTC and ETH but I made money with link,dot,swissborg,binance coin. Stay strong find good projects and reap the rewards

>> No.28086525

You learn more from your mistakes than your successes.

>> No.28086663

I was in the bitcoin threads in 08/09 on /b/ and /g/ back in the day
Asked people to help me out configure the miner but most advice didn't work for me.

Went back to playing WoW or some otherr shit

My advice is to live with the pain and shut the fuck up.

>> No.28086969

Killing yourself won't stop what happened, but it'll stop you from benefitting in the future from rises and falls. Don't be a bitch, there's money to be made anon.

>> No.28087000

>Went back to playing WoW or some otherr shit

are you me?

>> No.28087065


>> No.28087123

shrugging and moving on works pretty good

>> No.28087168

there's a 10x at least once a week.

>> No.28087178

Because it happens so many time you get numb. You also get rich too by sticking in the game

>> No.28087277

I dont care, cash is not my god, just trying to make a little extra so my child can life more comfortably than she would otherwise. God ive become such a fucking boomer

>> No.28087472

the more you bang your head against the wall crying over spilled milk, the less lessons you take and the more likely you are to commit the same mistakes again. Remove your emotion from it, don't be a little girl. No one can be expected to never make mistakes and lose opportunities, but you should expect from yourself to get better each time.

>> No.28087538

Concern for the past = lost gains
Concern for the future = potential gains
Why would you kill yourself anon? Just because you missed out on something doesn’t mean it’s worth your life. Money will always come and go, you might make a lot of it or a little of it, as long as your alive you’ll have so much opportunity to get moonshot gains. Listen I’ve lost a lot of money trading for years, it’s shitty and sucks, but get over it and move on. Learn from your mistakes, take your time, relax a little bit, go for a walk. Don’t get too hung up on the lines or number on the screen. You’ll make it, same goes for other anons. Have a good Monday, cheer up. It’s only life.

>> No.28087595

boom on bro. I bet you and your daughter have solid tea parties and those moments get stored unironically as best of your life. couple more years for me gods willing.

>> No.28087676

wisest post itt

>> No.28087777


>> No.28087793

Bitch please, you were alive in 2013 and didnt buy BTC. Don't worry about shit you weren't involved in.

>> No.28087829
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>> No.28087842

Quit the whining and stop being a bitch

>> No.28087874

It's just money. There will always be another thing you can make it on if you missed something.

>> No.28087904

You missed on sfp didnt you

>> No.28087920

best advice. it's painful but don't dwell on shit that has already happened, only on what you can do in the future.

>> No.28087969

You treat it as a learning experience, and move on to the next trade with a better understanding that you should pull out when you can make a decent profit instead of getting greedy
Then the instant you get successful, you become greedy as fuck and the cycle continues

>> No.28088144

when did this in minecraft shit get popular

>> No.28088378

Couple years ago

>> No.28088387

I don't know what I was even doing afterwards.
The threads back then were just mostly about fucking over the jews and what not on /b/
Only one anon on /g/ took the time and tried to help me out configure that shit but it kept going through my processor and the sound of it was not good at all.
I hope the guy helping me out at least became a billionaire cause all the other cunts either ignored or talked shit about me not knowing what I was doing.

>> No.28088899

You don't see people killing themselves because they didn't win the lottery. They had the opportunity to make loads of cash right in front of them but they choose the wrong number, what can you do?

>> No.28088984

I am kept up at night with rage against emin gun sirer

>t he didn’t take my kyc and let me in the ICO

>> No.28089124

You just keep trying. Such is the human condition. I had 52M dogecoin at one point.

>> No.28089184

I ask myself: What would I regret more? Losing my money, or missing Bitcoin going to 10k?
That's why I bought at 3k. You just gotta bite the bullet one day

>> No.28089257
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get in early, fuck mcniggers.

>> No.28089327

lots of cope in this thread

>> No.28089385

The same way I get over being bad at a videogame.
I keep playing.
And losing.
And playing.
And getting better.

I don't see why you'd quit just because you're bad at games anon, if you really care about winning at it. You'll always have another chance until you're dead, and believe it or not you actually have infinite chances after that.

Just gitgud lmao

>> No.28089468 [DELETED] 
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>He didn't buy CLF


>> No.28089517

Well I mean you play wow, how else is someone supposed to treat such an entitled piece of trash lol

Like shit dude go fucking read a basic tutorial "bitcoin miner" into google back then gave you everything you needed.

>> No.28089592

You would have sold early either way. I wouldn't look back on it too much.

>> No.28089603

>ignore btc since 10k thinking it's too big to 2x in a decent amount of time
>yesterday trade my small amount of btc for doge
>Pumps today
I just never fucking learn. I have no capital so I don't want to spread myself thin on low risk low reward coins but I've had plenty of opportunity to break 10k and it's my fault I haven't

>> No.28089715

I got raped in 2017. When I went back in during 2019 when the market looked like it had bottomed out.

Rage and anger and extreme anxiety were common emotions I felt over missing out and also getting dumped on.

I resolved to put every cent I could spare into crypto after sentiment flatlined across the net. (Dec 2018-Feb 2019).

Basically you are going to have to either decide if you want to risk it on an already pumped market, or wait for the inevitable crash.

>> No.28089796
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The past is a construct of the mind. It blinds us. It fools us into believing it. But the heart wants to live in the present. Look there. You'll find your answer.

>> No.28089805

I hold PNK

>> No.28089951


Mate, like this guy said, you would have probably sold early on, like selling 1500 BTC to buy a Swift Spectral Tiger or some shit.

>> No.28089952

Opportunities are always popping up man. You just have to identify them.

>> No.28089954
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Unless you paid 10,000 buttcoins for a large pizza, or you're actually dying of a wasting disease, there's always someone worse off than you. Perspective anon.

>> No.28089972

Bro, you'll be okay. There are literally always new opportunities. Just use that feeling to find them.

Also, money isn't the most important thing. This is a game that we're playing.

>> No.28090204

>not taking out some rich elitist assholes like bill gays, cuckerburg, Mack Dorsey with you and living forever in Minecraft

>> No.28090247

Bitcoin wouldn’t be at the state it is today without this mans pizza.

>> No.28090459

>buy NIO at $3
>sell at $7
>it goes to $65
simple. because i knew i was right, when all the pissant shorts were wrong. i am superior to them. my value does not come from the money, therefore the missed opportunity injures me none whatsoever. my value comes from my thesis being correct. i simply found somewhere else to redeploy the money, and too soon. the solution would have been to increase portfolio diversity, let my winner run, and hold a smaller lot of it. indeed i have been more successful since doing so.

>> No.28090762
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incidentally. if you trade emotionally -- even a sliver of emotion -- your wins, even the smallest, are 100% meaningless. so long as you stay in the market like that, that sliver of emotion will be responsible for your greatest loss. you will have nothing else to look to to explain how it happened. it might blow your account up forever.

>> No.28090982
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nah worse
I would have lost it in a fire that happened in 2011 with my rig being lost then.

And I wouldn't have sold it as I wasn't in dire need for cash until 2013
Especially not for fucking WoW shit as I was out of it in 09 already.

>> No.28092086

>you play
Mate I played it when I was a fucking teenager back then.
Also lmao yeah there were so many fucking tutorials on youtube to mine bitcoin when it only started being talked about on /b/ and /g/

Most of the "tutorials" I remember from back then were forum posts from a certain site and even then the miner still didn't work properly for me which is why I asked for help in the threads.

>> No.28092409

>think of how many times it has happened (100+)
>realize that on pure numbers alone, the amount of action you've missed means a lot of action is going on
>realize that in order for you to keep getting B O G G E D, opportunities must keep arising for you to miss
>maintain hope that you may one day get in on it
>maintain cope that you may one day get in on it

>> No.28092518

Money is a fucking meme
Don't take it too seriously, just laugh when you moon and laugh when you crash

>> No.28092817


That's roughly $430mm USD... Fuck...

>> No.28092915
